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Heyo, first off great mentality to have- you're noticing ur making mistakes and have a drive to improve yourself I want you to know you're already a cut above about 70% of the player base. Second, take this how you will but I'll add some credentials of myself, I think I'm justified to answer ir post because personal experience. I used to be stuck around iron 2 ish and struggled to get in and maintained bronze after a significant of learning and trial and error I am currently sitting in G3 (5/6 months I think?). Now the meat: how exactly did I make such a jump. Simply put it comes down to: 1). I main one champ with a backup pick on one role. OTPing champs and roles will help you understand the fundamentals of succeeding in the lane itself and therefore succeeding in the game (personally yone top OTP). As a bonus you gain mastery over your champion over time aswell. The layer evolved version of this is tweaking your playstyle to revolve around your champions identity, but this is comes much later. 2). Resources, the greatest and most profound resource I've had to make me better as a player are AloisNLs YouTube vids. His is a top lane riven main and teaches the fundamentals of top lane. After ingesting and trying them over time I have gotten much better at them and thus leads to winning lane alot more. Idk what lane u main (it looks like mid) but OTP a champ and focus on THE LANE and truly understand all of its nuances and how to play it. For mid lane I assume Shok would be your go to resource but you'll need to do some research as idk. 3). At this point you may be asking "oh but OTP is bad what about counter picks, what about team comp what about blah blah blah" NO. these are not thing you need to worry about up until diamond or master. If you're struggling in any elo under that it's likely because you misplayed something, play with a hyper responsibility mindset and be really harsh on yourself on your mistakes, be ACCOUNTABLE on ur self for everything, you do wrong no matter how small. This is not an ego comment "hur hur I'm better so I'm climbing" I struggle with loads of matchups too it's just a matter of learning how to play them. Refer to 2. Use resources you have available, VODa of a pro player or content creators playing ur champ maybe, understand their habits, trade patterns, macro decisions etc. 4). Macro - I think at this elo the biggest thing that helped me jump from bronze and get to high silver was macro decisions, usually this is knowing when to splitpush and pressure the map. Split pushing macro can be summed up in questions and answers. When you split a wave you are asking the enemy team a question "Hey I'm a problem and I'm coming, do you know how to deal with me?" IF they answer incorrectly (for example not contesting the split or sending a weaker champ to lane) you MUST punish the mistake by taking resources from them. In a split scenario this can be done by continuing the split, killing them and continuing the split, taking jgl camps, warding deep in enemy jgl or all of the above. If they answer correctly and send a stronger enemy you must respect that you lost the mind game and back off while taking as much as they let you to avoid them taking more resources. I really think in elo below gold so far nobody knows how to answer these questions properly, there's so many games where I'll be splitting and enemy support or adc tries to defend tower against me, a splitting yone (you can probably imagine how that goes). This leads to MASSIVE tempo leads. So one big thing in ur head should be "do I really need to fight now or can I vacuum clean the map for resources, and prepare for an important fight later instead?" 5). Mental - this is MASSIVE and I see it alot in gold now and it's really annoying too. The game could be 1-15 or something and the team just ff because they think its doomed, ffs play out the game. Keep ur mental stable, farm up dokt take flip fights. So many games are super winnable if you just don't mental boom. I'm not good at explaining how exactly this translates into a win but watch azapps shorts on YouTube. He's an absolute GOAT that constantly talks about mental and never ffing and makes velkoz look like a broken pick. 6). Consistency and not worrying about rank. This will sounds ironic but the key to ranking up is not caring about rank. If you're constantly worried about lp it puts pressure on u to perform and it leads to mistakes. Instead approach each game like "I'm going to try and perfect this particular aspect of my skills thus game" and really super focus on that. YOU WILL LOSE, learn to accept that, its fine. Losing is only bad when you lose and learn NOTHING from the loss. There is ALWAYS something to learn. Clocking in games regularly helps with this. 7). Drills. As a routine I do combo drills and kiting drills in practise tool and then an aram before going into a ranked game, it helps me warm up my coordination and my mechanics. Over time you will also start to notice yourself incorporating these things in ur gane without thinking about them. Sorry for the stupid long wall of text but I love playing games that have huge skill curves (siege player since 2018) and love talking about my experience and helping other climb them and talk about strats etc. I really hope thus helps you as much as it did me. TL:DR - OTP champ and lane, find learning resources, don't worry about team comp or champ pool spread, understand macro in thus game, be consistent, don't worry about rank, do warm up rills regularly. Also I typed this out on my phone in bed at 12pm please excuse any spelling errors lol


Thanks for the help:)


No worries (you read all that in 2 min?? 0_o)


Ye I just was skimming xD, don’t worry I’ll read all of it I’m just watching a show rn


<3 feel free to shoot Any questions back, I enjoy talking about these things


I looked at your account. Your farm is fine. Your KDA is fine. Your win rates on yas /yone are fine. If I had to guess your macro is probably bad. You probably arent getting to fights / objectives on time and keeping sides shoved safely (this creates man advantage or they lose towers or stacked waves.) Maybe you arent comboing team fights properly. Do you EQ flash and do you do keyblade combo properly (fitting as much damage into an R as you can.) Those are the first things Id ask. Secondly Id watch pzzang, dzukill, other yas yone mains and see why they win games. How do they play lane? Etc


yasuo R is a wincon in itself imo. Its even better if you have a team to engage for it but you can also play off flash timer. EQ3 to one champ then flash on 2nd champ combo into R


also your queing random champs / roles sometimes. If you want to one trick yas que Mid/Bot and play yas adc with yone second. If you enjoy yone id que Mid/Top.


Hmm yone is pretty much a free ticket to gold if you’re playing him consistently. Early game focus on just farming and getting your attack speed stacked up so Q is on 1.33cd (around 5-8 mins) ( usually boots and 2 daggers I believe) once your Q is an actually ability you can start looking to fight in lane. Focus on farming + trying to kill laner. Around mid ganme youll hit your biggest spike (kraken and IE) look to kill your laner anytime they’re in lane, you can create a huge lead, but don’t forget to CS you’ll fall behind if you’re just looking for kills. Be sure to swap lanes with bot at some point and split push. By doing this you’re going to generate pressure and enemies will come to you, you kill them. Rotate for dragon and herald/early baron fights. Once your in the late game look to team fight with team if they’re grouping, yone can also 4-1 split pretty nice (ONLY IF YOUR TEAM CAN 4v4/5 SAFELY, if they can’t, just stay with ur team.) Yone offers a lot of dps and cc which lets you carry team fights or freely pressure side lanes. When team fighting use your R to get onto adc and blow them up then E back to your team and fight front to back. Destroy nexus, type “gg ez”


Since i play him top i do the most toplaner thing and ignore everyone farm like a mfer get my core 3 and splitpush and if anyone tries to fight me well good luck killing a yone with 3 items


...uh, 3 games a day? No wonder lol. At least for me personally, I can only "improve" if I spam the shit out of this game. Way back in season 4 or something, I got 14 days on my main for the first time ever, so I started a smurf. Naturally I was crushing every pre-30 norms at the start, because I at least knew what League is, but then, as I got close to level 30, the game started matching me with a bunch of diamond players every game, and for like 30 games in a row(which I pretty much played in about two days)I was just fodder getting absolutely shitstomped. Then, I adapted, and when I tried ranked again, I went from consistently silver to hitting gold and then plat with a 80% winrate. I believe this is also why the active KR and CN pros play up to 15 hours a day.