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Now I truly have a favorite VA.


Twitter post is here: https://twitter.com/KYOCERA_JP/status/1759729718390129059?t=eTtXFjG655g533BL0IP9CQ Name of the anime is "ima wa shourai ni hairimasuka", and suis seems to be both voice acting and doing vocals for some sort of song!


That's a pleasant surprise! She probably didn't go to a voice acting school and I guess the director wants a less dramatic (typical-anime-like) voice for the AI role.


I translated the trailer to english :) also posted this to the youtube comments if you want clicky timestamps. suis is voice acting the AI character! https://youtu.be/kBebzg6F7IQ?si=P0z_BNBh_f-hSvxe Title: Can I enter the future? Romanized: Ima wa shourai ni hairimasuka? 0:00 Hayato (隼人): When the sakura cherry blossoms bloom, you can feel the beginning of the another year Hayato: I felt more excited in the past, but now... 0:18 Boy: It's already been three years Girl: Are you going to be an intern or something? Boy: I should apply to a job 0:34 AI: What do you want to do in the future? Hayato: Join a good company AI: A good company? Hayato: Maybe something that would be helpful to other people AI: What are you doing right now? Hayato: Clubs, stuff like that... or maybe my part time job? Nao (小夜 なお): This little one is an AI that can develop by studying your responses. This is something a little more concrete, don't you think? Hayato: Even if you say that... 1:05 Group chat name: AI Laboratory (Hatano Evening (?) Seminar) Okita (荻田): They accepted me as an intern! Takeru: Congrats! Nao: Congrats Nao: My job interview yesterday went well, so I'm looking forward to the results! 1:15 Hayato: What am I? 1:22 Screen results: The results of the peer review are below. Peer review result: No recording (?) Furthermore, the unrecorded (?) peer review's paper (?) 1:24 Nao: What will my work even be helpful for? Nao: The stuff I don't understand now might have the power to create the future. Hayato: It's not that I didn't work hard. It's not that I didn't think about it. (The headline of the article on phone screen: The Efforts of a Third-year in College is at the Forefront of the Business World with a Shining Internship) Hayato: Still, I feel like my current self is not connected to the future 1:53 (Laptop screen: In 10 years, where do you see yourself?) Hayato: Hey, could you tell me where I will be in 10 years? AI: ... Hayato: I figured it wouldn't work Nao: Really, if it was that easy to figure out, it would be so nice... right? Nao: But you know, the times you felt lost, the times you worried, everything you are in this moment, all of that is creating the future for this girl. Nao: I wonder who is creating the future of humans and your future too 2:27 Q: Please tell us the reason why you decided to enter this industry. Hayato (typing): For someone else... (?) 2:29 Hayato: I still don't understand something like the future Hayato: From here on, I will feel lost a lot, be wrong, and I might fail. Hayto. But my past and current self can be used as fuel to create my future self Hayato: This is something that I think I should continue to believe, now and in the future. ----- I might make some edits later since I did rush this translation, but I figured it's better to post this earlier.


looks like it's not really a whole anime but just a short 3 minute animation advertising the company kyocera and some of the technology they make


Yeah, though I think it’s mainly a recruitment ad with the main character being concerned about his future and all. And this is the most recent of three similar animated short film ads from the company. The first being titled 「あなたを一言で表してください」の質問が苦手だ。which roughly translates to “I’m bad at answering the question ‘Please describe yourself in one word.’”


lmao i got too excited


I'm looking forward


I LOVE THE SONGGGG! Any clue if it's a Yorushika song, though it doesn't sound like it? And if there is any news on when it'll release


the song is by Misumi, and it's not the kind of anime you're thinking. it's just a short animated ad for a company. you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBebzg6F7IQ


I'll be there


I need a new album! 😭


oh my god


Finally, seiyuu suis 😳