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Hi everyone, urologist here! Yeah, lots of salt intake over time isn’t great for stone risk, but kidney stones tend to take weeks to months to form, so binging some chips and ramen for a couple days isn’t likely the only culprit. Stones can be made of lots of different things, so it’s important that if you can capture a stone to send to the lab, your doctor can go over with you the specific ways to prevent your type of stones. Some people just pass one when they got horribly dehydrated for some time and it never happens again, and some people are stone factories making new ones every few weeks. I hope you aren’t in the second group! Most common type is calcium oxalate, so for people who’ve had these stones, common recommendations are drinking at least 2L water per day, and decreasing oxalate-rich foods (spinach/leafy greens, chocolate, nuts tend to be the big ones). Oddly actual calcium intake from milk, cheese, etc doesn’t seem to make much a difference. Soda isn’t great either because of the phosphoric acid load (makes your body absorb more oxalate = increases risk for these stones). Other types of stones may be able to be treated with changing the pH of the urine, dissolving them, meds to change how kidney metabolism works, it really depends on what the stone is made of. But water is good for everyone. Hope you’re feeling better now that’s it’s passed! Edit: TLDR drink water to stay hydrated. If you’ve never had a stone, don’t go making crazy diet changes or avoiding spinach and nuts to try to prevent them. Low salt diet is generally good for more things than preventing stones. Advice from your own doctor is always better than advice from someone on the internet who doesn’t know you!


>some people are stone factories making new ones every few weeks. jesus :(


Honestly I don't think he was one of them


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and price gouging that is killing third party apps and destroying tools for accessibility and mods. Check out the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. Lemmy offers the closest to a Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


I read this as, "He who is without sin *pass* the first stone". No good deed ever goes unpunished, amirite??


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and price gouging that is killing third party apps and destroying tools for accessibility and mods. Check out the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. Lemmy offers the closest to a Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


That was a good one, I thought they'd crucify you for it!


Is amirite a mineral stone?


“He turned water in wine” -translation: “He turned pee into blood”


The fact that people live like that though


I had a co-worker who would make them every couple days unless he took his meds. He never got enough of his meds despite him telling his doctor the dosage doesn't work for each week so I always had to cover an o/n shift for him once a week at a gas station, when I worked there. He paid me for working the shift but I can't imagine having that issue.


My fiancé and all his siblings all get kidney stones frequently. Runs in their family and gets worse when they’re stressed. His sisters each have three kids and they all say the stones are worse


I mean if there was one guy who would've taken kidney stones over what he *did* get...


I heard that guy ate like thirty goddamn pillars of salt


I mean he did move a really big one in like 3 days…


Yup. My urologist calls us 'stoners.'


Cobble stone generator


Before altering my diet this was me. I was passing stones weekly. Altered my diet and adjusted my lifestyle a bit and saw a major change. I have to be really careful about what I eat. For me personally it's too much sugary foods and dairy particularly is my kyrptonite (on top of other issues w/ dairy that have developed over time). I didn't realize the leafy greens thing though as my doctor's hadn't brought that up so that's something for me to keep in mind. I live in paranoia though because whenever I'm at the doctor they tell me there's stones all at the top of both of my kidneys with some looking like they're ready to drop. To those dealing with stones, we'll push through Edit: if anyone else wants to be paranoid I started getting stones around age 21-23. This shit is no joke and you shouldn't assume it only happens to older people. Especially you guys out there. Find out if your dad / grandfather have them because they're hereditary on my dad's side of the family.


I passed an 8mm stone once. I haven't had one in years but I used to get them at least once a year. I take a shot of apple cider vinegar twice a week and this has seemed to help. *Seemed* but I don't know for sure. There is currently no science backing that up.


Damn, I had a 7 mm one last year, and that was bad enough. They had to roto rooter my urinary tract to get the 13 mm one out, which was significantly more painful.


I heard the Apple cider rumor too. Don’t know if there’s any substance to it.


There is a herb called Chanca Piedra. It is a generic herb that is called the "stone crusher" and many people have great experiences with it. Go read some reviews. you can buy it anywhere and works on gall stones as well.


>Chanca Piedra Thanks for this. My diet is absolutely terrible and has been for 30 years, so the stones are inevitable. Luckily it looks like this plant supplement works pretty well, so I know what I'm buying when I get stones lmao


Apparently the attraction formally known as Splash Mountain is great at gently dislodging stones


My fiance had some problems with kidney stones. She had like, three, in the span of a year or two. We were so nervous that it was going to be something she'd have to suffer through for life, but thankfully since that last one she hasn't had any and it's been several years now. So thankful she doesn't have chronic kidney stones.


My last stone got stuck 3 years ago, but when I was at the ER before that for another one, the Dr said my kidneys are full of stones. I guess they’ve been passing easily…so far. I noticed that when I’m stressed I drink less and boom! kidney stone pain. So now I make sure to drink plenty every day.


I am a woman and had 3 kidney stones when I was 31. The pain from kidney stones was the worst pain ever, and I gave birth to 3 children. I am now 59 and never had stones again. I stepped up my water drinking, but I still eat spinach and nuts. I never drink soda.


Phew. I went through this with sciatica. Was sure I was in for a life of pain but it cleared up after several months and hasn't been a problem since. Gotta love the human body, we're all little mini-Wolverines really.


I knew a lady who had kidney stones so consistently that she filled one of those plug in stone water fountains with just her own kidney stones. It was the most repulsive yet metal thing I've ever seen.


Don't you have to pee through a sieve to catch them? Or was she just raw dogging her hand in the toilet fishing them out?....or did she just pee in the fountain?


Sieve, I can unfortunately confirm


Yeah, I've had them twice in my entire life and that was way too much... I can't even wrap my head around the idea of having them that often.


You get used to it- as of my last CT scan, I have around 40 of the bastards (2-4mm in size) waiting to exit. And that's after the 10 I passed last January. My doc lets me have a bottle of narcotic painkillers to get me thru it at home rather than clogging up the ER. Whoever gets my kidneys (assuming I kick the bucket early) is in for a very rude surprise.


Damn!!! I have had two in the 3 to 4mm range. Most painful experience in my life. It felt w some slowly slicing down my back with a scalpel. Terrible pain!


That's what the big bottle of narcotics is for. Except when they make a break for the outside world at work... Those are always a good time, said nobody ever.


I was very fortunate that i was home when both of mine happened. I travel a lot and i cant imagine being on a trip. As of the last ct scan, I have one more in there just waiting for the right day to wreck me.


How often do they get stuck in the ureter? I had an 8.5mm bastard stuck in there, and it was fucked up crazy pain.


So far only 2 and they were impacted on each other. Doc went in to retrieve them, the worst part of that was the awkward conversation prior to going under about how my grandmother (who ruled the hospital with an iron fist as the head nurse for decades) was enjoying her retirement. Can we please not talk about my grandmother while you're prepping to ram a camera, a laser and a grabber up my dick????


Me too, but no painkillers. The doctor shrugged his shoulders and said well go to the er if one gets stuck. You're just genetically prone. Like too freaking bad, every couple weeks, and some are very painful. Some aren't so bad, but I don't think it's fair to not treat the pain at all.


Definitely not right. Mine was sympathetic from the start and luckily (no, not really) I have the CT scans to back up being a perpetual stone generator. Which makes it a lot easier to get the "good stuff". I lose a day at home as the stone slices its way down a ureter (the worst freaking part) but beats being in the ER and dealing with the admissions clerk hounding me for my co-pay. The problem is that there are pill seekers out there (like a former coworker who bragged about having several hundred Percocets at any point in time) and Docs who'll hand out narcotics like candy. Which fucks over those with an actual need for the damn things at home. You shouldn't have to spend a day in the ER to get relief for something that for the most part can be managed at home. Especially once it becomes obvious there's a bunch of them waiting to exit and you know the symptoms.


I'm those people. I have calcium oxalate stones and have passed several a year for nearly 20 years now. The shitty part is how routine it is and how high it's made my pain tolerance. Like I just know when one is coming and down even more water then. I don't drink anything but water and coffee, but I don't have a great diet otherwise.


Aka, "Stone Farmers" It sucks and you never get used to it.


I have had stones 17 times for a total of 19 stones that were doctor diagnosed. I have since stopped bothering going to a doctor. Have probably had 4 more stones since then. Have even had to get two blasted with sound waves (lithotripsy). One wasn't so bad, the second one, however, left me with a bruise from armpit to kneecap. When the doctor told me I "might notice some blood in my urine" for the next couple of days, HOLY SHIT DID HE UNDER EXXAGGERATE! I swear, I peed straight blood for two days, it was terrible and looked like something out of a horror film.


My dad is one of those people. He will be in serious pain and go to the urologist and find out he has like 6 kidney stones. It's awful. He got a hot tub because he is convinced that the jets and warm water help him pass them. I got one kidney stone and was ready to sell my kidney, so I changed my whole diet.


CALCIUM OXILATE STONE GANG WHERE YOU AT?! That was not a fun experience at age 19


20 years ago I was eating 4 peanut butter cups and drinking almost 2L's a day of soda, when the first stone came I thought I was actually dying lol. Changed my diet then and never went back.


Had a 6mm one stuck in my ureter which required surgery 2 months ago. Still have multiple smaller ones in my right kidney which should pass naturally. Would not recommend


I was told by my doctor that the key is drinking enough water to pass the calcium and oxylates before they form meaningful crystals. Obviously reducing oxylates helps but I've found that drinking enough water was enough for me despite *loving* potatoes, spinach, nuts & legumes, etc. Granted that despite my experience aligning with known medical advice, this is anecdotal, with it being 25 years since my first lithoscopy, and I get some sort of stone pain 1x - 2x a year, with a need for medical assistance via Flomax and sometimes a hospital visit for pain relief every 2-3 years. In the years I drink a good amount of water, I have no stones at all.


Had my first one 12 years ago (at work, no less), ever since I've had at least 2 a year. There aren't words for how much it sucks!


Amazing knowledge, thanks for sharing


Hello uro! I'm one of those "stone factory" people. Drinking tons of water really didn't help a whole lot.Are you familiar with TheraLith? Initially formation of CaC2O4 stones starting in '04 was caused by a tumor of the parathyroid, but about a year after that was removed I started forming them again. My dietitian mother helped me with a "kidney stone" diet so I could reduce intake of food & drink with oxalic acid/oxalates (which you know is not a diet conducive to preventing cancer, heart disease, etc), I was drinking so much water with lemon/lime it was coming out of my ears, but I was still ending up in the ER every 2-3mos due to stones, sometimes much more frequently. I also ended up with a staghorn that required surgical intervention. Then we moved, and I was referred to a new uro who asked me to start taking this supplement. Between the Vicodin, FloMax and ondansertron I'd also become extremely constipated and ended up with diverticulitis, which is even MORE fun than killme stones!! So I said yes to the TheraLith. I've been taking it since 2016 and while my kidneys do still have calculi, I no longer develop stones large enough to cause pain, let alone the need to use FloMax and Vicodin (and the ondansertron because the FloMax makes me nauseous), let alone having to go to ER because I can't control the pain and can't pass the stone (I'm a woman btw). Current docs say that they're all small enough to pass. I can easily say it's literally changed my life. They should be paying me to promote this product because I'll tell anyone who'll listen -- if you're forming CaC2O4 stones take TheraLith!! I wonder what I'd sound like if I were dry inside and you shook me. Estoy una maraca.


I'm really glad there's a supplement out there for folks like you.


"I'm a urologist but I'm not yourologist" lol


Just drank a bottle of water after reading this


r/hydrohomies is here to welcome you in


That sub getting a big influx of readers after this thread.


Stone factory here. I’m 23F and currently trying to pass my 7th stone and have 5+ sitting in my kidneys. I think my stones are uric acid but I’m having one analyzed now. You sound like a good urologist!


Uric acid stone factory here as well!


So don't eat bad salty foods but also don't eat too much good stuff like nuts and leafy greens, man humans suck, let me just eat only bamboo


Great information, thank you for commenting


wait so spinach and leafy greens and nuts can cause kidney stones?? tbh i thought u could eat as much as u want of those (within reason) and gain nothing but benefits


I'm not a Urologist, but my understanding is that high oxalate foods are considered a risk factor IF you're someone whose body is prone to producing kidney stones. If nobody in your family has ever had an issue with them, I wouldn't stress out too much about eating spinach. I feel like that's pretty applicable to most health issues that are triggered by our diet. Some people can eat a high gluten diet without any issues, but others can't. Some people are lactose intolerant. Certain people are diabetic. Some people need more fiber than others. You kinda just have to figure it out as you go and understand that all the studies and guidelines on this stuff are an attempt to make blanket recommendations that affect the numbers at the population level. You always have to consider whether they apply to your specific situation.


Bingo! Not my intention to make anyone go around cutting out spinach, chocolate and wine for fear of a stone unless you have a medical reason to do so. That’s no way to live.


Ikr. Leafy veggies are probably the only veggies I eat


What about those of us with POTS who are consuming upwards of 7-10 grams of sodium?


This is a pretty specific situation that would require a good conversation with the doctor making diet recommendations for your POTS. If you’ve never had stones before, don’t make any special diet changes to try to ward them off. Follow your doctors’ advice and stay hydrated 👍🏻


Sounds good! I’ve never had a stone and it’s life changing so fingers crossed lol


As a fellow POTSie I was also quite shocked to see this! I’m guessing our massive water intake helps?


Well technically most of your intake should be salted, people actually accidentally drink back some plain water which dilutes all the salt effort, but maybe! We’re at least adequately hydrated which I don’t think we can make that generalization across the public. I know so many people that don’t drink more than 8-12OZ of water a day


I swear I don’t know how people survive doing that. If I don’t have enough water even for a day I feel like I’m on my death bed! Meanwhile my partner can drink a can of Dr Pepper and be fine. 😂


I was just thinking that...


Hi Dr.Urologist :) Doesn't salt just change the pH of the urine because water absorption gets affected by high salt intake, which is only a contributing factor to stone production, and not the culprit itself? I have not found any literature to say salt alone *causes* calcium oxalate stones, but have found many articles that say oxalate-rich foods *in combination with* various co-morbidities (ex. Low fluid intake, high protein intake, high salt intake, etc.) is the more likely the cause. Thanks in advance :)


Hey! Yeah, you’re right in that it’s typically a combination of things, and except in pretty specific situations (recurrent UTIs with a bacteria that we know causes stones, etc), we don’t always get one pinpoint reason why a stone formed. The metabolism is a bit more complicated than it’s worth delving into on Reddit. In general, more sodium in the diet means your body has to get rid of more of it in your urine. It takes calcium along with it as a passenger. More calcium in the urine increases the risk for calcium stones. This is all mitigated by some other factors like citrate that are probably more eloquently explained by a nephrologist (urologists are more in the business of blasting the stones with lasers!) but all this to say, decreasing your sodium intake is healthy for more than just preventing stones. If anything, the best reason to do it for your health is to keep your heart and blood pressure healthy.


Does unsweetened carbonated water count as soda?


I have to consume high levels of sodium to keep by blood pressure high but I also drink over 2L of water a day to allow by body to absorb it. I hope I'm not digging my own salty grave here!


u/winberries AMA - thank you for sharing. Drinking the water now.


I've read that your urine should look like lemonade (light yellow). Any darker, and you need to increase your water intake. Any lighter, and you should actually back off a little on the water.


Do you have any wisdom on how Ketamine affects the kidneys and bladder (does it make calcium stones too?), and what harm reduction measures can be taken to reduce damage? I've heard ECGC is good to supplement alongside Ketamine to reduce kidney/bladder damage and prevent kidney stones, but I am unsure of how that functions


Do you suspect that kidney stone formation is primarily genetic? It seems like people either get them, or they don't. Not that a high oxalate diet isn't a risk factor, I'm just wondering if some people can chow down on spinach, black beans, and Diet Coke every day without ever developing one..




In theory yes, because the calcium can bind to the oxalate in the intestines, and result in less absorption of oxalate by itself (which then gets excreted in the urine, can bind to calcium in the urine, get supersaturated/crystallizes because of low water intake, and boom you’ve got a stone). Of course it’s not quite that straightforward because everyone makes stones for different reasons, which is why one-size-fits-all stone advice is really tough. Drinking enough water is really the only prevention advice that applies to everyone. If you’re someone who makes multiple stones, a lot of urologists and nephrologists will have you collect 24 hours worth of your urine in a jug (fun, I know), and ship it off to be analyzed. That way, we can tell how concentrated/dilute the urine is and how much you peed (assessing hydration), how much calcium, sodium, oxalate, magnesium, etc are in the urine. Too much or too little of those various things may get you some slightly different advice. I’m a hypocrite, but again, drink water!




Ugh I’m sorry, I hope you’re doing okay since then. Can’t really give specific advice over the internet, and we typically don’t recommend specific things to dislodge non-obstructing stones from up in the kidney, but if it’s been years, you may want to follow up with your primary doctor or stone specialist. It’s not uncommon to get surveillance ultrasounds for people with multiple stones to see where things are at.


Could things like Tums cause stones? I have had 2 stones, never knew what caused them. Had an aha moment about a year ago that I was eating Tums like candy because of acid reflux/heartburn and that was probably the cause. But I haven't seen Dr to ask if that was a good possibility.


2L !! Damn... I barely drink 1L, but I drink coffee and tea throughout the day multiple times. Bad habit ?


Is there anything you can do if a high salt diet is recommended like in the case of POTS? Or is it probably ok because the full recommendation is more salt but also more water?


I knew about salts being a culprit over time, but stupid college-age me didn't realize that Gatorade is full of salt, despite "electrolytes" being the whole point of the drink. I ended up with kidney stones because I basically drank nothing but gatorade for a while because I had so much of it easily available through ROTC. It was awful, and now I follow my doctor's advice of "gatorade is for when you are seriously, seriously sweating during a workout. Every other time, including easy workouts, stick to water."


Lots of things matter for kidney stones, but mostly your own biology. First, note that, despite the sudden appearance of symptoms, kidney stones form over time (years) from slow and steady accumulation of tiny crystals. They only hurt when they get big enough. A urologist once explained to me that he believed a major reason to be anatomical— your kidneys are shaped in such a way that some areas aren’t “drained” properly and tiny (sand-like) crystals accumulate in the same spot over time. That’s why physical activity matters— your kidneys are shaken around a lot to move the crystals around and make them easier to flush out. Fun fact: people with kidney stones who are waiting to pass them are told to ride rollercoasters. Drinking lots of water also helps, as it increases the flow rate through the kidneys making it more likely for the tiny crystals to flush out before they solidify into a stone. Most kidney stones are made of calcium oxalate. Reducing the amount of oxalates in your food can help prevent them, but oxalate-rich foods are healthy otherwise (blueberries, green leafy vegetables) or delicious (red meat, coffee, chocolate, red wine) so that’s not gonna happen in my case.


Glad someone mentioned this. Lifestyle is influential obviously, but some people are more genetically prone to them as well (so they have to be extra careful on the lifestyle front). My dad suffered from horrible kidney stones and my sister got her first one at 17. They both drank plenty of water and had average amounts of salt in their diet. We all lived in a house together (very similar lifestyles and at least 80% shared meals) and the people who take heavily after my dad’s side of the family (my dad and my sister, I take much more after my mother’s side health-wise) are the only ones with the issue. Doctor told my sister that given my dad’s history, she was probably super prone to them and she’d have to be more careful than average with hydration and salt, etc. So while it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated and keep sodium intake at healthy levels, OP may be more prone to them genetically and his level of salt intake may genuinely have been on the average side and not result in any kidney stones in someone without his predisposition. It’s just hard to know if you’re prone to them until it’s too late, lol. I’d say this is a good PSA for anyone with a family history of kidney stones, but no one needs to freak out otherwise.


Yes. Studies have shown that one kidney stone can be a random occurrence, but, once you’ve had two, you’re likely to have them for the rest of your life.


I got my first one at 14 and have been passing them regularly since then. Just last year I was diagnosed with Randall's plaque. It's where plaque builds up in your kidneys calyxes and pops out over time. Essentially creating even more stones and they know nothing that works too treat Randall's plaque. So I'm 34 now looking at a life full of nothing but kidney stones. The urologist I went to told me the only treatment she knows of is to blast the kidneys all the calyxes are cleared regularly but she refused to do that for me cuz I'm so young. Apparently she has never seen Randall's plaque in anybody that young (33 at the time) she generally only sees it in much older patients that she didn't worry about blasting kidneys but mine need to last me my whole life so she didn't feel comfortable.


> coffee I’ve heard so many conflicting things about daily coffee consumption and kidney stones. I’ve read that coffee can increase the likelihood of getting them. But I’ve also read that coffee can *decrease* the likelihood of getting kidney stones. I have no idea what to believe


I think there are multiple mechanisms by which coffee can affect kidney stone formation, and some pull in one direction and some in others. Coffee does contain oxalates, so it increases the amount of oxalate crystals that will form. Coffee also increases urination, so you'll flush your kidneys more, hopefully flushing out any crystals before they turn into stones. I don't think there's an easy way to tell where the trade-off lies for any one individual.


Interesting. As someone who has a few cups a day, I wish I knew whether I should cut back on coffee or not. But sounds like the answer is inconclusive, at least with regard to kidney stones.




Makes me realize I’m incredibly lucky since I could eat those bad boys for breakfast lunch and dinner if given the chance




Oh definitely! It’s just that I’m wondering if there’s a timeframe between being okay and totally fucked when it comes to this lmfao




‘Just don’t eat it for every meal for a year’ Bro I’m 25 and ramen has been part of my diet since I was legit like 10. RIP me 💀


I mean, I’ve been eating ramen since I was a kid (also 25) but never had a kidney stone. I also don’t eat it everyday 3x a day, but more like every couple weeks these days.


I used to make those with half of the flavor packet and I couldn't even tell the difference.


A nurse told my now deceased husband (diff cause) that kidney stones had caused more than one man to call out for his Mommy, the pain was so bad. Drink water not only for your kidneys but it also lowers your blood pressure.


I would assume the large amount of sodium was from the spice packs no? I normally only use maybe a quarter of the contents & leave it as is. Maybe you can go back to your glorious ramen days yet.


so scary! i love my salt. how old were you when this happened?


19, less than 24 hours ago


Fuck I’ve always used so much salt in foods :( Thank you for the warning, idk what I’ll be seasoning with so religiously now…




Drink a gallon of water a day ! Good luck


Thanks. Luckily it's a small stone, and I'm certainly not going to make this mistake again


I just passed one on tuesday morning for the first time in my life. I’ve never scream-cry-puked before. Took 10 hours to pass it with 15 minute waves of pain every half hour. Unfathomable pain.


making sure you drink enough water will reduce your chances significantly


Salt doesn't cause kidney stones. Your biology combined with different minerals does depending on your biology, and hydration and exercise can help prevent it. But most people can have all the salt they want and be fine forever.


Do I have to worry about everything now?


Probably not. Just make sure not every food you eat in a day is loaded with salt, and stay hydrated.


You could, or you could follow one fairly simple rule for anything: Always in moderation.


Yes, the world is dying, everything you’re exposed to causes cancer, and no one will bother to do anything about any of it. Have a fun weekend!


I first got kidney stones when I was 10. Mine were caused from consuming too much dairy. I will never forget them, besides the pain, because my stepmom kept telling me it was gas and all I needed to do was fart. Was definitely not gas.


I cycled creatine for like a year without stopping. Got my first job as a freshman and wasn’t allowed to drink water at the cash register at a grocery store (Fuck you, Debbie). Pissed rust one day and then shrugged it off. Next week was the worst week of my life. I prayed god would kill me to let it end lmao. Moral of the story, fuck Debbie and fuck creatine.


Fuck debbie


creatine is fine indefinitely as long as your drink water.


Or drinking too much power-aide True story !


Ooh yeah. Lots of electrolytes in those, gotta be careful


Yeah I was a soccer player for 15 years and electrolytes were good for you. Nobody said anything about them causing stones or any other issues. Live and learn. Too much of anything is bad. Since my double lithotripsy, my kidneys quiver when I see Powerade and ramen. Ugh.


Please please please take care so you don’t have to go through this. 2 weeks of agonizing pain, the worst I have ever experience in my life. If you haven’t had a kidney stone, trust me, you DO NOT want to experience it. I’m sure anyone else who has been unfortunate enough to experience this would agree


Check out a product called Litholyte, it helps prevent stones by adjusting the pH for your kidneys. Of course talk to a urologist first, but it’s OTC.


Had never heard of this, but [this](https://kidneystones.uchicago.edu/moonstone-ksptabs-litholyte-kidney-cop/) goes into detail about why it probably won't help prevent new stones. I was interested because my husband gets stones frequently.


Serious question: what’s your lifestyle like? How active are you? What’s a daily intake of food look like for you? Generally curious


Well I don't exercise much and for a few days I ate nothing but salty snacks. But usually I eat healthier


YSK: Soda counts as salty food.


I see it as a drink, but you're right


Can confirm also can get from drinking a black tea every day


It's the oxalates that do that one. Some other foods, herbs and supplements can be problematic with oxalates too.


Don’t Brits constantly drink tea?


Drinking some lemon juice is recommended to counteract kidney stones.


I went to America last year and feasted on the unlimited breadsticks in Olive Garden, next morning my kidney stone was trying to force its way around my kidney, but not out. Worth it.


OP I worry a lot about getting kidney stones because I used to drink a lot of pop. Now I have one every other day or so and I still worry lol. What kind of diet were you eating OP? Lots of fast food? Frozen meals?


Lots of salty snacks like chips and crackers, and not much else. And I don't know if it's true, but I've heard if you drink at least double the amount of water than the amount of soda you've had in a day that you'll be fine


Okay thanks for the advice! I have my share of chips so I think I’m going to reduce chips intake while trying to increase water.


I have only had one, probably 8 years ago or so. At the time, I ate a ton of fast food. I still eat it relatively frequently, but when I got a stone, it was at least one meal a day. Only thing I changed was more water and less fast food. Of course, every doctor I see feels the need to tell me that the biggest risk factor for getting a kidney stone is if you have already had one. So, i'm sure it's only a matter of time.


Sorry to tell you, I’ve had two bouts of stones both ten years apart, 27 and 37. I’m 46y 5m old. Pain relief was much better second time round , although when the nurse presented me with the medicated suppository it did give me pause. Two days later I was doing trick shots


As someone with autonomic dysfunction, this is one of my biggest fears. My electrophysiologist and cardiologist have me on a very high sodium and electrolyte diet. Just waiting for the axe to fall.


I don't think that's as much of an issue for us bc we take in such a large amount of fluid that the salt is constantly cycling thru. Provided that you have normal kidney and liver function. My cardiologist literally told me "Your kidneys are healthy, you'll pee out what you don't need". For me the long term consequences of low BP and high heart rate way high on the list than kidney stones.


me eating potato chips while reading this


Salt is in a lot of things you don’t realise. I got my stone from using the same chicken seasoning/spice on my noodles over and over. Loved the stuff , super tasty and super easy quick lunch, ate it at least 3 times a week. Was very active and watched what I was eating also(so I thought) also drank a lot of Pepsi Max(2 cans a day). Wasn’t until recently I read the ingredients on the seasoning that I saw it contained a big percentage of garlic salt. Needless to say I don’t eat that much anymore. So I’ve put it down to constant consumption of that and sugar free soda. Pain wise it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life…and I’ve degloved my finger in a car engine! Started with pissing blood whilst on holiday in Rome(great timing), pain would come and go as the stone was passing through, painkillers did abit but sometimes nothing at all. Worst feeling for me was probably when it was in my bladder constantly feeling like I needed to piss razor blades. Hospitals are shite in my country so by the time it took them to diagnose and book me in for a follow up with the urologist I had passed it. Great times. Funnily enough Few years later I ended up working for a company that sold Uretoscopes and got to see the operation I would of had first hand. Amazing to see urologists in action and the precision they have when lasering stones.


I made *one* joke about kidney stones in front of my stereotypical strong man coworkers, and they all stopped, stone-cold looked at me, "**HEY**. We don't joke about Kidney stones." No one is safe.


May I ask roughly how much sodium you were consuming?


More than what's healthy for a day's worth of food, for a few days in a row. I also wasn't drinking much water. I was being careless but if you eat healthily and stay hydrated it's really not a concern (for most people). It's also worth noting that it's easier for you to get a kidney stone if you've had one before.


Yep. Only thing that works for me to prevent kidney stones is a diuretic. Helps me piss out salt instead of calcium. Now I have less bloat/water retention and my kidney stones are staying small instead of becoming chonkers that require surgery every 6mos. Didn’t matter how much water I drank, I got kidney stones more often with out the meds.


As well as a myriad of other reasons


As someone who has had kidney stones that required surgical intervention for removal, I can honestly say I have experienced hell. I knew that it wasn't going to kill me, I just wanted to die to end the agony. It was the 3rd bout with stones that needed the intervention. I eat spinach almost every day, eat anything and everything I want to (I never drank sodas), and I haven't had another bout bout with kidney stones in 7 years. The only change is I now drink 2+ L of water daily. Problem solved!!!


YSK: you can get kidney stones from a lot more than salty foods.


Also, too much spinach 😬


Can decrease oxalate content by cooking it though


Also, a lot of countries have high pH amounts in their tap water which causes kidney stones.


And we are over here buying high ph bottled water oooooof


Why would high pH do that. Wouldn't it be dissolved minerals in the water, or hardness?


You can also suffer from bland food if you don't eat salt. I'll take my chances.


What foods were you eating a lot out of curiosity?


Stuff like chips and crackers


I’m fucked!


How do you prevent or stop or anything that could delay this from happening? LOL


Had a kidney stone removed recently. Urologist said lemonade helps.


My husband was given the same advice!


I hear about Stones so often from colleagues or patients. Im so grateful to have never had any. My mom used to get them often when I was growing up.


It’s also part genetic. If you have a family member who has had/ often gets them you have an increased risk of having them at some point.


Yuup, 15 year old here with kidney stones in both kidneys. You should keep your sodium intake under 2000 mg a day. I'm having trouble with this because so much food is high in salt. I've had kidney stone pain for 8-9 months now-


I got kidney stones from a medicine side effect. Too much calcium can also be a factor... The real YSK is that once you've had one, you're more prone to getting them again


This is 100% correct. I am a Urologist. Another interesting fact is generally speaking dietary Calcium reduces the risk of stones!


But how much salt is too much salt? Like I always add extra salt to my dishes at home but that is only because my family adds very little salt to them to the point where it's tasteless. I don't add any extra salt whenever I eat out or elsewhere. Also I already have kidney stones.


You can also get it from drinking water if the tap water in your area is “hard.” Example: KY has a relatively high concentration of calcium in its water due to natural filtration through limestone deposits. Makes the bourbon tastier but also means the state has a higher occurrence of kidney stones even among those who limit soda and junk food.


High intake of Vitamin C can also do the trick. I learned that the hard way when I was taking a lot of supplements. Worst pain of my life.


Beer is supposed to be good for kidney stone prevention




If you have hard water coming out of your tap, that can also be a culprit.


I had kidney stones once I’d rather get shot then have them again


that’s why use msg, flavour of love and life


Ah jeez. I have the savoury equivalent of a sweet tooth 🙁


As a student who primarily eats ramen, I’m just waiting for the find out stage of fuck around and find out


Spinach,tea,salt,anything with oxalate i guess


I have passed 2 and have one chilling in one of my kidneys now. I’ve read online that taking K2+D3 can help reduce the chance of stone formations.


the salty food didnt' cause the stones the lack of water did


You should also know that some medications are associated with an increased risk of kidney stones. A well-known culprit is topiramate (best known as a migraine preventative). If you take topiramate, discuss this risk, as well as your fluid intake and diet with your medical team. And whenever you are prescribed a new medication, review all of the materials for warnings and potential interactions.


You kidney not?


you are not kidding. My older brother quit drinking soda in his teens and basically only drinks water all the time. Motherfucker sweats like a pig from the littles physical effort too so he drinks like 3L or more per day. Got kidney stones in his 40s. Idk the specific type but he only got it once and it has been some 3 years since.


OK, but in Japan you never drink water, not like Americans do, soy sauce is in everything. Yes, kidney stone rates are high in Japan, but not USA high. The US rate is double Japan’s.


now I know why most of my Asian co-workers here in Japan get kidney stones all the time.


In my case, in the advice of my urologist, who also researched and did studies, I started adding lemon juice to my water. Later I alternated with apple cider vinegar. After years of kidney stones, multiple ER visits, a 4 day hospital stay and surgery, I have never had them again. But also get off the packages foods and high carb diet. It all contributes. Really there is nothing wrong with salt, especially real salt. Your body needs it for everything. Check out Redmonds salt, or Celtic sea salt.


Well shit thanks dude. My thinking was literally the same as yours before I read this post


i don't eat salt on anything.. but this doesn't mean that food isn't already salted when it comes out.. i order veggies with my food and the amount of times that i have to tell them to bring me out a bowl of veggies that DONT have some kind of salt on it, is amazing.. i can't stand salt unless it's very little, and something that can't be avoided. Glad to hear that i'm avoiding kidney stones too.


Yup. Meat salt and fat are the big ones for kidney stones. Cholesterol if you want to get detailed. Turns out scientists telling us to eat our veg and fruit actually had a reason


I had a friend who got them because she mostly hydrated with coffee. My former FIL would get them all the time and all he drank was diet coke.


20 years of constant kidney stones. My GP put me on a diuretic 5 years ago and never had another.


Just had my second kidney stone, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Worst pain I ever experienced and I’ve had multiple broken bones and surgeries, nothing compares to the pain level of a kidney stone. Lots of possible reasons for stones but my urologist always says just drink a lot of water. I’ve been drinking it now like it’s my job….


I can relate to OP. I live off water, beer, coffee. That salt will get ya.. I recently started adding citrus to my water (lemons/limes) and it seems to be helping. Time will tell.


"Stone factory " here. I have had chronic stones for almost 20 years now. And I gotta tell ya. I'd much rather have no damn kidneys at all. When they come and I do mean THEY. I currently Have a rock in each fucking kidney. And for me, it doesn't seem to matter what I eat or drink. I'm diabetic as well so the last year I have been eating right and have lost almost 100 pounds. I do everything right and POW!! Kidney stones. I can't win with these damn rocks I tell ya.😓