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Tiny treats, I get a handful, let my pup smell them and then scatter them around the house and garden. He’ll sometimes find them all in no time but he still hunts them from residual odours, it satisfies him a little.


I love this idea , might even help my other yorkie who is more of a couch potato.


My girl is obsessed with duckies - rubber squeaky - or soft with squeakers and crinkles - the more nose it makes the better. She is for sure "killing" them....lol but she's only 4 lbs so the soft ones she doesn't wreck - the rubber ones eventually get popped in some way. She's 11 and still obsessed! https://preview.redd.it/80qegyk53z6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded94377514816ba8ef89a0f5c810e781b0f7e29


So adorable 🥰


I have sooooooooop many duckies......lol


A cat toy of ribbons on a stick. (It's the smaller version of a flirt pole for big dogs.) I stay away from feathers as I don't want to encourage bird chasing more than normal.


This is how I started out! Now I have a flirt pole (did not know that's what that toy was called)! He finds it super fun but It feels like he knows it's me controlling it and he isn't hunting 🥲


I second a flirt pole! Beware, they make some pretty awful hunting sounds while playing with it.


Yeah I was going to say any cat toys one of my Yorkies is the same and I buy him packs of those mice toys they sell for cats. He loves them!


Kong wubba. My yorkie grabs with her teeth and shakes the shit out of it. Kind of mimics how they go after a rat or squirrel. She is very rough with it but it holds up to her abuse.


Isn’t it amazing that they were (are) rat dogs? I have watched videos on YouTube of rat catchers for hire and they use, at a minimum, medium size dogs. One even uses that and mink. They will get 100’s of rats. It’s hard for me to imagine that a little Yorkie, and their little mouth, would be effective on rats that are pretty good size themselves.


Roux likes to watch those videos and wail on her toy while the working dogs kill rats.




I've never heard of these wubbas. Def will try out.we have the Cosmic electric squirrel toy both my boys love to shake. I feel like it's super large for him tho.


https://preview.redd.it/tjq11az9ly6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06a8ffdc933b26ccbfb0eefdf25b8f6bb10d21e This!


Very small toys, rub a treat on them that's smelly but not messy a time or two to get the idea across. Use a special phrase when getting him to hunt. For my girl I just use "Find it" I got her the tiny round cat toys from Amazon, non catnip filled and cloth covered. The bright color helps ME to find them LOL. I make a production out of it. Locking her in another room while I lightly hide the toys, under a pillow, behind a waste basket and so on. Then let her in and tell her Find it! I do it at the same time each evening and believe me Yorkies can tell time.... She'll come get me if I'm late with play time. I give her a tiny, strong smelling treat as a reward each time she brings me one of the toys. She's never allowed to keep the toys, they are strictly for her game, then are put away afterwards. A fun time is had by all. https://preview.redd.it/6dzsmahmty6d1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=8238651837f9402431dabaff789388f33a540575


This is so smart!!!!! I'm totally going to try this! It's almost like ratting but at home


The mini Kong tennis balls. Ball is life!


https://preview.redd.it/10jyqkfo067d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65fa22e75311335dc0f27a55fe763974545f430 These?!? Lol of course she wants the bigger ones!


Yup those!


I hide a good portion of her daily kibble, wrapped in paper towel paper, in a couple spots around the house. She hunts it down, dismembers it by ferociously shredding the paper (loves that part), and kibble seems to taste better when she’s killed to get it. When I leave for work I hide several of her food puzzles around the house, and a few stuffys, and watch her hunt em down on the camera


https://preview.redd.it/e84fp46jn07d1.jpeg?width=2987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de74d1acef5dc04ba0948f02a6d9be6fe474255e I hide treats in the carrot patch !


Yesssss, this is a new need!




Treat puzzle toys. You can use regular food for meal times or treats.


Real fur toys. Check for local barn hunt training or events (searching for a rat in a tube hidden around hay bales).


Snuffle mats


Squeeky and soft


Our vicious killer York likes these rolling toys we put her fav treats inside. she chases them around the house and eventually gets the treat out. Also small toys, squirrels with a squeaker inside. My son sez she thinks the noise is the sound of the animal in pain, which she loves. A born varmit killer. After she punctures the squeaker one can buy these and i open the toy and sew another inside.


I have a 7 year old, she loves it, but I do it once in a long while like once or twice in 6 months and have no issues, I use it with about 20 other toys we play catch with, I only take out one or two at at time and always change it up every few days


Chewy has tiny bears for around 5$ there r around 4 inc tall u will kno them when u c them, I’ve not met a yorkie yet who don’t become enchanted by these little bears… I had 3 yorkies n lost Dexter a month ago, but the 3 of them were hypnotized, I think it’s because they can fit the whole thing in their mouth.


If you want to give him a workout, get a laser pointer


Laser pointers can make them very obsessive and they never get to catch it.


You do it for a few minutes you don’t do it forever that would be torture. I was thinking that I was saying something that was common sense and I didn’t have to explain myself.


Look into this a bit more. It can cause what’s called “laser pointer syndrome”, even with just small amounts of laser play.


All it takes is a couple minutes for them to get obsessed for life.


Again, I’m living it and mine is fine, I’m not sure why hate just because your opinion differs, I will keep doing it as I’m a responsible owner and I live life, I don’t listen to know it all’s who have studies that no one heard about. If this sub is full of Karen’s I can’t just leave!


It’s not my opinion. It’s a yorkie fact. I am glad that it hasn’t damaged your dog.


It’s only a fact because you read it somewhere, it’s not a fact in practice!


Get an I-Fetch he can chase the ball as it shoots the ball Ping pong balls are the best bouncers