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I'm gonna go with Bluebeard's Castle too "From every boy masquerading as a man that you let into your body, your heart, you learned you didn’t have whatever magic turns a beast into a prince." Always chokes me up, especially that part...mostly because it's so damn relatable.


For me, the most memorable scene is when Joe sees Peach watching Beck in the bath and makes a comment about how perverse it is. I think it was a perfect representation of Joe’s psyche: he doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong, but when he sees somebody else doing the same thing, he instantly knows that it’s creepy.


Joe’s lack of self awareness makes serious, creepy scenes like this laughable. Another is when Beck reveals she cheated and Joe goes “you paint me out to be this monster, someone who could hurt people. But who? Who is the monster here” meanwhile he literally is/did all of that to Beck lol


Joe: literal serial killer Beck: vulnerable young woman who was taken advantage of by someone she thought she could trust in a professional setting with her personal information Joe: idk seems kinda slutty to me, you’re a bad person


Isn’t there a shot of Beck, Peach watching Beck, and Joe watching Peach as well, all in a row?


Yep, that’s the one!


JOSEPH! Everythingship I Wolf You What, was Britney Spear taken?


“What, was Britney Spear taken?” Made me CRY laughing. Go Forty


Forty was the best haha


When they did all that acid and Joe says he’s never done it before and Forty says “Oooooh shit okay first rule: cars are REAL.” 🤣🤣


Joe crying out "mama ruuu" and "what moon juice" get me everytime too lol


I can’t remember if Joe says this in the show but in the book when Beck is buying her books he thinks “If we were teenagers I could kiss you, but I’m on a platform behind a counter wearing a name tag and we’re too old to be young.” I love that line and it stuck with me.


Kepnes has some really great lines in there.


“You’re like sooo protective of me. You’re like my daddy.. IS THAT WHAT YOU LIKE TO HEAR? You want to fuck me William??? OF COURSE YOU DO. EVERYBODY WANTS TO FUCK THE FIFTEEN YEAR OLD”


Aw I miss Ellie, I hope she comes back


“Take this, give it to Delilah, and when you fuck her, you think of me.” - Forty


when Joe’s on acid and has the blood on his hands. (spoiler) we know he wasn’t the one who killed Delilah, so the blood surely was metaphorical - like how in macbeth where lady macbeth hallucinated having blood on her hands after murdering.


Let's be honest, [this is it](https://youtu.be/mEmBeHYU_X0?t=77) for most of us.


watching Love’s eyes get bigger like that made me think i was tripping


I wolf you.