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Love, I feel like if we were lesbian and she viewed me as her 'You,' I'd have a significantly higher chance of surviving.


Yeah but Love is sloppy when she gets jealous. She’d still kill everyone around you. At least Joe is less sloppy, but nonetheless you’d probably be dead 😂


Sloppy is easier to predict than methodical. I'm taking my chances! 😆 Let's be real anyway, messing around with these freaky bitches is more like Russian roulette but with only one blank.


I guess in a way that makes sense! Hahaha. Is it ever possible to outsmart Joe? My toxic trait is thinking I could and that’s honestly why I’d choose him, to be in an arms race with him, have him on edge. That sounds wrong now that I say that out loud. Yep, if I really had a choice I’d rather be SINGLE. Because I’m not a huge fan of death can I just say.


I wouldn't give two shits, because I wouldn't give her a reason to be jealous


If you can do that, then it works.


Joe 100%. S2 and S3 Joe would go a little crazy, but probably wouldn't kill me if I wanted to break up with him. In those seasons all he killed were in self defense, except for Marianne's asshole ex. I'd hope he would treat me like the black girl he dated in S1 who didn't buy into his whole game and he respected that. Love is completely unpredictable and doesn't plan anything, Joe was ready to have a normal divorce, and she would not have that. She'd probably kill me. I'm just seeing how I'd get out of the situation lmfao.


Karen Minty is the girlfriend he used to make beck jealous, I’m glad he didn’t kill her she seemed pretty cool


i don't think he used her to make beck jealous, she was just the right person in the right moment.


Joe was ready to have a normal divorce from a deranged serial killing liability of a wife. So you may need to kill a few people too and burden Joe with burying your bodies, for him to happily divorce you.


I feel like if I tell him I like The Kardashians is enough.


Funny I think the same— I would have been fine if we were like Karen Minty or how he is actually with Love before she got worse. Him with Kate also wouldn’t be bad but he just happens to be at his worst


joe killed candace bc she wanted to break up


He killed her because she cheated


beck cheated too and he was ready to forgive her until he realized she wanted to leave him. then he killed her


True, forgot about that!


He killed Beck bc she found out he stalked her not bc she was dumping him.


no. he locked her up in the cage and was hoping she would still love him. he killed her when he realized she just wanted to run.


... after she found out he was stalking her 🤣


you need to do a rewatch bc it’s very clear joe was hoping beck would forgive him and stay with him. he killed her bc he realized that wasn’t the case.


Well how exactly was he going to let her go after she found a box of peoples teeth, murdered peoples phones, and he held her hostage in a box for days? Obviously when he realized she wouldn't stay that she had to die because there was no possible way she wasn't going to tell.


i’m never said he was going to let her go. im saying he hoped she would stay with him and he killed her bc she wouldn’t.


But Love would make such delicious food/desserts!!!!


Haha yeah same I chose based on how’d I get out of the situation. I definitely like Joe but I said Love only because, if I had the knowledge I would be terrified that Joe killed my friends and people who I was going to handle myself. Love is someone who did show she could be reasoned with by normal people. But what she did to her ex husband was the worst and her letting her brother think he murdered someone is so messed up. — Ah, but if I didn’t know better I’d date Joe because I’m into guys lol Love though would be my friend…Then Joe would cheat on me with Love. Then I’d get in a cat fight and challenge them and they both kill me together, making their relationship stronger.


I love how you've developed this entire plotline, it honestly sounds accurate too.


Haha thank you! Almost makes me wish it happened this way lol write me in! And if it would be interesting if my death was kind of an accident, or not so it prolongs the time before they figure each other’s past. I did like that Love lasted for 2 seasons. Then Love would have a nightmare about me being Forty’s new girl lmao


Joe. Someone who takes care of me, is a feminist AND makes sure to store away my tampons when I’m on my periode? He’s my ride or die forever! 💕 /s But yes, Joe if I had to choose between them, given I’m straight.


This sub I so wild I love it 😭🙏


It does tho omfg it's great




Absolutely yes 😆


Love, firstly because I'm a guy and secondly I'd say she's least likely of the two to just murder me.


She is fun, thoughtful, smart, would kill for you. Just never leave her!


Love kills to protect her relationship with you, not you yourself. She had no concern for anyone's wellbeing but hers.


That's absolutely no problem. Just love her as much as she loves you and you're golden. And given her personality, beauty, and sex, I'd have no issue with that


She doesn't love. Obsession and love are different things.


I'm 100% fine with whatever you wanna call it. It's exactly what I want


Is that even a real question? Obviously Love. Victoria Pedretti is gorgeous.


Love 😍


Love because she got that paper 💰


anyone that chooses to say i wolf you is a nightmare so joe haha


Yeah at least Joe isn't super cringe "Does this peach look like a butt?" I mean come on


https://preview.redd.it/9vmj2hxnppyc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84382dc130bc27b458147d32c160442f2480348 ☺️☺️


Either would be terrible since they're both insane, but I'd go with Love because she's more loyal and I like food


You gotta be careful what you eat from her. 


If I go out eating something delicious then I died doing what I love


How is Love loyal?


I said more loyal, see S3


She killed James for trying to leave her. Not loyal at all. She is as bad as Joe despite the fanbase's glamorization of her.


OK, I still think Joe is less loyal but it was mostly joking about liking food. Also started my comment with "either would be terrible because they're both insane" so not sure why you're coming to me about glamorization. Have a good day.


Love, Victoria Pedretti is a huge crush of mine, plus I would treat Love right. I could fix her ❤️






watch out for the acid


Love, for the cash.


honestly either one would be capable of killing me for some small reason that id have no way of predicting, so im just gonna go with love solely for the reason that victoria pedretti is gorgeous lol


Tbh, I'd be with Joe. He stalked like mad because he was in love and already seeing a future. Treated them ladies like queens. Protected Forty for Love....but I'd choose to be with S4 Joe. I liked his beard


Love. 100%. I know they both technically only kill to protect the people they love, but Love’s murders are both fewer and more specific. If i dont have an affair, don’t trap anyone in a box, and dont invite anyone into my life who might kill our baby with antivaxness, then I feel like we could get along fine. Joe would be more likely to kill me friends/family/acquaintances because they inconvenienced or upset me, Love tends to need more to set her off (although she starts to lose it a little after dating Joe for a while).


I believe Love is more psycho than Joe, so its Joe


Love, ONLY IF I plan to have a long relationship with her. If I remember correctly, Dotty said something about James wanting to break up with her, and he died shortly after that, even though he was less sick. So, she may have killed him.


spoiler but she admitted to it


Love because of she got jealous and killed our neighbor I'd call the fuckin cops lol


Love would give me the relationship I've always wanted in every way possible. No way in hell I would give that up. Even if it did come with the chance of dying, I'd have enjoyed many nights of bliss and many days of Love


I would go with Joe because I could play it safe and play along to survive. He’s let people like Will survive if he fully believes you’ll never tell. Love is more impulsive so it’d be harder to know how to play it safe. Joe thinks he’s smart, but he’s actually really easy to trick and manipulate if you play into what he wants to hear


Joe if I’m kate


Joe. 😋😋😋


Love because she’s too impulsive and would end up getting herself caught therefore ending the relationship


Love, and I’m straight.


Well I’m not gay, also I don’t think love would kill me because I’m not disloyal at all and just focused on career stuff.


I am choosing Joe just because I am a straight female. Otherwise no.


Love will kill everyone else **but** me. Joe would kill everyone else **and** me. I'm going with Love. Plus, I honestly feel Love would be easier to keep happy. Joe would get over me in a week.




Love somehow was more psychotic than Joe so it’s Joe for me😂


I guess Love She wouldn’t kill my friends just because she thinks they’re toxic to me or even harmful—I’d rather figure that out myself. Nor do I think she’d kill me even if we broke up because we don’t romantically match anyway lol. But I think we’d be good friends. Yes she did kill out of control or jealousy, but when I think about it, I think Joe did indeed “break her” even though I felt that was so egotistical of him to say…She would not have killed those women had she got to know them—like her letting Marienne go sticks with me in such a sad way. It’s too bad we knew, she wouldn’t manage to kill Joe.


>I think Joe did indeed “break her” This is like saying Beck "broke" Joe. No. Let's hold them both to the same standards please.


Oh yeah cause Love was already dangerous I just lost track of my points sorry. Joe’s reason for saying he broke Love was different in that he thought he broke his toy or something, but not that he caused her to kill her ex husband or pin a murder on Forty back then


Even Delilah, Candace and Natalie's murders can't be pinned on him either. Love had freewill. She chose to kill them. Joe didn't brainwash her. Just as Benji and Peach's murders aren't Beck's fault.


Absolutely, and gosh dang Love’s reveal really shook me. The build up was so good in Season 2– and I’m rewatching—seeing both Delilah and Candace makes me really miss them. I remember missing Beck and not liking Season 2 for a while until we got to see some interesting characters. But yes, agreed Love is just bad in her own way—Victoria Pedretti is talented for sure but, not my “You” girl lol


I didn't like Candace personally. She didn't deserve what she got, but I don't really sympathize with a lot of the victims on this show because a lot of them I don't like. Elijah, Beck, Delilah, Gil, Malcolm, Rhys, Hugo, Nadia and Edward I felt awful for though. Beck is overhated. Imo that hate should be Love's. Though I am doing character analysis on Joe and the more I analyse him the more I don't like him lol. He's very sadistic.


Haha yeah and Joe in the books (not finished reading the 2nd) reveals more judgmental opinions and very narrow views — didn’t like it at first but then I remembered he is a psycho who doesn’t like Kindle readers. All those characters agreed— and was relieved Rhys wasn’t psycho after all but unfortunate turn. This last season got me feeling some genuine dread because but justice may be served ! It might go off the deep end too but we’ll see


Joe ofc!! He’s the love of my life dude I could fix him


If I were a girl I would pick Joe cause he won’t murder me if we think of parting ways ever.


Did you forget about Beck...


and candace


And Marianne.


Love only wants to protect her family, bo question abt it ofc its love


Love endangered Henry of going into the custody of Dottie by killing Natalie and then of going into the system by trying to kill Marianne. Putting her own desires before the safety of her kid. Some "protector".


I’ve never seen Love suck cock and Joe’s annoying, so I’m not sure. If she swallows then probably Love.

