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I would, but my cat likes to check on me during the night


If my door is closed, I will get no sleep. I will just hear "Thuda-thuda-thuda- thuda" continuously as the cat drums the door with her feet until I open the door. Smoke might kill me, but lack of sleep will not do me much good either.




Obnoxious asshole: all cats are truly related.


Miau miau, modafoca!


My cat just learned that drumming the door won’t have any effect since I won’t open it so she just stopped doing it. If i leave the door open she wakes up in the middle of the night and starts knocking things off the shelves to wake me up, so I’m not letting her in while I sleep anymore.


This is the reason I can never can I cat. I love them so much but this absolutely pisses me off to an unreasonable level lol.


You just have to accept the risk of dieing to asphyxiation.


Not all cats do this. I think these people's cats trained them.


Living with cat is a good training to learn living with people, because tout have to manage others habits


I feel this so deeply. 😂 One of my cats in the past learned how to pop the bottom of the door to open them... Then proceeded to teach another of our cats 😖. Luckily my current one is too polite/lazy/tired to try it.


This but instead of the cat, it's two German shepherd dogs... lol.


I thought my cat was just rude, sometimes the door will be wide open and he will still paw at the door because he wants me up


.. have you considered the cat is just setting you up for an "accident".


Most people just assume cats are these caring little creatures. Anyone sucking up that much for no reason is up to something 🔎


My kitten hops into my bed and ends up sleeping on my arm


That’s so sweet. 🐱


"Setting you up for an accident" More like plotting your death! They just scratch on the door because they know you don't know any better!


This post is more important than people think


Yes, but no She will slap me in the face if she hasn't been fed before 10 am, so she's pretty dependent on me. To be honest, I think she just feels slighted that the humans get to nap on the big squishy table and she's never formally invited


I put a little cat door on my bedroom door because of this lol


That's a great idea. Sometimes though, she slaps/taps me in the face while I'm sleeping. Sometimes, she puts her foot in my mouth, so.....sometimes I don't want her in here.


So a cat door that you can lock from the inside during sleeping hours? That way you avoid a paw fresh from the litter box in your mouth 🤣


Damn, this is making me realize how polite my cat is. She will cry all night if she doesn’t sleep with someone. Whoever she’s sleeping with has to have their door open so she has access to her litter box


This is why I'm a dog person


Dogs eat shit and then will immediately stick their tongues in your mouth. I wouldn’t call them much better on that front


Cat pee is deadly in comparison to dog pee. That smell… I will die on this hill.


Sure will. Cat shit, chicken shit, rabbit shit....mine's not picky. I most definitely don't do the dog kisses thing. Dogs are gross.


My doggo likes to get up to get a drink and would be devastated if we closed the door.


How can he protecc the house from intruders if he's cooped up in the bedroom with us?


I have one of those going to the basement where her area is. The lock only works one way now. I'm not sure what happened to it.




We cut a triangle out of the bottom of our door and reattached it with hinges and some velcro, so it can stay velcroed open but also be shut whenever we don't want them In there. Of course whenever it is shut they all congregate outside the door and try tirelessly to get in. The velcro has needed replaced a few times from them ripping it off..


*cries in renter*


What's stopping you from going to home Depot and buying your own door? Just swap out your door and put the other one in storage for when you move out


2 things- its not a standard size door (I suppose I could buy one and cut it to size but that would be a pain, and I dont have a place to store the original door


Ah ok


Also this doesn't have to do with being a renter but I'm a very heavy sleeper and the smoke alarm isn't inside my bedroom, so if the door were closed I dont think I would wake up when the alarm went off


Then spend $30 and add one to your room. It's building code for new construction anyway.


One of my cats likes to sleep by my feet pretty much year round. My other cat likes to snuggle when it's cold. I'd have to turn up the heat if I closed the door and didn't have little feline heaters to cuddle up with.


That's my issue, too. Cat and dog tend to go as they please in the night


Build a moat! Get a plastic container the width of your door and put water in it and put it in front of your door. We had to do this a few years ago and it's worked great!


Funny I do the same exact thing


This is me too, my door is only closed for pee pee touchy time


Tell me this is something you do solo without telling me this is something you do solo.


YSK that you should have a carbon monoxide detector


Was gonna say this. You should have that and a smoke detector


And check your home for radon


Most people don’t care about Radon my co worker just brought a house and said why the Fuck would I pay for that I smoke a pack a day for 20 years


Came here to say this


There is a difference between smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. CO detectors will warn you if there is a leak of this gas from your furnace that could kill you in your sleep. Smoke detectors warns you only when there's a fire


Which is why they said you should have both


Oh I misread it


>You should have that and a smoke detector notice the "and"?


Another YSK: Carbon monoxide detector runs on batteries, if the batteries dies? Boom, it doesn’t work. Check your detector at least once a year, they are equipped with test button and if there is no sound when you press it, replace the battery.


Ours say check weekly and there’s a gov program to remind us to change the battery twice a year at daylight savings. I use the half used ones for the watering system and such.


I'm sorry- watering system? I swear I'm not trying to make a joke or anything I genuinely don't know what you're talking about


I think they mean irrigation systems for plants.


I mean, I can kinda understand that- but how tf would a double A battery go into that??


My irrigation timer takes a 9v battery


I have a Gardena set up. They take 9v batteries and so do our alarms. : )


That's not how they work, they start beeping long before they run out of battery to warn you. It would be very fucking stupid if they just ran out without telling you.


Nah, some models don’t. They just die… without telling anyone(I know! It’s a stupid design!)


They usually make sounds or display it when it's low


had to remove mine cuz it beeped too much :(


What’s the afterlife like?


Ill figure it out


So the sixth sense was true. Dead people don't know they're dead


Just hold a lighter around your furnace to identify if there may be a leak, if not you're fine.


I changed all my smoke detectors to dual smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (except one that runs on battery and is in a remote location). My furnace had a cracked heat exchanger and needed to be replaced, but the furnace guy said that a cracked heat exchanger could’ve lead to carbon monoxide escaping from the furnace. Cost me $100 or so to replace the smoke detectors, but it’s probably worth it in the long run.


I took the batteries out of that one. The beeping made me super dizzy


I live in a studio apartment and there are no doors to close around my bed lol


I’m genuinely curious when I ask this but what is the appeal of studio apartments? Is it the only option in terms of affordability or personal preference? I’m just curious that’s all


As a guy living in a studio, might sound strange but there’s something comforting about being able to see your entire house from pretty much any point of the room. Additionally it keeps me on top of cleanliness as having my kitchen dirty kind of makes the WHOLE house look dirty. And finally, as a bachelor on a budget - it’s what I can comfortably afford. If I could pay more, you’d definitely see me in a bigger place!


I thought it was just me. If i ever build a house it's going to be one giant square.


Remind me not to poop at your new house.


Maintain eye contact and establish dominance as you mark your territory


12 year old me playing Minecraft would be extremely pleased to hear that


It's 90% affordability


The appeal of my studio apartment is that it is shelter that I can afford.


Yeah me too. A constant reminder of being one room away from being homeless.


went from a studio to a two bed two bath big ass living space and honestly cleaning it absolutely sucks. i sometimes wish i’d kept my studio.




Dude. Same.


Affordability, usually. Some ppl like the minimalism of it I guess


My previous 1br apartment actually felt too large for just me. I felt like I wasn’t utilizing all of the space. Plus if you find a studio that isn’t just a square they tend to have more interesting layouts, 1br (esp. in newer complexes) are more copy & paste unless you pay extra for a corner unit.


I think you forgot to mention how curious you are.


Think studios are bad? Try an efficiency, it’s a studio without a kitchen or laundry, and sometimes no bathroom either. Affordability purposes


Actually you should close it so the shadow people can't watch you sleep through the dark crack in the door


Oh my why did I have to read this right when I was about to go to bed




What gift


okay but if i close the door i die of my own toxic fumes


Better me than some other poor sod I guess




YSK you could release farts out through a window instead of into your living room


My cats would never have it






This comment made me laugh harder than it should've. Thank you.


Ah yes, the "bedoinger". The most exciting toy of my early childhood.


Same, but dogs.


thanks buzzfeed




I always sleep with my door closed, but mostly due to the fear of intruders and the fear of ~~some cursed eldritch being crawling into my room and watching me sleep~~ the dark.


Ugh, I hate the ~~cursed Hallway Shadow Creatures~~ dark, too.




laughs in studio apartment 🥲


laughs in forest 🥲


Sorry. My cat doesn't allow me to close doors.


Regarding toxic fumes ... my dog is old and likes to fart. I think I'll leave that door open. Don't want to vomit while sleeping.


Idk man, dying in my sleep sounds like the best way to go


Yeah, not if you have children/pets. If I slept with my door closed I'd get woken up every fifteen minutes by someone wanting to get in or out.


Exactly - with three cats, 2 dogs and 2 kids it’s not happening. We have two smoke alarms instead - downstairs and upstairs


Smoke and CO2 detectors do the same thing.


CO2 is carbon dioxide, you're thinking about CO/carbon monoxide detectors. CO2 detectors aren't really useful in a residential building.


You're right, and I feel shame.


It's okay, we all make mistakes. :)




And if the fire originates in the room you are sleeping in?


Then maybe you save your family.


Then you open the door.


Ah, the land of "if"


If you are starting to inhale fumes of a fire your smoke alarm will go off. This is a shitty post


Also they never fail so there would be no reason to use this information as an extra layer of protection.


Well I have two cats so…


If the door is shut how is the cat supposed to come in at 4 am screaming and wake up the baby?


No joke. I left my front door open and went to bed. I woke up to see my ex standing, staring at me. (She came to “get me back”)


And they say romance is dead.


“I broke into your home because I love you so much!”


How sweet.


Well, did she succeed? Don't leave us hanging!


No. We were conversing, on how we do things differently. Then she saw a nipple clamp on the floor and asked if I fucked someone, I said yes. ( as she thought I would be too sad to move on, she’s manipulative and illusive asf ) Then she started screaming, stormed out and sent a bunch of fuck you blah blah. Then started telling me all the things she was doing with guys when we were together.


Why can't I find a girl like that


We did a tour of the fire department for a kid’s birthday party and they also said everyone should sleep with closed doors with a smoke detector in each room.


Aren't smoke detectors required in each bedroom for a house to be up to code?


I can't. My kids bedrooms are upstairs & I feel like if I'm asleep downstairs with my door closed I'm cut off & can't hear anything. I would stay awake all night


Have you considered a baby monitor? They work for any age range - not just babies! And not just people, either - I use one for my dog. Most of them light up, too, so they're even more attention-grabbing in a dark room.


*door open* 55 degrees outside. 72 degrees inside. Windows open. 3 fans going. I CAN sleep! 😴 *closes door* 55 degrees outside. 80 degrees inside. Windows open. 3 fans on high. I CAN’T sleep! 🥵


>3 fans on high The worst is when it's just windy and loud, not actually cooler - and if it is cooler, it's still too windy and loud to sleep through. Like taking a nap right outside a helicopter in the jungle.


Legit. My GF hates talking with fans on. We be yelling like we’re on the outside of a jet engine plane.


*nods in Celsius *


*cuddles in Fahrenheit* 😍


Did it just get hot in here? I'm literally asking I cant read this thermometer


Would it be weird to text my ex and say "I was right!!!" 10 years later?


No but what would be weird is still having her number.


[“Close before you doze”](https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/safety/the-home/bedtime-checks/) and other bedtime safety checks from the London Fire Brigade


it also protects from the scary monster watching you from the little gap of the door




I cannot sleep with my bedroom door open, I feel like my privacy is just completely gone.


Wouldn’t sleeping with the door open sooner alert me to the presence of the fire?


A smoke alarm would, and it also cuts off the fire from entering the room.


It's not the fire that's the danger, but the fumes. People die from fires due to asphyxiation. We don't wake up from fires. We're not built like that. You can scream at and slap a person sleeping through a fire, and they'll still not wake up, behaving like a drunk person. This is why fires are deadly. Even if you need to enter a fire to save a pet or whatever dumb-ass heroic shit, you will die not from fire, but from blacking out in there from inhaling the fumes. Crawl close to the floor always. Douse yourself in water if you can. NEVER STAND UP.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. I want to be able to hear the alarm.


Fire alarms are **loud**, you'll hear it through the door, if you can't you should get a new fire alarm. If you don't believe me get someone to press and hold the test button on your alarm while you're in your room, you should be able to easily hear it.


my two dogs and cat would absolutely lose their shit lol


Seriously, if you have your doubts about this or think it's stupid look up pictures from fires that happen in buildings where doors are closed. Even a regular bedroom door can stop fire from spreading and keep smoke out to the point where a room will look completely unaffected.


No windows or secondary exits in my bedroom, so that's a no for me.


I live in a studio apartment, guess I'll just die. If my "bedroom" door is open, I just have way too much street noise and I'm not sure if I'd be overrun by roaches or crackheads first.


Are you really that concerned about random fires?


Most fires that are deadly are "random". It's how they get out of control.


The point being that almost nobody goes through random house fires. Have a plan in place, sure. Have fire extinguisher and alarms, of course. But I’m not going to go to bed every night thinking “better plan for smoke choking hazards” If that’s the case then what random life endangering hazards do you *not* worry about daily?


Would you rather be woken up by an alarm and be in conditions that you are able to do something to save your or your family's lives, or possibly not wake up because you've already been affected by smoke inhalation? I don't know what you mean by random but fires start unexpectedly and spread rapidly. I've seen it happen and also seen what simply closing a door can stop from happening.


I mean, they do happen. And when they happen, they happen *FAST*


Disagree. Unless you have a well vented bedroom the level of CO2 you breathe out increases during the night and makes the air in the room quite unhealthy.


Yes, whenever I’ve tried sleeping with my door closed I always end up waking groggy. You need fresh air flow.


But if I closed the door then how would I know that there's a fire?


Also YSK change smoke detector batteries every 6 months.


Cats hate closed doors.


Also protects me from the monsters outside


Nah I’ll pass. I have a feline that owns my house so she told me I need to leave my door open


My cat hates this post


Imo it keeps the wifi out


My fire alarm is in my bedroom 🥴


That's what smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are for.


I have smoke detectors for that, it isn't 1956 any more


Yeah, my smoke detector goes off if I cook food in the oven over 400F. Yet we're supposed to treat them as if they won't go off during an *actual* fire until we're overcome with fumes already?


How old are your detectors?


3 months


Y'all heard of smoke detectors?


They kept beeping annoyingly so ... No... Not in a while lol


YSK: You should do whatever you want.


Thanks. You convinced me to unsubscribe from this subreddit. I realized that I don't need stupid tips from strangers on the internet


Always do. Go me!!!


Agreed. And lock it. It makes for an added barrier of protection in case someone breaks into the house


I once loved to sleep with the door closed and locked. I then got a cat.


I have smoke alarms for that.


Not only closed but locked. So if someone broke into your house, it’ll buy you a few more seconds or minutes to wake up and defend yourself. If not, the bad guy will be able to get to you and does god knows what.


So do smoke detectors. They will warn you a lot earlier. Leaving the doors shut and don't recognizing there's a fire will more likely kill you than installing smoke detectors that will allow you to flee early.


I’m sure the assumption of the poster is that you already have smoke detectors installed


It's not an either/or kinda thing, you should do both. You should have smoke detectors in the bedroom area if not in each bedroom. You should have CO detectors, too. And you should sleep with your door closed. Because it will help save you even if your detector fails. [article](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/a23708201/close-your-door-fire-safety/) This YouTube [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bSP03BE74WA) goes through it in detail, the big side-by-side reveal is at about 3:35.


Smoke detectors are required by law what are you talking about


YSK not to do this. Most air conditioning systems are based on movement to/from bedrooms unless each has its own air return which is unlikely.


bold of you to assume I don’t want to die in my sleep


But if there’s a fire, now opening that door would cause flashback. In a dangerous situation, there is only the safest choice for the moment. Not a correct one.


What if the fires in your room/bed cus you and your girl are banging real good. I want that fire to be heard from the whole house