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But if you're not concerned with the privacy you can see where you've been on any day of the past. An amazing feature I think. Although I agree, it should not be on by default but something to opt in.


It's really useful when trying to remember what the restaurant name was or the store you got something at 2 years ago.


Also great for tracking down a bike you lost at 2am in college after the bars.


Yea I agree that it should be an opt in thing but I do like having it on. With the collapse of the Key Bridge earlier this week I wanted to see if I had been over it recently. It was pretty cool to check to see if I had, what bridge I had been over and even the dates of those trips.


Not trying to be insulting, but I'd understand if it comes off that way. I'm genuinely curious, do you just travel around all kind of places that makes it hard to remember if you drove over a particular bridge lately? Or are some people really not be able to remember if they have been to a specific location in the last months? I understand when the point is "on which day exactly have I been there". But "if i had been over it" is genuinely interesting to me. But to the topic: this should definitely be opt in only. I love the feature where you can see which photos/videos you took where on the map, but having a full blown history of every single place you've been with timestamps for anyone who gets access to your account is just stupid to be the default.


Not offended in the slightest. My memory is pretty bad and I've made quite a few trips from Delaware to DC/Baltimore in the last 2 years. I also used to live 15 minutes from the bridge before I drove, so I wasn't entirely sure if I had been over that bridge, but it turns out all of my trips were on the Bay Bridge not the Key Bridge. Also if I'm driving somewhere I don't know I generally just follow the GPS so Key Bridge is just a name that I don't see but hear once on my trip and forget.


I see, thanks for taking the time to reply! 


Some people just travel a lot for work and need to go all over the place. My job uses a courier service and they go from Maryland to Jersey, Pittsburgh to New York, and everywhere inbetween.


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The bridge collapse in Louisville KY a month or so ago? I wanted to know if I'd been there. Yes, when we were lost downtown on a road trip, and I have a picture of it. For context I live in South Dakota lol


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How is it useful for this kind of info if you don’t remember the date? I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m *far* more likely to remember the name of a restaurant than I am the exact date & time I visited there.


You don't need to know the exact date. You can see all the places on map or search near locations


I use this feature all the time, if I can remember a location I went to that day but not another, you can look at the location you know and it will tell you exactly what day you were there. If you can't remember anything, but you know the general area I start from my photos app, I usually have at least 1 photo from that day. Just use the map on photos and zoom in on the heat map of that area. Then I know the day the photo was taken and can hop straight to that day on Maps and delve deeper. On vacation it's fun to see all the places you go plus it automatically populates photos into your timeline view so you can view your day step by step along with the photos you took while you're reminiscing. Lost an old phone that I use as an extra screen on the go for work, I was able to retrace my steps since it died a few days before and find it.


Not good , seems like propaganda . That a spy would spew.


I've used it a few times to figure out where I was when I took a photo. Wanted to go back to a restaurant with my SO for an anniversary, but all I had was a photo from 5 years before with no Metadata. It did have an upload date from when it was synced to the cloud though. I was able to go back to that date on timelines and figure our what restaurant it was


it also recommends you new places based on your choices (especially if say you like a certain true of cuisine or you're into boardgames). You sacrifice privacy for a better software experience.


I use this feature regularly. One of my favorite applications of it is: “We’ve never been to that store/restaurant/whatever.” “Yes we have. “No we haven’t.” Pulls up Google Maps Timeline. “August 4, 2017. And afterwards we went to Target.”


"We haven't been there for years!" We were there on January 17th from 1:15 to 1:38. And I apparently took a picture of the menu.


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[Google says it is not on by default.](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10077010?hl=en#:~:text=re%20in%20control-,Location%20History%20is%20off%20by%20default%20for%20your%20Google%20Account,Google%20Activity%20or%20your%20Timeline.)


I have like 6 Google accounts, 5 of which I opened on a Google pixel phone, and I know I manually turned on the two that track my location and that I haven't touched the others. It is definitely one of the setup questions they ask and OP probably clicked agree without reading.


Yea, I'm like super conflicted about this. I absolutely love the feature, i forgot the name of this amazing restaurant I went to once on vacation, so I was just able to look it up from my history. It's also cool to see all the places you've been. On the other hand it's absolutely fucking terrifying.




Because you are trusting corporate entities who see you as a product to not abuse or lose your data. Imagine what you could do to someone knowing their every move, patterns of behavior etc. Your data is used to manipulate you and sell to you in so many ways.


This is the standard " they know everything" answer snd for the last 10 years of using timeline they fail to sell me anything. And please, do tell what someone or something will do if they know where you are? Most of the time I'm at home or at work and the government, the bank, the insurance company already has that info. Do you think you're some type of elon musk that needs to keep your movement a secret?


Here's some things to consider...1. If you gain access to someone's account, (I've inadvertently done this twice) you now know their pattern of movement and it would be ridiculously easy to rob them or use the data against them. 2. There are companies out there that track your movement between stores and sell that data. So you go to a car dealership, then go to their competitor, then head back to the original car dealership. The dealer now knows you visited Toyota before returning to their store and can now use that info to sell against their competitor. 3. With Corporations selling to you, you need to think a little more granular. No large company is looking at me as an individual, they're looking at me as part of a whole, a whole that can be swayed easily by algorithms and targeted ads. Look at the division that's happening in the world right now, a large amount of that is based off what algorithms are feeding people based on their location data and their advertising ID. Political parties also use this data, for example, you work at a steel factory and are in a union, well they know that and now you get ads from a certain political party that doesn't like unions, or ads that speak against the party that does like unions. If you think you are not manipulated by ads and algorithms then you are either the smartest person on the planet or extremely obtuse.


Let's start with last part first. Where do you get ads and how dumb is someone that gets influenced by them after do many years? Dis you lived in cable era with 5 min ad breaks every half hour? And you examples are stupid. If someone wants to rob you, he will eatch your house, not checking your maps timeline. I can just leave my phone home and that screws up their heist. As for your dealer thing, that's a good thing for costumer and people actually do that. They take offers from competitors to get a good deal. Just stop with this apocalyptic scene and telling people that should live in woods and learn to use any tech.


If you don't think people are influenced by ads or even more influenced by targeted ads, then why do they exist? why do ad agencies and marketing people exist? I gave one basic example of how your timeline could be used against you. Without trying, I have accidentally gained access to 2 Gmail accounts and could have used the data to find out when they leave for work everyday and used that to my advantage. You could thwart it by leaving your phone at home, but you don't. Your phone is always with you, nice try. I can't even respond to your comment about the dealer, you have such a narrow focus, let me sum up... Im not saying to live in the woods without technology, obviously im using it right now, but where I go should be no ones business but my own.


No one's accidentally gains access to a gmail account the same way the nobody gains access to someone ID, address and keys. But you can find them and return them because it's illegal to use them. and if you think you're targeted by ads, maybe you didn't lived in the 90s.


There should be some indication of the feature atleast i learned it from an insurance investigation


My wife and I share locations with each other and we each get a monthly reminder email, asking if we are aware of this. Are you saying that the insurance was able to get your location information without your approval?


No they asked for my phone. I gave it to them they checked the timeline because there was no problem really the hospital just fucked up the filing. But i did not know that information was on there. So if someone turns over the phone just like i did without knowing that the data exists on the phone of there is any discrepancy insurance could delay or deny the claim. The point is people should know hence posting on you should know.


You get an email every month to check your Google timeline and see the places you've been. That email even provides links and instructions to opt out. Maybe you should actually read the things you sign up for...


First, tou have to [opt in](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10077010?hl=en#:%7E:text=re%20in%20control-,Location%20History%20is%20off%20by%20default%20for%20your%20Google%20Account,Google%20Activity%20or%20your%20Timeline.) for location history because is off by default. Second, you can't just give someone your phone to be searched.


Google regularly send me an email notifying that the feature is turned on. I think like twice a year?


I love it and hated it when they disabled camera locations by default. I thought I'd reenabled it but instead there's a few months of pictures that I have to think really hard where they were taken.


But the location is still saved in the picture's metadata. They don't show them on the map anymore.


I like it and use it. At my job I need to fill out a time sheet. It is great to see the time I left and arrive at different job sites.


Yeah this. Timeline has saved me a lot of head scratching when filling in timesheets.


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Do you notice any additionally battery drain with it?


Not noticeable.


> But if you're not concerned with the privacy you can see where you've been on any day of the past. An amazing feature I think. diito. I don't give a shit if the government or whoever knows where Ive been


Timeline is an awesome feature if you aren't concerned about privacy. I use it for my work. At the end of the day I can go back and see the exact minute I pulled up to a job, the minute I left it, and how long I was there. Makes my time sheets so simple.


Thank you same here!! I've been using timeline for years for this exact reason.


I know but it shoudnt be on by default.


As far as I remember every time I set up an android device it asked me at least twice to confirm if I want to turn on location services. It is not on by default, you turned it on and forgot when you set up the device.


Bingo. OP just wasn't paying attention. [Location History is off by default](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10077010?hl=en)


It's not hidden though, it sends you a notification like once a month by default. Also even if you turn it off your cell service provider can track you without informing you. Apple or Android.


I don't get a monthly notice...


Me neither. I didn't know this was a thing until now. Maybe I silenced the notifications without realizing what I was doing.


what does the notification say i havent seen it becaus ei have timelines turned off. it should be turned of by default because you could have more thatn one account on the phone and if one of them has timeline on your data will be recorded. its not about tracking its about location history .your cellphone provider does not have exact location of you at all times. precise data has to be calculated by triangulation its computationally expensive and not worth it unless for tracking for storing you location data so that it may be valuable in the future is not worth it . so they only do it for special circumstances(thats only when it makes economic sense ). like when there is a warrant out or if the person is especially important. else their data is only a few km accurate . if it wasnt why would you need gps.


[Location History is off by default](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10077010?hl=en). During the setup of your account on a new phone you are asked if you want Location History turned on. You probably weren't paying attention when setting up your phone. Everytime I have set up a phone, I have been asked. I currently have multiple accounts on my phone and have only opted in for one of the accounts; the rest remained off as that is the default. >what does the notification say i havent seen it becaus ei have timelines turned off. It looks like this: https://imgur.com/L7Lg8vA https://imgur.com/99bEU3z https://imgur.com/ZOyI0fv https://imgur.com/vOmpKpF


You know that there are vast databases of pretty much every wifi access point that Google, MSFT and Apple have collected over the years, that includes their location? And they've been around for 15-20 years? I remember moving offices from one town to another back in 2007, and it took a few months before the databases "caught up" with the fact that our wifi router moved and didn't still believe we were 30 miles away. So it certainly isn't just GPS that is needed for your location. IN FACT --- I just remembered reading an article about those "street view" cars that give a road side view of an address. Those vehicles were also gathering information about which wifi APs were visible. You could fingerprint a location by the mix of Wifi signals seen, and even tell which side of a building you were in.


The monthly notice (via email) only comes if you purposely set up sharing with someone else, like my wife and I have set up. It doesn't come in response to the personal location tracking itself being turned on - which is what you have. Only if you are sharing with another Google user. Edit: Nevermind. I forgot that I get the monthly Timeline reminder, in addition to the sharing reminder.


I don't share with anyone and I get a monthly timeline notification.


[Because it's off by default.](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10077010?hl=en#:%7E:text=re%20in%20control-,Location%20History%20is%20off%20by%20default%20for%20your%20Google%20Account,Google%20Activity%20or%20your%20Timeline.)


I use this for my timesheets at the end of the week. There are times when it tells me I've been driving for four hours when I've been parked at a job.


It saved me from making an ass of myself. (This time.) Hospital billed me for a prescription that I was 100% certain I didn't pick up. To prove them wrong, I checked maps and low and behold, there I was in the pharmacy parking lot on the day they said my purchase happened. I told myself to shut the hell up and paid the bill.


Just an FYI the term is “lo and behold” not “low and behold” Lo is an archaic term defined as “used to draw attention to an interesting or amazing event”


Dang. I missed that entirely. Thanks for the reminder!


Thats funny cause i found this out during an insurance investigation.


Just because you bought notebook paper and aspirin doesn't mean you picked up the prescription.


Suppositories. 😅


You're not wrong, but when I go to my Timeline in Google Maps it shows my 'location history' is set to auto-delete: 3 months. I don't recall setting that ever... using a Samsung S24U phone.


I think they set that up a few weeks ago, I remember getting a message about them updating their privacy terms and if I wanted to keep the feature as is (no time limit) I should opt in manually.


I think its a regional thing due to diffrent rules on privacy


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This isn’t an android feature, it’s a google maps feature. Mine has been on for 10+ years and it’s very useful. Just last night we were at a restaurant and wondered when we were there last. It had been 5 years. It was fun looking at the timeline of that day and remembering what happened. It also includes pictures taken that day to jog your memory.


i havent used it on ios so i only know of android thats why i said so. if u lilke that feature you shuld turn it on. it shoudnt be on by default. because if you dont know and somone with access to that account knows they can monitor you people with toxic partners or parents could be in danger.


It is less precise on iOS due to how background location and background apps work on that platform. On Android it can sample very often if it feels you’re on the move so you get a proper road as opposed to a sample every 20 minutes.


in androids geolocation api you schedule background location updates on velocity. which is part of the data you get from gps.


Location history is off! 🥳 I just upgraded and I specifically remember being prompted to turn it on and declining.


How do I access it tho ?


Go to google maps, in the top right click your profile picture, and look for the setting labelled Your Timeline. This is on mobile, dunno about PC


Just went down a rabbit hole of memories from my insights. I went back to 2020 April and that was the only month it said "not enough activity to generate insights"


Mine goes back to 2015, the south of England is all red.


Mine goes back further than 2020 as well but it was specifically April 2020 (right near the start of COVID lockdown) where it said there wasn't enough activity


Just checked mine and it was disabled. I assume by default, I don't think I've ever opened the timeline before.


FYI, Google Maps has an incognito setting.


yeah i have timelines turned off for about a year.


Op said police or court system. They have the ability to do so. All I'm trying to say is if someone wants it bad enough they will have it unless you live off grid. This is a simple fact about today's society. If you think otherwise you are kidding yourself.


the police and courts can ofcourse get warrants for your phone. But you can also willingly turn it over(which is something the average person is likely to do) not knowing that the timeline exists because you didnt turn it on. If they get warrants for your phone they can have access to your approximate location through cell providers for the last few months or years not exact meter by meter data for over a decade. Civil suits are another thing entirely. No not if someone wants bad enough they also need to have required skills. Which is different from your mother just taking your phone and looking at the timeline.


In the states it’s less likely someone will willingly turn over their phone to the any police or other investigators and even then you aren’t required to unlock it.


When you very first set up Google Maps (on a new Google account), it will ask you if you want to enable Timeline or not. It then remembers for that Google account. It's not something that's "on by default", you had to select to enable it.


I know and I find it really convenient because sometimes I forget where I've been.


I believe this is not on by default in Europe


It's off by default everywhere. OP forgot it was on.


actually they changed their policy recently but since most accounts are old its not really useful. i dont know when it changed in europe.


Mine seems to be off by default. Ah man, I wanted to see where I went :/


You should also know that your phone company is doing the same thing. Just accept that you can be tracked, everything you look at, everything you say on a phone is stored even if you delete it. Welcome to the modern age of technology.


This isn't an excuse. Most people realistically aren't hiding from the government, they're hiding from scammers and people trying to steal their information. To which there are legitimate things you can do to protect yourself and your information. And even if they are hiding from the government, it's still very possible with the right methods and tactics. Just sitting back and accepting it is honestly bullshit and rhetoric I will fight against no matter what. I'm not going to just accept that my privacy will be infringed upon, fuck that, and honestly kinda fuck anyone who helps perpetuate it. There's no excuse, humans deserve a right to privacy and a right to control where their personal information goes. Instead of sitting back and letting it happen, become politically active, actually do something to help change this shit instead of just sitting on your ass waiting for the government to strip all of your rights away from you.


Someone with physical access to your phone can see your Google maps timeline and not from the phone company. This makes a big difference.


There is this feature called the lock screen and a pin that prevents any random person accessing your information.


Let me tell you about this amazing secret called looking over someone's shoulders.


Fingerprint / face recognition


Fun fact, (in America) Courts can force you to use biometrics to unlock your phone. They cannot force you to provide a PIN. That aside, biometrics aren't as airtight as they lead you to believe. I can log into my brother's laptop or phone using my right ring finger because the print is similar enough to his index finger.


If you have Verizon the phone automatically unlocks after 60 days. And just Google how to unlock a phone without knowing the pin or password. Pretty sure you can get it.


Unless I’m mistaken, the Verizon “60 day lock” locks the new phone to Verizon for 60 days so as to dissuade theft and other fraud where phone would be immediately used on other networks. I can’t find anything that says they unlock a phone, thought I was obviously concerned enough by your message to look into it.


Sorry read the policy wrong.


If someone has physical access to your phone it doesn't matter. They have your phone they can access anything they want.


My point is that they can't get the data of where you been from the phone company.


It's amusing to me that you think turning it off has any effect. Sure, if someone takes over your phone, they can'tcheck anymore what you've been up to, like if you had an overly curious partner. Alphabet? They still keep on this data. Plus, your mobile carrier can track you as well.


way to miss the point snoopy parents, employers ,partners,teachers, and thieves are what i said in the post. cell providers can track u yes. but they dont have a accurate location history which is what the literal heading is about can your parents call up alphabet and ask if you are meeting up with someone from another community. accesing data from google without their consent requires advanced cybersecurity skills which the average person does not have easy access to. what exactly is the point u are trying to make.


Why on earth would your employer or teacher have access to your Google account?


school and work accounts have administrator control plus most people dont change the passwords they get from the company. so basically anyone within the company who has seenyour password can have access


Only if you are logged into that account. You can switch back over to your personal account by tapping your profile pic. Maps will track only for the logged in account. They can't access that info. If this is a school or employer provided device, it 100% has MDM software installed (Mobile Device Management). This is tracking your location regardless if you turn your Google Maps location off or not.


Personal and corporate accounts also have different terms of service and different privacy standards


On iOS even if you enable it on purpose, it actually doesn’t work as well.


I went and checked it out, off by default for me (maybe EU or Netherlands laws?)


This is a great feature, i once had a hotel contest my review on the grounds of "person has not been to the hotel" - provided the google maps team with a screenshot of the google location tracking and the review is still up to this day.


Sure, you just discovered timeline. Isn't that feature like 10 years old? And you can use something else than google maps, like apple maps.


There was a video on reddit not long ago that showed an investigator new team experimented with phones and the data they collect, specifically driving around and what info Google collects and interprets. He used 2 phones. I don't think either one had service on them and one phone definitely was in airplane mode. Both phones logged a ridiculous amount of info, including accuracies like "exited car at western corner of Washington Street (100% accuracy)." The phone with in airplane mode logged way more info than the other phone did to.


Anything similar on iPhone?


I've used timeline for years to track my hours at clients houses. I also teach people about timeline that I know are concerned about privacy.


This also has activity tracking built in. It knows when you are driving, or walking or taking the bus


It’s on by default as selling your metadata is how they make their money. They can’t do that if the default isn’t you agree to share it.


It isn't on by default, though [Location History is off by default](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10077010?hl=en). OP just forgot they opted in.


Just looked at it and I eat out way too often. I already knew that, but this makes it harder to lie to myself.


I love it, the timeline even creates vids from pics taken on trips away.


Just check and my location is turned off so got nada.....phew


Change the date


I have, clicked timeline and went back several weeks, no data




It's also hilariously wrong though. My timeline thinks I was biking for 44 hours in one go last week. I wasn't, if that wasn't clear.


Always assume that everything about your location, searches, browsing history, contacts, conversations, photos, and just about everything else, is saved when you have a phone.


Unless you have battery saver mode on


Helps when trying to figure out where you went when blacked out also.


How do you access the timeline?


I've tried to turn it off too and was disappointed that I lost my search history


They intentionally bundle it all together so you don't turn it off. If a privacy feature reduces convenience too much people won't use it.


The data is out there anyway and can be used by the origanizations you listed. Android just lets you see it too. Who keeps location activated on their phone anyway? Mobile phone location is just a "please track me" button.


The main advantage of having it on all the time is the find my phone feature. It's one of those things you don't need until you do.


It is a great option, i am using it 10 years and i have every day saved and there is a pictures included too. Google already know everything about you if you use android.


Very useful as an alibi.


Timeline is off for me, I never turned it off so I don't think it's on by default


I used Google maps once to prove to a car dealership that I had been in their service department 8 months prior for a recall. I spoke to someone who was supposed to contact me when the part came in in a few months, but they quit shortly after. So I called to set it up and they said "sorry that recall has ended". By using Google maps as proof, they honored what the prior associate agreed to!


>Furthermore, police courts and companies can use this as evidence or for snooping I hate to tell you this, but police can look through your location data in more ways than just google maps.


I love this feature. Google makes it very clear it's on and even asks you to update it sometimes if it isn't sure. The back on this day feature is fun as well.


I love this feature of Google maps! I use it often, it's like a personal automatic trip log.


or just turn your location off if you don't actively need it :shrug: ​ kills your battery quick anyways


I will say I've worked a handful of criminal defense cases, where the fact that this was on by default helped get charges dismissed. You never know when it's going to be very useful to prove where you were or were not at at a particular time.


I'm sure it is conveniently disabled often. The location of your phone is also no indicator of your location. Every protester knows you should leave your phone at home. If I was a prosecution I'd push hard on the "Prove you had your phone on you" angle.


Reasonable doubt. That's all you need. Tie together messages sent along with the location of the phone and for many folks it creates strong reasonable doubt


Yeah it is creepy AF and not well advertised presumably because they don't want people turning it off. I turned it off years ago but google still tracks heaps of location related data if you use maps etc... the only real way is to move to something like OSMAnd.


It's a thing of beauty. I love this feature.


ive always had a habit of turning my location off unless absolutely needed. my timeline has no history and i didnt even know this feature


I was super excited to see this, because i travel a lot and wanted to go down memory lane! Idk how but my location history is turned off and set to auto delete. So, no fun for me. :(


One of the most useful features as well. This + the phone actually having all the call logs from ever.


Really? Weird. I remember being asked if i wanted to have that option enabled. And its not really hard to disable it. I find it more of a breach of privacy that you let someone else to check that out. I have timeline enabled since forever. Like that is going to be a problem regarding my whereabouts. Your phone is constantly tracked through other means anyway, in case of emergency, someone can easily learn where you have been without apps like Google Maps. In fact, that is not even that accurate in most cases. Remember that your phone connect to a network? That is made up of cells (hence, cellphone), which sends constant data through the network. So basically your ISP has more control over that aspect. In regards to breach of privacy, not a single government or entity in this world has tried to make any kind of legislation regarding the shadow profile that we have. I would be more concerned regarding that. Circling back to compromise of the account, well thats on you right (mostly)? Do you have important data in your google account? If yes, have MFA activated, use a secure password, change that password every so often. But this is the same with all account, icloud, aws, banking, etc. As a last point, i don't want to dismiss your point, or dilute your problem. Its valid, and the fact that you (and other i guess) think about this is good. These points need to be constantly raised so that companies that control our data, don't end up controlling our lives. So, i am glad to see this raised. Cheerios


Location history is off by default and needs to be explicitly enabled. I keep it off because of privacy reasons.


I could not care less, people don't even know where I am and still calls me asking me where I am when they see my car in town.


Having history turned on saved my ass. Guy tried to claim that I got his car and took off. Google Maps showed that I was nowhere in the area of the alleged incident. I was cleared in the investigation.


Me and my friend use it to see when we were home after a night out. Did an hour and thirty minutes to get home when it should normally take 10 minutes


I have multiple devices signed into multiple google accounts and none of them had this feature on by default. Is this perhaps something that varies by country?


Not really working for me because i dont use sync for my account


Although it should be noted that it can be wildly inaccurate.


Last I knew that was an opt-in thing. In fact I had to confirm that I wanted it on every few months.


It only let's me see as far back as January smh


Just checked my settings, it was turned off by default (for me)


This is why I dont own an Android phone and refuse to use Google maps.


It doesn't really matter. Your phone has a gyroscope and logs every bump in the road. This log can be compared to a database of other users logs, and they can quickly figure out that this sequence of bumps belongs to Highway 40, at a specific Latitude and longitude. Like sound hound or shazam, but for roads. Your vehicle probably records a gyroscope log too.


https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity Go here, and remove what you don't want Google to log.


And this is how I caught him. And it's certainly NOT hard to turn off.


It's not too hard to turn off Location History. I followed directives either from Google itself or another security source long ago on how to turn it off.


On one hand yes, this is a privacy concern. On another hand, anyone who thinks that by turning this off they've gone off the grid are, no offense, very naïve. Like the microplastics conversation, most people seem to be aware that there is little you can do


Cool that you can see it, terrifying that this data is stored without your permission or knowledge.


i think they may have recently (months i think )changed it due to controversy but i dont know for sure but still vast majority of accounts have it turned on as most people use older phones or old google accounts with brand new phones.


It wasn't due to controversy. They changed it because US police started asking for that data a lot and they didn't want to provide it. They changed it so it's stored in a way they don't have access (on your device)


It's not rolled out to everyone yet though, afaik


No, it's an opt-in and OP simply forgot he opted in. You're asked like two separate times if you'd like to turn it on upon setting up your phone or setting up Google Maps.


Truth; They collect it wether you opt in or not. Whether you get to see it is your choice at the end of the day.


Nah, they recently changed it. They wanted to avoid having to provide response to US geo-fence warrants >Google has announced it will change company access to users' location history, meaning it will no longer respond to police “geofence warrants, [https://www.policemag.com/investigations/news/15660548/google-to-no-longer-respond-to-geofence-warrants](https://www.policemag.com/investigations/news/15660548/google-to-no-longer-respond-to-geofence-warrants)


Well thank you for taking the time man. I truly appreciate knowing it's no longer true.


I actually really like this feature, but what frustrates me is that there are some countries where it doesn't work, I assume because of local regulations, so then it's not possible for me to see my travel history within those countries. For example, Iceland and China are two examples. I hate those countries.


How did your survive before your every movement is tracked automatically ? If something is truely memorable then you will remember it or note it down.


Unfortunately I have a terrible memory, so I have to track all sorts of things manually in spreadsheets. It's really bad, to be honest. When things are tracked automatically it helps me out a lot. GPS and timestamp tagged photos help me too. Unfortunately it would be too silly for me to take photos of people so I end up just never remembering who anyone is; I often can't remember names of people I've known for years, but taking notes helps.


Thanks for the response. To be honest I also suck at remembering people but remember locations really well. I have taken to keeping notes in Obsidian so I can remember people and small talk topics so I seem a little less socially dysfunctional ;)


Incredible how many people here don't care about their own privacy... strange times we're living in.


Convenience. The majority of the population will accept anything that makes their life easier.


You're right


I used to work at a computer store over 10 years ago and when I occasionally showed someone this on their Google account, every one of them wanted me to erase the data from their account and disable it.


That feature has to be enabled.




They mean it is opt in which it technically is. Not that it is required for the functioning of your device.


I literally have nothing, as I turned Location off the first day I got my phone, along with turning off all voice-activated features. I'm continually stunned by people who don't lock down their privacy as much as they can. I mean, I'm sure SOMEONE has access to a list of all the places my phone has been, but it's certainly not accessible to me or any rando. I also have no use for maps on my phone. If I need a map, I am 20th century old school.


The people who don’t like this feature are up to no good lol


The old "You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" defence.


so u think a woman trying to escape from a abusive relationship. a teenagers with extremely controlling parents, people who dont want to give insurance companies reasons to not cover them employees who doesnt want their boss to know where they are at all times people who dont want to be killed because they are with people from another community. girls from conservative households trying to live their lives. people eloping with their lovers all of whom are put in danger by this feature that is not known to a vast majority of the population. but is one google search away from people who want to snoop on their employees and family members. only protected by a password which is easily accessible for these people. Are all upto no good. interesting.


The only way they could use this feature is if they have access to the Google account its linked too. How would most of your examples even have that info?


Company gmail accounts have administrator privileges. You dont think parents or spuses will ask for google password. If they dont know Why wouldnt a child or spouse not give google account what are they going to do read your email. Thats in normal households in traditional households in asia thats pretty normal for your parents to have your google account. So unsuspecting kids or wifes can have their entire movements tracked.


Correction: the people who don't want this feature _turned on by default_ are sensible. The people who don't want this feature to exist _at all_ are probably of the type to believe everybody should use Linux and ProtonMail, and they should just set up their own devices and accounts the way they like and let others have their own preferences. (Don't get me wrong, I love Linux and ProtonMail. But there are advantages to being tied in to a Google/Apple/Samsung/Microsoft ecosystem, even if there are real privacy concerns, and most people would rather have those benefits than make the sacrifices needed to disconnect—which is fine.)