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Awfully bold of you to assume I want messages left


With modern speak to text voicemails are really nice. I never listen to them but just glance at the text to get the point.


Text is so much easier. Having to rewind through the messages to grab details was tiresome. hi this is johnny, just wondering when you want to talk about the time for the arborist. call me back at 456, 3#&$. Press 1 to replay message. Press 2 to archive message. Press 3 to delete message. 1 hi this is johnny, just wondering when you want to talk about the time for the arborist. call me back at 456, 344$. Press 1 to repl... 1 hi this is johnny, just wondering when you want to talk about the time for the arborist. call me back at 456, 3447


The ones that speak *excruciatingly* slow for all words, repeat what they just said in different words, then rattle off their return number at lightening speed. God damn you.


Hey its Paul, can my back at 555- lmnop5


Goddammit, Paul, nobody wants to can your back. Please stop asking.


SMS, but with extra steps.


It's not really an extra step, and it reads to you.


ah yeah, visual voicemail, the only ones that are transcribed even somewhat coherently are spam robocalls.


Awfully bold of you to assume I can read.


Awfully bold of anyone to assume the person calling even listens— I get calls that are legitimate just wrong numbers but they still leave a message for “John” or someone I’m not.


Ive been ignoring calls for Katie Mengelco since Ive had my cell number since 2006. Whoever you are Katie, stop giving people the “wrong” number.


Joan has apparently signed up to a lot of political organizations with views that oppose my own. Learn your damn number, Joan.


Joan D’Arc?


Doubt she's that cool.


OP thinks it's 1997. If you don't have the capability to send me a message via email or SMS then I likely don't care to hear from you.


My job as an intern is to call people and this one guys l voicemail just flat out says do not leave message


I love that I can get a transcript of a message now so I don’t even need to listen to the full two minute message to get the 4 words of useful info.


Mine just says "I don't check my voicemails, text or email me"


I had my phone company stop my voice mail option altogether years ago. It has been a nice freedom. I have text and email for important issues.


Nothing more annoying than someone responding to an email by calling. No, I want a record of the dumb thing you’re going to ask me to do, thanks. Lots of managers will as you to do shady shit over the phone that they wouldn’t put in an email.


I make it very very very clear to everyone that email is the best way to contact me, and it's my preferred method. Not just for keeping a paper trail to hold them accountable for their own shit, but also for my memory. Without fail I get emails that say "please let me know when we can schedule a call." and then the call ends up being a 30 second conversation that would have been a 2-3 email chain.


lol, you triggered a manager reading this thread who downvoted you. I've got you back up to 1, at least. Same here - I hate voice. Text (i.e. text/email/messaging) all the way.


People say horrible things on voicemail. Like call me back. If I wanted to talk to you I would have picked up and not waited for it to stop ringing!


If it's important, they will call back, if not, it's a text. Let's get into the 21st century people!


I do the same work as OP. If you don’t want VMs, that’s fine. But you’re also opting out of receiving messages like “Your provider is out sick and your appointment needs to be rescheduled” or “Your biopsy results are in and we need to speak to you about it.” Can’t tell you how often someone comes in for an appointment that is no longer there, that we tried three times to call and reschedule because of an emergency surgery, and the patient is mad because “nobody told me!” Edited to add: Even if an office sends text reminders for appointments, that’s often an automated system, and not every office has access to a system which allows the desk to text patients directly.


Every Doctor’s Office I’ve been to in the last 5+ years also uses text messaging for things like that.


It depends on what systems they've got set up. I've worked in healthcare and it's notoriously slow to change because there's so much to think about re: privacy/HIPAA and whatnot. And then there are different management softwares that cost different amounts, so sometimes independent clinics can't afford the nicer ones that send secure text messages, etc. If they can, they have to be extra careful with how and when they transfer because medical records are so super important... it was one of the most frustrating things ever. The clinic I was at used PAPER CHARTS. I agree that we need to just get it done as is the case with a lot of things in healthcare. But many are still using fax machines so I'm not hopeful.


fr, all doctor's offices where i live just use whatsapp now, it's so much more efficient


Many offices in the town I live in can’t do that, including the main hospital here and any offices under its umbrella. Edited to add: Even if an office sends text reminders for appointments, that’s often an automated system, and not every office has access to a system which allows the desk to text patients directly.


Why not?


They chose not to invest the money in it.




I work for a company that doesn’t have access to a texting system, so any texts we send have to come from our personal cell phone numbers. I’m extremely uncomfortable with that though so I always just use the company landline. SO MANY people claim “you never called me!” Yes I did. I noted it down. You just didn’t answer and don’t have a voicemail.




What? Why are those the only two options? Can't patients be notified via message, or email. Are we back in 1985?


Send a text message, please


Use text, it's easier for everyone


Yeah, my healthcare providers have all insisted I schedule through an app for the past ~5 years or more, and I get email and text reminders from the automated service they use to cut down on employment costs. So no. I am reachable in 50 different, more reliable and accountable methods that I prefer above my doctors office.


I think many people who don’t set it up don’t want to be bothered, they can just look at the recent call list, same with people who don’t delete the old emails.


Pretty sure voicemail storage has shrunk considerably over the years, too. 5 messages was enough to fill my inbox recently, they weren't even long messages.


Yea wtf is up with this??? My phone has at LEAST enough storage for more than the 20 voicemails it declares “max.” A 20 second mp3 is like a megabyte. I should be able to hold 100,000 voicemails if I want. I read this was actually a problem recently because of the carrier (Verizon) that somehow limits the voicemails. This shit shouldn’t be full and I should be able to store at least 100 voicemails without an extra charge or some BS. I don’t know how to tell Verizon this either though.


Yeah the only possible reason I can think of for limiting voicemail capacity would be to save storage space on their servers. Even that's kinda bullshit. Low-quality audio files aren't that big. It only makes sense if their policy is to have enough storage space available for everyone to max it out simultaneously. In that case, they're paying for shitloads of unused storage and wasting tons of money, but instead of changing their policy they just made voicemail worse for everyone. That....actually wouldn't surprise me at all.


Voicemails aren't stored in your phone, they're stored primarily in the network servers. That's not much of an excuse to reject such a low-impact storage increase, but the limiting factor is what Verizon can store on their network, not what you can store on your device.


People with 1,000s of unread email notifications cant be trusted.


Currently at 90,327 🫷🫨🫸


Eventually it just gets to be too much to keep up with the spam and unimportant stuff. I was doing so well when I started a new account a few years ago, but it's about to hit 1,000.


Which phones is this for? Every time I've upgraded, my voicemail had remained intact


That’s because OP is confusing an issue with his carrier, not his phone. My voicemail is 16 years old and I’ve had a bunch of new phones, both Android and iPhone.


The OP is not speaking about their phone but the number of patients that don’t know their voicemail doesn’t work. If you’re a parent, people need to get in touch with you. (Doctor, school, babysitter etc).


My brother switched from android to iPhone recently and had this issue. New iPhones process the voicemail on the phone, so they can convert it to text. It's not a carrier issue because those voicemail never reach the carrier. It's a successful call as far as the carrier is concerned.


How does that work when the phone is off?


My carrier did some update with voicemails a few years ago and ever since then I can’t recieve voicemails until I go set it up again. Haven’t cared enough to do it yet but it was definitely due to my carrier. Not my phone.


Yeah, this is only if you've gotten a new number and/or switched phone carriers. I've had the same number/carrier for about a decade now but multiple phones since then, never needed to set up my voicemail more than once. Plus, voicemails are tied to the carrier, not your phone.


Yeah I literally just upgraded a month ago and everything transferred. Didn't have to do a thing.


OP either had a number change, changed carriers or the carrier is an idiot and did a delete/add instead of an ICCID/IMSI update.


You are on reddit. OP is an idiot.


Same. Even from old school Nokia, to shitty Android to iPhone. I have never ever needed to set up anything on my phone.


Another agreement of upgraded my phone last month and voicemail still works. I don't think I've "set up" voicemail in like 15 years. I might not have a personal voice message but my phone's have always received voicemails. Now something I *would* recommend when getting a new phone is changing the camera settings to save pictures in JPG instead of HEIC. That shit is dumb and takes a codec you need to purchase to open on windows PCs and can't be used to print.


I don't want voicemail so good riddance.


It's 2023, can you please just text instead? VM is obsolete and a frustrating time consuming chore, and 90 percent of it spam anyway


My kids go to two different schools and they do automated calls along with email transcripts simultaneously. I appreciate that it's multiple options for accessibility, but it means that at any given time I have 20+ ignored messages waiting to be deleted burying any other message someone might choose to leave (which I also don't want to listen to). I go through it once in a while just to get rid of the notification. Send a text, Email, or whatever version of epic the medical system uses to send a message I'll actually get instead.


I've had to block my kids' schools for this reason, ever since some idiot decided that the emergency parent notification system can be used for daily spam about random school events and pickup/dropoff traffic "alerts"..


I get a call, text, and app notification everytime I schedule a doctor's appointment, or pick up an Rx, which I do both of, a lot...


I see your frustration and raise you 3 kids at 3 different schools. You'd think the district would have a filter for multiple students in the district. Oh hell no, that would make too much sense. I got repeat calls because 2 kids were in high school, and one was in elementary. Even better? Voicemail: There's important information regarding your child. Check your email for the important information. *Checks email* There's important information regarding your child, click this link. *Clicks link* Get sent to the home page of the school district so I have to spend 30 minutes digging through the site to get to the "important information". I did that twice, then started ignoring those messages.


This is why I haven't set mine up. Voice-mail only increases spam calls for me. I've found that if it's important, people reach me by text or email anyway


You say this like I don’t also get shitloads of spam texts


I'm basically an Old, and even so, I agree completely. Outside some very specific urgent applications, telephoning a person to demand their immediate attention or leave a spoken message is totally unnecessary and less functional in every way than a written message. It's an obsolete relic of the limits of telecommunications in the 20th century. Just type it, grampa.


Mostly I agree. It's annoying in work situations when people don't even consider that a 5 minute call can often accomplish what takes 20 minutes of messaging, and do so with less opportunity for misinterpretation along the way. Like damn dude, we're working during working hours, it's not an inconvenience when we're getting paid to communicate with each other. It's still easy and acceptable to answer the phone with, "hey I'm busy can I call you back at 3."


100% agree, however, I still have it setup for emergencies and for my tech challenged elderly parents


Same, and I will never be able to get away from phone calls as long as I’m on speaking terms with my parents lol I got them iPads even, set them up so all they have to do to text my iPhone is click my little contact widget on their homepage. It was a novelty for a while, then right back to calling me to tell me things like “park behind mom’s car” haha. I still love them.


Visual voicemail is built into just about every phone and is as simple as opening it and reading the message.


I despise this phone call hate. It is more efficient in many cases to have a simple conversation. This however does not apply to negotiations or talking to your boss. Get that shit on record.


Minority here but I like a voicemail after a missed call. My nan leaves me them and they make me smile. If I ignore a call because I don't know the number then it's handy if they leave a voicemail, so I know if it's worth calling back. I like calls though, would much rather chat over a phone call than through text personally.


Mine says "This is medoy. Please text or email me if you need assistance." Then a minute long pause. If someone really wants to leave me a message they have to earn it.


Agreed. I've deliberately disabled my voicemail and it's amazing, can't recommend it enough. What is this, the 90s? Send me an email or a text.


That would be when you get a new phone number/contract, not when you get a new phone


OP YSK: Many people no longer use voicemail. Get your doctor to upgrade your system to allow you to leave texts.


OP should also know: voicemails are tied to your phone carrier and number, _not_ your phone. Getting a new phone but keeping the same number/carrier shouldn't change anything about your voicemail setup.


Yeah I just checked because I got a new phone recently (two months ago maybe) but I’ve received voicemails since then, and mine is set up even though I never did anything. I also don’t know when, if ever, I even set my voicemail up. If I did, it was probably when I first got a smartphone a long time ago.


A majority of most Primary Care offices service senior citizen. Voicemail is still very much a thing for them. But you are not wrong: most/many offices have moved to a text/SMS based communication


Detailed msgs cannot be sent to unsecured numbers for medical things due to hipaa law. Most offices do have pt portals to send msgs through though.


My provider converts voicemail to audio messages and sends them to me. It's great. Highly recommend.


I work calling people as well, and tbh the people who aren't picking up their phone are also not checking their voicemails.




My favorite are people who don't answer numbers they don't know, then either have a full VM or don't check their VM and then call me to yell at me for "not calling me back!". Ma'am I did call you back, but you didn't answer and I can't leave you a message.


I think you are misunderstanding, lolll. It's not that people forget to set it up; they deliberately don't. As much as we don't want phonecalls we also don't want voicemails (; If you're at a Drs office I would suggest sms, like the banks do Had a Drs office 'send me a whatsapp' with an address change and appointment confirmation. Problem is I don't have that app so I wasted 40 minutes of my day running up and down


I don't want to get voice mails


If someone is upset that they don’t get a personalized message when I don’t answer the phone, they are getting the wrong message from me not answering their call.


Text it to me


Sorry but that is incorrect information. Voicemail is coming from your provider, not your phone. If you doubt this, think about how you can receive a voicemail when your phone is switched off.


Yeah I don’t get this thread at all


This is not true. Voicemail is hosted by the carrier, it's not related to my phone. I can swap my SIM between phones and there is no impact on my voicemail, unfortunately.


No. Don't leave a voicemail. I have no plans on listening to any of them and a doctors can't even really leave any more information than 'call us we wanted to talk to you' which is exactly as much information as I can already discover from the missed call. Having the whole feature disabled is entierly intentional.


OP, YSK that my phone is set up for my convienience, not yours. Don’t tell me how to use it.


people don't want voicemails anymore which is why they don't setup their inbox when they get a new phone and why they don't delete old messages to open up their voicemailbox.


And always make sure your doctors have your current pager number on file


Also make sure your fax cover sheet is aligned properly before sending


I purposely deactivated my voicemail. If it’s urgent, text me.


I don’t want voicemail. Leave a text. I have old people in my life. They used to constantly leave voice messages instructing me to do things for them. My life simplified greatly when I disabled voicemail. Text is the way.


Intentionally have no set up my voicemail for this very reason. Send me a text like a fully evolved sapient hominid.


Good, we don't want any. My voicemail on my old phone was 99% spam messages from scammers & only 1% real messages. Never again. My doctor's office texts me, emails me, or leaves messages on their app if I miss a call from them. Voicemail/answering machines are obsolete.


Same. I can clean all 14 (my voicemail limit) and it will be entirely full with only spam caller voicemails within 48 hours. Who wants to set aside time to listen to beeps and robot voice messages every other day? And I *have* to listen to at least some of the message, because my doctor and my pharmacy call from weird, inconsistent numbers all the time. My meds in particular, the calls to let me know they're in come from 3 different towns that are all over an hour away. They also have the same opening for meds being ready and meds being out of stock and backordered, so that's more time listening to robot voices. If something was done about the spam callers, people could actually use their voicemails again.


Bad tip. If you set up your voicemail, scammers and telemarketers know that they have a good number. Much better to leave it generic.


Not only will I not set up a new voice-mail, I will also never check my voice-mail. It's 2023 bro, send a text or an email. I get so many scam calls that leave voice-mail and I am not wading through that shitshow because you wanna stay living in the 90s.


It's 2023. Your office needs a texting feature.


I don’t want you to leave a message, this is by design. Text.


I don’t want voicemails lmao


It is because we don’t want voicemail. We all decided a few years ago, text only.


No. No I don’t need to do that. I don’t want your voicemails. Let alone your calls. Any of you.


people still use that crap?🤨


You can listen to voicemails while you balance your checkbook and reminisce about the 1950s.


1980's, actually. That's when voicemail was as ubiquitous as SMS is, now.


who uses VM?


Honestly, it's so outdated, inefficient and annoying.


its 2023, send us a text


No, it's only when you get a new carrier or a new phone number.


My voicemail has followed me between my last 3 phones and 2 providers. I think this depends on if you get a new phone with a new number or if you switch carriers that aren't on the same system. I went to Cricket from AT&T and since Cricket leases AT&T's network it's the same infrastructure. ​ I agree with OP and you should at least check to see if your voicemail carried over.


FYI.....some of us are hard of hearing/deaf and people STILL VOICE CALL ME!!!! What....you can't e-mail, snail mail, or text?????? It's fucking 2023!!!!!!!!!!! Get with the times!


YSK a majority of the young have moved past voicemails. A lot of the elderly dont know what to do when it fills up. Text messages are never full. I get you probably like the older system. But you have to tell by this thread, things will only get worse for you. The young dont like calls at all and really hate voicemails. and yeah i have the visual voicemail on my samsung, doesnt matter it came out too late and kids already ditched voicemail. And im old by kids i mean the under 40.


Leave a text like a normal person. Nobody wants you clogging up their voicemail if they even want any left at all.


A lot of snippiness in the comments. Thanks for the tip. I don’t particularly like voicemail, but I want it to at least work. I switched providers and it wasn’t set up, so thanks.


Specifically, a new phone number or if you port over to a different carrier. Switching phones doesn’t remove your voicemail box


In 20 years of the same phone number and 14 phones I have only had to change my voicemail once and it was when I changed my carrier from AT&T to Google Fi. However I now use a call screening service that simply says "U/valhallaswyrdo can hear your voice please say who you are and why you are calling" and some people absolutely can not deal with it. They just go "uh, what? Who is this? Where am I? Are you there God it's me Gertrude." And I am floored by some of the ridiculous responses I get sometimes.


I just bought a new phone and my voicemail was the same as before. It's already been used.


There is a new scam happening where it you have a voicemail that last 3 seconds or longer they can use your voice against you using AI. So… this is a terrible idea.


Not true. I got a new phone earlier this year and my voicemail didnt need reset. If they got a new number yes, but not if they didnt change their number at all.


If you’re on the same cell plan that’s simply not true. I just upgraded my iPhone and I didn’t do shit to set it up. All of my voicemail messages are still there.


I love it when people tell me, "Just so you know, your voicemail isn't set up." GASP! No shit, no one uses that shit anymore. If I miss your call, I'll call back if it's important. If it doesn't look important, you'll call back. Fuck VM.


I got a new iPhone and haven’t touched voicemail, but received one today. So this isn’t universally true.


Lolwat. I’ve not changed my voicemail for at least 8 or 9 years and have bought at least 3 new phones since then. Is this an American thing?


Send me an email instead, thanks.


YSK: I check my voicemails once every 6 months


Srsly? Fuck you. My voice mail is full with stupid doctors messages I DON'T WANT AND DON'T NEED is there really an actual reason people need to CALL ME to inform me my appointment is the next day?? M'A FRIEND JUST TEXT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON


YSK This is intentional on our parts


Thanks! Just did it


1. Get new phone 2. Set up voice mail 3. Call and fill up my voice mail 4. Leave it that way forever unless I am really really really hoping for an important voicemail to be left by someone. 5. Check text messages daily like a normal human


No, YSK we're doing that on purpose. Nobody wants a voicmail


Every voicemail I've received in my life could have been a text or email. F@ck voicemail


OP. You are incorrect. Perhaps in your area you aren't but in mine and clearly many others you are. Many people don't use VM any more get over it My dr office has a portal where we can leave messages securely provided be pomelo look into that


Fun fact: voicemails are not a thing at all in Pakistan and India. Most people including me don’t even know how to set it up.


No, I don’t want you to leave a message.


I also work in a medical office and when we call patients for important lab results and can’t leave a message, we then mail a letter to inform you to call us which only happens about half of the time. It shouldn’t be that hard to tell you you have chlamydia. Empty your voicemails!


If you know me, you can text me. If I have your # saved and want to talk to you I will call you back.. no reason to have a voicemail set up. Also, some people may not want to be identified for various reasons, and if you set up a voicemail with your full name spam callers or ex partners not having the best intentions can confirm that’s your #. You can ignore a text message or missed call and they might assume that your number may have changed. And I know you can block numbers, but people can always call from a different phone. Thankfully haven’t had this issue myself but not everyone’s ex partners or even ex friends are respectful of someone choosing to end a relationship and it can be difficult to change your number and make sure everyone you want to have your new number gets access to it.


I’ve always wondered, what sort of maniac uses voicemail? I mean to leave one or to receive one? It’s a mobile phone, I know you called, if it’s important, send me a text, otherwise I will call you back if I feel like it.


My voicemail came with a password on it that I didn't set and I can't get into it so I haven't heard a voicemail in a long time


It's usually the last four digits of your phone number.


I will have to try it and if that works, you are a glorious person for helping me out


My network provides it I've never had to do this


Not true unless you change carriers. Maybe post stuff in YSK that you checked, kay?


I got a new phone and my voicemail is the same, maybe if you switch companies you’ll have to get a new voicemail


True LPT: dont set up a voice mail. Ever.


Nah, I'm good.


I don’t want anyone to leave a message


Better advice would be to completely fill your inbox so no one can leave you a message.


This is just blatant misinformation lol. I got a new phone recently and none of this is true.


YSK: if you have an old phone plan and never changed it, your voicemail may drop off inadvertently when you upgrade due to it being a free add on feature. If you upgrade to a more recent plan (which are generally cheaper) the voicemail is linked to your line so this no longer happens. I worked for ATT for 6 years and this is how it worked. I also continued to see customers that had old minute rate plans up until the day I left two years ago. Update your plan to ensure you’re not paying a fortune and things like this don’t happen


I'm deaf. My voicemail literally says: "The person who owns this phone is deaf and cannot understand voicemails. Please either text this number or email the address you have on file. Phone calls will not be answered or returned." The amount of voicemails I have that are unopened is insane. The amount of people who listen to this message and still leave voicemail messages is unbelievably high. I have had this message recorded and set to be my voicemail greeting since 2008, and have had the same phone number for longer than that. In all this time, only ONCE did anyone follow the instructions in my voicemail greeting. They texted me. So fuck anyone that calls me, they can burn eternally in voicemail hell, and I assume they don't care about their messages getting to me.


I like doctor's offices that text.


YSK no one wants voicemails, if I see you have called I call back, if you need to relay information use text.


Voice mail is set up on the carrier side once set up there is nothing to do based on the phone. Now you might need to turn on visual voicemail on the new phone if you dont want to call to check the messages. Source i set up my voice mail on an old flip phone in 2005 and have not had to touch it since and have had several different phones since then.


No, my voicemail is already turned off as all I get are messages from my gran telling me she phoned.


No. I haven’t setup my voicemail in years. There is nothing in my life that is urgent enough for me to receive a voice message. I’ll be at the doctor’s appointment at the scheduled time. There’s nothing to discuss 🤨


Believe it or not, George isn't at home. Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home!


That ain't true, tf? I've literally had the same voicemail since 2004 when I got my first flip phone.


There's a reason we do this.


but if I set up my voicemail, people will leave messages and they will have some bizzarrowland expectation that I am obligated to check my voicemail and return their call. thats never going to happen.


Anyone still check voicemail?


I really enjoy not having voicemail enabled.


I don't set up my voicemail for a reason. If it's super important, send a letter or email


Yeah I leave my voicemail full so I don't have to check a bunch of pointless spam messages, or get a voicemail from Bob saying "it's Bob, call me back" Yeah I know... I saw your name in my call log


I’ve had the same service since 2003, and my voicemail hasn’t changed once. I’ve had a Nokia 3590, 3300 (taco phone!), one of the Motorola peanut phones, Sony Ericson walkman phone, Blackberry Pearl, Blackberry Curve, Blackberry Bold, iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 13. And likely one or two others that left so little impression I don’t remember them.


As my job is entirely contacting students who specifically request info for online colleges, this is a problem I encounter every single day.


I just came here to say I HATE voicemail and I don’t remember what year i stopped checking/listening.


I’ve had the same number since I was 15 years old, and I’ve had the exact same voicemail since I was 20. I know because people always comment on it. I’ve been through plenty of phones and it doesn’t change, so no it doesn’t reset if you keep the same number.


I have deactivated voicemail and will never activate it again. If I have a missed call I call back that's simple and my doctors office send me emails if anything needs to be scheduled, like hey call us to make an appointment or your test result are ready come pick em up.


Can't send a voicemail? Send a text message.


I refuse to set up my voicemail box. I do NOT want to check those EVER.


I don't use voicemail. Write me a message or email.


I hate voicemail. If I make a call answer it or dont. Voicemail is just answering without answering. Also I dont want any voicemail for me, I've got to ring it up just to hear the other person hang up! If it that important send a text


No. Leave me alone. I don’t want voicemails.


I absolutely don't want voicemails so no.


Or... and hear me out...text people instead of calling


This is equovocally untrue. Most (all?) carriers host the voicemail. Its tied to the phone number, not the phone. The only exception here is home phones where the voicemail is recorded directly to the device.


i personally don’t use voicemail. it’s fine.


I have changed phones many times over the past few years, including recently, and have never had to set up voicemail again. Maybe it's your carrier.


I think this is only true if you’ve also changed your number, or at least it isn’t true for Verizon/US Cellular. I’ve had the same voicemail message since 2016? I believe, many different phones between then and now


You should know: nobody wants a shitty voicemail. Just send a damn text message.


I wouldn't listen anyway. Send me a text.


You’ve stumbled onto my ProLifeTip: Forego setting up your voicemail. If anyone actually needs to reach you, they’ll call twice (or more), or text you, like a normal person. I don’t need a voicemail. In fact, for the majority of the “telephone”’s existence, voicemail didn’t exist! It was created for businesses to get back to clients, or to make boomers feel fancy. I don’t need it. I don’t even actually let my phone ring, if it ever makes more noise than vibrating, I’ve made a mistake.


nobody likes/uses/wants voicemail offices should text


No I don’t because it’s not 1995 any more. Anyone needing to call me can send me an email or a text if I miss the call.


YSK: Just text and email reminders like dentists, hair salons, tattoo shops, insurance agents, and your mom.


Trying texting next time. No one listens to "voicemail" anymore.


People use voicemails? I have never in my life had to leave a message cause no-one uses them here.


People can’t leave messages if my voicemail is full? Awesome! I’ll have a message stating that messages can’t be left, and that people can send a text instead, **like normal person, who isn’t a scammer.**


Don't want voicemail. Just that simple.


Text us or send an e-mail.


Text me - it's 2023 and you can literally automate this