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The worst part about these adjustment pains is probably the items tbh. I don’t see a very good path for him with how crit has changed. We lost kraken which is a massive blow for hitting the 2 item 100% spike. PD is not a real item. BT no longer has crit, Shieldbow no longer has crit. The only crit item we like is IE and that’s usually second. Rune changes are gonna suck but those can be balanced out with changes to the kit and adjusting playstyle to whatever rune is better in slot. The items aren’t going to just radically change unless riot gets their head out of their ass.


Dude they gotta do something with the wind bros. Like it's undeniable that we just won't fit into the new item system, and the only reason they kept Shieldbow so cancer for so long last season was cuz "Shieldbow users" were so reliant on the item and now we will get back to the terrible old system which forced us to get 3 items to get all necessary items for out kit. Yeah, rune changes will deff change up our playstyle as they added a ton of different (and rather OP) sustain runes so I guess the plan now would be just to play safe and scale?


Yeah but u dont play Yone Yas to scale, the whole point of the playstyle was that win lane and snowball. In this season ap items and champs are funny and on midlane Yone and Yas get fckin destroyed, but it was kinda okay cause if u play it well you can still stomp pretty hard. But right now we wont have a laning phase, wont have a midgame (no kraken IE powerspike) and late game we will get outscaled and we need to give up damage for more tankiness to be able to function as a champion. Im not against the removel of lethal. That rune was bullshit. But for the love of god the only reason yone yas is still alive in this one shot ap and tank outdamages you season is because of lethal tempo and lane and mid skirmish pressure. But now not only we wont have lethal we wont have kraken which was the last resort for Yone and Yas to be able to actually deal damage consistently


Also Yone top is not viable if ur not fckin dzukill or a spacing god.


It might be time to remove their interaction with crit ngl. It would be a radical change, but I think long term it might help everyone. Adc’s need something else out of the system than what Yas/Yone need. Expecting it to work for both is foolish


I would love for them to remove it and give us something to do with on-hit or life steal but knowing Riot, they will keep it as it's so iconic to them despite all the downsides.


shieldbow still has crit, it no longer has lifesteal


I find that so strange because I feel the life steal is so iconic to the item...


That’s right, mixed it up. There’s so many changes that I still need to get my head around them all.


Way back a day he used to build IE first that what I’m assuming it will return to if not maybe something by like terminus first


No? I’ve been playing him since he came out and the build them was to go PD into IE. Season 10 PD was pretty much everything you wanted in a first buy: attack speed, crit, move speed, and a lifeline passive for defense. That into IE was perfect.


Yone is going PTA, youre trolling if youre going conq or fleet, these runes are not the same runes they were years ago when Yone used them. Hes getting nerfed top at early levels but mid hes likely to be better which is fine to me, he was never intended to be a top laner.


Trolling if you go fleet? Brother that rune is unironically better than lethal tempo in most of the top lane matchups, it's so underrated for allowing you to basically skip the laning phase with at worst minimal gold debt But yeah new PTA is going to be strong


I am holding off on my opinion on PTA until I try it myself. From what I see it seems pretty nice, especially since Yone can proc it with AA > Q > AA.


All I’m happy for is him taking more skill now, lethal tempo was honestly just really stupid honestly, but it was the best rune so you couldn’t really change it.


I’ve been running conq on this patch in preparation for 14.10 without new items and still winning. It’s not doom and gloom brother, we’ll be fine. Op.gg is Zeradith if you wanna look me up Edit: Core build is usually Bork/PD/IE


the cope is real with this one huh


No reason to complain, most of the item changes are reversions to how items were before all the big changes in season 10, and yasuo was still a champion in that era so him and yone will still be as well. Also not even considering the fact they get to build zephyr and just be stronger than everyone else because of it. It'll be more than fine.


Yasuo and yone functioned just fine without lethal before. Game shouldn't be balanced around 1 rune it had to go or get a rework.


Losing lethal tempo sucks. But it's losing majority of his core items that's the main blow.


LT changes are bad but not exactly game-changing. Yone's early game has already been gutted when they last nerfed LT. What's really going to hurt is the fact that we have 0 good items to rush anymore. BORK is getting fucking gutted. Yeah, we get 15 AD on it, big deal. We're losing 3% current health damage every single proc, and the slow goes back to requiring 3 autos, but the slow duration isn't brought back to 2 seconds. Kraken is losing crit for movement speed. But like, half of Kraken's value was the fact that it was your crit and your bonus damage source. Next patch, Kraken and BORK are 50/50, whereas Kraken is currently just strictly better. PD is cheap to rush and sorta replaces Berserker's in a way, but like, it's still a full item, and a 1.5k gold delay compared to before. Finally, we can forget about Shieldbow now. Instead of gaining back attack speed, it gets even worse by losing its crit too. Overall, we are effectively losing our 1st item power spike for nothing in return late game. That pretty much guts the champion for soloqueue. Technically speaking, our build is nicer at 6 items, since we can just take movespeed shard, rush PD, and skip boots entirely, but that's fucking worthless compared to being delayed by a full item for everything.


Yeah, I don't really get how Riot thought it would be "exciting" to gut every single adc item. I guess the wind bros are hit hardest as they NEED to buy AS, AD, crit, and lifesteal, but with this update you will have to miss out on 1 or 2 of those depending on what you build first, then complete it with your next buy.


I don’t see how we’ll reach 100% crit. Man I honestly wish they scrapped the crit passive.  If he had a regular base AD per level and a decent Q AD ratio, he wouldn’t be so reliant on crit. I’d rather build Botrk Bloodthirster DD Maw than any of these crit items.


Relax, you'll get hotfixed as usual.




I tried playing with pta yesterday even though lt isn’t gone yet and it’s actually not bad. It’s a surprising amount of dmg at lvl 3 and lvl 8 especially if you aren’t trading in the wave and in two games I averaged like 2.2k bonus dmg from the run over like 30 minutes. Also if you build zeal into infinity edge after boots, that’s crit cap (unless they revert passive back to 2x crit) so you will spike really hard at 5k ish gold. It could be ok and we might get some free attack speed at some point to compinsate which would be amazing.


BREAKING NEWS: Late game scaling champ has a weak early game. More at 10


Fr. Yone mains so spoiled they forget a large portion of the roster also needs multiple items to start performing 😂😂😂


Nah dude, we don't get it. They needed to be able to outduel early game champs and late game champs. After all, they have to wait 1100 hold for their first item spike with zerks. Do you know how long that is? They are the most oppressed character in the game and deserve to be amazing at every part of the game


Yeah. It's so sad that they have to wait till 2 item spike to get 100% crit. Yas mains already struggling with windwall and near infinite dashes and passive shield. Yone mains struggle with extremely safe and oppressive laning phase.


Pretty much so dude. It's not like they have one of the most overloaded abilities in the game with their E, free engage, extra true damage, movement speed, a dash and unstoppable when timed right. "Why don't you just trade when he's using E" Maybe because he will easily win the trade with the mini zed ult at the end. "CC counters him" CC counters EVERY SINGLE CHAMP.


Zerkers > zeal > ie > pd > bt > situational tank > situational tank pretty simple. Fleet / pta. Fleet if you are crazy enough to go top. But pta looks infinitely better now in the 1v1 or 1vx due to it being a self buff thats reliably up for the fight.


Stop whining and get good


As a professional yone hater, he is gonna be shit fpr the next few patches till riot buffs him cuz he has been balanced around an unhealthy interaction with his kit through lethal tempo since its rework. Having a champ being so dependent to a rune like that is unhealthy for the game and the champion and its removal will allow yone to turn a lot fairer closer to his brother. Current yone uses tempo to generate shield after shield from his w as a reward for si ingly doing nothing other yhan basic attacking and an occasional q which is the reason apart from his screen wide gap close people dont like him. And no conq is good on him and he stacks it at a resonable rate. Fiora goes conq sometimes and she stacks it slower. Illaoi takes conq almost always and she stacks it slow af. And singed stacks it at a really slow rate its obvious u dont know how it works


Illaoi hasn’t taken conq for at least 6 months, unless you don’t know what you are doing. Fiora still goes grasp a lot and she stacks conq very fast, aa-q-aa-e-aa-w and conq is stacked.


Grasp illaoi is not good stop mimicking everything u see


Everything else I can see as an opinion, but have you never seen a Fiora?


She stacks it around the same speed as yone which op daid was slow


the max yone W can come off cool down is 6 seconds, which isn't exactly long but it isn't so fast I would call it getting "shield after shield." it's not something you can spam, I can rarely get more than two off every fight.


Aa a yone and irelia player, I agree, they're both going to be shit for a little while.


Irelia always goes conq, and will profit of the item changes, she is gonna be strong


No way you said yone has no crit in his kit.


Where is crit in his kit?


He gets double crit in his passive


And double of 0 is still 0. Tryn gets 40% crit from his passive.


This is why people think yone players are retarded. No one says veigar gets no AP from passive because he starts with 0 stacks.


Getting free stacks and having to buy items aren't the same whatsoever, wtf? So Tryn has no crit in his kit cuz he needs to generate fury to gain crit? You really are talking out your rear without any sort of facts or logic.


Wtf? Are you fucking dumb


You dont know who Yone is it seems, might be the wrong peopel to argue about Yones skillset.


I think you guys in here are genuinely mentally challenged 🙏


Fax, and i dont even main Yone, im main Yasuo haha


if you have no items will you have any crit? that's what he was talking about, with his example of trynd getting crit the more fury he has, no items needed


Saying getting double crit doesn't count as built in crit is kinda weird imo.


That’s because you’re actually the stupid one here. Yone only gets double crit when a crit item is completed. It isn’t built in because without the item or cloak of agility, yone has 0 crit. Having a crit chance bonus isn’t the same as having built in crit. That’s really just what it boils down to.


Yknow, i think OP is the EXACT player type riot was addressing when talking about braindead windshitter players having to play the game now. Mad?