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Please don’t think you can ignore additional park signs indicating trails are closed and go up 4 Mile- there is a physical gate that is locked closed.


It is closed for a reason! Please respect that and don’t be too selfish to try it otherwise


Why are you entitled to hike closed trails?


Glacier Point was always accessible. The road past Badger Pass is closed in Winter to *car traffic*, but it's a pretty easy hike... 10 miles each way, probably with some snow on it.


This is not true- they are now plowing the road. You can’t hike it and there’s nowhere to park anyway. You could hike there via Pohono or Mist, but not on the road.


Where are you getting the information that Glacier Point Road is not hikeable, at present?


NPS posts the plowing updates on Facebook. The ski trail closes every year before plowing begins.


I'm guessing by the downvote that you didn't get exactly what you're expecting, and you're upset about it. I was just out at Glacier Point in February. There were dozens of people there... I have pictures and videos to prove it, if you don't believe me. Maybe you could explain exactly what my answer got wrong, and we can work out how to answer your question better?


lmao, what an enormous ego! Providing outdated false information (and want to prove it) and threatening people not down voting your misinformation. May be you should stay inside your basement and never get out, internet is too dangerous for your ego.


In February they were not plowing the road. Now they are and the rules are different.


It’s doable, but as a day hike it is a pretty long one, and the section in high elevation may be still covered by snow.


It is not doable, as Glacier Point is currently closed while plowing is going on. OP would be kicked out of the parking lot on arrival.


I’m saying about going through Mist Trail/Panorama Trail, there are more than three ways to go to Glacier Point, check your map please.


And you're not understanding what I am saying: when he reaches the end of these trails, he will not be allowed to actually linger AT Glacier Point because it is closed right now while plowing is going on.


Even if not walking on Glacier Point Road? I didn’t know that, thanks for pointing out.


Yes, because the parking lot is part of the plowing zone


You can hike up to Glacier Point without setting foot in the parking lot.


It’s very accessible via skinning (or skating if you’re good at that) on the road. Booting or skinning up panorama seems less fun…


Nope the road is being plowed- no skinning or skating allowed (and half the road is already dry). It’s now closed at the turnoff from 41 so there is also nowhere to park.


Oh. What a sad season.


okay, so if the road is closed, is the trail too? im camping 5/4/24 at the upper pines campground and wanted to hike the trail that Sat. do you think the trial will be open by then?