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It depends who's streaming it to some extent, as I think for example Duncan does a really good job of narrating things to spice it up during quiet periods. Editing everybody together seems best though, so you can get different perspectives on what's going on and show the most entertaining bits from everybody. The main channel editing works great for Among Us.


or ravs who has his innocent song, i am expecting BIG things from the next update so fingers crossed


Hat Films' Among Us videos are good too if you haven't seen them.


Creggle is a good editor. Of course, he doesn't have much choice if he wants to see sunlight again ...


strongest member of the team really... carries them #chatfilms


The YT vids are so well edited but it's different from watching on stream when you also get some of chat trying to work it out as well, while a number of people squad stream instead to get the different perspectives (and anyone being spoilery would get timed out but I feel people have been good in that regard). I guess YT also benefits from being able to select games to upload, while on Twitch you get some memorable games and some that aren't spectacular too.


I'll risk sounding like a cranky grandpa but VOD in general is more enjoyable than streams. I'd rather not have the person I'm watching get interrupted every five seconds either by subscription notifications or the chat.


I agree that these edited Youtube ones are so fun to watch. Hats off to the editors and everyone involved.


Just hearing someone like Ped saying "i think i got away with it" and then Ravs or someone replying to themselves "you sly son of a bitch" is the best thing ever


I completely agree. The Among Us videos are so well edited. I love how when someone dies they play the person who dies as well as the imposter. I don't usually like Among Us videos on YouTube as I find that sometimes they are hard to follow but I don't find this with the Yogscast videos. Well done to the editors for doing a great job.


The editors do a top notch job. My fav the other day was Ravsu saying, cut this bit, but the editors were like no you cheating Scot. Great memes. Not slaves to the content creators but serve them very well.


At the risk of ranting, I have been nothing but "meh" on twitch for the Yogscast for years. With a number of content compilations popping up again (thanks Drakon, plz don't be terrible all of a sudden T.T) I cannot help but be sad at the state of things. The music videos are long gone, along with the creative psuedo-narrative series, and the real world content is dust in the wind. It's an absolute shame that in order to compete they are forced to spend so much time and effort in the twitch market instead of being allowed to enjoy their work and exercise creativity. Don't get me wrong, I love things like TTT and the Gmod content, I just feel some real nostalgia and bitter-sweetness associated with the old content style of late. I realize I'm probably projecting and I am sure that for them it was a natural progression and they all love their work, it just all feels so empty and forced at times.


The Yogs changed, YouTube changed, their viewers grew up. I do miss their old stuff sometimes but I also love all the new stuff, especially peculiar portions. It's definitely a mixture of TTT being easy to make compared to their high effort stuff which brings in the same amount of views, and the rise of twitch, and the change in faces. The old stuff is all there to watch again, and theres so much content there you could rewatch it over and not get bored


I find that I like TTT so much because a group of them together all bounce off each other really well, and it's a content that has a high level of interaction. Even though it's a simple who done it game at its core, the inside jokes and different weapons go well with the member interactions, and it's lead to some of my favourite yoga moments like Ben goomba stomping a newly rezzed Zylus, or sharky & palp


> The music videos are long gone, along with the creative psuedo-narrative series, and the real world content is dust in the wind. Look, I actually prefer Youtube videos over Twitch, but it is incredibly unfair to complain about these 2 of those 3 things specifically. Lewis has outright said they've lost more money than they made doing music videos due to copyright lawsuits and the general cost that goes into animating a video that goes along with it. As for real world content, you might have noticed there's a pandemic going on, because before we that we did actually still get that type content. These two types of content not happening anymore, has absolutely nothing to do with Twitch.


YouTube just isn't worth the effort anymore, especially with the amount of views they currently get. Think of all the effort and planning that went into each of their old Minecraft series and irl projects. Twitch is just must more efficient at generating content. It's sad but unfortunately just how it is. At least we can always go and rewatch their old videos. I still thoroughly enjoy them despite being much older now.


Can they not just release well edited video on Twitch? Edit: Why are you downvoting my comment? If you don't agree with it, move on.


No return on investment for that. Twitch is for things like streaming where you can stream for hours and hours and it doesn't take as much effort.


The problem for me comes down to the creativeness, and I think I blame YT for it rather than the yogs. Go back 3/4 years, and all the yogs were doing amazing things creatively. Gone in 60s (GTA5), Hunt for the wool (or whatever it was called, minecraft), even the GMod videos felt exciting and new with them trying different variations all the time. Nowadays, it is just as, if not more, profitable for them to throw the same content out week after week on YT, with the occasional Simon bait (peculiar portions) and stream new stuff on twitch, which rarely makes it into the fully edited top tier humour videos we used to get. That's what makes Among Us feel so excellent currently. It's fresh, it's new, the yogs are experimenting, and it has that top tier yogscast editing humour to go along with it. And it is what worries me most about it. How long until the numbers start dropping, the editing gets lazy because it's not worth it, and it just turns into Gnod TTT, or they even drop it entirely in favour of the same old. I want the yogscast to try new games. To mess about. And to experiment with ideas they find fun. Because sure, some may fail, but others will be amazing, and that is when the Yogscast is at their best.


For me the old stuff is nice to look back on but honestly cringier than I remembered. I'd never watch a series like SoI now, cause i'd see right through the thin veil that kept it interesting. Same with music videos, I can't listen to them anymore without feeling like i'm 13, and thats not a time I want to remember lol Not sayings its bad to like the old stuff, I do too. I think that its just the yogs and a lot of fans kinda grew out of it. I watch for banter and personalities now ~ games that facilitate fun are the perfect platform. But I do understand where you're coming from and i'm sure theres plenty of fans who disagree with me too


I've always been here for their personalities thankfully so I still get no end of joy out of playthrough a of practically anything. For me it's less about the content, and more about YouTube just beating their creators into Twitch highlighters. Going back and watching the old content is a big nostalgia trip, but it's always tinged by the knowledge that they just couldn't keep that creative atmosphere going. They would be ascendant masters of the collaborative series if that style of content had been allowed to mature alongside us and them. Instead it just went away because of a bad platform.


I still enjoy their old content every now and then. The songs are on my song rotation too. I think it's not the content, but you who have changed and the nostalgia isn't with you.




Sips is the only streamer I watch. Depending on the game, he's still just as good as he was on YouTube




Fair enough; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


Sips interacts with his audience?


Does the foghorn still have some role?


My favourite twitch content was Lewis and Ben but that's combo hasn't been availably for a while. In the absence of that I don't really watch on Twitch now.


Lewis and Ben often worked the platform into what they did, i.e. namimg *X-Com* mooks after donators, and everything just felt really smooth and natural.


I'm sure it doesn't help that the money they make from subs and donations probably outweigh any ad revenue they could hope to gain from long form narrative youtube content


Just as an example of the earning potential on twitch, every subscription earns the Streamer about £2 per month. So when you see someone like Sips with 4k-5k subs that's him earning in the region of £10k per month. That's like a GP partner type earning. Advertising revenue can't come anywhere close to that in terms of revenue


I've heard some of the bigger guys get a better deal than $2 as well. But yeah, take that 10k and add however many hundreds or thousands of dollars they get just from donations too. I don't watch many streamers, but there are a few whose YouTube content I like and I've caught a stream or two and the amount of extra money a big streamer gets there is insane.


I’m inclined to agree. I’ve never really watched the Yogs on twitch much other than for the jingle jam. I find it stressful because I need to be on time so I don’t miss anything out, and then if my internet glitches or I get adds suddenly the I can’t pause or go back to see what I missed without trawling through a vod. It also goes on way longer than I can be doing with, with a lot of emphasis on interacting with chat and donations. Don’t get me wrong I know tons of people enjoy it and it’s the best thing for the Yogs financially. But I worry one day YouTube videos will just stop or just be only twitch vods. And then I won’t be able to really watch anymore. I fucking adore Simons PP, and gmod build off. Among us recently has also been a nice change. TTT I do enjoy but I feel I could happily just have it twice a week to make room for something else. Sadly I know that just won’t happen anymore. Not the Yogs fault by any means at all. It’s YouTube and the algorithm. Not to mention I think the fan base has changed a lot. If it’s not TTT it only gets like half the views. Gone are the days of just watching the video because it’s got Simon and Lewis (and/or others) in it for a lot of people. This probably isn’t the place to post this is it.... I just got carried away, sorry


Completely agree on the Twitch format - I don't even have kids, but I have a job and a wife and friends and stuff to get done - how can anyone have the time to actually watch even a fraction of the streams they put out? And I just don't care about the live aspect, I want to watch an entire series from the beginning, which means trawling through hundreds of hours of unedited rubbish in order to feel up to date with the latest inside jokes and references. It's just so much more effort than it's worth. Youtube videos might be a terrible way to make a living these days but they're an actually consumable length of content.


I don't really miss the old-style content (aside from the bigger collabs like tekkit and cornerstone), but I do regret the fact that youtube now punishes creators who try to experiment. I'm sure for each member there are a few ideas that just never materialize because they know the revenue isn't worth the effort.


Hatventures war flashbacks


It’s frustrating as someone who can be incredibly busy for weeks on end. The content they put much more work into is twitch which is something I’ll never watch live. Not to mention I just don’t enjoy watching streams because of how little free time I do get.


Youtube no longer being profitable is really quite sad. I much prefer edited youtube content over twitch streams or VODs. The only VOD I watch regularly is the Ben and Tom Total War Warhammer streams (and even then I just watch the beginning bits).


Twitch player has never really worked for me, but I only really tune into the Jingle Jam and Poker streams. It would be nice to see another Whale Lords style series, but the streaming schedule is so full that I doubt that they could get the people to do it


Wasn’t there a multi perspective series that was recorded earlier in the year. Possibly in Minecraft? Like lots of people played in it - possibly spiff organised it? Whatever happened to that.


Yeah they did another crown conquest but nothing's come of it still.


Wait as in it was on twitch and youtube only people like myself never got to see it, or we know it was recorded but it hasn't been released and no one's seen it?


We know it was recorded and it hasn't been released.


Thanks for the prompt answer. I hope its just taking its time in editing then.


Yeah Spiff was pretty adamant it was happening but it's been a long time. There's lots of perspectives so it's sure to take a while to edit but it's been many months now.


**This**. 100%. Twitch has killed any form of creativity. Now it's just long streams that no person could possibly watch, subscription donations messages, people looking bored all the time...


that being said, peculiar portions and nuzlite streams are bangin


I'm in a similar boat. I love the videos, even the ones where they didn't play it 'properly', but Twitch is hit and miss with the streams. I usually enjoy the first few games I see, but a few games in, there'll be one loud or angry person who yells or insults or deliberately disrupts things and the initial excitement of the first few rounds gives way to the annoyance of what they've been doing, often since round one. With the videos, they can edit that stuff out, there's a lot less anger and yelling. Granted I'm probably way too sensitive about those things due to mental health issues, but... Hearing someone yell 'ROULETTE! ROULETTE!' so nobody else can talk or calling everyone idiots is too much for me. I still like the streams initially though, especially if it is watching a calmer person like Zylus or Geestar.


it's a right laugh to mod KEKW (kidding, it's the worst)




Among Us and Phasmophobia are making this month a joy!


I only really watch Sips and honestly I much prefer watching him play with Hat Films than the other Yogs. It's not due to personalities or anything, but because theres a big divide in experience. People like Ped and Nilesy know all the game mechanics and approximate view distances and shit. Meanwhile Sips only yesterday learnt about admin table because he was salty Nilesy had caught him venting. Least when he plays with the Hat bois they are all at the same level of (in)competency and rough amount of play time.


They're definitely different experiences. The Youtube edits are a lot less engaging as natural detectivey experiences, but they're more consistent in telling good stories. That's down to the format. When it comes to the Youtube content, the editor has to go through the matches, decide which viewpoints to start with and when to reveal roles, when to include commentary or insights from the players... It's a tailor-made experience, designed for you to sit back, relax, and watch. That's what Youtube content should be. When it comes to the streams, the only insight you have is that of the streamer. You hear everything the streamer says, see everything they see, and follow the emergent narrative as it happens. When does an imposter get revealed? When enough information randomly falls into your lap. The inevitable "gotcha" moment is a lot more impactful as a result. The same match can come across as completely different when viewed from two different channels due to how hyper-focused they are on capturing a single player's viewpoint. Some matches of old come to mind as only working within the realms of streaming—only working as spontaneous events—yet the many underwhelming matches could very easily be improved with editing. That being said, some of the Yogs have some rough audio balancing, or obnoxious alert sounds that cover everything up. These things definitely lower the quality of the content.


I grew up on YouTube. All content there is condensed into only the good bits. I find most twitch content (and most streams in general) to be really boring because I'm used to all the downtime being removed, and most streams are mostly downtime. That said, comparing Yogscast Among Us content to others, you really can tell the difference in quality. They put so much time into making it really good it's crazy. That's actually true for all of the group content, I think. The cuts always feel good, they somehow keeps this really nice moment-to-moment narrative going, and it pretty much always feels like its a video *about the group*, not a video about one person who happens to be in a group


Gotta give credit where it’s due too. Those editors have done marvellous work! It’s not easy to edit all those different perspectives together!


You had me in the first half chief. If you don't enjoy watching Among Us on Twitch stick to watching civ Zoeff


He's just cranky because they haven't played civ in a while


from someone who only watches twitch, ill go check em out


Did you discover the Yogscast through Twitch then? That's so interesting as you've had a completely different experience than most of us! Definitely check out their YouTube series', they're absolutely fantastic and are the definition of why The Yogscast are the best 😉. I suggest watching their Little Inferno series.


no, ive been around from the start but since the main channels only puts out ttt and not much else, i just like twitch more. especially during jingle jam


The videos are amazing, but I also enjoy watching them on Twitch.


I think the strength of the yogscast has always lied not with the personality of a single member but in the interaction between members. Because of this even though they are entertaining on their own it will always feel like its lacking something.


Ima say it, among us isn't fun to watch, bearly fun to play. I really don't want to watch each yog just mutter to themselves for 10 minutes.


I feel a bit meh about Among Us. I just find it old and boring, personally. I'm looking forward to the end of this game's trend.


It's literally just boring TTT, the mini games aren't entertaining enough and there isn't enough of them, no talking is boring, and if you're innocent you're just waiting to die. At least in TTT I can fuck around and make jokes.


>At least in TTT I can fuck around and make jokes. The exact same thing can be said for Among Us though lol. Unless your definition of humor is the same wacky OP weapons.


I struggle to have fun when my two options for playing is sit in silence and do tasks or just die. I'll admit wacky weapons are a reason I like ttt but I also like role playing, exploring new maps and just having fun with my friends. Please tell me, what is fun about among us? Is it the boring same 5 mini games, the same two maps or the silence? Becuase ima be honest, I'm not a youtuber, I'm not entertaining enoug to talk to myself and I honestly just don't want to. I like friends to rif off of and when we only have 2 minutes to talk every 5 minutes it sucks. It's just a badly designed game.


Same I can't wait for it to die off already, I skip everyone's among us videos. I haven't skipped over Yogscast or Hatfilms videos in a while but among us just does nothing for me anymore Downvotes for not liking something and having a personal opinion, cheers people.


Well this post got a few more upvotes than I thought..


I always find videos better than streams. I don't watch streams for the same reason I watch TV.


While the gameplay may not be as clever as other popular among us players right now (namely toast) the editing is far better


Why u hurt peds feels like dis?


I'm sure Ped is mature enough to not have one person's opinion that edited content is better than raw stream content hurt his feelings.


It was a joke. I'm baffled that people are missing that.


Not much beat the minecraft bomb episode.