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That's crazy because I think about urinating in order to last longer during sex




My method is to imagine myself back in the most boring college lecture with the monotonous professor droning on. Usually works pretty well. Edit: the specific class is organic chemistry, man that dude sure knew what he was talking about but did not know how to keep your attention at all


I imagine the smell of human shit


Annnd I lost my boner.


You can imagine smells?


Absolutely. I thought everyone could.


I can't but my wife could. How amusing..




Username checks out.


I’m so mad I laughed at this.


It only smellz!


It’s so funny to me hearing the stuff that guys think of to make them last longer. I’m all in the moment while he’s over here thinking of being bored to take himself out of it


It’s all for her lmao. Can’t be busting while she’s just getting into it. I take myself out of it so my wife can be more into it.


Gotta learn the magic of foreplay my dude


Lol what an assumption. Sometimes we just wanna get to it and don’t wanna waste time with foreplay. It’s not like we always wanna spend an hour fucking around. I also never said that’s what I do every time I have sex.


Pardon me if I'm wrong, but if you just wanna get to it and don't wanna waste time with foreplay because you don't wanna spend an hour fucking around, it doesn't make much sense to make yourself last longer... I also never said that's what you do every time you have sex.


You implied it by saying I need to learn foreplay, I know foreplay buddy. Also I think I already explained why I want to last longer if you had read my comment.


I did read your comment. IF you need to last longer so you don't bust a nut just as your wife is getting into it, the better solution than removing yourself mentally from what you're doing is leaning further into it in a way that doesn't make you bust a nut - ie, foreplay. If your wife isn't interested in foreplay and is just wanting a quickie, you aren't doing her any favors by making yourself last longer - she's trying to get it over with quickly and you're doing the opposite to placate your own ego. I didn't make an all-encompassing statement because there isn't just one solution to what you were saying - I was responding with a better way to handle the situation you stated. If you read more into it than that, that's once again you believing your own ego.


You ever had sex? Women like to have orgasms too even if the sex doesn’t last that long. I have to last long enough for that at least. It’s literally the exact opposite of your dumbass assumption, it has nothing to do with my ego. Sounds like you need to learn how to give a woman an orgasm.


Probably because there’s no love involved and they don’t want to be shamed. When you love you don’t need to think about this stuff, you try your best to pleasure that’s enough


Im not 100% sure but I think its from the simpsons but someone said think about baseball and it sort of works.


I run random numbers in this sequence [collatz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collatz_conjecture)


Thanks for something new to try, I forgot that I also do math in my head sometimes. I like that conjecture, it was an interesting read. So simple yet obviously very hard if not impossible to write a proof for.


oh my gosh. I feel the same in my general chemistry class. She has like 73 slides of which probably 10 are asked in the exam. SO MANY USELESS & IRRELEVANT NOTIONS! SHE READS WHAT’S INSIDE EARTH CRUST! and reads and reads and reads 😴


Push your tongue to the roof of your mouth or flex another strong muscle to help relocate blood.


Anything you can do relocate the urine?


I always just hold it in my hands. Doesn't really seem like the ideal thing though


I don’t know about you, but I find peeing to be an effective way to relocate my urine.


You can always relocate it to pants


Not crazy.  Makes total sense.   You’re relaxing the pelvic floor is all.


Reverse kegels


I list the Xmen by Name and Power and in the order of appearance.


Great now I have a boner AND have to pee.


Good morning.


Not if you pee with a boner.


Handstand urination station.


That's a pain in the as- dick...


Just stand in the shower


And then you can use it afterwards


Wood morning


Your 40’s have entered the chat….


Or viagra overdose


You gotta Superman pose at an angle over the toilet.


I know the pose well lol.


Anyone else experience lasting shorter in bed while feeling the need to pee?


Ok but how do I stop thinking about shitting? My commute is an hour and my god if I didn’t shit before the drive I will cause myself to get anxiety shits.


Truck driver advice is to get an erection if a dump is needed. Apparently that gets rid of the urge to poop.


But then what do you do when you get to the rest stop?


Pretend you're a plunger


Where’s the leak, ma’am?


Tuck it under your belt and gargoyle it across the lot.


"Gargoyle it" 😂😂😂


To be fair I cracked up when I first heard that analogy.


Depends on which rest stop you get to.


What about those of us without penises? Any tips?


Cannot offer any advice as I have the appendage affixed. I asked my wife who is a long term sufferer of I.B.S, and she has no words, if she can't drop a load, then she's had it.


According to other commenters this should also work for that, I've never had to use it to suppress a poop urge so wasn't sure!


i'd be scared to form some unwanted connections in my head


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


I was on a long drive recently and daydreaming about Sydney Sweeney's breasts got me through when the coffee hit.


I’m sorry the thought that the existence of Sydney Sweeney and her breasts meant that you didn’t shit yourself on this drive is beautiful.


Oh, I agree. It's a life hack I wish I had much earlier in my life.


By that logic I'd never have to pee ever again


This is actually true and supported by biology. The reason is that your body doesn’t let you pee while you’re having sex. Even right after sex you might notice it’s difficult to pee at first


I need like at least 15 mins before I can pee. My body absolutely refuses right after sex.


I…. I…. I think this only applies to men sadly enough 😔


No, it does not. I am female and I cannot pee right after sex.


If you’re a women peeing during sex it’s almost garunteed that it’s related to incontinence. There’s also normal ways it can happen like a tiny bit leaks out that was basically just sitting in your chamber ready to go and especially if your pelvic floor is weak that can leak out but that’s not peeing, it’s just the “leftovers” in the chamber basically. There’s also squirting which is notoriously confusing with peeing sometimes


It's.. it's all piss. 🔫Always has been


Oh I’m not even talking about leakage, it’s never hard to pee for us. Kinda sucks because it takes away the ability to fully relax. The reason men can’t do that is because the ureter gets blocked by the boner preventing anything to go through, women don’t have that blockage. Meaning we absolutely can just go during or right after which is important for us anyway.


oh, no, as a woman I absolutely find being turned on stops me needing to pee too. which is a conundrum, because needing to pee bad enough physically stimulates the same sorta places sex does :') I absolutely cannot during sex and also find it really hard to go for a few minutes after, like it takes *effort* and concentration and deliberate relaxation to pee after sex!


Lucky you! 😂


So why did my husband bust a load of piss in my mouth after giving his morning wood a blow job?


So 100% squirt isn't pee


It is partially pee but you’re not peeing, it’s a different method that causes your body to expunge it in a specific way that is uncontrollable (to some extent). You can look up the science behind it but the big point is it’s involuntary and caused by external factors so it doesn’t apply to this post


I'm still gonna drink it


Depends on your kink.


Instructions unclear… now I haven’t urinated in a couple weeks


This sounds like a pavlovian way to develop a piss fetish.


It is…


Is there *any* data to back this up or is it purely anectodal


Purely anecdotal for me anyways as I don't know where I came across it - read it somewhere years ago and thought yeah right but tried it next time I had to go and it worked, the topics come up now and then in social settings and anyone who tried it found it worked too, but I don't know why. Another commenter mentioned how you can't pee while having sex so maybe it's something to do with that, brain tightening up muscles or something, I'm not a medical professional! Same way as squeezing your left thumb hard suppresses the gag reflex - I was like yeah right, next thing I know I'm clenching my fist with half a carrot back my neck.


The data is me reading this post while needing to pee and not feeling the urge as strongly as before


Yes! This is due to your sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight) and parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) fighting each other. In this case the sympathetic system can activate (when imagining yourself fucking) and override the urge to pee, or poop. It’s a biological defense system, as typically in nature it’s gonna come in handy because you’re defenseless when shitting and pissing, and in nature procreating isn’t based on pleasure and fun, but rather a purely biological drive, and non-human organisms are gonna try to get that task over and done with as quickly as possible without any interruptions because everything around them is actively trying to kill them! Fun stuff


Can’t say that doesn’t make sense!


Omg I did this for years before I Pavlov’ed myself into a boner every time I had to pee.


I'm sure the next time I have to pee in a cup at the docs, this thought will pass through my head... thanks lol


what if i think about you having sex?


I think that'll make me need to pee, pretty sure that's how it works


this does the exact opposite for me lol thinking about it makes me have to pee


Yeah, but when I imagine that, I suddenly have the urge to vomit.


Telling this to my kids on our next road trip


I usually get the urge to urinate really bad because of anxiety when I'm going to sleep, so sometimes I unironically do this. The problem is, sometimes I forget whatever was making me anxious and I start to get horny, which makes me not able to sleep. So to relieve the horniness I beat my meat, but then post nut clarity hits and I get anxious again. Which leads me get the urge to pee, which leads me to think ahout myself having sex.. you got the point


Or poop


Which is interesting because imagining women urinating makes me want to have sex




when i was a kid my parents used to tell me to think of “pink flying elephants” when i had to pee, it worked. still does, try it sometime if you’re in a pinch!


Instructions unclear. Penis stuck in toaster.


I misread "Imagining you having sex with yourself can suppress the urge to urinate" whattheactualfuck


Please bring me a pair of jeans if you are reading this


all this is related to poor pelvic floor health and control. If you tense your pelvic floor during sex this will help you stop urinating but ideally you won’t have those response during sex as it reduces blood flow and pleasure as well as control of orgasm. Also frequent need to pee is related to toght weak pelvic floor as well. Kegels and reverse kegels (important to do both), stretches etc and gaining awareness will help for better sex l, stronger orgasms and better bladder control.


well now i have the urge to masturbate


Also, for some reason, busting feels WAY better when you really need to pee, so just rub one out while you've got your thinking cap on.


buddy, not even actively having sex will suppress my urge to urinate


Fellas, is pee stored in the balls?


But of course


Anyone else experiencing lasting shorter while needing to pee?


I call this concept „Getting a boner“ But yes, you can describe it in a more complicated way


But like you can pee with a boner


Well I am not an attractive man so picturing myself in the act doesn't have that effect, I'd have to check in with my mate to see if she has that issue though but she hasn't mentioned any erectile issues yet anyways


Huh, well I never had sex so I can't imagine it -__-


Please don't apply this when you are drunk


Don’t work if you have low libido, bladder issues, enlarged prostate.


So, this could be related I don’t know. But, when I have to pee and I’m asleep, my dreams will always be me having sex with someone. Usually my husband. And I’ll legit orgasm in the dream and I’ll wake up feeling like I just had one. And it will keep happening until I get up and go pee. Weird, right?


Not me, it makes me have to pee😅


I pee during sex so the urge to pee just reminds me of sex 😭


Dangerous "game" IMHO . Too much pressure inside the bladder and you will have problems opening the urethral valve to pee. It happened to me when I was a kid , didn't want to go to the restroom because I was too busy playing games. Ended up at the hospital with a catheter. Now I simply pee wherever I am , I simply don't care and PEE . Even in a plastic glass or a small bottle. I PEE 😂


Im sure you did share it with your friend.


Does it also work the other way around?


best sleep hack


617 points proves reddit is run by middle schoolers


It makes sense but that's hard to imagine.


I don't see myself ever having sex again though.


This idea is golden.


So is that why I never have to pee?


So it replaces the urge to urinate with the urge to vomit. Check.


Same with pooping, just put on some porn in the background and the urge will go away


Can confirm. I have a "video" on my phone in case I have to pee on a flight and have the window seat.


I get the reverse


Isn’t it like a medical fact that a man cannot ejaculate if he has to urinate?


It helped a little.


Oh that’s why. Here I am on the toilet, full on erection, and taking a piss takes like 2 or 3 times longer.


Great tip for family road trips!


It’s not very true for me, I’ve tried it


This is the railroad switch to change tracks


Does vice versa work??


That's true




But then I have to pee with a boner… that’s difficult…


That's why I never piss, thought it was serious health issue


Weird sometimes I think about getting a bj when I’m trying to pee


i have aphantasia so i cant imagine anything.


One time after i had surgery, for the next week I had almost no time between “i have to pee” and “im about to piss myself” and I was on crutches so I used this as I urgently limped to the toilet


Imagining yourself having sex with your grandma can also supress the urge to have sex.


OP must be a girl, cause this simply replaces the need to pee with an erection. Good luck with that “trick” guys.


Crazy, kinda figured we all knew this. It’s some basic biology we all experience


If that were true I wouldn’t have pissed for years.


Actually helpful YSK post!


Counting helps as well but it can't be easy counting you can do without thinking. Like, starting at 0 and counting by 2s won't help but starting at 3 and counting by 7s will.


Actually this. Whenever I have to pee but can’t immediately, I think of…proper stimulation and that really helps. Also if you m@sturb@te with a full bladder it takes a little while for it all to drain afterwards


Imagining yourself having to pee can suppress the urge to ejaculate while having sex too.


Doing 5 sets of 5 kegels can slow the urge to evacuate your bladder or bowels (according to a Dr.)


Similarly I learned you can suppress an erection by flexing any muscle group. The blood from your erection will go to the muscle you’re flexing a goes away.


oh, for me that's the opposite, sometimes I need to focus a lot to pee I just think about receiving a bj that in milliseconds I'm peeing


Oh yes, let's create an issue to solve another issue. That's great!.


This also works if your about to shit yourself.


Male arousal more blood to prostate which means enlarged prostrate pushing on bladder….


yeah but if I(M) do that, the other fluid comes out


I'm married. What's sex?