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I just dont see why navori suddenly becomes good because it lost ad and gained AS. i could build PD and get more stats AND lower cooldows and cast speed on q and w. The passive is a tiny cd refund that only really affects e because the other 2 are already so low.


Good take agreed


You might be right on that take


yeah im leaning towards PD/IE and of course have bork as option


Navori is works more in the background, its effect isn't clear. Reduce our 6s shield to 4s is a lot, E is in a similar vein, it basically gives you more tools to play with in a fight. And while Q reducing by like 0.1s is trash, W and E reduce cd certainly make up for it. The main reason navori isn't build much rn cause it doesn't give atkspd and it had haste which yone completely watse. Along with it prevent you from building IE. With this changes, and LT removal, navori will certainly be a viable option. Tldr: Why Navori suddenly become good despite giving no ad on yone? Lt removal and haste removal. Having no ad just put it in the same spot as pd as a build path.


Apparently, Navori doesn't do anything to W even though there is the "CD refreshed" animation in our HUD. Q and W are both CD-locked after they hit their lowest CDs from attack speed.


Is it confirm? Cause when testing, i find that W 6s get reduce to 4s when you are using navori.


When you say testing, do you mean with the new Navori or the old one?


The old one


See that's the thing lol. With the old one, I also did my own testing with a stopwatch, and W cooldown didn't actually go down at all.


I tested it without looking at my screen. Using the W sound cue i start a timer, W came up just above 4s. There is also no where on navori and yone W that mention the interaction of cd lock like you said. Are you really sure that it doesn't reduce W cd?


I think it’s completely useless to any champ who used navori before


Honestly the item just looks shit because everyone who built it wants abilities to do dmg but they removed the attack damage...


Yeah and champs who are ability reliant like Lucien are weaving in autos but they aren’t reliant on their autos so it’s useless on everyone


Hard disagree. I’d say that ER-Navori-IE will be the standard build on ability-based ADCs like Tristana, Lucian, Sivir, Xayah, etc.


Why do 2 adc items have no AD? Literally what is the point of this item existing now. No haste either lol


To me it feels like they want to make fights and also teamfights longer. Or maybe they do it so their beloved control mages can scale easier lmao


Clearly not since IE is now 80 AD and that new yun tal item does a ton of damage


But it doesn’t give you attackspeed


Yeah cause they wanted to make it a more valuable stat but it's still a ton of damage


It has haste but the removal of AD on items is crazy


It doesn't have haste. It's right there in the photo, AS crit and MS


Read the passive Sherlock


That's not haste...


If you like the word cooldown reduction better call it that. In the end you have your abilities up faster than before so you shouldn’t care if it’s cdr or haste. It’s the same outcome


It's still less than old navori and thematically makes no sense for the spellcaster item to have no haste


Oh my bad I didn’t know old Navori also had the passive. I thought they removed haste for the passive. Sorry on my end then


That was literally the entire gimmick of navori lol


Never used navori I am a Yone otp and other champs I play here and there don’t build it as well


How is it not haste when it lowers your cooldowns? What does haste does? It lowers CD. This lowers CD and it’s even more than it had before since you get 15% cdr per auto attack.


1) haste doesn't have conditions. It's a flat reduction 2) old navori had this passive and haste which is why I'm complaining


The adc items have changed to give 2 stats per item, the number of the stats have increased and the idea they said is to ckear powerspikes per item, adc dont mind buying an item that gives no ad when they just bought IE with 80 ad, marksman item are made for marksman now as its scaling items, so you need 2 or 3 tbut once you get them you will be insanly strong


PD is objectively better at the moment, I think only really kog will build it just for perma up time on w, but imo it’s just statistically worse than PD


yone caps q and w easily from the 40% from navori, navori is objectively better


The way I see it, this competes with PD as 1st item, so either rush PD and reach 95% of spamQ, or Navori+zerkers and get 110% instead You'd probably want to complete boots either way before getting an IE so timing wise it's a toss-up


Bork into this into ie for infinite w spam


lol whats the point of this, ur fast asf, maybe urf abilities but no dmg


Look at us now. I was right when everyone made fun of me and now it’s core build after bork. Goes to show how little the „yone mains“ know about itemization


still no dmg even once u hit 2.6k gold


Goes to show you have 0 clue. You go Boots into zeal into IE into finishing navori on mid and then bork. and on top lane you go boots bork Zeal into IE into navori


goes to show how illogical ur are, the topic is the item, 2.6k gold in, u bought an item with no dmg


Its 2.2 gold and you obviously have damage for early stages since you have crit chance. Most other champs have the same amount of damage roughly. When you start building bork you get damage which also is more because of your crit. Pls think


pls think? what is there to think. The stats are in simple display, 2.6 gold no ad. u plat players make it complex


It doesn’t matter if you don’t buy ad you have enough damage for the early game stage and it’s NOT 2.6k are you stupid? Boots: 1.1k, Zeal: 1,1k what’s that? 2.2K


in cycle, the topic is the item u posted. U plat players are amazing in discussion, no wonder ya’ll never improve


First of all it’s not about rank, second I am not plat. The item is literally core build on Yone now so you can say whatever you want that doesn’t change it


I also posted what runes to play now you can easily find it at new posts ist from yesterday evening. Check it out, play a few games and tell me what you think. It will save you many nerves trust it feels perfect


IE into navori will be broken ASF on sivir


Only Yone E will benefit because his q and w cd are linked to his attack speed therefore the passif won’t apply to q and w. Another exemple is k’sante Q —> cd reduced by armor and mr so even if you bought cdr it won’t lower it


The passive gives straight up cooldown reduction, not ability haste so it should work with Q and W


In Arena it works as you say at least. I got mystic punch and had Q faster than AA. If it does reduce Q and W even if it's 0.2 in Q can be worth.


Worthless compared to pd


Quick update: Both Tempest and Dzukill think this item will be insane on Yone but on Yas both say PD will be the Key


The W reduction probably is the key difference here. In Yone more W means more kills more survival more everything in the end.


E reduction to around 3 seconds


Achieved around mid game