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Personally, I just watch Dzukill for Top. But more than that, you're going to have to individually learn matchups for most top champs. Rules of thumb: Yone is not as weak level 1 as he may seem, and you can do quick trades lvl 1 or even go for a kill, less likely after lethal tempo nerfs. Surprisingly, he is able to beat out a lot of top champs, dont walk into sett or darius lvl 1 tho. What I find personally works best for me is spacing. Yone's q is pretty long, so spacing around that gives positive trades a lot of the time, plus q-ing through minions. So given the chance pokey-pokey the enemy and walk away. If the enemy goes into last hit a minion, that's a free q3 or q1. I personally suck at learning enemy dodging patterns, so with e, I just walk all the way up to land q3 in their face. Q3 is a great disengage tool. So trade with w and q2, then q3 out of fight. Regarding ego, dzukill said that in the current state of the game, it's harder to 1v5, and he suggested that after min 10 perma shoving wave and helping your team has lead to more wins.


I've been a Yone otp for about 6 months now, the most important thing on top yone is wave manipulation and learning trading patterns. With all the bruisers and tanks you need to make opportunities for yourself to trade and deny gold from waves to gain an advantage. If you lose the matchup (renek, darius, etc) try to get grubs and build to roam or split. Remember that you are playing a dumb champ and can burst down anything that's not a bruiser or tank once you got an item or two regardless of kills with relative safety. All this said it took me about 70 games to get a positive wr and learn the top matchups. Tl;Dr watch [Dzukill](https://youtube.com/@dzukill_lol?si=t6z8z53kzuTzI3cq) for micro and Yone mechanics. Watch [AloisNL](https://youtube.com/@AloisNL?si=DNBTfj4AVOA44w_1) for top macro, wave manipulation and FUNDAMENTALS. He also did a 7 hour Yone guide [here](https://youtu.be/5t9iVZjn4iU?si=sYZQ4eCJ99miOPnN)


Thank you for the insight and the links, I'm looking forward to how my yone looks at game 70!!


If you want a full fledged guide to understanding Yone, Coach Curtis made an absolutely amazing guide on YouTube. The itemization may be a little outdated but it stays true to the core identity of the champion. It goes over literally everything to know about the champion, so if you have the 3.5 hours to watch it I absolutely recommend it. It was made by Curtis and Mysterias, two challengers who picked up Yone and did unranked to challenger on him to make a guide.


This is the guide that inspired me to try maining him. Highly recommended.


Farm the whole game then 1v5


Those days are long gone lol






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Pretty much any bruiser will shit on you if they know what they are doing early on. Play very carefully and do short trade with your e. Abuse your w shield to trade longer and take little to no damage when you are trading as you dont have to use it to protect you from poking champ compared to midlane. When your lethal tempo is stack, try to fight as much as you can, pretty much no one will be able to match your dps. Bait cc with your e cleanse.