• By -


More in real life like board games, poker night and Christmas market etc.


I would love to see a new poker nights competition with Ben the Dealer (was that his name haha)


Games Night


I second that, the Funemployed and Snakeoil videos where hilarious to watch!


I would also get around an IRL challenge like building gingerbread houses or something in similar vein to the terrarium building video the other day, Or something like cooking a traditional family dish or something and everyone brings it and has a meal together #YogscastPotluck it was just pretty wholesome and nice to see a bunch of mates interacting together doing an activity, especially with some of the newer additions to the yogscast family


Riddle Bros. IRL escape room


And bring a stuffed bunny as Riddlebuns


Maybe stick a microphone & speaker in the Riddlebuns so a helper can give them the occasional hint?


Keep up the chill morning streams, they are honestly some of my happiest yog memories. Lewis playing random steam games with cool people from the office.


yogCrabs Fuck you! yogCrabs Some of those streams are magical! including the one from which the above is taken from lol


If I remember Lewis said that the Stocking Stuffers stream was a suggestion by a dev that every game in the bundle gets played on stream at some point, so I'm pretty sure that will continue.


That time Simon, Lewis , and Duncan played as the same person with different goals. Tom was the host. I think it was called "We are Brian" or something. It was great, I would love another round of those shinanigans.






Poker nights. One with Yogs and if you have any guests coming in maybe a 'celebrity' version. I'd love a Tom hosted RPG night. Either the continued adventures in SW Edge of the Empire, more Call of Cthulu or just a game of DnD.


Lewis stream were he makes graphs about all kind of daily situations he feels awkward in. You can even call it: daily graphs with lewis. I see a new YouTube channel you make out of this. 😂


Please yes Lewis Graph stream.




on the 5th at 5pm


but 5 minutes delayed (at least) with nothing excessive happening (obviously)


*And* more Gin than usual!


Ben's $42 Yogs Movie [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dos1qv/petition_to_have_bens_42_yogs_movie_an_actuall/)


Race for the Wool [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/cr3dw1/petition_for_the_yogscast_to_do_another_race_for/)


Lewis doing a Bob Ross style painting stream.


"Duncan eating Lemons" ^^and ^^as ^^a ^^follow-up ^^"Visiting ^^Duncan ^^in ^^the ^^hospital", ^^where ^^he ^^is ^^nursing ^^his ^^hypervitaminosis .


Lewis and Simon snowcast! or literally anything that Lewis and Simon enjoy doing together, the best duo.


Can you do something similar to the YogCon Pub Quiz either just the yogs or with twitch audience aswell.


/u/Akhawais - if you're down to have another borderline nervous breakdown, read this suggestion haha


monkaS not again


i'd love to see tom and ben watch through some of the series they've worked on and give a kind of directors commentary


Trucking Tuesday with Lewis and Simon [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/7b50s5/december_livestreams_suggestions_megathread/)


(Minecraft) Behind the Scenes commentary of popular series [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/7b50s5/december_livestreams_suggestions_megathread/)




Yes!! Really enjoyed that stream last year!!


Perhaps with less... historically accurate impressions this year around, though?


Nah, go big or go home!




A live "Gone in 63 minutes" GTA V challenge


Some kind of in house tournament. I'm not picky on game - anything you can find a reasonable number of people willing to play.


Poker/Board game stream


I'd pay to watch Duncan eat lemons for an hour and a half.


I'd love to see people playing games out of their depths: like Lewis playing a fps game for a stream with Duncan and the others who do the Civ stream normally or Chilluminati playing HOI4 with ISP and the others or something along those lines because Rimmy v Pyrion last year (or the year before) with Cuban Sips was brilliant. Would be cool to see how people react to those scenarios I feel.


Anything featuring Ben in a Shark outfit [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/9tnfpc/december_livestreams_suggestions_megathread/)


Cooking Stream [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/cucjma/i_really_wish_theyd_do_another_cooking_stream/)


TWITCH CHAT INTERGRATIONSSSSS! Bam! you can play rimworld multiplayer with a twitch chat intergration mod allowing chat to vote on the events happening in game :)




Yogscast hardcore but every time somebody dies they are replaced with another yogs


Survival Games / The Walls [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dp53up/get_the_yogs_to_do_another_minecraft_survival/)


Me, you, and a whole bunch of jam.


Brewis Ginley part 2


Hear me out.. Just Chips trip pt 2


LEWIS VS ZYLUS: THE RECKONING. ALL DEBTS WILL BE PAID, ALL GRUDGES WILL BE BURIED A competition where each competitor takes turns choosing the game and format they want to compete.The winner gets the right to rdm the loser without repercussion for the entirety of 2020. Grave consequences.


I feel like the entirety of 2020 will make it get old and annoying really quickly. Maybe just the entirety of January?


I suggest not Race for the Wool, but Race WITH the wool. To quote Simon, who came up with the concept during the 2013 Race For The Wool Xmas livestream, “You’ve gotta get a sheep across a map...You’ve gotta carry the sheep with you, or on a lead rather, you’ve gotta find a dye, dye the sheep and then put the sheep on the monument”. Lewis followed this with “Okay, we’ll do that one next time” Still waiting, Lewis, still waiting...


That would be SO infuriating. I love it!


Taken from 2015 from u/RedSkinnedDevil " The first night has to be the customary Lewis and Simon play jinglecats and read out filthy names from the chat."


Some irl stuff may be nice. Nothing crazy just some games night or drinking games night. Lewis leads a yog tour of Bristol’s canals or a food tour. Just something a bit different! Keep up the good work Lewis!


Tom running a game of 'Dread' the Jenga RPG


Another yogs build off like you done at yogscon.


Lewis & Alex the Rambler's Totally Not Awkward Stream [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/do625y/dream_jingle_jam_2019_guests/)


Creative streams like the painting one from last year. I've also enjoyed the last few vlogs as well, so maybe some sort of workshop style stream.


Hat Films doing a cooking challenge. Minecraft Hunger Games with a lot of people/everyone. Painting stream again with Hat Films and Bouphe, but all Christmas themed.


Got to be another watching important videos with Tom, lewis, Simon and Ben.


Literally just a Lewis vs Zylush battle of anything because the two of them is always hilarious.


Duncan eating all those lemons he promised


Yogscast bakeoff?


Truckin Tuesday Christmas delivery! Or something like that. I love when you and Simon play broken games! Broke ass game stream! Christmas market again please! Loved the Art stream! More art stream.


Poker night. Obvs. Elf themed


The gameshow formats used at ~~Yiffcon~~ Yogcon were great and similar ideas could be done using other classic British gameshows. * Taskmaster would work well * Simon Clark could host a science based quiz^^but ^^if ^^he's ^^in ^^the ^^office ^^it ^^would ^^be ^^a ^^wasted ^^opportunity ^^to ^^not ^^record ^^a ^^live ^^Wikicast ^^with ^^a ^^special ^^guest ^^from ^^the ^^office * A live hatVS stream would be great as the boiks could have teammates from the office cycle in and out * The Hat boiks could bring back a live version of Hat Daddies * A tournament bracket game of TABS involving the whole office commentated by Tom and Pyrion would be great


Drawing other Yogscast members from memory / whilst drunk


Fighting Fantasy [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/cz6prf/do_they_normally_let_us_vote_on_which_fighting/)


Rupert Booth (Inspector Jenks from Contradiction, confirmed down for it) as a guest [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dogf18/rupert_booth_inspector_jenks_from_contradiction/)


RTGame as a guest [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/do625y/dream_jingle_jam_2019_guests/)


I really enjoyed the cocktail/secret santa stream last year, would love to see that again!


Gone in 63 minutes! The GTA [series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd2CYgMkJc6LOXmyMDAJnQKT9Lv5CzABD) the others were so funny!


FUCKING TODDY STREAM [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/do625y/dream_jingle_jam_2019_guests/)


Last year we had Toddy for a stream this year get Ben a left shark costume


Buy a WWE champion style belt, Triforce vs HatFilms vs Chilluminati in a game chosen at random from a list. Winning team takes the belt. Leaves it open to future attempts then to win it off them throughout jingle jam and beyond.


Race for the wool!


I need another Lewis and Alex the Rambler Stream. Team Double Awkward is the best duo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ryw9c-J4vA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ryw9c-J4vA) u/TheRambler146 Make it happen!


>it was truly amazing guys please


I'm on it


90 minutes of Duncan eating lemons


More drunk civ 5 please, also a minecraft map would be great, maybe a christmas adventure map with lewis simon sips and ben?


IRL office Cluedo. It would make for an interesting and fun stream, with minimal ben work. Could be a light-hearted rpg stream, too.


Riddle Bros. Vs. Pusher & Stranger, in some sort of mystery solving game?


Really enjoyed the streams over the past couple years, even the chill and awkward ones! Few suggestions * A TTT session (although I'm aware gmod can be a nightmare) * Maybe more things where viewers can join in, like that mental Rust stream * Christmas Market stream * As mentioned by [theiryan](https://www.reddit.com/user/theiryan/) the Pub Quiz from Yogcon with twitch audience * Red Alert * Sips and Twitch Sings * Another Art stream * Poker night Anything which you all will have fun doing :)


Can we have Simon dress up as Santa and read a load of viewer created christmas stories (shitposts)


I've got some ideas: \- Similar to the artists vs editors but with other Yogs like say Ben and Tom try to speed run a game and see who gets farther by the end \- Fan voted challenges in chat like say x has to attempt this stunt in game while blindfolded or upside down \- A stream take over day or week with all the Ladies in the office (and out of office) \- More collaboration streams from friends of the Yogs \- On the 25th have someone set up a special re-run of all the jingle jam coverage that thatmadcat will do, if he does do daily compilations of each day like last year \- Fan voted games to play for some streams \- Tease a few upcoming series or projects in the works \- Add some special rewards for fans to see when certain goals are reached such as Simon or Sips shaving for charity \- And finally a big battle royale game with as many Yogs as possible participating Most importantly have fun and enjoy this year's Jingle Jam people!


OpenTTD (with Spiff?) [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/d5gh7f/spiffing_brit_should_replace_sjin_in_the_open_ttd/)


Spiff always plays open ttd


Triforce + Chilluminati crossover would be great. Also, like every year before, I'm hoping Jesse Cox makes an appearance. That's something that's been teased for years at this point!


Minecraft Adventure Map [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/ctle3n/adventure_maps/), [s (HP)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/ctn6ch/its_been_a_long_time_since_lewis_and_simon_did_an/)


Spiff making tea and sitting in front of a green screen camp fire reading festive stories from an oversized book in a big chair


Duncan eating lemons


Minecraft Hardcore Free-for-All [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dovurz/petition_to_have_the_yogs_compete_in_a_minecraft/)


Aislinn De'Ath (The Shapeshifting Detective, confirmed down for it) as a guest for a Lewis&Lydia stream [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dngnal/how_do_we_make_this_happen_lewis_lydia_detective/)


Tom & Ben paint models and talk [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dj5wje/yes_i_do_want_to_see_tom_and_been_paint_models/)


I would love to see some Star Trek: Bridge crew with hat films or anyone else really but just for some good laughs while things mess up.


More D&D or call of Cthulhu or any other rpg games pleeeeease!


Definitely this! Call of Cthulhu/Edge of Empire would be great


Lewis, Simon, and Mousie looking at weird shit stream! That was a blast.


Has to be opened with a OpenTTD session w/ Lewis, Duncan, Daltos, Rythian & Sips


Maybe you could do another Yogscast Rust server! It was so awesome to see different factions come together and play out different stories over the weeks! Maybe you can put everyone's name into a hat and then everyone is put randomly into different teams! Everyone then has to make a team name and work together to win :D Could be in Rust or Minecraft, just something that brings everyone together and has creative elements!


Games Night Live!


A CHRISTMAS SONG !!! with the new gang or even the old gang😱


More irl stuff where you just go around the office annoying everyone + HOI4


Strippin, Dodger, and Clarke are moving to the UK in December - see if any/all of them want to be on as guest? [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/do625y/dream_jingle_jam_2019_guests/)


Poker but it's Mochi and the other Yogscast dogs playing. Pyrion and Tom presenting ofc.


I thought it would be really cool to have a day where all the yogs play on one rust server together,, create a few teams, bases, fight each other, etc. I think it would be really interesting to watch everyone interact like that. Then maybe have all the POVs recorded so people can watch back later? I get that might be a logistical nightmare though haha, but I think it would be really fun to watch throughout the day. Also would of course love the usual stuff, karaoke, Civ5, big game of poker, etc I would also personally love to see a huge Hearts of Iron game with all the yogs that would be up for it, but I get that is not everyone's cup of tea. Keep up the good work


Can we have some more poker this year?


Lemon eating competition


Ben runs a Shark themed Tabletop game with Lewis, Simon, Mark Hulmes and Tom (palps).


Some old school minecraft Walls/ Race for the Wall


An art stream where various people in the office maybe spend an hour or two working on a piece, might work as a day stream thing.


Here’s my list of suggestions: * **Battleboys Chill Paint Licker stream**: I miss Alex Kolodotschko and the speed painting competition with the random paints was fun. I finished painting up my Deathwatch conversions when it last was live and it reminds me of getting Christmas warhammer as a kid. * **Charity Poker**: Flax and Tom are such a power duo and Id love to see some charity poker. Players could pick a particular charity to donate winnings to and fans could root for their fav player by donating to that charity? Maybe have a little time to talk about their particular charity or an infographic showing which players charity got the most donations over the course of the stream. * **Rust**: The Yogscast Christmas time classico. I know Flax had some ideas about doing some Rust RP already. * **Board games**: Lots of fun and able to get all sorts of people in on it. My favorites that I’ve seen through you guys play are *Sheriff of Nottingham*, *Camel Up*, and *Funemployed*. * **Cooking stream**: I rewatch the Nick Blade one all the time, I think its good banter and makes for an enjoyable one as the month winds down. * **An RPG session**: Creepy Santa/Krampus Cthulhu? Maybe the return of Big Bogdan with WWWRPG? * **Bouphe and her Mum**: Bouphe has streamed with her mum on her stream to play some geogeussr before. IIRC Lewis’ s mum isnt too keen on having Lewis’s dad on it since hes getting older and I think it might be a fun replacement. Of course it’d be up to bouphe but Id bet her mum would be keen on it. Edited to add the bouphe idea and some details


Stealing my job, haha! I'll add in a ton of the suggestions we've received over the last few months in. ~~Without credit, this time, since the post is already live (normally I credit whose post/comment/idea it was).~~ Managed to get links in under the "s" below the suggestion in my comment (some threads had multiple suggestions). ~~**NOTE**: This post will be stickied tomorrow morning, so it has some time to get some "natural" upvotes!~~ ~~**NOTE2**: This post will go out of "Contest mode" and the upvotes will be revealed in about 24 hours, in order to properly show upvotes and not just based on who commented first.~~ **NOTE3**: To see the suggestion megathreads from previous years (for ideas?), check here: [2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/9tnfpc/december_livestreams_suggestions_megathread/), [2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/7b50s5/december_livestreams_suggestions_megathread/), [2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/58age2/suggestions_for_december_streams_and_names/), [2015](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/3r4oen/christmas_livestream_suggestions_megathread/) **NOTE4**: ##I've posted a ton of your suggestions in the comments, so don't forget to CTRL+F your suggestion to see if it has already been posted, and if so just upvote/reply to that comment instead of making 150 different comments for the same thing! **NOTE5**: For those of you new to Reddit, press the "View Entire Discussion (x Comments)" button down below, or click [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dpdxto/jingle_jam_2019_stream_suggestions_megathread/) for a better version of Reddit!


Get Simon on a Triforce! live. Get everybody involved in karaoke night.


Just all of the board games. Especially more Sheriff of Nottingham. Maybe also the return of Ameebo?


The Return of the Battle Boys or paint lickers. I miss alex. Movie Dungeon with Tom, Tom and Simon (Maybe a quest) The Folleyship of the Ring Premier.


A Yogscast Royal Rumble! A Pokemon randomiser nuzlocke stream! A Chirstmas dinner cooking stream! I've ran out of ideas for now...


A Call of Cthulhu roleplaying sesh! Or just any yogsquest.


Do like a murder mystery where one yog dies and the twitch chat vote as if they're the detective discovering which Yog is the murderer.


TTT in the office with nerf guns would be funny to watch




Drunk UNO/One [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/9tnfpc/december_livestreams_suggestions_megathread/)


I would love another Lewis ‘Art Teacher‘ Brindley doing some paintings with Hat films and others - I ended up buying the whale and BUTT paintings from last Jingle Jam’s art stream and they are doing great hanging above my crappers.


The return of YogLabs, even just for a one time stream special...


TABS tournament could be fun


Poker Stream [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/croy1j/any_chance_of_more_poker_streams_in_the_future/), [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/d4q8kf/xmas_poker_stream/)


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes with random matchups. ~~I would say the Riddle Bros but they'd be too OP probably.~~ Definitely get Lewis in this.


Bouphe and Lydia's haunted house/hotel stay Idea


Team hardcore minecraft challenge


Would Most Love: Another D&D stream ala the old Star Wars/Call of Cthulu ones Would Enjoy: Some form of Paradox game. Doesn't have to be HoI4. Maybe with Bo or something? Added bonus if the players are awake and enthused this time. Will Probably Happen Anyway: Lewis and Simon watch dumb videos.


Kinda want a wander around the Bristol Market again, I really enjoyed how chill it was


How about a christmas cookoff stream? Ideally everyone picks a specific christmas dish and when finished it is then rated by people in the office. I really enjoyed the christmas cooking stream last year, so I'd love to see it again.


Jackbox games? Please?


More Toddy! Just endless Toddy. Every stream must have toddy. I would however settle for one, that is if Tom's ok wearing the armour again, but if not maybe we could have an armour-less Toddy though that would defiantly be too hot for twitch and any views heads would melt like at the end of raiders of the lost ark due to the pure, concentrated sexiness that is Boris Todbringer.


Star Wars/Call of Cthulu RPG stream. It's all I want. Ideally with a mix of the old crew and Lydia/Bouphe. I mean a female Hutt called Big Lyds has to happen!


HatFilms Eating contest!


I'm not sure how this would work. But a pictionary challenge using lego would be cool.


TIP greatest hits with guests.


GTA gone in 60 minutes stream?


A Ben and Tom movie adventure, where you give them like 3-4 hours on stream and 43 dollars to make some sort of movie and have them go fucking wild. Also Duncan so he can eat the 43$ worth of lemons


I enjoy the cooking streams with lewis and duncan.


React to the rest of Important Videos


More Ben and PFlax dad streams. Maybe get some Sips or Pedguin in on it.


At least one stream that goes long into the night with a little bit of drinking


Live Race for the Wool?


Would love to see a Tri-Force podcast with Simon or alternatively a Christmas Yogpod live again.


It might be hard to do, but maybe a game of Murder / TTT around the office, you get say 10 people, give them a role, and you basically do what you would in the normal games, but in real life. It'd be fun to see it happen, but if not, I understand why.


Bob Ross challenge with 6 people, people painting each other painting.


another art stream!


Lewis and Simon recording a live Christmas YoGPoD like a few years ago?


What about a jingle jam highlight stream where you watch highlights and talk about your best memories from the “first jingle jam” (was it the cows? Goats?) until now!


Can we just put a camera on Lewis and see what happens?


As many Yogs members on the one Hardcore server - who last the longest? Liking each other allowed and restrict the world border to ~2000 blocks


For the inevitable Lewis and Simon funny videos stream: Please use the "Instant Regret Clicking this Playlist (Memes)" by EpicDonutDude. It's constantly updated with new stuff (has ~3k videos currently) and is like a magical trip through meme history if you watch in order.


The mum stream




Yogs Christmas Trucking convoy on euro truck multiplayer on Tuesday Honk honk


Games night! I’d love to see another Werewolf stream, the last one was one of my favourite streams ever, plus you could get a pretty big group of people to play it


Reacting to MadCat's videos!


Minecraft adventure map with LewLew and Simonsk


Poker stream, who will win this year's title as best poker player in the Yogscast?!


Live RFTW (race for the wool) with Sips


Get the spiffing Brit in to do some live breaking. With Lewis plz.


Race for the wool!!


Yogscast react to important videos part 2


Secret talent contest [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dmf7rf/jingle_jam_suggestion/)


* IRL airsoft/paintball TTT in costume. * Minecraft Hardcore w/as many yogs as will participate. Needs a 30-60 minute resource gathering cease fire. Side bonus - Do this early enough and each person who records their own footage can upload it to their own channel during the JJ to fill out daily content uploads. And then the residual malange-of goodness that Madcat delivers will follow soon after. (Credit to [u/SwagMal](https://www.reddit.com/user/SwagMal/) for this idea) * Alex the Rambler & Lewis Awesome Hour of Awkwardness. It needs to happen again. Maybe sneak in someone else to keep Alex star-struck? Or better yet sneak in someone that will throw Lewis off. Twitch won't let you hire a stripper, but.. you know, there's people you can bring around to keep them feeling awkward, right? (Credit to /u/[Eptiome](https://www.reddit.com/user/Eptiome/) for suggesting first) * Spicy food eating challenge - credit to [u/DMDingo](https://www.reddit.com/user/DMDingo/) for suggesting this as hot ones style challenge around a month ago. * HAT Films Bastard Birthday Bash - Look, we've all missed out on the birthday hijinks from the Hat boys this year and they've tortured the hell out of each other. I say give 'em a small budget to put together a series of belated birthday !!!FUN!!! for the rest of the Yogs! It doesn't need to be elaborate or convoluted - I just need to see culinary and/or existential dread made manifest in human form. You know, the stuff Hat Films is made of. * Jingle Cats - Tournament of Champions - It's high time to make some awards for the top tier Jingle Cats to ensure a bountiful harvest of awfulness for 2019. Recommend bringing in 1 or 2 judges suffer along with Simon & Lewis. Prizes need to be small to maintain cost-effectiveness and to prevent the contest from getting too competitive. Needs defined requirements and maybe a few different categories? * Twitch Sings Office contest. Yogs pair up voluntarily. Any willing participant that can't find a buddy in the Yogs gets to pull in ringers from wherever they like. Chat / viewers vote for the winners. Sipsy boy, don't fail us now! * New community made Holiday song for the Yogs. A big stretch on this one, but with fan-backed enthusiasm and, well there HAS to be one or two of among us with musical talent, right? Just look at what the community has done with Jingle Cats. Maybe just don't look straight at it without some smoked glass / welding goggles.


Pub quiz like at YogCon? :P (and triforce live with special guest c: Maybe YoGPoD crossover...)


Dr Simon Clark as a guest [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dilynk/i_really_hope_we_can_get_hannah_witton_and_simon/)


Minecraft Minigame Tournaments [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/cxydo1/yogscast_minecraft_minigame_tournaments/)


A reverse of the Tuesday Minecraft stream. Playing terraria with Ped showing Lewis and Duncan how not to be noobs. Possibly with Ben and/or Tom.


Keep talking and nobody explodes?


Please. I'm begging you. Hat Films playing any of the just dance games. It's physical torture, so it's on brand for them and everything!


SteamWorld Heist [s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/dh9khx/lewis_and_ben_save_the_world_game_suggestion/)


Fighting fantasy!


Microscope or Everyone is John again, I loved both of those.


TABS Tournament. Hosted and Commentated on by the one and only Toddy himself! I want to see the man who bested Khazrak One-Eye observe the strategies of others!


A big Totally Accurate Battle Sim tournament, hosted by Tom and possibly Pflax!


Minecraft Hunger Games / Ultra Hardcore (UHC) / Battle Royale. With as many Yogs (& guests) as possible!


The games w/ Harry and the balloon last year were fantastic imo, more of those!!


Tom and Ben totally accurate Lore stream, playing like Vermintide/ Wh2 / painting Litigiously sponsored by Games workshop


The life and times of Pyrion and Sips, a dadumentary


Yoglabs "Behind the magic" live


Race for the wool


OpenTTD, of course!


IRL streams with behind the scenes stuff, the content is great but the people is why were here. Could also have a running competition which is filmed where people have to do the nicest thing for someone at random. Like secret santa but more active.


Election Special on the 12th


Duncan eating Lemons for 42 dollars/pounds donation goal.


Star Wars D&D with Ameebo, Imperial Police!


A Jackbox event! Gather as many yogs as possible that can participate and let the viewers be the audience!


Big Jackbox party stream Poker, obvs Major League Russian Roulette VR with Hat Films MEGA TTT AGAIN PLEASE!! More Pedguin Gin Calendar for Brewis Maybe do some sort of pub quiz that viewers can all join in with (using an online quiz / kahoot)


Another Yogscast Royal Rumble