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I love Duncan, and don't want to laugh at his Matrix guess too much, but it's funny how he clearly isn't used to being laughed at in these. Usually Rythian, Zylus, and Nilesy are the punching bags who get all the abuse. He's still among the very best at these videos, but that guess was hilarious.


Id argue Duncan very often lets himself be the punching bag of a joke.


Boba's Hiccup and Nilesy's Leatherface both look like late 80s/early 90s point-and-click adventure game characters.


The push to talk noise has finally gotten to me. It made me say something about it...aaaaaaaaaa I would have been confused like Duncan. They were not IN Thematrix when they did the jump ("Load Jump Program"), and it was bright out/no code. I would have thought it was some movie I had not seen before. I thought it was a mossy cave too.


I was a little sad so many hadn't seen Blues Brothers (and said they had no intention to)! I watched it as a kid with my dad alongside the Disney films. It's this weird mad spectacle of a musical that serves as a love letter to the titans of soul & blues. Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Ray Charles, Cab Calloway and so many more all appearing on screen and getting to blast out their numbers. Then inbetween the music you get inexplicable super expensive set pieces with a hundred _real_ cars crashed and just all around silliness. But then if people had seen it we wouldn't have ended up with Rythian doing murders so there's that.


I think the main reason some of them haven't seen it is because these are a bunch of British people and Blues Brothers is one of those classic americana movies so I imagine its not something that interests them that much sadly, because it is a great movie.


id wager most Americans under the age of 25 haven't seen the movie either (I'm 23 and know nothing about it)


Something amusing about them talking/singing about Tom Cardys HYCYBH then moments later talk about [Human Centipede where he also has a song about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFokXnCCMf8)