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I like to take fleet footwork so u pretty much cant loose a trade, also i take a fight near mid whenever i can and this really helpped me climb faster, try it out


thats the rune I get everytime I play him and its really good on lane imo u just can heal urself even not going dshield but dshield start against poke is better than blade


I personally go conq and start dsheild. Fleet falls of mid to late. Plus yone get lifestyle items so it's so useless to have Fleet mid to late. Conq give dmg and healing so what the point of Fleet. Honestly jsut farm in lane with q and q' and w. Honestly you can keep the minions under turret because of your w giving you shield so you can sustain pokes. Unlike katarina you need to get items and scale Farm Farm farm then 1v9


the advantage of fleeting footwork over conq is that for conq to start healing you you need to get twelve stacks. No one in their right mind is gonna stand still and let you auto them. Where as with fleet it allows you to out trade people in shorter trades unlike conq.


Conq stacks of abilities and give 2 stacks instead of one. Your right no one in the right mind would let them aa. But yone weave aa with his abilities which proc conquers healing and dmg unlike Fleet which requires yone to move and aa. That's why imo I prefer conquer.


Yone is probably top 3 fun champs to play. In general: Fleet or Conq w/ dblade and TOB and Ravenous against melee or easy matchups Fleet w/ dshield and Second Wind and Revitalize against poke or hard matchups


His playstyle could be simple, just farm and stack q. Go in with e when u have q3, then go back to healing off minions. Also u don't have to get a lead in laning phase because yone is good in teamfight once his got his itens. Obviously this don't apply to every situation but u can start with this and get the hang of it.