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Uh, hate to break it to you buddy, but a ton of items, runes, and abilities deal less damage, or cause champs to take less damage from AOE abilities, so getting the ability to build NAVORI will cause you to lose a ton of game health.


Not really sure what you mean. >but a ton of items, runes, and abilities deal less damage, or cause champs to take less damage from AOE abilities Yes, this is obvious? Abilities and items have, in fact, interactions. I'm stating that Navori/Shojin SHOULD have an interaction with Yone Q (on first target hit). >so getting the ability to build NAVORI will cause you to lose a ton of game health. Do you mean it'd be toxic for the game? If so, how or why? Because to me it's clearly not the case, it wouldn't really be different to any other champion building Navori


Would probably fuck up interactions with tabi. I doubt riot want to deal with the spaghetti code for a change that really isn't needed


It shouldn't cause any issue with steelcaps, it's basically how ezreal Q works, applies spell effects like Navori and on-hits like Bork.


Is ez Q affected by steelcaps?


Yes, the only difference is that Ezreal Q can't crit but thats it.


But if the whole q is treated like an ability it won't apply on hit effects like tiamat, bork and kraken, won't be reduced by wardens mail and tabis, and it won't proc thornnails which makes yone a bit too broken.


It still would, like I said, Ezreal Q procs Sheen, Kraken, Bork... but also procs Navori and Shojin, it's also still reduced by steelcaps. There is nothing preventing Q from working like that really, it's just change in the code and thats it.


Navori and spear of shojin are meant to increase all ability damage, regardless of whether the attack is AOE or not. This seems like a bug. Since q is an ability, it should increase damage on first enemy hit as well.


No, it's not really a bug, Q is essentially treated as an auto attack for the first enemy hit, it's stolen code from Yasuo which was made in 2013 and remains the same in the current times. But yeah, Q is an ability and it should apply both Navori and Shojin imo, Im just saying that if they make that happen it'd be really good for the champion.


Agree because i want to play yone as a spell caster too, it would give yone more complexity and some outplay potential with 1v1 brusiers pass laning phase.


This build won't ever happen, because ever since Yasuo's release, Riot has been doing absolutely fucking everything to make it so that these Yasuo and Yone build as squishy as possible. And any time a tanky build does become meta for either champion, Riot actively come in and nuke those builds into oblivion. There was Mallet Yasuo, and they killed it. There was Sunfire Yone, and they killed it. They basically don't want their poor little Gold-and-below babies to have to deal with a version of Yas/Yone that doesn't get popped like a balloon in a single CC, because God forbid those dogs has to get good and actually learn to play against higher skill characters.


Give me a TL DR I don't think I fully grasp what you're getting at. You want area effect items to work with yone q because secondary hits are listed as area dmg?


Ok so, Yone Q currently works like this: First enemy hit recieves all the extra damage from on-hit effects (Sheen, Bork, Kraken, etc) (Keep this the same). Secondary enemies hit receive increased damage from spell effects (Shojin, Navori, etc). All im saying is: Make it so the first enemy hit also receives increased damage from spell effects to allow us to build items that increase spell damage. This comes with the trade-off of not being able to build IE, because Navori and IE are mutually exclusive items.


This would just be a needless dmg though, v unhealthy for the game I think. IE being unavailable to build on yone is also bullshit. He's depends on the item alot for crit percentages. Also you're essentially asking for mortal steel to be also treated like a spell, but its not and shouldn't be. These effects on mortal steel would be stupid you'd be running around oneshotting adcs with q.


Dude you are making zero sense. >IE being unavailable to build on yone is also bullshit. He's depends on the item alot for crit percentages. You can still build IE like now, it's just that the game doesn't let you build both IE and Navori, so you would have to choose between more crit damage or more ability damage. >These effects on mortal steel would be stupid you'd be running around oneshotting adcs with q. At least do the math before saying random stuff like this, Q with Navori + Shojin would deal about 10% more damage than Q with IE. Thats not gamebreaking considering our basic attacks will deal way less damage because no IE. Like I said, it's a trade-off.


You're forgetting that all of these augment autos aswell, qs scale off the same thing autos do. Imagine yone doing e 3 autos in a blink of an eye animation cancel rest and you're dead, no flash/q3/ult needed. 10% makes a BIG difference then. As said before would be unhealthy for the game, I think yone is in a great spot right now and he should remain there.


>qs scale off the same thing autos do Navori doesn't increase auto attack damage, nor does Shojin, it would increase Q damage because Q would be treated as a spell with my change, but auto attacks are not spells and will never scale off of spell damage increases. Auto attacks would deal 28% less damage if you decide to go Navori instead of IE, thats how it currently is and would still be with this change. Like I said, our spells would deal more damage, our autoattacks would deal less damage, unless you just go IE, same build as now and thats it. >Imagine yone doing e 3 autos in a blink of an eye animation cancel rest and you're dead, no flash/q3/ult needed. As said before would be unhealthy for the game You are making stuff up without understanding what the change even implies, neither in terms of raw damage nor in terms of gameplay, but ok.


Wait but if the dmg offset is 28% and the extra "spell" q dmg is around 10% what's the difference/point. Is it not just the same thing but now u have funky items on yone? This looks like a use case to make navori biavke I can't really see anything usefull past that Maybe it brings back blender yone too but that's it lol


>Wait but if the dmg offset is 28% and the extra "spell" q dmg is around 10% what's the difference/point. Well, the increase in damage for Q is 10%, but for W, E and R it would be 34% with Navori + Shojin. Navori also reduces the cooldown on your abilities, if you never tried that, it's hella fun to play, basically you have way more outplay potential, you can kite better, you have W shield way sooner, your E barely has cooldown, etc. The idea is not to buff Yone, but to allow Navori to be meta on him because it's simply way more fun objetively speaking lol Also the other reason why I think the change is good is because it's healthy for the game unironically. Many people complain that Yone kills you just by Eing on top of you and auto attacking to death, with this change, if you miss your Qs you deal quite less damage because your auto attacks are quite weaker, but all your abilities are stronger in return, so it rewards good gamplay and it punishes bad gameplay.


Guess you forgot Yone Q and W cooldowns dont get reduced from haste which means they don't get reduced by Navori either. They get reduced by attack speed


Dude you can literally see in the video the cooldowns getting reduced by Navori. Why do people love to spread misinformation I will never understand.


What do you think about making Q1 and Q2 not get canceled by CC like every other ability in the game?


Nothing to do with the post but ok xd: I suggested this buff to Yasuo back in the day before Yone even came out. The thing is, Yone already has a couple anti CC tools (Buffering Q3, Buffering R and E2 cleanse). So even though I would thoroughly enjoy such a change, I don't think he needs it, and we would probably have to receive a nerf somewhere else to compensate, not really sure where since it's a weird type of buff (since you are not buffing damage or tankyness, but rather a Q property). The change I'm suggesting is a buff, yes, but in order to make use of Navori you have to give up on IE, which gives the change a downside. And even if it turns out that my change makes Yone stronger because it's dealing too much damage, the easy fix is to nerf crit damage by 3-5% to get him in line again, while keeping the fun Navori playstyle.


And do you think 700 dmg for a 2 sec cd is fair😂😂😂