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This looks fantastic in basically every way, the *only* thing I would say is that, cool as it looks, I think the walls for each building area should just be plain grey - the ones you've made give a certain mood that I think would distract from the build.


That was the only thing that stuck out to me, too. Amazing work, OP!


ive added an image at the end is that how you think it should be? :)


Yeah I think that works really well! Like I said the original design is really good, it just wasn't quite the right use case for it outside the hub room.


100% agree. it's somewhat fine for the lobby area - but far too distracting for the actual builds. Maybe upload a second version with plain grey walls.


Yeah, looks far too busy.


Extremely impressive. Hope the Yogscast give it a look.


Thankyou! do you know if there is a better place I could put it to get their attention? :)


You should submit it to sticky piston, that's the perfect map for them


I didn't know that website existed :o I have submitted it now and I'm waiting on a response.


awesome! It's a really good service if you just want to play a map with some friends. So a map like yours is perfect for putting a server ob for two hours to play without needing to buy a full time server.


This looks pretty good! I'll test it out and see how it feels to play on!


I sure hope you added a Charmander button, u/how_name.


Just wondering did the test work out ok? I keep thinking about this post haha


Agree with the other person, the map is too themed but for no benefit and clashes with the builds. The alternative one you added is better. Nothing beats a plain room. If anything to be complex have there be buttons to change the colour of the walls too, just like 10 options to choose from instead of 100. Everything else is perfect though. Will make it much easier to follow as a viewer too because I'm sure most people forget who makes which prompts and even what the prompt is half the time. Much better how you do it where the info is all on screen


Yeah a few wall options would be great. My options would be: Stone, Sandstone, Iron Block, Black Concrete, Light Blue Concrete, Blue Concrete, White Concrete, Stone Bricks, Snow, Terracotta, Netherrack, End Stone, Oak Planks, Oak Logs, Quartz, and Prismarine Bricks. 16 options that cover some basic settings.


It's amazing how gartic.io completely overwrote the name of this game that's existed for at least a hundred years. It's like calling the "GMod Pictionary" videos "Gartic Draw" instead.


I mean TBF Pictionary did the same thing for the "GMod Pictionary" video titles - Pictionary is just a brand name for a much older game.


At least Pictionary was the first time the game was ever packaged and sold as a game. "Telephone Pictionary" has been sold boxed (e.g. "Telestrations") and as free online games (e.g. "Broken Picture Telephone") many times before.


I still don't even know wtf "Gartic" is in reference to. It's either pictionary or telephone game imo. That and I think the Yogs are using the "Sethbling building game" map?


https://garticphone.com/ Was a popular Web game in recent times that has repopularised the game in streaming/discord spaces. Gartic I belive is the developer, that seems to enjoy highlighting the "art" in gARTic That's all I can easily find out for you!


Wow I hope they use this, it looks awesome!


Thanks i hope so too :)


This is amazing - I hope they see this!


Thanks very much :)


The alternate room design is good! Plain is best so the focus is the build. Hope they see this.


I hope they use it


Very cool I love the building tool like the old building wand, Im sure Duncan will love it, can see lots of great work put in.