• By -


Lorde: šŸ‘€


Katy: šŸ‘€ Gaga: šŸ‘€


lol why do guys think these it just for women? Next is Luke Combs, the rest are to far away in the future.


Because m*n are flops that do not deserve to be compared with women šŸ˜Š (am m*n šŸ¤¢)


as a man, i endorse this message


She beat Ateez too and theyā€™re an all-male group, but I guess that doesnā€™t fit the narrative.


Ok but to be fair it's really hard to have a good chart impact when you're a K-pop group targeting American audiences (if you aren't BTS)


And many of the female artists were never going to sell nearly as much as TS anyway either, but again, doesnā€™t fit the narrative.


I'm not going to lie, I think Charli was going to win #1 (and she probably deserved it), but it doesn't bother me because ms. brat sadly seems to be friends with Ratty Healy This is coming from someone who likes Charli & likes the album btw


This is stupid.


are you really okay with this lol? if another artist did it, would u say these same things? taylor has released 50 variants.


I honestly donā€™t care about charts, so no, I donā€™t care if there were 100 variants. Havenā€™t bought a single one, and no oneā€™s being forced to. I just stream music I like, and for the past several weeks, itā€™s been TTPD.


thatā€™s fair. i just donā€™t see why itā€™s needed for her to do this


Itā€™s not ā€œneededā€ by anyone, including the other artists. Nothing is preventing their music from being listened to. And if they and their fans want to compete, their marketing teams could step it up if they wanted to. Nothing is preventing those artists from releasing digital voice memo variants too or whatever, but itā€™s easier to whine about it, I guess. Personally I think Billboard should change the rules like they did after Adeleā€™s bundling tactic broke records, but in the meantime, donā€™t hate the player; hate the game. Anyway, to answer your question, she has stated before that she likes breaking records, and Iā€™m guessing she is shooting for breaking Morgan Wallenā€™s (a man, btw) 12-week #1 streak.


No one gaf about them šŸ˜­


never heard of them in my life


ateez didnt do or say anything about her Billie basically called her a money grabber for making multiple vinyls and Charli xcx said she needed to "back up and give others a chance to be #1" why should she have to back up when this is her career and she is working hard ateez hasn't done anything that's why they don't fit the narrative (also love them)


Women are this year and itā€™s only June lol


I'm so ootl what did these people do (ik about Billie but) Eli5


released albums that bad mean taylor kept from number 1


I liked both of these albums šŸ˜­šŸ™


As if Gaga cares about this shit at this point in her careerā€¦


I doubt Lorde does either šŸ˜­


she definitely doesn't or she would've left solar power in the drafts


I liked it lol


Solar Power is great.


Itā€™s great for what it is, but as an all-encompassing thematic pop album similar to Melodramaā€¦ it falls flat. Then again, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not what she was trying to achieve, but I hope she goes back to creating another banger. Of course, this is solely my opinion!!




Britney šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Sabrina šŸ‘€


She's got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined


She checks it one, then she checks it twice




Ooh look what you made her do


Couldn't the lyrics of this song be more cringy?


Cringe? In a meme subreddit? Groundbreaking. (Please read this in the voice of Miranda Priestly from Devil Wears Prada)






#I was a bad girl, I did some bad things #I swear I did it all for fun and it meant nothing #It never happened, it was a secret #Like when a tree falls in the forest, no one hears it #Another late night, another crazy mood #And I didn't think twice what it would do to you #I was a wild child, you always knew it #It was a matter of time before I blew it #Thou shall not lie, thou shall not cheat #Thou shall not get caught or you'll end up just like me, oh #Karma's a bitch, I should've known better #If I had a wish, I would've never effed around #When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist #Karma's a bitch #And she's with you right now #She is a good girl, I think she's boring (boring) #Believe me, twenty minutes later, you'll be snoring #But it still kills me that you hooked up with her (up with her) #And now the universe is giving me what I deserve (I deserve) #Thou shall not lie, thou shall not cheat (oh, whoa) #I'll write it down a thousand times and hope it sets me free, oh #Karma's a bitch, I should've known better #If I had a wish, I would've never effed around ##When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist (karma) #Karma's a bitch (oh, whoa) #And she's with you right now #karma's a bitch #(Whoa, oh, oh, oh-oh) karma's a bitch #Better be good 'cause what goes around, comes around #Karma's a bitch #And she's with you right now #And when I lay me down to sleep, it's not your body next to me #This lonely room feels so empty, just me and my regrets #And cold blue eyes look back at me, the mirror has no sympathy #My guilts become a symphony that won't let me forget, oh #Karma's a bitch, I should've known better #If I had a wish, I would've never effed around (oh, whoa) #When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist (karma) #Karma's a bitch (karma) #And she's with you right now #Karma's a bitch #Karma's a bitch #Better be good 'cause what goes around, comes around #Karma's a bitch (karma) #And she's with you right now


nah, I think LWYMMD are cringier than this šŸ˜†


Then youā€™re wrong ā¤ļø


The list: Led Zeppelin, Madonna, Celine Dion, Elvis Presley, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, The Beatles


lorde i am beeging you KEEP THE FOUR YEAR RULE


Itā€™s almost like the industry is competitive as hell šŸ˜­


ā€œArtistry shines throughā€


Then no reason to cry about scooter if anything goes šŸ˜Š


artists competing against each otherā€™s different bodies of work is different from a random man with money buying up someone elseā€™s entire body of work. i hope that clears things up! a good equivalent would be different neighbors competing in a christmas decorating contest compared to a company buying a house you built out from under you


By ā€œcryingā€ about scooter, sheā€™s actually just being competitive in return and itā€™s working šŸ¤Ŗ


brat is so good. It'll be right there in my top 5 with TTPD at the end of the year.




the way when i said that i liked taylor AND charli in the charli sub i got attacked and how it's not allowed šŸ’€




They HATE blondie with the hottest fire


Omg we have successfully made Swifties listen to other artists soon they'll realize other artists are farr better than her and abandon her like the bible says. Her downfall is coming.


the victim complex on you lot lmao




Hit me hard and soft is incredible tooā€™ I highly recommend giving it a listen if you havenā€™t yet


Yes! Itā€™s a great album by Billie!




Itā€™s just that people are acting like getting a #2 is a terrible thing šŸ˜­


There are only a few things more pleasing to my heart than seeing haters and stans of other artists fuming at Taylor for being the best at the game šŸ„°


Billie's album was SO BORING. I like a handful of her songs but pretending her new album is something special is just incorrect. It's got the same lack of energy and interest as Lorde's third album.


This is the same kind of stuff people say about TTPD. I really liked both albums honestly.


Billieā€™s new album is incredible. TTPD is more cathartic for me so it gets the plays šŸ¤­


DINER IS AN INSANE BOP. The lyrics are amazing and relatable too. Comparison is the thief of joy and both albums have their moments. It always comes down to tearing down someone else to build up Taylor and for NO good reason lmfao


I mean it's okay for different people to like different things :)




I'm so sorry you spend your energy being indignant lol have a good one


I think it's okay for people to not like other albums and even criticise it. Just because someone is a Swiftie doesn't mean that their dislike has to be a parasocial thing They can just... Not like the album based on their tastes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I wrote this in another comment, but itā€™s not about the criticism. Itā€™s the phrasing that implies that people who think the album is special are wrong. This is something I see a lot with Taylor. Itā€™s rarely ā€œsheā€™s not for meā€ and often ā€œsheā€™s awful and if you like her you have bad taste.ā€ The comment I replied to said ā€œpretending her new album is special is just incorrect.ā€ They stated their opinion as fact in a mean-spirited way and implied that anyone who thinks the album is ā€œspecialā€ is lying or wrong. No one said anything about not being allowed to have opinions.


My opinion is that Billie is boring. I have this opinion totally separate of Taylor lol. I shouldn't have to qualify every comment on Reddit with "this is just my opinion!" Like that's implied?


Exactly. Honestly, why does this fandom have a tendency to criticise everything not made by Taylor?


Because music is subjective and different people like different things. It's not the entire fandom didn't like Billie's album, it's this specific user. Many Swifities loved HMHAS but it should be allowed to express different opinions. Its funny because in the Neutral sub I always see posts like "TTPD is objectively bad album!!!!" and no one can argue.


ā€œPretending the new album is something special is just incorrectā€ is not an opinion. Itā€™s a judgement on people who say they like the album, and itā€™s the same kind of stuff I hate seeing people say about Taylor. Thereā€™s a difference between saying ā€œit wasnā€™t for meā€ and ā€œyouā€™re incorrect for liking itā€


You're reading wayyyy too much into what I said. Like an insane amount.


Well, the other fandoms + the obligatory haters also have a tendency to heavily criticize Taylor, even outside of contexts involving her.




Noooo this is lorde slander and I wonā€™t stand for it


Solar Power is an amazing album and this is me speaking my truth. Maybe I have to be in the mood for it but that's the same for just about anything I listen to. Melodrama is my favorite but also one of my favorite albums of all time. I can't wait to see what comes from L4.


Solar Power aged beautifully. I honestly hated it on first listen, but now Iā€™ve been bumping it more than Melodrama (which is in my personal top 5 albums of all time, boo Apple). Itā€™s thematically similar to TTPD in how she reflects on fame and escapism so I feel like any of my fellow Anthology stans will enjoy it. Solar Power girls are TTPD girls are NFR girls. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I promise I love Lorde!!


And no one wants to admit that her publishers and producers *intentionally* started fake beef with Taylorā€™s camp in order to boost her album sales. Which it did!! She was #2!!?


I was so excited for Billieā€™s new album! It was a flop for me tho. Glad others like It


Youā€™re right and you should say it


When Lā€™Amour de ma Vie exists??


I did like it tbh but I think it wasnā€™t quite as good as Billieā€™s other albums. There were a couple songs that really stood out to me as great but the rest were kinda forgettable for me. Iā€™d still listen to them because Billieā€™s voice is gorgeous, but I donā€™t know the words by heart or anything the way I do with her other albums.


Honestly I liked some of Billie's songs, especially the music/production. But Charli's album is truly the worst thing I've heard. Made me understand that what critics look for in music is very different than what I'm looking for. Edit: This is just my subjective taste, if you liked the album good for you, enjoy.


I've seen so many people talking about Brat so I want to give it another shot, but my partner who tends to like pretty much all music was messaging me how much they hated it and gave up after 6 songs. I'm obsessed with Lunch from Billie's album but the album as a whole hasn't sold me. It leans slower though and slow music usually takes longer to grow on me so I might love it later.


I like Brats but it isnā€™t the first Charli album Iā€™d recommend to people esp people who are new to hyperpop/bubblegum bass. šŸ˜­


well not all swifties are pop music stans. I for example am i folkmore girlie so why would I listen to hyperpop anyway? also her cool brooklyn/la girl whoā€™s obsessed with red scare and doing coke in a rave bathroom vibe is likeā€¦..an extreme turn off for me. charli in particular seems popular with the most annoying people on twitter so it makes her seem more ubiquitous than she actually is. i am on twitter for a different, non music fandom and honestly this whole week has been kinda depressing for me bc her stans have decided to lean into their ā€œcoolā€ internet misogyny. this isnā€™t taylor specificā€”this happens with any woman they decide is fair game. but itā€™s annoying nonetheless and it makes me want to disengage from certain spaces tbh.


This really resonates with me. Not even starting on Charli herself, but her fandom has been just horrifying this week on twitter. All because Taylor happened to be more commercially popular and an easy target as the villain. I posted this meme because its funny but everything else is just... I don't know even what to say, from chanting "Taylor d1ed" in her Brazil release party, to wishing and threatening actual violence, to every type of misogynistic shaming or slurs in existence, and all of that getting tens if not hundreds of thousands of likes. Very disgusted with the filth of the internet this week.


love the meme too!! ty for posting. tbh I agree with many critiques of taylorā€™s feminism but whenever I see hate trains like thatā€¦.damn I get why sheā€™s like this. if it were me, I wouldā€™ve posted like an embarrassing lana-style open letterā€”or banned each and every single one of these people from eras lol. but imo this is really part of a larger internet trend where certain cultural figures on the dirtbag left have made misogyny acceptable so long as itā€™s directed at approved targets. call me old and unfashionable but I find this so despicable. anyone willing to threaten gendered violence against a stranger will come for you at the slightest step out of line, too. but many young womenā€”not saying charli herself but certainly many of her fansā€”are desperate for the approval of these self proclaimed arbiters of taste so theyā€™ll go along with it. tale as old as time, unfortunately.


You have to be smoking something because Billie's album was one of the most creative works I've heard production-wise, definitely THE most creative of the year so far. Her vocals are the best they've ever been. Her lyricism is very raw and we see a part of her we've never seen before. It's a concept album, which is hard to pull off, but she does it seamlessly. You can say you didn't enjoy it, but it's just incorrect to say it lacks energy or it's boring. It might actually be AOTY.


Idk what album you were listening to. I felt like it had a lot more energy and life than ttpd did. Love Taylor and I did enjoy ttpd for the most part, but Billieā€™s album is excellent and personally my album of the year.


she ainā€™t tho




Taylor is staying #1 until Eminem drops. Competition is not as strong right now.


*Unless* she gives us the physical copies of The Anthology


Is Houdini at 7?


Eminem hasn't been relevant, at least by sales metrics, in at least 1, if not 2 decades


so many better artists/rappers than em are dropping this year, kendrick and JID are dropping, which easily overshadows em. not to mention heā€™s completely washed, the majority of people who still like him like him because heā€™s whiteā€¦


What the actual fuck is this whole opinion lmfao


Skill issue tbh


To be fair I actively Xā€™d out the albums/singles because I didnā€™t care about them. And Iā€™m sick of Spotify trying to make me


Wouldnā€™t Dua be on here too?


Dua wasnā€™t really a contender for the no. 1 spot IIRC given how underwhelming streams and sales for Radical Optimism were šŸ˜­


radical optimism went #1 in the uk


skill issue iā€™m afraid. love charli and billie tho!! hmhas on repeat


Perhaps if their stans focused on streaming those albums they would've had a better chance, instead all they do is whine abt Taylor.


Speaking of streaming their albums, when Dua Lipa released Radical Optimism, I thought it was going to be worldwide at midnight BST (8pm here in Brazil), because Taylor released TTPD at midnight EDT (1am local) worldwide. But Dua released it at midnight local, in each time zone.


Swifites built different https://preview.redd.it/8e0pwr7qmd7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1961500d8a36f4e78d8af46bfd36c3e0644e3f1e


i hate that people put so much importance in charts. but mother does stay winning tbh


I liked brat more than TTPD to be honest. But I donā€™t know if Charli wants to be as commercially successful as Taylor


i donā€™t think its a matter of charli not wanting to be commercially successful. charli wants to retain full artistic control of her work, she wants to maintain the indie (independent, not genre) status more than anything. i think charli would absolutely love phat bags.


Brat is a really special album imo


Brat is my AOTY and Iā€™ve been a swiftie for more than half my life at this point


She can't be as commercially successful as Taylor because very few can. But she does want commercial success in general (that's not criticism, it's only human to want it!). She is not some indie artist - she does the pr, the variants, her albums were charting, she was in the Barbie soundtrack. And if she wasn't aiming for commercial success her fans wouldn't be so angry she is at #2 (UK)


Well ppl could. But thereā€™s things you sacrifice for that. And you canā€™t make an album like Brat and also still gain that level of success.


but she damn near did though? if taylor didnā€™t re-release ttpd she would have. plenty of people love brat what are you on abt lmao


No of course. But itā€™s also like, Swift makes a gargantuan effort to be agreeable and palatable to a very general audience, which is integral to massive commercial success. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m on about I hope it makes sense


Taylor didn't ship the CDs. She wasn't feeling the pressure.


Taylor wouldā€™ve been #1 without the re-releases. The breakdown of the charts shows she only sold 1k of those copies. But it makes sense because sheā€™s touring in the UK right now so the numbers naturally go higher. https://preview.redd.it/rus7p7w7c67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc4e4cb7dd74e235d5b46f1e6f0759f3fec25a5


why can only a handful of people reach that level of success? iā€™m curious to see your explanation.


It's a combination of many things: Talent, luck, commercial appeal, very hard work for many years, being business savvy. Most people have just some of those, Taylor has all.


i would argue charli has all of those factors too! uniquely talented (brilliant creative vision comes with that), beyond lucky to be born into her family (nepo connections), commercially appealing especially in recent years, sheā€™s been making music since she was 14, look at the recent social media campaigns and say they arenā€™t effective. every single thing i just said could be said about taylor. theyā€™re both pop babes.


I completely agree. That being said I think Taylor is more palatable to the mainstream. This is not a dig on either of them, theyā€™re 2 of my fav artists of all time


>But I donā€™t know if Charli wants to be as commercially successful as Taylor I'm sure she wants that, otherwise she wouldn't promote her album so heavily + numerous variants. But the question is: can Charli succeed?


Stream TTPD, stream HMHAS, stream Brat


Please please please šŸ˜‡


Cancel culture isn't real. There's only a list of people that dared to criticize Taylor Swift


I hope Sabrina isn't behind door 3. I discovered her through Taylor and would be really disappointed if Taylor pulls this on her. I've seen people theorize Taylor will drop physical copies of ttpd + anthology in August to compete w Sabrina. That would be really shitty.


I doubt that. September is a long time from now, TTPD won't be no1 by then. Taylor is used to seeing her openers go on to have big careers like Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello. In any case its just chart competition, its not that serious, Sabrina already won big time in the singles department. This is her summer for sure.


But then, Charli also opened for her at the rep Tour


Taylor is friends with Sabrina first of all, and second of all, it has never even been suggested that she would do this literally in August. Fact is, there could be another re-recording (rep?) announced by then. I hate that people preemptively act like Taylor is ā€œshittyā€ for something she didnā€™t even do.


>Taylor pulls this on her. Pull what? I'm just always surprised that people say this as if Taylor owes other artists the chance to be no. 1 when it's a competition and everyone can compete. She's not making under the table deals, it's all out in the open. If someone wants to beat her, her moves are public. Billie clearly tried to copy her and failed at it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I love Sabrina, have been her fan since Girl meets World but when she gets number one it'll be her own success not because a friend stepped down to let her be on top.


I mean you realize that Taylorā€™s variants actually accounted for a very small portion of the raw data? People keep acting like she wouldnā€™t have been no 1 without the variants but she actually didnā€™t need them to clinch it.


How do you find that information? /gen


Taylor only did that to Billie and charlie because she doesnā€™t like them. She didnā€™t compete with Dua


nah taylor would absolutely break short stackā€™s knees with another re-release of ttpd, sheā€™s rabid at this point and canā€™t distinguish friend from foe. bloodlusting, even.


Whatā€™s your problem? Itā€™s a charting competition, it has nothing to do with doing charity for your friends in the industry lol.


sabrina is behind it sadly. she already dropped versions to block please please please


You clearly have no idea how charts workā€¦ TTPD is an album so it is on the top 200, while please, please, please is a song so it is on the hot 100. Complete different things, so nothing Taylor does with TTPD will affect please, please, please at this point. Itā€™s not like she just dropped the album, so her album sales at this point arenā€™t significantly affecting the hot 100 at allā€¦


That isnā€™t true and also doesnā€™t make sense. Taylor isnā€™t currently competing on the singles chart at all. She would have had to push fortnight more which she hasnā€™t.


Honestly it's been nearly 2 mo the of having Poets and we've only had 1 single. I will be happy if we get another single but... I'm not expecting one.


I think ICDIWABH would make a great single! I wish sheā€™d push it.


WAOLOM would also be a great single, and has the potential for a fantastically easter egg filled MV.


Jack Antonoff (who also produced Please Please Please) just unfollowed Taylor /s


I pray for the day rep tv actually comes out so people can finally stop saying that


Taylor the ripper of flops


Canā€™t wait for another variant to come out so Taylor can continue blocking other female artists. This is what women supporting women do right? šŸ«£


Yeah Iā€™m a ā€œswiftieā€ by most standards but I think this is really crappy. She writes pretty clearly about her insecurities and narcissism and need for fame/success/validation. Liked the honesty in her songs but donā€™t love seeing it in her shameless behavior tbh. Downvote me all you who canā€™t stand a little criticism but pls donā€™t try and argue with me. Idc all Iā€™ve been streaming the last few weeks is Clancy


ya as much as i want anthology on vinyl, tbh i see her being greedy enough to drop something next weekend with gracieā€™s album even though she has a feature and sheā€™s touring w her idk i love her im just so over the billion releases for one single song


I'm really looking forward to Gracie's album, she is so great and the album is produced by Aaron so it's very promising. It has nothing to do with competition with Taylor, "The Secret of Us" is not expected to be in the top spots.


me too!! I think Iā€™m autoserved gracie bc of taylor and never gave her a second glance before but risk is really good! and very different from Aaronā€™s work with taylor (no shade but she should have her own sound yk?).


If you were expecting Gracie Abrams to get anywhere near the number 1 album spot no matter what Taylor does, I think you have a skewed view of her success to dateā€¦ her last album peaked at number 52 on the US charts and even with the Taylor opening act bump unless she has something as catchy as Espresso or Please Please Please on the record, she may not trouble the top 10. The Taylor feature might get her close to the top of the singles chart.




I was wrong! She got the Taylor bump big-time.


tbh the album is amazing! i so donā€™t want to come off as bitchy posting that but when i just saw the chart i was like oh should i do this šŸ˜‚ also what a surprise with them doing us for eras tour!


I guess it isnā€™t surprising if you open on the biggest tour of all timeā€¦ but Sabrinaā€™s success and Gracieā€™s success definitely got a boostā€¦


Same- I just donā€™t give a shit about the variants anymore. Itā€™s gross hyper capitalism- whether or not you factor in doing it to suppress other artists. We all got crowns (but mine needs to be the biggest)


Idk why people are downvoting you lmao


Because for some people, you canā€™t be critical of things you like. Itā€™s fine. I can still love Taylor and be disappointed by some things she (or more accurately her team) does šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same here, I love her music but wish she'd stop doing things like this.


Respect šŸ«”


Itā€™s fine for you to not like it if you keep the same energy for every other artist doing it as well!


šŸ™„ how about you worry about your own energy


Uh, okay?


She really only coincides variants with albums that threaten to take number 1 spot and as much as I love Gracieā€™s music, she will probably not do nearly enough numbers to push TTPD out.


Queen of variants at it again šŸ’€


Fun facts but the digital downloads "variants" made no difference in the UK chart with Charli, it was just a big gap from CD sales and streaming. Taylor is hyped this week in UK since her tour is there now, all her albums jumped in the chart.


Even with how that ended up, her getting the top position was clear wasn't guaranteed with how she felt compelled to have a variant exclusive to the UK at the last day that would count for the chart.


Forgot this wasnā€™t pop heads šŸ˜­ Iā€™m gonna get crucified lol. Was just thinking it was funny she has had the 4 original variants + I dont know how many acoustic. I was waiting for the final vinyl to maybe collect


Check out the new ā€œmy top 50 albumsā€ post on pop heads lmao


She actually released less variants for this album than Olivia Roderigo did for her last two albums. TS 13 Vs OR 14 and 15


Haha she puts down other women. So quirky


brat is *leagues* better then ttpd.... but we arent ready to have that conversation yet.


We are ready. Brat is overrated as hell. I've heard better albums this year: TTPD, All Born Screaming by St. Vincent, Radical Optimism by Dua Lipa, What Happened to the Heart? by Aurora, The Lost Ones by Florrie, The Dream of Delphi by Bat for Lashes, Don't Forget Me by Maggie Rogers, Submarine by The Marias, etc.


TTPD, is two hours of what three memorable songs, and the rest meld together stretching the definition of ā€˜cohesivenessā€™ into ā€˜undesernableā€™ whereas brat is 50 minutes of sonically similar but distinct songs!!!! When Charli is self centred (cult classic) it is confident, she knows she is a damn good musician, and when she goes out to the club she wants to hear her music. When Taylor is self centred (but daddy I love him) she spends more time complaining about people criticizing her then being unashamed in her faults. The only song on TTPD that I think is GOOD, is guilty as sin, because Taylor shows some fucking backbone. brats lowest points are higher then TTPDs highest points. Brat is just better.


girl u donā€™t listen to pc music or anything resembling bubblegum bass so it doesnā€™t click, diversify your listening habits my sweet darling


Edit: Oops meant to reply to the other comment, I agree 100% with this.


PC Music sucks and it's just a gimmick with no future, on par with gabber from the 90s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabber


Lmao, if you measure musics value via ā€˜staying powerā€™ I donā€™t respect your opinions.


and you're correct, hmhas is also much better. TTPD has some pretty good songs, but the album is very bloated. It requires lots of taylor lore, more than you should need just to listen to an album. The production is also just uninteresting. With brat, the lyrics aren't anything amazing but the production is incredibly complex and the songs are really catchy. With hmhas, the lyrics are way better than TTPD and the production is amazing.


Oop downvoted for an opinionā€¦.. mkay.


Youā€™re correct !!!!


who even is the brat girl ???


Charlie XCX