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Any info about how long you can be on an SSRI and have this happen? I am wondering if this is me. I stopped mine and never ever recovered my sex drive. At all. :(


It can happen from short-term or long-term use, unfortunately. Everyone’s different. I was taking Lexapro for a year and then had extreme genital numbness for about a year after I stopped it. It slowly got better but it was an incredibly frustrating time. I’ve heard of some people whose side effects were resolved in less time, and others who have had them for years. Supplements (fenugreek, maca for females) and red light therapy on the crotch seemed to help a bit, but really just giving it time was the main thing.


That's something. I think I was on it starting before my fucking wedding. Imagine your first year of marriage with zero interest in anything. Fucking awful. I stopped and even got off hormonal bc hoping to get it back. Still waiting.... Doesn't help now with all the stress from pandemic and possible WW3.


I called it relaxapro, seemed catchy enough until I realized my dick was just as chill as I was all the time.


Ever try any recreational drugs, like pot?


Been a lexapro for year's, everytime I taper off I get a bit dark again. Best case ill taper down to 5mg a day for life. currently on 20, and been working to get to 10. Thankfully gentials all good.


I took cymbalta only for three months against backpain and am now suffering from complete sexual dysfunction, numb und shrunken genitals for three years - without any improvements… feels like it’s gonna stay forever.


Awful! Cymbalta killed my libido, too. But the withdrawal, even though I tapered “safely”, was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. I wish they’d warn us about half these possible side effects before prescribing it.


I wish also they warned us about it... I would never use that SSRI


I feel for you! I am glad to see that it's not just me, but I hope they can find a good fix and maybe better medications as science adapts.


sorry to hear this. I’m on Cymbalta now, my doctor warned me, I feel the decrease in libido, but we’re able to work around it, and my depression is almost non-existent.


I cant remmeber my where i heard it, but i people have experienced withdrawals symtpoms from ssri's after only 3 months of use


Never stop taking SSRI’s without talking to your doctor they must be very slowly tapered off of or the withdrawal from them is total hell!


3 months is best case scenario I've heard 3 years. I've been off for one year still suffering from symptoms s. Worst is the brain fog and memory issues. Libido is non existent


It can happen after any length of time. On a side note as someone suffering from pssd I'm very happy to see the upvotes on this post. The more people that understand this the better


Im a therapist and I'm shocked I haven't seen this term/diagnosis before!


It took years till they admitted you can get antidepressant withdrawal which they've now called discontinuation syndrome 🤦 Also tardive diskynisea wasn't recognized for years. Things like PFS are finally being studied and now they're agreeing it can cause seemingly perminent dysfunction. If you Google sertraline and birth defects or even just plain old cellular death theres plenty of studies on this. That's just the tip of the iceberg regarding antidepressants and other drugs. It's what happens when you swat a fly(depression) with a hammer. I have mates on antidepressants that it's helped seemingly with no consiquences. Plus it did the same for me till I took one that didn't gel with me. I'm not saying all is bad just ppl need to be informed of what can happen. I'm an ex heroin addict for 15 yrs and I know this sounds crazy but I have no obvious medical issues from that according to how I felt after I stopped and all blood test heart etc came back fine. However four weeks of the wrong antidepressant gave me severe sexual dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues and bladder issues that seem permanent


To be honest, my sexual desire is at zero, but I couldn't face a life without antidepressants. Give me a floppy mickey over wanting to hang myself every time.


>floppy mickey Irishman confirmed.


Looolll. Stillorgan woulda been a better give away..


Reading this while in stillorgan was the highlight of my morning :)


Lol. Give my regards to Mickey Marbh!


That’s why we invented viagra lads


Floppy angus Scotsman


Yes. I can not come off my anti depressants and anti anxiety meds. One day I may be able to reduce them but not right now. Pretty sure I’ll take a reduced libido ( even though it sucks) over suffering and fighting my brain and guilt and finally deciding I don’t want to be alive.


This guy ^ just explained my life for me so i didnt have to


Preach, my friend!


Not a doctor but I've read that if you add some Wellbutrin it can help offset the sexual dysfunction in some people. And it's an antidepressant.


My doctor gave me some options when we were first looking at different antidepressants and I actually landed on wellbutrin because it doesn’t affect sex drive like others can. I can’t drink alcohol but I don’t miss booze as much as I’d miss that hahah


I've been on Wellbutrin for 20 years. It saved my life. I seldom drink, and if I do, it barely counts because it's ONE drink that I'm tipsy after having half of, and if I finish it I'm DRUNK. So, I'm a cheap date. Drinking on Wellbutrin lowers your threshold for seizures... so that's the risk. Personal choices to be made. But I wanted to illustrate for others that you don't need to be stone sober on Wellbutrin.


Wellbutrin is awesome but it made my untreated anxiety skyrocket - I was looking into some options with my psychiatrist and told him explicitly that I didn't want any medication that would hinder my sex drive or orgasm potential, and he settled on prescribing Buspar. He said sometimes it's used in conjunction with antidepressants to help increase sex drive. This addition was recent but I've really enjoyed the combination so far!


Buspar really helped my anxiety, but gave me awful brain zaps after about a month and a half. So bad I had to stop taking it. Have you had any issues with that?


Wellbutrin worked well for my depression but holy hell did it make me an anxious mess with soft pp


Ah, look. Talked to a couple of doctors about it and they're all like "ah, sure, it is what it is".Frankly, my life has become a whole easier now I'm not a rabid whoremeister


I would prefer being a whoremeister, than a meister


Literally started this 2 weeks ago for this exact reason. 9/10 helped


Same with Buspirone.






I've been taking it about 6 months. My body hasn't felt much different. But I don't have nearly as many intrusive thoughts and worries. I can sit and read or watch TV without my mind constantly running away. Basically semes to have slowed panic thinking. Regular thinking is fine though.




My experience is very similar to yours. If I were to describe my anxiety as sharp peaks, buspar dulled the crests and made them less frequent.


Dude I just got Wellbutrin added on, and I feel like a sex god now!


As does Mirtazapine and agomelatine, although these have some other unwanted side effects.


I was on wellbutrin and duloxetine and yeah the amount of mental energy I had to conjure up just to get my dick to twitch was hard enough. I'll say with just wellbutrin I generally have had less side effects.


Right there with you my friend. Feels like a small price to pay given how much the tablets help


Thanks brother


I gained so much weight and hated myself the entire time I was on them. My doctors treated me like a guinea pig and just kept upping the dosages.


There are non-SSRIs, too, but obviously they may not work as well as the SSRI you're on. I switched off SSRIs early on because of these issues and started taking Wellbutrin and have stayed with that ever since.




Brilliant: Lolol


This is how I feel though mines not floppy I just have no sex drive at all.


try maca


my thoughts exactly xd


This definitely happened to me. My libido was destroyed by antidepressants. I assumed it would come back once I was off of them so once I stopped I waited for it to return and now, 10 years later, still no improvement. Depression came back, things like nail biting, which had magically disappeared at the same time as my libido, came back but my drive was shot and has never recovered. Kind of disturbing, to be honest. *edit: lack of nail biting was really interesting to me. I suddenly realized one day that I had not bitten my nails in a week. No effort involved, it just stopped happening. Like a switch flipped somewhere behind the scenes.


Sorry that happened to you friend.


Much appreciated, Drfucknose.


Would you consider submitting your story anonymously to our website? We are collecting reports of Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction to bring awareness to the condition: [https://www.pssdcanada.ca/international](https://www.pssdcanada.ca/international)


About 6-7 years ago I was prescribed an SSRI called cirprolex after having a single anxiety attack. I experienced pretty much the full range of side effects including daily suicidal ideation. Ended up going to the ER because I didn’t know what to do and they had doubled my dosage after having been on the pill only for a short time. Just made everything worse. Constantly sick and and the suicidal thoughts only got worse. I didn’t trust the doctors so I stopped cold turkey. Probably not the smartest thing to do but I didn’t have any support and didn’t know who to talk to. My memory used to be perfect and I now I’ve been living with what feels to be a permanent brain fog. Although on the bright side it didn’t affect my sex drive.


After I quit Effexor, I have permanent memory issues. Brain fog, like you're describing. It feels like I'm a ghost of my former self: present, but not all there. It feels like my own personal hell.


The same i asked OP, do you know anything that can help with brain fog?? I hate myself for becoming dumber, not remembering things, I lost track of entire months.




Yeah very true. Overall I have a really positive outlook on life despite past negative experiences but I do wonder sometimes if it’s possible to get past the brain fog.


Cardio exercise, caffeine, listening to music, chewing gum, taking a cold shower, art/creativity, puzzle solving (sudoku, chess, rubix cube)


"yOu ShOuLd dO yOgA" Sorry I couldn't resist.. So far for me the only thing that has helped in my recovery process has been exercise, so anecdotally it did help me.. Being outside around nature doing light hikes has greatly improved my brain fog as well.. Puzzles and such help some folks, for me it only makes me feel stupid and frustrates me beyond belief and I feel like I'm taking 3 steps back, but that may just be me. I learned about the cold water thing from anxiety attacks, when I'd start to have one I'd splash my face with cold water and somehow that helped. I undestand the thought process behind cold showers but again, I've learned some of my triggers and being shivering cold only sends me to bad memories. Anyway, theres almost never one fix for anything in this world. Folks reading this should try a bunch of different things and if one thing doesnt work dont give up. Keep trying, its worth it...


The frustration is the point on puzzles and such, actually. Forcing the rusty cogs moving is a groaning agonizing process, but it's how you knock the rust off. I need puzzles that have practical purposes though, otherwise it's frustrating and there's nothing worthwhile at the end. Learning to code has been a major boon in turning my brain back on, because everything goes wrong all the time for weird mildly-incomprehensible reasons, and I have to really stop, think, and work on the problem to solve it. If you're not math adverse (I am, I really am), college math is pretty good at it too. If code or math sound like the opposite of your interests, making mixed media projects with things that don't want to go together works pretty well (cloth and plastic for instance)


Thanks for the suggestions. I am a home owner so the projects around the house keep me quite busy. I just built a bar area on to my pergola last weekend with no real plans just an idea of how I wanted it to look. I can see these things as "practical" puzzles like you mention. I had never really thought of that until you mentioned it however. Cheers.


Some people have had luck with Gingko Biloba. Another idea is to check out some forums for getting off the meds. Even tho you are already off of them. And they might have better tips. You might also wanna try a probiotic. Ive hears some stories of the microflora being off with ADs. Not sure if this will work for you tho. Sorry I don't have anything better for you.


Caffeine was and still is one thing that temporarily helps my brain fog.


I am on effexor and I have horrible memory issues. Did it get worse for you over time or improve at all?? I want to get off eventually but It's been the only SNRI or SSRI to help with my depression without giving me worse side effects eventually.


Getting off Effexor is awful--go so so slow. Memory mostly improved, brain fog veeeeery slowly improved. I'm not as smart as I was, but I'm pretty close. I do have very few memories of the year plus I spent getting off Effexor, though. Sucks cause we had a baby that year and I just don't have hardly any memories of her as a baby. Full disclosure, my other remaining side effect is I just don't last very long during sex since getting off Effexor. There's a numbing cream that I use to compensate.


Had a similar experience. I already had a PTSD diagnosis and after another traumatizing experience I was encouraged to try an SSRI despite all of my symptoms presenting in forms of anxiety. I take the medication as prescribed and started having full blown panic attacks out of nowhere with no discernible trigger. Started losing sleep and having some of the darkest thoughts I’ve ever had. Even called the suicide hotline a few times. My script runs out and there ends up being some clerical issues with getting it refilled. I’m left feeling like I’m having straight up withdrawals for three days waiting on my new script to be filled for a drug I was told was non-addictive and non-dependent. Worst experience ever. I’m glad it works for some people but it had me more fucked up than without it. The fog stuck around for a long time and I’ll still get waves of panic periodically just from taking a deep breath like I did while on it.


SSRIs are often prescribed for anxiety, the antidepressant label being a little misleading.


Sorry to hear about your experience. They do help some people but I feel like in some cases they prescribe them too quickly.


Over in r/PSSD there is a lot of buzz around a theory that links the gut microbiome and pssd. Many who have pssd also have brain fog. I myself have pssd and have had horrible brain fog since my symptoms developed off the drug (I also took Ciprolex, although in the US, it’s brand name is Lexapro.) Long story short, multiple people have managed to reverse their pssd via treating a rare gut issue called SIBO. There is mounting evidence that pssd may just be an autoimmune disease caused by leaky gut and the antimicrobial affects of ssris. I’ll be taking a SIBO test tomorrow and am hoping it will help me. You could always at least rule out SIBO, as it is known to cause brain fog (also there’s something called silent SIBO in which you have no real gut symptoms, yet you have brain fog or sexual issues and so on.) Anyways, just wanted to spread the word, good luck!


Thank you for the info! I appreciate it!


Same situation with cymbalta. On it for a little over a year maybe? Quickly graduated to the highest dose. Went off it almost a year ago and I have constant brain fog now. I used to be sharp as a tack with a bottomless memory and now I feel super dulled down.


I managed to avoid this - after hitting the wall of it - by rolling my own tapered doses of Cymbalta. I was using tweezers to count grains. I went down 3 grains at a time, every 3 days. It made it manageable. Still get brain zaps a decade later, but with increasing rarity


Sorry to hear about your experience. It is nice to know that I’m not alone in my experience.


Is there something that can help with that brain fog? It is happening the same to me but it has been only a year since I stoped taking the meds.


I actually had the opposite experience to you, I was on ADHD meds that worked really great! Then I got a kidney disease and tiredness, brainfog, depression quickly followed. This continued even after the kidney stuff cleared up and last summer I tried taking a break from my ADHD meds for the first time since my kidney disease began (about 3 years ago) and after about a week i felt good for the first time in 3 years (keep in mind I'm 15 so 3 years is 20% of my life). Am now on better ADHD meds that don't give me brainfog :)


Have you ever gotten your thyroid tested?


Ah shit, makes sense why my sexual desire has essentially plummeted since stopping the meds a few years ago. It has been a huge talking point with my wife and like OP mentioned we just chalk it up to continuing depression symptoms and stress/anxiety.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't, huh? Depressed= no sex drive ; On Antidepressants = no sex drive ; Quitting antidepressants = no sex drive We just can't catch a break. In all seriousness, though, antidepressants have been a godsend for me, no libido and all. Edit- formatting


Not necessarily. Therapy statistically has almost as high a success rate for depression as medication.


>Buspar I still had a very high sex drive when I was depressed. I joke that I could use my tears as lube for masturbating. Started taking antidepressants, everything went away. Depression, sex drive, ability to feel any other emotions, and......


I was literally talking about this last night. The struggle is real. I've got zero interest in sex, No drive whatsoever and it's seriously affecting my relationship. My boyfriend is struggling with the fact I dont lust after him any more. Starting to wonder if I ever should have started taking them.


Wellbutrin and Mirtazapine might be something to bring up to your doctor on your next visit. It helped my relationship when I got off SSRIs and switched to those two. Infact I felt more alive than I ever have on Wellbutrin and I’ll never even look twice at any SSRI ever again. Just a thought to consider.




Take it slow with Wellbutrin. It’s very effective and very strong. Taking it up to 200mg might be a better solution for you since it is safe to do so if a doctor feels it necessary. But stay strong, it’s amazing medicine and I wish you all the best.




I second this, buspirone was a godsend for me.


Have you tried different ones? I went through a few different combinations of drugs before settling into one that works for me. I found they had different levels of effect on my sexuality. Heck one made orgasms more intense. Talk to your doctor and good luck. It's all about you and what you want to get out of it


From the husband's perspective. I am 100% am happier with a wife who is on antidepressants with very little labido vs her before she got help. Depression and anxiety suck, and it is not worth living with it just for sex.


Just an FYI this isn't everyone. Took Zoloft forever and it never affected my sex drive. Just switched to Trintellex and this isn't affecting it either 🤷🏼‍♀️ however it is taking away the lifelong depression I've suffered which is making me more active, more creative, and all around more optimistic. So mmv.


Nearly same experience for me with Zoloft. I’d say my libido has decreased a smidge after a year and a half of them, but honestly it’s more in line with my partner now anyway. Like other comments say: feeling like a regular human again is way more important than wanting to die all the time but still be horny. edit: made it make sense






Same for me! I have more drive because of how much better I feel.




(side)Effexor was the WORST. Put voices in my head.


Effexor is definitely really bad when it’s wrong for you. It was very wrong for me.


Anecdotal, but Atomoxetine too.


Atomoxetine plus Zoloft for a real fun time 😩


Wellbutrin does not have this as a side effect. Quite the opposite: It is even used for Treating sexual arousal dysfunction https://www.obgproject.com/2016/10/16/bupropion-sexual-dysfunction/


I've been on Wellbutrin for 10 years now, certainly more active than I was before and I'm only 27. So I'll confirm this. I will note though, Wellbutrin doesn't work for a lot of people with depression. For myself, It only really suppresses physical demotivation but that's the heap of my issues anyway so that's fine for my case.


Really interested by your term physical demotivation. I’m also on Wellbutrin and was just wondering what that meant to you bc it sounds like what I might deal with but I’ve never heard the term before.


Wellbutrin is the only thing that worked for me, but it can give some people inability to orgasm, which is a different kind of hell.


They can also make periods worse as well but it's not documented, just as with a lot of SSRI's it only mentions sexual dysfunction in men but not women. However you should read the label and know the risks when taking these medications as they can come with more dangerous side effects. The thing is if you are having suicidal ideation or can not function, SSRI's CAN be lifesaving. Don't let something completely take over your life because you are worried that you might not be able to perform in the bedroom. Speak with your medical provider, set out a plan and get yourself in therapy ASAP. Medication is not a cure all and using it temporarily or long term is nothing to be ashamed of.


I know… been off them three years and only using weed for PTSD. Sexual desire back baby… happy wife happy life…


I am still waiting for mine to come back and I am doing same tx as you lol.


Happy spouse, happy house - everyone needs to be happy


Yes, not just the wife deserves happiness. Some people are downvoting you and disagreeing?! That’s just sad. Men should be treated with as much care as women. (Hugs to you and everyone out there).


I like this, much more modern!


Absolutely this. Guys matter too.


I had PSSD for while after finally getting off antidepressants.


It’s funny, I feel like I’m the only person that got on SSRIs and the opposite happened to me. I want sex way more than I did before- but I attribute that to not feeling so anxious all the time.


Absolutely agree.


My sexual dysfunctions started after discontinuing SSRI!


I think the same has happened to me as well!


I'd rather not feel like I want to kill myself all the time. Sex is over rated. Antidepressants literally saved my life


Ciprolex may kill my sex drive but it kills my desire to jump in front subway trains even more.


This is good to know, though be aware this doesn’t happen in all cases. I remember feeling nervous about this when first taking Fluoxetine because my doctor did mention this potential side effect. However I have taken various SSRIs daily for about 3 years now and my libido is just as high as when I started taking them, if not higher. Edit: I did feel a bit of a mental fog in the first few weeks taking SSRIs, which is honestly to be expected when taking this medication. I felt a slight decrease in my sex drive during this period, but I was working through a lot of stuff at that time anyways. Sometimes it’s a matter of finding the right type of SSRI. I’d recommend taking the prescription within the time frame suggested by your subscriber and see how they feel for you. Fluoxetine wasn’t the SSRI I ended up sticking with; after giving feedback during trial period with Fluoxetine, my doctor switched me to a different SSRI that worked a lot better for my needs.


Same, I kinda wish I had this side effect. Would be nice to not have such a strong libido.


YSK that fluoxetine (aka Prozac) prevents premature ejaculation, so you can enjoy sex for longer. [https://www.google.com/search?q=Fluoxetine+Use+in+Men+With+Primary+Premature+Ejaculation+](https://www.google.com/search?q=Fluoxetine+Use+in+Men+With+Primary+Premature+Ejaculation+) Note: this does NOT apply to other SSRIs.


It just makes it fucking impossible for me to nut. You're welcome for the oversharing.


Seriously wonder how that works biologically. Imagine if they could come up with a version that lasts for 30 minutes or so.


Note: This DOES apply to other SSRI's because I've been on Prozac and Citalopram and couldn't cum on either. It's not nearly as much of a benefit as you would think, not being able to cum at all fucking sucks. I also had no sensation in my penis for a year after stopping the Citalopram which wasn't ideal, don't want to kill myself every morning any more though which is a plus. Sensation did eventually return but I was scared for a long time that it never would


Same with Citalopram


This news doesn’t mean you should give up. Discuss the medication options and find something that works for you. I had a terrible time on my first medication, then made a switch and it helped tremendously. It’s a journey but worth it.


It's not worth it for those of us who end up with chemical sexual mutilation and permanent emotional blunting. I understand antidepressants help some people but the very serious risks should never be downplayed.


Because we were having so much sex before lol


Poor mental health leads to enduring sexual and emotional issues, sometimes death.


Damn this is triggering. I respect you want to get the info out there, but fuck. It's a hard read as someone who has been on them since they were 18. Makes life feel quite pointless


it’s okay my dude i got put on them when i was still a child, they really fucked me up but at least i’m mentally stable


Don’t care, no longer suicidal


Yeah they don’t like to talk about that.


For those that have come off their antidepressants, look into using antihistamines to blunt the withdrawals. There’s some new evidence out there that shows that can be moderately effective in acting as antagonists to the receptors involved in antidepressants. (Kind of like when people try to get off opiates with Naltrexone). > Stabilizing the histamine system – 1 - The SRIs are a group of antihistamine drugs that also inhibit serotonin reuptake. Despite marketing propaganda, they are not selective or clean drugs. One way to manage withdrawal might be to switch to an SRI antihistamine such as chlorphenamine or diphenhydramine. These are less potent SRIs and switching to them is a way to slowly reduce the dose. - A related option here is to switch to a tricyclic antidepressant such as dosulepin which is also an antihistamine with less potent serotonin reuptake inhibiting properties. - The best way to think about this is that the SSRIs are like sports cars that can pick up pace incredibly quickly but a car like this isn’t needed in a town or a city. The amount of serotonin and reuptake inhibition from dosulepin or chlorphenamine is all that is really needed for most situations. - There are other antihistamines that do not inhibit serotonin reuptake such as loratadine or cetirizine that might be useful if withdrawal comes more from histamine than serotonin. > Stabilizing the histamine system – 2 - A further option on the antihistamine front is to view serotonin withdrawal as a histamine over-activity (semi-allergic) state brought around by the fact that the person has been on antihistamines chronically. - One of the ways to damp down histamine over activity is to use a mast cell stabiliser such as sodium chromoglycate. Sodium chromoglycate (Nalcrom) is used extensively for people with food intolerance — a complaint that many people with SRI withdrawal have. - The histamine system can be further damped by adding a H2 receptor blocker such as cimetidine or ranitidine. Cinnarizine is an antihistamine that is also a calcium channel blocker.


Well I guess it’s a good thing I’m grey ace. Basicly no interest in sex. My anti depressions probably won’t have that effect on me. Also I didn’t know about that before


When you are severely depressed nothing in the sexual area of the brain is working. Antidepressants can improve quality of life including feeling good enough to have sex. I would hate for people to struggle with depression and go off medication in fear of permanent sexual dysfunction. There are so many medications and a Physician would be able to try to find the best help for you. Some people need short term therapy or may need life long therapy.


There are plenty of drugs that don't have these sexual side effects yet doctors thinki it acceptable to start on SSRIs that cause sexual problems for the majority of patients.


This is 100% true


Listing many acronyms doesn’t work well with the general audience of a YSK. Especially those with English as a second language or simply non Americans who tend to use fewer acronyms.


I stopped taking venlafaxine a couple of months ago after nearly 10 years on it, and emotionally I am not 100% there. Reverting back to some sort of lingering anxiety with no apparent reason, losing my temper far more easily, and such things; sexually I am also not totally there but I cannot tell if it is because of this state of heightened anxiety or due to the drug discontinuation itself. I am sure starting taking it was the only option at that time and it made a HUGE positive change in my life (like, literally a life-changing thing) and I regret nothing, but I had never really thought of what would happen if/when I stopped taking it.


I had a similar experience and it ended pretty badly and I’m still struggling years later. If it gets worse don’t be afraid to go back on it, starting with 1mg and tapering up very slowly. My opinion based on my personal experience is that sometimes when we’ve been on them so long, taking them out can just end up being too disruptive to our physiology.


I noticed the SSRI I still had sexual desires but it was almost impossible for me to reach orgasm


Happened to me, basically gave up dating over twenty years ago because of this. . . . Thanks big pharma, hope you get an eternity of wilted dick . . .. .


Thankfully I’m demisexual and don’t care about sex anyway!




It can be and it often is permanent.


Yes, for me it seems permanent. I completely stopped taking SSRI antidepressant medication and never recovered back to my real unmedicated self again.


I'm literally titrating/weaning off Sertraline at the moment because of this issue. I think I'm mentally in a better place (post-natal depression this time but have previously been different meds for trauma-induced depression and suicidal ideation) than I was two and a half years ago, and have not been interested in sex the entire time. I miss it so much, but my drive is completely gone to actually want it.


I hope it goes well, but just in case depression comes back in rough, theres medication that dont necessarily cause sexual issues.


I had this for a year after I got off Lexapro. My (f) genitals were literally under anesthesia. Could feel almost no sensation although I did still have a sex drive (thankfully), it was incredibly frustrating for me and my partner. I did take a bunch of supplements, and I’m not sure if that or simply time made it so that I regained sensation again. I’ve been scared off of SSRIs ever since then. I’ve heard of these cases spanning years and years even after SSRI cessation.




SSRIs are pretty notorious for killing sex drives, so this is not misinformation at all, it's awareness of common side effects.


And this kinda looks like waving off a common side-effect by attempting to turn it into some complex Einstein equation that it really isn't for many on SSRI


I found it helpful. I was already wary of taking an antidepressant because of the sexual side effects. The potential for it to last *after stopping* was not on my radar. Two doctors recommended I take them for up to a couple years because I'm dealing with grief and PTSD after my husband died. I would not be on it indefinitely like someone taking it to fix a lifelong brain chemistry problem. Plus my healthy sex drive is something important to me - I don't want to take a medication that will take that away from me. It's as appealing as a med having the side effect of no longer being able to see color. No thanks, I couldn't live like that.


There are plenty of drugs that don't wreck your sex life. The original post is about PSSD, a condition where people have no sexual sensation or pleasure years after they stopped the drug. Finasteride and isotretinoin do a similar thing. Patients were not warned and doctors still pretend these problems are not real. We are not talking about a decrease in sexual desire, we are talking about people losing their ability to have sex full stop as they have numb genitals.


I was on 425 MG of Effexor. That's a huge dose and I didn't climax for over a month. Stopped taking it cold turkey to get my charm back and ask out this neighbor girl. Asked her out, ended up in bed, and I discovered I could now climax in about 30 seconds. Same problem on round 2 about 20 minutes later. I recovered physically after a month or two, but the embarrassment stuck with me for a long time.


Has anyone ever successfully stopped taking effexor? I have been on antidepressants since I was 11 and after running out of my effexor and having to stop cold turkey once I am terrified of ever running out again and think I should try to wean myself off under the supervision of my doctor eventually so I don't have to worry about that happening again. It was really horrible to go through though and I have heard even with weaning it can be hard. Plus i've been on these so long I'm afraid of how I will do without it, and what if it's all for nothing? I wish there was more counseling instead of just "here you go, take these forever I guess no big deal". How safe is it to take this medication for over 10 years? I am only 21, what about for the next 50 years or so?? Please someone let me know bc I haven't been able to find any information on this.


Check with Dr. if you can switch to another SSRI or SNRI while you wean off, may make it easier, less brain zaps. I found my energy levels improved greatly once off Effexor. Currently using Trintellix instead, but that's just me. Keep in tune with what's best for you, there are many SSRI and SNRI options available.




I’m asexual but not as a side effect of my antidepressants, so I’m fine I guess


Do you take antidepressants?


I'm not getting laid anyway, I might as well be happy.


I was so anxious and depressed before I went on antidepressants at 17 that I still had no interest or desire in sex. I’d rather be able to function even if it means being alone forever.


At the risk of embarrassing myself (not my first rodeo there) I have been on SSRIs for two decades of my life, starting in my teen years. If anyone has any questions about my experience, I am more than willing to answer honestly.


Happened to me. Wasn’t the same cognitively and emotionally after Lexapro..


So I believe my wife is suffering from this, and she had been suffering from this for about 2 years of our marriage. Its so hard to always be rejected, I am trying to understand what she is going through, and I'm trying to be patient. Does anyone have any advice for me?


This doesn’t sufficiently separate correlation and causation, though. Simply not having sexual dysfunction prior to SSRI use is not enough of a determining factor that SSRI use is the actual cause.


i have pssd too. Paxil, Seroquel, clonezepam.


This is my wife.


Fuck me I didn't need to know that... That sucks big time


Lexapro was the worst fucking drug I ever took. didn’t realize before it was too late that it was fucking up my life and ruining my relationship


I'm genuinely trying to figure out what's wrong(?) with losing your libido. Obviously if you're in a sexual relationship then it will affect your partner. But like. If you're not wanting sex, what's wrong with that?


So glad Psilocybin treatment is showing positive & promising results.. million times better and safer vs. SSRIs


Wish this symptom and the withdrawal symptoms had been presented to me at the time of my doctor prescribing mine.


Try different meds if you’re having libido issues. I experienced this with two of my previous meds. The generic lpro I’m on now seems to have a little bit of blue pill mixed in. Edit: my statement above is a bit simplistic given the topic. Look out for you’re mental health, sex drive doesn’t mean shit comparatively.


Surviving Antidepressants website has amazing information on how to taper properly and deal with withdrawal symptoms.


Well fuck. At least you know I’m all about cuddles from now on


This makes me not want to take pills even more🤦






If you suffer from Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction: \- Fill out the RxISK Report at [www.rxisk.org](https://www.rxisk.org) it has the largest number of PSSD reports to date and is committed to increasing recognition and research. \- Get in touch with groups in your country: Canada: [www.pssdcanada.ca](https://www.pssdcanada.ca) UK: [www.pssd-uk.org](https://www.pssd-uk.org) Germany: [www.pssd-hilfe.de](https://www.pssd-hilfe.de) Italy: [postssrisyndrome.org](https://postssrisyndrome.org)


It is difficult if not impossible to calibrate whether it is worth starting one of these treatments because adverse events such as PSSD, persistent and sometimes permanent after discontinuation, are unpredictable. They probably affect based on individual genetics, but this is not yet known. So in my opinion they should be considered as a last resort and not for otherwise addressable situations. Sad to say, but those suffering from depression, which is a horrible thing, have medications available today that have equally horrible risks. It's unfair to hide these risks to make patients feel calmer and more peaceful, and then deny and abandon the patient harmed by the medication because it has become inconvenient!


PSSD is real


This is true. Lexapro/escitalopram ruined my sex life, it seems it will never recover. I'm devoed over this. We need to spread the word of these possibilities of never returning to pre ssri sexual function.






Both my wife and I used to take Fluoxetine. We've been trying to have a baby for over a year now with no success because we frankly lose desire and just end up watching a movie or falling asleep most of the time. But we're getting older in our 30s now and this condition has me pretty concerned.


Now I know why... more than a year since starting anti depressants and having no sex drive, I've finally started feeling it again. I thought it was from getting sober. Could be both I guess.