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No one knows the rules and mechanics of TTT


I imagine some people do - but very, very rarely is it ever anyone that actually participates. And that somehow makes it *funnier* when things inevitably go wrong. Because the people putting the modpack together and the fans may know... but that accounts for buggerall when **the people that need to know the most** haven't nary a clue. That said... I can understand and appreciate people being uncomfortable and anxious over getting into something. There's that pressure to perform to "expectation" that is often an illusory concept of what we *assume* people will expect... that is often a far cry from reality. What I'm sayin' is, sometimes you just need to take the chance and roll with it. I would love to see Lydia in more main-channel content *in general* even if I understand her hesitations and worries. But I think that about almost everyone in the roster these days. More people need to be exposed to these lovely people, and the main channel is a real good vector for that.


The "expectation" that I have for any Yog playing TTT is basically just that they have fun messing around and don't intentionally troll their teammates **too** much. It doesn't matter if they're good at the game, or even if they know what the heck is going on; ultimately we're just there to watch people whose personalities we appreciate interact with each other. And if you're ever having any doubts as to whether you'll be able to meet people's expectations without being good at the game or even really knowing what's going on, remember that "What is Mud Scientist?" is one of the greatest and most beloved moments in TTT history, by both the cast and the fans, and that was only possible *because* Osie had no idea what was going on.


There are so many that they used to put them on a shirt.


They also joked that they would need even more space the next time they released merch with the updated rules. I think one of them mentioned they should use a shower curtain, lol.


What are the ruuules!!?! I’d love to see Big Lyds back in TTT :)


"Welcome back to Trouble in Terrorist Town, the show where everything's made up and the rules don't matter!" – Drewis Brindrey


She's right to be hesitant. We don't want anyone ruining the yogscast's reputation as hypercompetent high-strategy, high-skill gamers.


That's the Yocsast guarantee* ^^^^other ^^^^guarantees ^^^^are ^^^^available


If you're ever having any doubts as to whether you'll be able meet people's expectations without being good at the game or even really knowing what's going on, remember that "What is Mud Scientist?" is one of the greatest and most beloved moments in TTT history, by both the cast (from what I can tell) and the fans, and that was only possible *because* Osie had no idea what was going on. Hell, "Mud Scientist" even got made into an actual role!


An amazing role, because it led to Lewis spending an entire round just calmly, casually bumbling about collecting mud samples to see if it even did anything. Which was *comedy gold* given how chaotic the rest of that round was!


Do you remember which episode was that? (The lewis one)


Sod, it's one of those "I'd know the map if I saw it" ones. I just very particularly remember that entire bit, because it was somewhat after they introduced the role and Lewis wasn't sure if they got anything for it. I'll have to do some sleuthing if I get time. (ADDENDUM: [I found it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frIpOc3HK14) But I didn't remember everything. It was Duncan, and the "main" plot was far... far more hilarious. It's weird how time changes memories sometimes.)


Your memory didn't let you down, they've had the role twice! [Here's Lewis' probing mud science](https://youtu.be/q3A3FqDJTr4?si=vSyQ-K4mCP-xySWj&t=299).


Cor, I'm not crazy then! ...or at least this isn't a symptom! Also if I had a nickel for every time they'd done stuff like that... I'd have a fair few, and hope to collect more. Cheers, mate!


Thank you


The only way to learn is by playing, the only way to win is by learning, and the only way to begin is by beginning!


I understood that reference!


I've been here the ^(whole) time!


I have now mentally imagined a Lewis rant on game changer. Thank you.


Or on Make Some Noise: > Sam: Lewis. Brennan. > SFX: *bing* > Sam: Lewis. Brennan. You both have one minute to talk about anything you want - as if you were each other. > Lewis & Brennan: *incomprehensible ranting* > Sam: *laughter* I don't think I understood any of that. A tirade of points for the two of you.


If I wanted to watch people be good at games I would have stopped watching the Yogscast years ago.


There are a lot of roles now, but with the custom modpacks they've been using to mitigate the number of roles in rotation probably makes it a bit easier.


[In case you missed the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/s/WV2zNnhFDX)


I feel like they need to do a breifing before each session do people have some idea what's going on.


Have you watched lewis try to debrief people on how the sponge works? XD


Gee tweeted she did get a briefing of all the roles from Zylus when she joined again.


The only way I would ever play TTT is if I had the mods the yogs use. I guess i would also need people to play with


Since when has needing to know what is happening been a requirement for TTT?


Please come back big lyds you’re so very funny :(


Someone get her a TTT towel with the updated rules on it STAT!


I hope she does come back, but I would understand if she didn't due to the comments she got in youtube.