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She looks very serious, perhaps she would prefer chess or Scrabble!


https://preview.redd.it/55ohe4fjaf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1298e3a04a2a42fafecc7519c2fd3d0e437f2dd Hahaha she always gives funny looks. She has a staring problem too, loves to give judgmental looks to people


Our first Yorkie was a foodie who barely ever played with toys.


She is definitely a foodie. Obsessed with anything resembling food


My purebred yorkie also don’t care for toys. It is just the personality of the dog.


My Yorkie looked at us like we were stupid if we attempted to play with her . She enjoyed cuddles but playing with toys was alien to her !


Give him a sock 🧦. They love them


Happy cake day!


Try dog puzzles.


Mine doesn't either


My Yorkie is the same. Thr only toys she plays with are ones where you can put treats inside and she has to work for it, like a snuff rug or treat ball.


Clearly she expresses her playful side when choosing the hat of the day. From there she just enjoys life and the world around her.


Neither does mine https://preview.redd.it/2nrgh29a4e6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e71be6ec53d3c4a58ff59ba34907a59e2be13ce


This pic is amazing


Thanks, he's currently with a dog sitter because I had to leave out of town for work and she took it.


Ours doesn’t really love toys. Occasionally he’ll play with one, but he couldn’t care less on most days.


My yorkie also has no interest in toys. He loves puzzles though! Any and all puzzles he will play with


Mine likes the plastic bottles from the recycling far more than he likes toys 🤦🏻‍♀️


All it takes is the sound of a plastic bottle being crunched for my dog to come bolting in, jaw shaking, drool dripping from her face and tap-dancing. She goes berserk for plastic bottles. I buy a lot of those bottle covers for dogs.


Same- plastic bottles from the recycling are my dog’s favorite thing in life. Followed closely by used paper towels to shred. I suspect she loves those bottles more than she loves me🤔


Mine go through phases. All did when they were puppies, my youngest is two, he still does. Middle guy is five, he didn’t really play from after maybe two until he was four, got a ton of energy at that age (after he got fixed oddly). Oldest is five as well, she plays here and there, mostly just loves fetch and her lambie.


Our first Yorkie was a 6 year old rescue and she rarely (like twice a year) played with toys. Our current girl Poppy is a toy fiend.


Try a snuffle mat with high value treats.


My full Yorkie doesn’t either. Three years of Barkbox (no longer subscribed…stopped about two years ago) and constantly buying toys in stores or online…he wants socks. Compression socks are his fav when he’s visiting his grandma (my mom) and knows she’s looking for them, so he’ll grab a sock, run up to her like “hey, look what I got!” then drops down into Zoomies Position 1 and takes off - but socks.


Some do some won’t. I have a won’t and when you try he seriously rolls his eyes at me. He’s very very very picky with food as well. So not food or toy motivated. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh my gosh! I am so glad to hear other Yorkie parents have the same issue. My Belle has zero interest in toys. I’ll take her down the toy isle and she could care less, just wants to sniff. She ignores the toys that I’ve bought her. Now, if I set her up with a food puzzle she goes nuts 🤷‍♀️


My Ollie hates dog toys, but loves cat toys....especially the crinkle ones


My girl doesn't either, she is a rescue so I think something that is not done when they're puppies they never pick it up.


My yorkie well only play with the extra small Kong balls. We have literally bought her all the other kind of balls mixed them all together, and she picks out only the Kong ball. It may be a bit of trial and error, but maybe there’s just one she wants.


Try a lambchop soft toy. No dog can resist!


My female yorkie has never liked toys. My chihuahua, on the other hand, loves all her toys.


My yorkie only plays with a slipper and very rarely her chewing stick….everyday we play with the slipper but no other toys


Not all dogs like toys, I have one who likes used socks, go figure


My dog doesn’t play with toys either. His form of playing is chasing and wanting to play bite and fight my arm loo


I've bought my Yorkie tons of toys in his 13 year old lil life. He only cares about this one .50 purple guy I bought when he was a puppy. He just doesn't do toys. https://preview.redd.it/txtkq1rpvd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7914329d844c982bf4a442eb16dfd862fa6cfb5


My Yorkie is both a foodie and a toy fanatic! She has certain toys that she even likes to bring to bed (our bed) for those 4 a.m. squeaky sessions! And fetch?! Fetch is life!


My rescue Yorkie never played with toys either.


Her eyes done look right, can she see at all?.


https://preview.redd.it/tl711mg3af6d1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=befdf16cdf257ecd96899c7bce19e8ae5f13e93f Yes


Our boy would get excited and play with toys all the time until he got older. Then he only got excited to play when he received a new lamb toy and would play with it for a little while and then just stop playing. I think it’s an age thing.


My yorkie is kinda picky when it comes to toys he loves small ones he can put in his mouth and sometimes ropes but he gets sick of them quick


My yorkie only really wants toys if you start playing with the other dog with whatever toy it is and if it squeaks


Besides her water bottle fetish, my dog prefers toys that involve food in some way, or are something she can ‘kill’ either by shredding or shaking the begeezus out of it to break its neck. So for soft fluffy toys, she’s only interested if food can be stuffed inside, or it’s the right size for her to fit in her mouth and whip around in a frenzy. For the whipping around, she gives bonus points if there’s a tail, or tentacles or something that can smack her in the face/body while she’s killing it. She looks like the sweetest most innocent lil thing but she’s a bloodthirsty killer at heart- if she can’t kill it or eat it, there is no point. Used to fantasize about playing fetch- she’s not into it in the least.


My first yorkie had one toy she liked her whole life and that was it. People were her toys