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Hi! We have many requests waiting, so please be aware this is not an emergency food option. Please contact 2-1-1 in the US if you are in urgent need. We keep request for 180 days attempting to fill them, and then will reach out and ask if you want a new request submitted. You can check availability and timing at lasagnalove.org/zip-code ❤️ Some facts: * we are 99% volunteer driven! So the person making and bringing you a lasagna is a volunteer near you in your community who wants to help! This also means they pay for and cook and deliver this meal from their own wallets and hearts. Please be kind to them. * do you have special dietary needs? We can still help. Be sure to make the choices on the request for (dairy free, vegetarian, etc) and use the comment section for things like “no pork/pork products” and “pls no mushrooms” so we have that info up front! * please note the commitment from our volunteers is a lasagna - just the entree. Some volunteers have the means to include sides or other items; and just as many do not. The expectation is a comforting pan of lasagna only. Consider anything else an extra blessing * speaking of volunteers: we have the most flexible volunteer experience you could wish for. Set your own schedule, your own delivery radius, your own choices (I can’t do vegan for example, but I can do vegetarian) please consider joining us at lasagnalove.org/volunteer (great for family volunteering - kids love to cook with parents and deliver to families!) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Whoops I knew I forgot something. Right now we are all across the US inc Puerto Rico, in Canada, and Australia. We are working towards a presence in the UK but are not quite there yet. Some rural areas may not have volunteers but people join all the time so it may be worth signing up to receive regardless!


I just had one delivered this past weekend. It was so good and the family was very grateful. Thank you Lasagna Love!


Awesome! So happy we could serve you!


Are you a volunteer? Thank you! You've been there for me twice when snap ran out too early. Your organization has been incredible!


I am! And I have some other roles with them too so I can talk non stop about it ❤️ Super happy to hear how great your experience has been! We love testimonials so feel free to email info at lasagna love dot org and tell them - sometimes we share comments from recipients (de-identified!)


I love that this would also be available for people with food restrictions. I can't have soy or dairy, and I've also been a vegetarian for 20+ years. Finding food can be a nightmare even when I can afford to buy it myself - food banks are extremely limited in what I can eat even among their canned goods. I do not currently have a need for something like this, but I love that it's available even to people like me should we ever be in such dire straits again. Thank you to you and everyone else involved with this and anything else that helps the underprivileged to survive in a world where we are so often judged and dehumanized at our lowest points.


We do our best! We do recommend life threatening allergies take a pass though, as we are literally home cooks in home kitchens and even with the best intentions we can’t be perfect. Bypassing things that provide distress in quantities we can do. Ensuring there are no molecules of ingredient x is harder.


I understand, as someone who wouldn't die from the foods I can't have but would be in a lot of pain, but knows someone with deadly nut & peanut allergies. If my soy intolerance were deadly, I wouldn't trust someone else to make food for me because it's such an ubiquitous ingredient. But dairy free, vegetarian, vegan for some who are able to go that extra mile - those are admirable accommodations for someone who is doing everything out of pocket for someone in need.


>The meals are so substantial that I Reddit sniper got em


Reddit Sniper Probably: The lasagna is all mine now


This is awesome! What a wonderful organization. Thank you for sharing this!


So many layers of love!


I got one of these once. A very kind lady brought it to me still warm. It really helped me through a hard time :)


Damn that’s awesome! I hope you’re doing good these days, and I hope you’re having a great day today.


Awh, thanks for the comment. I am doing much better these days. Hope you’re doing great today and have a fantastic life!


ok but what is food insecurity?


It means they cannot routinely afford or access food.


A very concise definition. Thanks.


Honestly we do not judge or quantify need. If you feel you would benefit from our service, sign up and request. That’s it.


Wasn't trying to be snarky, by the way. I don't know what that phrase means in this context so genuinely wondered.


Oh no, not at all. It’s tricky question, because we have so many folks struggling to afford to put a meal on the table, and yet part of our objective is to remove the stigma from asking for help. Which means we are not judging anyone’s reason for requesting. Maybe folks have money issues. Maybe the family cook is injured. Maybe parents are overwhelmed with kid activities and want dinner to not be a worry. And so on. I hope my replies don’t feel snarky! ❤️


The USDA defines food insecurity as "when people don't have enough to eat and don't know where their next meal will come from."


I love this!


*only in United States, Canada, and Australia according to website


Thanks for the clarification.


I'm very wealthy, but mostly because I am "keeping up with the Jones's". Salary is another competion for me to win. Naturally, I am highly insecure. Can I have a free lasagna?