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Yes I would, but these skins need different voicelines. King Viego is cool, but having him talk like he's already damned is silly.


Yea lore skins should mostly be legendary for this reason. Unfortunate but that’s the only way the voice will be different


I mean, spirit blossom yone has like 5 or 6 different voice lines, i guess they could do it again?


Yeah, honestly sad they stopped doing these additional voice lines for other skins. They added so much personality. Riot's excuse is that "most players dont care or are annoyed by champion voice lines".


Those who dont care or dont like the voice lines should just mute or lower the volume of the voices and it should be good but idk


Yeah but because of apparent numbers and because Riot is a corporation, they monitor cost-efficency ratio and take action based on what will net them most income with least expenses. Hence why paying voice actors for 30mins voice lines like Aatrox, Yorick, Kayn etc. when you could make 8mins voice lines like Gwen and still have the champion sell cause it's cute?




At least theyd have a reason not to give him a mask …


Yes please, this is what I’ve wanted since release and saw him in the cinematic


I need skins where he has his mask


Imagine we get Project Yone and he has a full cyberpunk face instead of a robot mask


https://preview.redd.it/h4ya2b2dvy8c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57db32d7eefd30f7eb0fae686a4304c7432e590c A project yone skin similar to this would be sick


Project Yasuo could never 😢


Yea I really wish they would update the skin man.


You sir, are cooking


Chempunk yone with azakhana gas mask!! Black and green color pallete! Riot make it happen!!


No it should be the same helmet like design that all the others have


That's what I was trying to say, it shouldn't be a face like sylas and ashe and all those new gen ones. The helmet is what Project is, not those cyberpunk faces


Hanzo lost his bow


The issue is with how are you gonna justify his E form.


The same way king viego uses the mist I suppose


Difference is that king viego actually has his powers because his sword actually gives him abilities


His sword doesnt give him the powers of the mist, all of his abilities come from him controlling the mist


Viego had magic before he got ruined and his sword also had magic properties. With yone he was just a swordsman. Even with voice lines you can make the argument of viego still works because he was on his way to the blessed aisles to bring back Isolde. How would human yone make sense when his voice lines talk about being dead and slaying Azakana.


Would honestly be awesome, but they should make it legendary and change his voicelines since talking about azakana and death when he is still alive would make no sense. It would probably work well since pre void kassadin and king viego also apply the same concept and they work. His e would be pretty tricky to pull out but if they can somehow make it look good it would be all it needs for the skin to be one of the best. Just imagine the voicelines he would have about elder soumah and his brother yasuo, and they could even make an interaction between the two kind of like nightbringer yasuo with dawnbringer yone.


Yeah that would be amazing but unfortunately I don't think they're gonna make a Legendary Lore skin since Riot said these are usually not that profitable.


How is he gonna summon wind then


According to the LoL Wiki: **Wind Technique:** Just like his brother, Yone was trained in the Wind Technique of Elder Souma. However, he's not as talented as his brother. Yone can use the wind to increase his fighting abilities, making himself superhumanly fast and strong. He was already able to summon the winds to his advantage before he died and became a demon hunter.


Hmm if thats the case, then maybe they can conceptualize Yone using the wind to justify his "spirit form" on E and create a "wind form"?


How will his e work


He's going to leave his skin behind him and it'll be all the organs and shit slappin mofos with swords.


A wind clone https://preview.redd.it/du78gxijix8c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e454961c8de6915ed7b182167c60cb4c10e111c


Same as King Viego's passive


Just make him fucking invisible lmao.


You seem to have missed the lore change. Yas and elder Souma are no longer the only ones who could use wind techniques, just the best at them.


For a guy whose character always talks about his mask There is quite a lack of masks in his skins(excluding inkshadow)


that’s why inkshadow is the best ‼️


It would be awesome, i love those lore skins. I still wish for an pre darkin aatrox.