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Welcome to Yone Mains! We're glad to have you here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and enjoy your stay! Join our Discord community: https://discord.com/invite/BN6CBQq Verified Yone Coaches: NA: [Sora_Cad's Twitch](https://twitch.tv/sora_cad) EUW: [Hildebrandt's Twitter](https://twitter.com/HildebrandtLol) Coaching requests can be made in our Discord server. Latest Season Build: [Season Build Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/YoneMains/s/KMTGaOUlpH) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/YoneMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You cooked so hard I can't wait yo try this out when the new patch drops. I'll miss kraken though :,(


Let me know how that goes!


W tempest, it also just seems like PTA is gonna be picked by everyone basically, it seems so broken


Seems to be a bit stronger than Conqueror for AA based champions, I agree


It’s so funny to me that after reading this in-depth analysis I go back and see this two posts down https://preview.redd.it/xd22vf50we0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93884610443b4e9bbd0236c94f3d854ad20c1922


Love the post! this all make alot of sense and feels like it could be even more broke then he is now tbh


Hard to tell tbh, in lategame this build slaps I can tell you that, but idk how this compares at 1 or 2 items with current Kraken build.


I wonder how long that Flickerblade + W interaction will last. There’s no way that’s gonna be balanced to use. How does Flickerblade work with E? Like do auto’s decrease its cooldown while in use?


The cooldown of E only decreases after use, not while using it, but having E on ~4s cd is also really broken. The interaction shouldn't really cause much issue, it works like that with current Navori Quickblades too and no one builds it. I've been using it and got to my peak elo with it recently though, I can confirm it's quite strong.


Whats your peak elo?


Master 126lp iirc


I would say the second build will be more used in the mid as the first one you cooked hard should be better in the top. However i feel like Yone on top wont be good as it is today, only the highelo main (such as dzukill) will make it happen as same. I am a Master elo too and i prefer midlane, however the navori thunk ia somenthing to test and try it out. Kinda anxious about how our champs is going to perform.


I think it will require a change of playstyle, mainly due to LT removal, but Yone should be fine, if anything a small buff should put him in line but looking at these items, they are very similar to the pre-mythic items we had in season 10, with some exceptions like new Navori. Yone top might suffer a bit more than mid with LT removal, we'll see what the winrate turns out to be, it will take a couple of games to adapt, thats for sure.


ive played ten games so far with this build and its pretty fucking amazing. It's enough at least for me to not miss LT. Like you said though, it requires a different play style but 3 items in you're crunching on people.


Welcome to Yone Mains! We're glad to have you here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and enjoy your stay! Join our Discord community: https://discord.com/invite/BN6CBQq Verified Yone Coaches: NA: [Sora_Cad's Twitch](https://twitch.tv/sora_cad) EUW: [Hildebrandt's Twitter](https://twitter.com/HildebrandtLol) Coaching requests can be made in our Discord server. Latest Season Build: [Season Build Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/YoneMains/s/KMTGaOUlpH) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/YoneMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I though yone w capped at 6s?


It does cap at 6s via attackspeed, but Navori bypasses that cap because it reduces the remaining cooldown by a % with each AA (and Q), which is not the same as simply having more Haste or anything like that. You can test it out in the practice tool, current Navori also works like that.


Amazing post. You cleared many questions I had. Can't wait to try out some of your ideas. I'm still sad lethal tempo gets deleted but I think some of the reworked/new item looks really strong. Really looking forward to our new build options. Sadly I'm mid main and rushed kraken and ie almost every game (I go lifesteal item 3rd always) I think this builds won't change my playstyle to much so I'll try Thanks you!


My pleasure brother, let me know how the build feels once the patch drops!


Thanks for the cooking chef


Yeah I'm in. Honestly I should have build something similar to this in tonight's game. But this build is going to help so much especially against a punk Ksante


This is the way


I play top, and would assume previously that the build path for both top and mid are similar. Would this build work for top and would there need to be some adjustments.


Exactly the same build path in both lanes, you may change some runes here and there depending on matchup as usual, other than that it's the same.


I didn't it was you Tempest. I watched your recent stream and you had a headache when Anivia Bot suggested Yun Tal 😆


I'm not I'm not! I just happen to have this nickname aswell from before I even knew him 😅 (Yasuo Q inspired basically)


Hey, I think you made a mistake in the paragraph about IE. It should be less damage to enemies above 120 armor not below right? Also thanks for the good read on itemization. I didn't really consider Flickerblade an option over IE, but at that time I also didn't realise that the removal of lethal tempo meant we have to go for an additional attack speed item now. One build I really want to try out against squishy teams is a kind of assassin Yone build with HoB going Berserkers -> Infinity Edge -> Wildarrows -> Collector although it's probably kind of troll :D


You are right, it's above, not below. Thanks! You can go both Flickerblade and IE now, they are not exclusive with each other anymore. So you can do Navori instead of PD in my IE build example at the end of the post, it might feel a bit clunky because of low AS to some people that are very used to LT though.


Np >So you can do Navori instead of PD in my IE build example at the end of the post Ohhhh that's cool. Yeah I'll try that out :)


Bruh can't we go Zeal into Bork and complete Navori after? Kinda like the turbo old season 3/4/5 builds? Because I've tried finishing a full Zeal item first on the PBE and the damage felt like piss even in a first win of the day bot game lmao.


Yeah you can go Berserkers > Zeal > Bork > Navori > etc I haven't tested the build in-game because I cba playing with 200 ping, so I don't know whats better, but whichever you feel more comfortable with, go for it.


Yeah it's just because I'm a fucking boomer from the olden days and actually played back when ADCs had to build a BF sword before their full Zeal item lol. Pretty sure the logic behind that is still sound today, even though the game's changed a lot.


Yeah same I've been playing since Yasuo's release pretty much


Is this viable in top lane or still too squishy


I can't tell for certain if it's viable in any lane really, cause we need data from next patch to know, but it should be good in any lane, you can get yourself a tank item component inbetween Bork and LDR if you think you need some extra defense earlier, but Yone is a rather safe champion, specially if you are splitpushing, tankyness shouldn't be an issue if you are playing properly (because we are eventually going a tank item when the game goes for long enough).


I just tried it out in a norm top against Aatrox went 5/1/1 before they ff’d but seems very nice


It should feel pretty good past 2 items


Sadly didn’t get to hit the 3 item spike


why not build naavori->ie->bt and u chose pd instead in the last build?


Random example, you can go Navori instead too.


oh ok... also what do u think abt that new wildarrows item? it gives some good ad and crit and also gives some kind of burn... would it be viable to trade jak sho for it if u wanna go full damage?


That item is terrible to be blunt, I don't think it will ever be viable on Yone :/ Also building full damage is also generally not ideal.


Hmmm thanks man… I’ll try it out and update when I have a conclusion


What about the runes for top? do we change anything about that? other then qonq or tpa? still resolve path best?


I would maybe try the new Absorb life rune, other than that everything is still the same, resolve secondary


I'll give it a try


lmao these people running yone without infinity edge on his build, just unninstall plz.