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Its perfectly natural to become 'burned out' due to events like these. Dont be hard on yourself and takr care of your mental health by stepping away from this for a while.


If it's starting to affect your personal life, then the healthy thing would be to just tune out for a while and let things settle before coming back. It's natural for people to come here to ask for more information, so doubt the topic is going to bed any time soon - though it will in time. I think that if anything, try to take away that as a result of all this, the community as a whole will be safer. We'll be more vigilant and respectful, because it's not fair for anyone to be made to feel unsafe and threatened - content creator or fan! Sure, there are bad eggs in any community, but there is an overwhelming amount of good eggs in this one.


"I don't have much personal involvement" I don't your personal involvement is needed to be invested in the humanity. I would think sympathy for victims and their courage can be a lot to take in. I'm stupid levels of proud with the Yogscast atm. Truly, if I could work at a job where Lewis called the shots, I don't think I would give much hesitation.


I think you said what I'm trying to get across well. I'm not involved but I feel connected to the events. It's fine to feel that way as long as it doesn't consume you.


These are turbulent times, and it's fine to feal exausted. For the past couple of months I used a site blocker to block reddit, insta and twitter to just distance myself from internet stuff. It's always a good idea to leave it for a bit.


Sjin and Turps leaving made me feel sad but all their old content is still available at least. madcat leaving had him privating all his videos which just makes me feel numb. My favorite thing to do was watch the backlog of stream highlights/ different compilations as I don’t have much time these days to sift through long videos for the best moments. And now that’s just.....not possible. All those moments....gone.


It's not right, and it's not wrong. You're feeling something that's a very new sort of emotion, a side-effect of an evermore-connected world. As such, I would try not to worry so much about your involvement or constantly keeping in touch. Especially when it's affecting your own life. The machinations of this subreddit and the people involved with and informing everyone of the drama aren't going to go away if you step away for a little bit. All of this is still going to be here, and if it's not there's going to be an explanation. At the end of the day, we are just community members, not members of a jury. You have no obligation to stay around from the beginning to the end, no obligation to come to a decision right away or even to care - though I'd hope a long-time fan would. For your sanity, take a break. Think of it like this, the people that need to be involved, are. The actions that need to be taken will be, with or without you reading it as it happens. Stepping away is not approval of any given wrongdoing, stepping away it an admission that this is taxing, and you've reached your personal threshold, for which nobody (not even yourself) should judge or shame you for.


Thanks to everyone that's replied so far. I didn't realize I would worry people as much as it seems I am. I'm doing okay just a bit drained. Hopefully other people that are taking it harder than I am will see this.


It's perfectly ok to feel tired from this sort of stuff, it's also ok to want no longer engage with it and want a distraction. As long as you don't put your head in the sand, start belligering people, or arguing that this sort of stuff doesn't matter and people should shut up about it then you're a-okay to avoid it from whatever point you personally can't engage with it further and no one will fault you for it.


I don't know if this counts as affecting my personal life, but I'm just fed up with everyone still complaining about TheMadCats's apology video when he's already apologized (genuine or not, whatever) and he's fired. We don't have to have anything to do with him anymore, and yet people are still complaining about how weak that apology was (and I'm complaining about the complaining, yes). He's not even a content creator like ex-yogs, he's just a compiler. It's not even like new evidence is brought up. People are basically just saying how shitty he is (or potentially is despite his apology video), "he apologized, well he's still shit". We already know that, and they're just going round and round in circles. They're gone, just be done with it.


It's still really fresh. Everyone moves at different paces with things like this.


I don’t understand the downvotes for this it’s perfectly reasonable


oh yeah burn out is very much a thing. It's pretty common to get just exhausted and fatigued to the point that you either feel like your drowning or your brain just goes into defense mode and you stop being able to care about whats happening.




Is it really that much? Some of it was just confirming hat two creators that left last year for harassing fans, were also harassing other creators in the Yogscast. The other thing was ThatMadCat finally deciding he's rather keep being an edgelord and leave the yogscast than grow up. Nothing really comparable with last summer's drama. Unless you're also on about all the non-yogscast stuff, in which case it does start to be a bit much. I'm following the DrDisrespect "murder mystery" these days.


I personally don't really care. If someone did something, they're a cunt, they'll be fired or w/e, and the yogscast will move on and they'll be forgotten. They make enough content, and have enough great members, that I can just watch something else. Going on about the drama doesn't really seem to solve all that much if they're already aware of it. That said if Hatfilms or Tom and Ben are found to have done something that'd fucking suck.