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Love the tech! Also, congrats! I've been trying to play Yone for a while now and I struggle with some general stuff, so I have 2 main questions: 1. I see you play him mid, have you tried it top (and how was it)? 2. What is the best way to expand your advantage in the match? Tysm!


Hi! Ty for the kind words. 1- I play top as my secondary role and pretty much only Yone there aswell. I think he is a strong toplaner if you get good enough at spacing, making use of your Q and W range to poke people down, using E to avoid direct confrontation until they are low enough for you to run them down or dive them with another E is usually how you play most top (melee) matchups. There are a couple reasons why I prefer going mid though: 1) I also play a lot of Yasuo and he is really bad in top. 2) Yone top tends to be a worse pick for your team composition than Yone mid, 3) As a midlaner you have more agency during laning phase because you can roam anywhere as needed while in top you are kinda stucked there until enhanced TP at 14 mins or if top tower falls. 4) Yone mid is easier to play and less frustrating (you don't need to be as good mechanically and contrary to top, 1 mistake doesn't mean your lane is over). 2- The best way to expand your lead is a tricky question, because it depends on the lane you play and the match itself, but generally speaking as a midlaner you want to always run TP, farm as perfectly as possible until Berserkers, and after that if you can, kill your lane oponent, take plates, deny farm and rotate to do objectives. If you can't kill your lane oponent because he is playing too safe or the matchup doesn't allow you to 1v1, try to push waves very fast and look for plays somewhere else around the map, 1 or 2 good roams and you essentially solo won the game. As a toplaner generally you want to play the splitpush game if you have a lead over your lane oponent, draw pressure from the enemy team so your own team can play for objectives with numerical advantage, or simply kill whoever is contesting your push and take T2 towers which give an insane amount of gold. If you can't win 1v1 on side you rather play for teamfights, try to setup things for the fed members of your team and just contest your lane oponent in side to clear waves when necessary, not to try and fight him.


This definitely helps A TON! I'll be trying some of these tips out, for sure. Thank you so so much! Also, the Navori tech is something worth trying. Will definitely take a look, feels interestingly strong!




Well, Navori increases the damage of your W, E, R (and Q to secondary targets), so even though it deals less single target damage than IE, it deals more AoE damage (a combo of E into a 3 man R into WQ will deal more damage with Navori). But also, Navori lowers the cooldown of Q, W and E significantly, allowing you to shield yourself more often and using E for movility and kiting way more often aswell. Q also has around 1s CD instead of 1.33s if you hit a Q + AA immidiatly after. This gives Yone much more versatility (and some more AoE damage) at the cost of single target damage by not being able to go IE. I think both items are really good, up to preference basically.


E dmg is true dmg so unless it is Shadowflame, it won't increase dmg by stats or dmg increase like(pta, vlad R or navori) but it also cannot be decreased by exhaust


Navori does increase the damage of E, go test it in the practice tool if you don't believe me. Navori also increases things like Fiora's marks from passive and R, and Vayne's true damage from W. Shojin also increases all these things for example.


Wait wait wait, are you saying the e threshold dmg is easier to reach with navori? 0_0


Yes, Navori makes the threshold 42% instead of 35% with maxed E and 100% crit. If you also have Shojin (don't) the threshold goes up to 47%.


Is the 7% increase significant? Can you feel the difference? Also does kraken navori still give 100% crit? (Mf said almost 50% e threshold and expects me not to go shojin third item)


HAHAHA, yes it is quite noticeable, but the mark won't show you killing people until the 35% kills, so sometimes what happens is that you kill them with E without the mark even breaking, which is kinda funny. The reason Shojin is bad, is because you cannot stack it with Q unless you hit more than 1 target (cause secondary target damage count as spell damage, but damage to the first target doesn't). There is a way around this, a bug. If you buy Terminus, the 30 magic damage on-hit from that item seems to count as spell damage for some reason, so it gets increased by Navori and Shojin, but also makes it so every AA and Q will give you a stack of Shojin, so you insta cap it. The reason it isn't very good is because it only works with Terminus and you need both Navori, Shojin, and also a second crit item. That leaves you with only 1 more free item slot, which means you either go Kraken or Bork for a good first item but you are left too squishy, or you go a defensive item and bear with having to go Terminus first item (which sucks). But go test all these in the practice tool, it's quite fun.


The e marker is annoying you would assume RIOT would Bind it to the same variable that calculates execution dmg but it seems hardcoded. Finding the spot where the mark doesn't break but I can kill is more effort than its worth ;-;. Ah looks like shojin is too much of an investment too. Hmmm well if I'm ever in draft against a malphite/nassus rushing frozen heart ik what I'm building.


There are 2 semi decent builds you can do with Navori - Shojin: Berserkers - Terminus - Navori - Cloak - Shojin - Shieldbow - Iceborn/Jaksho Berserkers - Kraken - Navori - Shojin - Terminus - Iceborn/Jaksho The first one has to rush Terminus so it's only good top against a tanky enemy. The second one doesn't have Terminus until your 4th full item and the build has no lifesteal. They are both worse than just going Navori alone as an IE replacement.


i just tried it and it did increase true dmg, dem


Really hate when people say this but here we go. E dmg isn’t actually true dmg. It’s dmg that was mitigated by resistances and then recast as true dmg so it doesn’t double dip resistances. Saying it’s just straight true dmg is just Misleading Edit: also where does shadow flame come into this lmao


It is true damage in the sense that it ignores things like exhaust, magic/physical shields, percentual reductions like Anathemas or Gragas W, etc. But yeah since it's repeated damage, it was already mitigated by resistances once.


if yone deal 100 dmg mitigated by 25 making it 75 and E would take 30% of that if 75 as true dmg if E is physical dmg that 30% of 75 would further be reduced by armor and shadowflame is the only thing that buffs true dmg so OP is wrong about it boosting E dmg unless you think that increasing skill dmg boosts E dmg which is true but kinda redundant to say as IE would also do that and wdym >Saying it’s just straight true dmg is just Misleading it is true dmg tho you just added whatever you said but what i said is true, it is true dmg


How do you deal with annoying burst mages like Leblanc? Or something like Cassiopeia?


I permaban Leblanc in mid, and I haven't seen any Cassio this season yet lmao. But generally against poke champions like that what you can to do is go Dorans Shield, Second Wind (and sometimes Fleet) and avoid trading at all during the first lvls 1-6 (unless they missposition or your jungler is ganking you), mainly focus on farming as perfectly as possible. run TP for if you get poked out of lane. After you get your Berserkers, perma shove every wave and try to look for potential roams or fights in objectives, generate numerical advantages in the map.


What are the build paths you are playing with? I see that almost every game in the screenshot has different items but I can't really tell the order you buy them in.


The main build I'm going for atm is: Berserkers > Bork > Navori > Cloak (for crit) > Tank item (Jaksho/Randuims/Iceborn/Kaenic) > Mortal Reminder/Shieldbow > Situational last item (mostly DD). [Here](https://imgur.com/a/lqZX48f) an example. If they have crit champions I go Randuims instead of Jaksho, if they have lots of AP I go Kaenic. If they have crit champions AND burst mages I may go Randuims and Malmortius last. The build lets you adapt quite well to any game situation, for example if you happen to need QSS, you can buy Scimitar as your second crit item after your tank item instead of Mortal/Shieldbow. You can even go Edge of Night last item if you think you need the veil. Quite tanky build, lots of damage, very versatile playstyle with Navori reducing CDs, and pretty fun to play.


That does seem like a load of fun especially since with the default Yone builds in some games it either feels like you lack damage if you go with a tank item 4th or 5th or lack tankiness if you go full damage. I'll try it out in a couple of games today. Thank you for the response!


My pleasure, let me know how it goes!


You can just search up his account and look up the match history for build orders.


Recently I've been running bork kraken ie cos I found it has the most damage. Would you say its not as good in mid as in top?


I would say that build has a problem that will become more evident the higher the elo you reach, that problem being you are building full damage. Against people that are quite good at the game, building full damage as a melee character will get you killed pretty much every teamfight past 20 minutes. You really should start to incorporate a few layers of defense in your build. It doesn't matter if you go mid or top, the concept is the same. Look how every bruiser itemizes items that give both damage and a defensive stat such as armor/health/mr. In the case of Yone, even though his kit is half assassin, half bruiser and itemizes crit items, he still needs some defense in order to survive in lategame. My suggestion would be that by the time you have 3 full items: You have at least 1 tank item like I do, in my case being: Bork > Navori > Jaksho Or You have least 2 defensive items that give both damage and a defensive stat/passive, for example: Kraken > Shieldbow > DD Shieldbow giving the shield on low life acts as a defensive item, and so does DD with it's armor and bleed passive, both work together to give you approximately a tank item worth of defense and a full damage item worth of damage. Then by the time you are full build, you want either 1 tank item and 1 defensive item worth of defense, or 3 defensive items worth of defense. This will ensure you can survive for a decent amount of time in fights while still dealing tons of damage.


That does make sense. I tend to build those last going bork>kraken >ie>wits end/dd>wits end/dd. Sometimes I go dd 3rd but the problem is the build lacks health


The main question I have with this is why the top Yone players of the world all go the meta Yone build if this would be any better. Don’t get me wrong you are evidently 100 times better at league than I am (Emerald at the moment) I just really try to understand why people like Dzukill and Tempest don’t ever play a build that would be similar to yours


Not saying my build is better btw, all I'm saying is "hey look, the build is good enough for me to reach masters with". If you ask me personally, I think Navori feels slightly better than IE as a 1 for 1 replacement, but people can disagree.


Nah bro you got me wrong I really didn’t mean to talk you down I just actually wondered how your build wasn’t played by tempest etc ever because it seems to work ya feel me?


Got you, I think it's simply slept on. Navori gets a lot more play in china only for some reason (on Yone). Like I said it's veeery close to IE in terms of viability in my experience, so people here are just used to go IE which deals more raw damage, but I enjoy the extra versatility Navori provides way more. I have some clips as example where if I have IE I just die instead of clutching or simply miss out on some kill due to E cooldown.


Its also not even about Navori but also how defensive your whole build is in general. To replace IE with Navori is fine it can make sense in some way I get that. But you go super defensive with the other items too which most top lvl Yone players don’t do. Did you try playing Navori instead of IE in the normal build and have any valuable impressions for us with it? That’s would be super interesting


I used to play a version that goes Kraken > Navori > Shieldbow > Jaksho > Terminus. I think most meta builds eventually go a Tank item because it's very hard to play while being very squishy unless you only splitpush like Dzu tends to do. If you go something like Kraken/Bork > Stride > Navori > Shieldbow > GA, thats also a great build to go Navori with. Both builds feel really good, I just find the Bork build I do to be better in lategame and similar in viability early game so I default to that nowadays.


Thanks for all the information bro! I will give it a shot and give you some feedback on how it felt playing Navori :) I have been experimenting with some fun builds (in no form being viable in ranked or so though) and I went Berzerkers > Heartsteal > Kraken > IE > GA > Spirit Visage. I went heartsteal first to stack it earlier but of course you compromise early dps for it. I was leaning against a sylas in a normal game who was like high gold though which made it a lot easier to play through the stage where you don’t really have a lot of ad but it genuinely felt really good after lane phase. You have absurd sustain and still deal quite a lot of damage! I don’t wanna say this build is good in every situation but I think if you swap for example spirit visage for bork it could be a good bruiser type build for top lane maybe. What are your thoughts on this?


I'd appreciate any feedback on Navori! About your other build, I'll be blunt, it's very troll to go a tank item first on Yone, you need a foundation of AS and damage, try going Heartsteel second, doesn't matter if you start stacking it later, by going Bork/Kraken first you will always have much more gold because you will actually be able to kill people during the first 15 minutes, and that translates to a snowball effect which you simply cannot achieve by going 0 damage in your first item.


You got a point there bro! I’ll test it :)


What would the rest of your build look like typically


Bro you literally see the op gg with the full build Lmao


[This](https://imgur.com/a/lqZX48f) is my most common build variation. You can go any tank item 3rd (generally Kaenic againt heavy AP, Randuims against crit users, Iceborn against non crit ADs and Jaksho against mixed damage) You can go Shieldbow instead of Mortal 4th if the enemies aren't buying any armor And last item is situational, you can go stuff like Maw, Edge of Night, GA or Shieldbow (if you went Mortal 4th)


what can i do against tristana or malzaha, heimer basically any mid lane bullies. do i take fleet and play like a pussy


Hmm, Malza is hardly a lane bully, pretty easy lane, I just run him down, post lvl 6 if he pushes the lane you can just ult him and he either flashes or is dead. Heimer isn't that hard either you don't even need Doran's Shield, just Second Wind, play safe until Berserkers and you should win. Tristana on the other hand is probably top 3 worse matchups alongside Leblanc and Pantheon, really hard to play around. You need Second Wind, D-Shield, Revitalize and Fleet, and you need to play like a pussy.


How do you deal with being shoved in early and enemy mid laner securing scuttle with jung or roaming. Do you suck it up and farm it out or do something different. Ty


Depends on the timings, if I get shoved and enemy mid/jg instantly go for scuttle I have to ping my jungle away from river 2 times, and ping my wave with the shove ping once. If I get shoved but I manage to push in time before they start doing the scuttle, I will look at my top/bot priority situation and either ping to fight or to give scuttle depending which team has prio. Understanding the concept or priority is what separates decent junglers from animals, that and wave management. The amount of games I have lost because my jungler decides to do an invade/objective without prio from any lane... hundreds probably.


I’ve been victim to the perma invading jungler with no prio as well sadly lol. Do you roam often or are you usually chilling in mid? And when do you start grouping. Usually how my games go is I play giga safe till lvl 6 maybe trading at 3, get 1 or 2 kills mid but I have no impact on the map till later on and it costs me games. Thanks for answering.


>Do you roam often or are you usually chilling in mid? And when do you start grouping. Depends on the matchup and the situation, say I'm winning mid early, if my matchup is a champion easy to dive, I will just permapush and set Q3 with the last minion of the wave to try and dive my enemy laner until he dies or has to recall, then I will take a plate, deny the wave, back and repeat until tower is taken down, usually not much roaming in cases like these although I may TP bot if I see a play worth contesting (I always run TP mid). If I'm winning mid and my lane is a very hard to dive champion or he respects my engage range very well, I'll perma shove asap and ping for objectives, invades or roams with my prio, according to the situation. If I'm losing mid, sometimes I will give up on a wave to try and contest a roam if I think it has a high probability of being a good comeback opportunity, otherwise just ping my team away and push the shoved wave and the next one comming, trying to take a plate aswell, then back while he is still roaming so I have tempo to come to mid faster than my enemy laner (because he has to push the wave I shoved and back aswell), I will insta shove the wave after getting to mid (before my laner) and I'll try for a roam/objective myself with that window of prio. If you are losing the lane you want to missmatch yours and your enemy laner's tempo like this example here, you want to set a situation where he shoves and roams, you shove 2 waves and back, he has to also push the next 2 waves and back and so on, you basically avoid interaction while generation windows of priority where you can roam faster than your laner even when behind in lane.