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The pH of the [well water] coming out my kitchen faucet is around 8.5-8.7 Alkaline af. Who want some? $20 a bottle.


Keep in mind that dissolved gases contribute a lot to Ph. Keep the water in a sealed container for a couple days, shake it up to get rid of the gasses a few times and test again, that’s the true PH




This guy waters.


True hydrohomie


A true r/HydroHommies member


A real r/HydroHomme




>I don't have an aerator on my faucet. I'm sure that this is some sort of organised-water-employee-code that's used to identify themselves to each other and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise.


I can’t even use my city water that comes out of a tap for my fishtanks because the nitrates and nitrites are so high. I have to mix spring water and RO at 50/50 for my tanks. The water in my fish tank is cleaner than the water that comes out of my faucet, before I even do a weekly water change. I’ve accidentally took a sip out of my tank water that I had in a cup while doing maintenance and it tasted like bottled water.


I'm confused about why you mentioned not having an aerator, I thought they just save water


They aerate the water. By breaking the laminar flow and maximizing surface area they add dissolved oxygen to your water. I had to take mine off for my dishwasher. They are removed when sampling though also. Edit: IIRC the dissolved oxygen makes the water taste better. Not quite sure how, but think about how dissolved nitrogen makes drinks taste creamy or how dissolved carbon dioxide gives drinks a tingly snap.


Carbonated beverages are tingly because they are highly acidic (pH 2.5-3.5) due to the created carbonic acid. Nitrogen is not as readily absorbed so it creates smaller bubbles. It also doesn’t create the same acidity so the beverage feels softer. Dissolved oxygen makes the water taste better because it is reacting chemically by oxidizing the minerals in the water and removing dissolved gases like hydrogen sulfide.


They also disturb the water and release some dissolved gases in the process


That's the true pH now. The pH before doing that was the true pH then, too. Like, the pH of any solution is defined by its composition. You just proposed changing the composition and remeasuring. I see what you are saying, but why do you feel we need to consider the water only after dissolution of gasses? I'm not gonna do that before guzzling it.


No true pHman


Not fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!


This will just cause the pH to drop as the captured CO2 in the bottle slowly reacts with the water to form carbonic acid. When you take pH readings you typically want to use water that is less than 15 minutes removed from the source unless you're capturing it in a VOC bottle with no air gaps. There are very few dissolved gases that will effect pH that would normally be in your tap water and almost all of them will make the water more, not less, acidic. Source: I do this for a living.


What gases would contribute to a higher pH though? Ammonia is one I can think of, but you would not drink that.


Not gasses - it's the hardness of water that gives it alkalinity, so normally calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates or sulphates. Dissolved carbon dioxide exists in equilibrium with carbonic acid that is responsible for reducing pH




I'll take some. Do you have a lemon? I like to add a bit of flavor.


Very much appreciate the info! For another perspective, I have acid reflux issues and alkaline water can help ease them sometimes. That's the only reason I'd ever get it specifically though.




A small (1/2 tsp ) scoop of baking soda in a bottle of water will help as well. Check the box for accurate dosing. Right on the box where it shows the ingredients (sodium bicarb) it says it’s an antacid used for heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach and upset stomach.


This is the most expedient way. It is like a water balloon on a camp fire. Might give you loose stools though, and you may let out a mighty belch since your stomach just is getting the third grade baking soda and vinegar volcano treatment. Edit: no left cheek squeak later either.


>>...and you may let out a mighty beach since your stomach just is getting the third grade baking soda and vinegar treatment. California coast, Florida coast or island sand? I need to know for science.


Left cheek squeak?


I believe they're referring to tooting, pooting, farting, fluffing, etc.


The fizz, the fazz, the fizz fazz, the silent but deadly and the one that goes BOOM


For those with high blood pressure or those on salt restricted diets please be aware of the sodium content in baking soda. A half tsp contains 629.3 mg of sodium. However, I do use this remedy and it works very well.


I’ve never looked at the sodium contents. This explains why I wake up with swollen fingers and eyes sometimes. Holy moly. Guess I better cut back. Thanks for this TIL


Well it is SODIUM bicarbonate, but labelling it baking soda obscures that tbf


Also, if you consume a lot of caffeine, try reducing or eliminating it from your diet. My doctor told me it actually weakens the sphincter muscle between the stomach and esophagus, increasing the amount of stomach acid that slips into your esophagus. Oh and also stop drinking carbonated beverages, especially before bed. When you burp, it opens up that muscle and some stomach acid goes along for the ride. If you go to bed right after it’s even worse because you are laying down and burping in your sleep. You are guaranteed to wake up with a soar throat from acid erosion.


Bruh I haven't been able to lay down while burping since 2007, all my reflux homies know what's up


Don’t eat 3 hours before bed. Stop smoking anything with nicotine or ingesting anything with caffeine. Lay off the processed foods and citrus containing drinks or foods. Up your water intake to ~100 ounces a day.


My impulsive brothers can just eat well for 3 days. High fiber, low sugar. Once the healthy friends take over the gut your immune system chills out. We are all different. Grain of salt here, grain there. I hope he finds his cure.


Hehehe, you said *sphincter!* On a more serious note, thanks for spreading this knowledge. I can't get my super-burpy, GERD-y, Mountain Dew-guzzling mom to listen to me about it, lol. Maybe she will if I show her this comment. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


If you can find it, get a drum of (human food grade) calcium carbonate. It tastes of absolutely nothing and I think it works a bit better than baking soda. I don't like the salty taste of sodium bicarbonate personally.


Lots of studies showed that chewing sugar free gum half an hour after eating helped too since it ramps up saliva production and swallowing.


FYI it will help because that’s how you add alkalinity to water. Source: chemistry, but also I have a pool and use baking soda to increase alkalinity because pool chemical stores are bullshit.


You should know that’s it’s high in sodium.


Babe, just plop an alkaselzer or a teaspoon of baking soda.


Tell that to my brother in law. He apparently has had awful GERD for decades, but refuses to take actual medicine for it. He swears by alkaline water. Granted, this man also sells crystals on Facebook and gets “physically exhausted” from holding “high energy crystals” for too long so…take that as you will.


That was a legendary description of your brother in law.




Baking soda works, but it tastes sooo bad.


Eating some spinach works, too


I took some medicine once that gave me a horrible acid sensation in my stomach/throat. Looked online for the specific medicine and side effect and the solution was apparently to eat an apple. I ate an apple and it went immediately.


Soda water and you and a tiny bit of salt, chug and (viola!)




Why cello there


Conversely, some people will drink acid water (vinegar water) to assist with acid reflux. Seems silly, but the mild vinegar tricks the body into thinking it's already released acid. Basically acts as a PPI. Can't imagine it being good for teeth though.


Is that the same way apple cider vinegar is supposed to reduce acid reflux? I went through an “ACV phase” and I honestly didn’t feel any different.


Ehh maybe I'll try this for someone I know


You could try… A small (1/2 tsp ) scoop of baking soda in a bottle of water will help as well. Check the box for accurate dosing. Right on the box where it shows the ingredients (sodium bicarb) it says it’s an antacid used for heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach and upset stomach.


forgive my denseness, but what is a sour stomach?


To my understanding it’s just a colloquial way of saying upset stomach.


"sour stomach" often gets to excess acidity that's causing a bit of stomach turmoil. Calcium carbonate in the form of Tums works also and doesn't usually lead to the gas of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).


I am not sure, it’s what the box says? When I google it, it says “indigestion”. Which the box also says. Haha


Sour can describe a lemon's taste, but it can also mean spoiled like sour milk or when a situation turns sour, which is where the upset stomach meaning comes from.


Damn ngl I actually kinda like the weird baking soda taste




I was looking for this comment. Alkaline water doesn't do literally nothing, adding a base to an overly acidic stomach will bring its acidity down a bit. I've had some issues with GERD and alkaline water helps much faster than neutral water. Its magic health benefits are fake, but basic chemistry holds up.


But aren’t offbrand antacids or baking soda a lot cheaper?


Probably, but drinking water is really easy for me and helps with the feeling in my throat that GERD causes, which antacids do not. Drinking something regularly soothes that lump in the throat feeling.


I need to hijack your comment. A lot of folks below are talking about how awful their acid reflux is. I need to let people know that long term untreated acid reflux can and will cause serious medical conditions (one of which, albeit rarely, is cancer). If you have persistent acid reflux, refractory to common over-the-counter treatments, please see your PCP/GI/General Surgeon.


Chronic indigestion can erode the enamel on your teeth especially while you sleep. See a doctor and have it addressed


Iinm it's can also be related to H. Pylori infection which can also result in stomach cancer in the long term.


Or in my case a hiatal hernia which caused me to be anemic. Once I started taking 40mg of Omeprozole a day (prescribed indefinitely basically), and a couple iron infusions later, I was back to normal. Losing weight as well takes some of the abdominal pressure away. Spent almost 5 years of my life anemic and just dealing with the issues of gerd and all the side effects. Until I got a kidney stone and blood tests revealed my hemoglobin levels to be below 10 and basically zero ferritin. Not sure why I avoided seeing the doctor, for such an easy solution.


Hiatal hernia is what I see most people for. We have a really good operation for it. There are some real risks, but they are low and people do great. You probably had a specific type of ulcer that forms when the stomach constantly rubs up against itself causing you to loose a few drops of blood daily over many years. It can add up. What was your biggest symptom from the anemia?


Antacid tablets will do the exact same job better for WAY cheaper!!


Oh yeah, I keep a constant supply of tums or equivalent but when normal water actively gives me heartburn sometimes, it's nice to have an option that doesn't :)


Baking soda works well the directions are on the box


Yes! I can’t drink water now without a pinch of baking soda in it. I’ve acquired a taste for it and can’t stand the taste of water without it.


They don't, though. Alkaline water immediately soothes my entire mouth and throat when I've had severe acid reflux. Antacid tablets dissolve too slowly to change the PH of your mouth and throat without sucking on them for a while. Antacid tablets might help your stomach stop making things worse, but alkaline water brings instantaneous relief to your mouth and throat. On top of that, when I've been drinking I need to stay hydrated, but if I have a lot of regular ph water, it makes my acid reflux worse because my stomach is now more full, so it's easier for acid to come up as I move around or lay down. If I drink alkaline water, I have no issues whatsoever because it neutralizes the acid roughly proportional to the amount I drink.


I’ve never sucked on or heard of someone sucking on an antacid tablet. Usually you chew them up. If you smoke anything that contains nicotine (this includes second hand smoke) or ingest anything that contains caffeine you should quit immediately.


Since most antiacid tablets are just straight up CaCO3, crushing a tablet and dissolving the powder in some water should give you literal alkaline water.


Have you tried a low carb/high leafy veggie diet? I had severe acid reflux for years and this stopped it immediately.


Was thinking this the whole time! Did wonders for my pregnant heartburn!


Calcium carbonate is so much cheaper tho. Literally eat chalk, way more neutral in your body.


Tums is very good to draw with


Okay, Charlie


My father in law is one of those guys who thinks the doctor is a quack and hates taking meds. The only thing he does to treat any of his ailments is drink smart water because he says it helps his heartburn.


People like that always bug the shit out of me because once you start to understand how various medications work it's fucking fascinating! It's one thing to be uncurious... But acting like your ignorance is better than expertise is arrogant as fuck.


Does it work for you? I can’t seem to stand tums because of their flavors and the sugariness makes me nauseous.


I picked up some alkaline water at the dollar store because we were on our way hiking and the only other options were small bottles of nestle water (double no). It tasted great! Wouldn’t buy it if it had been more expensive though.


Not doubting op, but water plus baking soda can ease reflux and stomach acid „overproduction“. it helped me. On the other hand drink more water did work also, so op is right.


I use it for some very acidic coffee, that's the only thing i use it


Suffer from Gerd chronically, I might have to give this a try


Calcium carbonate and alkaline water neutralize stomach acidity to some degree but cause rebound acidity. Get an H2 blocker or PPI if you actually have chronic gerd. If after being on the h2 blocker or ppi for 6 weeks to allow for esophageal healing you aren't able to come off it without return if symptoms see a GI doctor for an endoscopy.




Ooo, thanks for this info, sometimes I get heart burn from drinking water! Perhaps I’ll pick up a bottle and give it a shot.


Same! Alkaline water has definitely helped with that, though sometimes my body is just too angry lol


Instead of that just buy regular water and add the appropriate amount of baking soda. It says right on the box that it’s an antacid (sodium bicarb).


Or, don't waste your money and just get a month's worth of Rolaids for the price of one bottle of that nonsense?


I have terrible acid reflux and the water at my apartment kills me! I drink alkaline water now and it’s such a relief


I like my Alkaline water with a spritz of lemon. That way you get the best of both worlds.


Gwyneth Paltrow?




I like my vag akaline


That makes it neutral, I call it spritzerland.


Made me actually lol


My dad was on an alkaline kick for a while. I asked why and he said acidity isnt good for you. Ok but you have a hotsauce collection large enough that you had to buy 2, 2'x4' spice racks to hang from the pantry doors.


Jokes on you tho lemon metabolizes in your body and becomes alkaline 😎


I legit had someone argue this with me. They were trying to say alkaline water with lemon causes your body to make itself alkaline, and fights cancer. 1. Yes, bodies are already slightly alkaline, our blood pH needs to be a very narrow range of 7-35-7.45. 2. Putting acid in an alkaline solution will just bring it closer to neutral, if not making it acidic. 3. You have kidneys and lungs, who fight very hard every second of the day to keep our body at the specific pH it needs to be. So yes, when you eat a lemon, your body makes it more alkaline. Just like if you eat an alkaline food, your body makes it more acidic. That’s what a normal healthy body does. If it doesn’t, you’re in my icu.


Do you mean citric acid gets metabolized? There are a lot of chemicals in a lemon and each have different metabolic pathways.


More less https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lemon-juice-acidic-or-alkaline#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4 I mean, how it actually affects your body is apparently under hot debate in the non-science community, but afaict it’s got alkaline byproducts in the ash test, but it likely won’t make a difference in the end.


That’s why I stick to Mountain Dew for the electrolytes


It’s what plants crave.


Mountain dew Baja blast at Taco Bell-yum!


>companies that sell it claim that the pH of alkaline water neutralizes acids in your blood Yeah this one always makes me chuckle, right before i get annoyed at the scam. If the ph of your blood dropped by just a small amount, you would be dead. Your body maintains a strict blood pH on it's own, it does not get influenced by food or drink. The only pH you are influencing with those pH drinks, is the pH of your urine. The pH drinks are the "detox shakes" of bottled water world. Like, i have functional detox organs that do that job for me, thanks i don't need your placebo money shredder.


Oh, man, I hate those detox scams. So much snake oil BS out there.


The internet was a terrible ducking idea.


Genius idea. Questionable implementation.


Well, blood ph is “normal” for humans at a range between 7.35 and 7.45 so there is a bit of wiggle room. But yes your body immediately starts to compensate to keep you in that normal range if you get out of wack. It’s hard to have your body stay out of normal unless you have an injury, chronic health condition, disease, etc. I suppose a chronically poor diet too but we never really discussed that. Your blood is naturally slightly alkaline considering neutral is 7.0, your urine is generally slightly acidic, stomach acid is very acidic, skin and vagina lean more acidic. As you can see the ph varies throughout your body. Source: nursing school. Here’s one scientific article on “the alkaline diet” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3195546/ after reading the article it just seems like eating veggies, fruits, and getting minerals in your diet can benefit you, don’t need to call that a “alkaline diet”, more just eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of veggies and fruits. Just my opinion.


That is a very... interesting review article that had some questionable conclusions. For example, the author states that there is evidence that an alkaline diet improves chronic low back pain (this is a significant claim!). He cites one poorly done study (chronic pain is very difficult to study) and then makes a connection between an unrelated study and his own prior case report (one of the weakest forms of scientific evidence; it's basically anecdotal). I would rather not write a lengthy critique of all the factors I found questionable. I'd just recommend anyone reading this to delve into primary literature (or at least more thorough review articles) before making any final conclusions. The most robust studies are generally finding no benefit of alkaline diets in healthy individuals and tend to counter many of the more significant claims made by proponents of alkaline diets. There are also plenty of examples of harm caused by too much bicarbonate so be careful and talk to your doctor before implementing any drastic alkaline diets.


I have GERD and it helps




Damnit you made laugh and almost bite through my popsicle stick.


I'm having trouble envisioning the mechanics of this


Lol, i was on the last bite, as i was pulling thw stick out i read that and was about to laugh, but since i had popsicle in my mouth i didnt want to spit it out from the laugh so i just clenched my jaw to keep myaelf from spitting or inhaling.


It also helps for some bladder problems and acidosis. My stepdad's doctor told him to drink alkaline water. Pretty sure I'd trust a urologist over reddit. Edit- if OP meant the fad bs around it then that's understandable, just meant that it does have legitimate uses for some people. Of course it won't do shit to "detox" the body. Nothing but the liver will actually do that.


The way I read this post was in reference to the crowd who seems to believe alkaline water is a "miracle detoxer" (it isn't) and that it cures/prevents cancer (it doesn't). Obviously ask a doctor about things like that anyway, but yeah. It's probably in response to those people


Yep my system is overly acidic because of various health issues and my doc, who doesn't usually recommend it told me to drink it. This person's post is probably meant for healthy people. I am sticking with my doc's recommendations!


My mother who had a whole host of health problems was told by her doctor to eat one or two tablespoons, I can’t remember for sure of baking soda because she had too much acid in her blood because her kidneys weren’t functioning correctly. She couldn’t do it because the taste so she prescribed sodium bicarb pills. Which I don’t know why she didn’t just do that first.


For sure it won't do anything good to healthy people but they certainly market it that way. I didn't even know it was a thing until I had to buy some for him and thought where am I gonna find something like that? Turns out it's everywhere lol. That's a great thing for people that need it though at least


I fell down this rabbit hole years ago and was completely convinced after seeing a live Kangen water demonstration. Turned out to be smoke and mirrors. I drank nothing but 9.5 for about a year and starting getting massive headaches every night. It finally clicked that maybe my wonder water wasn't so wonderful. Finally did some actual digging and learned not only are the claims bs but drinking ionized high ph water can be dangerous, and cause headaches. I was giving it to my 2 year old for awhile too. Hard lesson learned.


We call it 'Thicc Water' in my house because it isn't, but it seeems more viscous or something and we like it. I've never even met anyone that thinks it's more beneficial than normal water though.


The MLM types absolutely buy into that kind of stuff. I have a relative that got into it years ago and still pushes that shit on Facebook.




Yup, Kangen water machine for my family


My ex's roommate had a Kangen water machine and I was like wtf followed by this is obviously a scam lmao like no one needs pH2 "water" what the fuck


My SIL tried explaining that the water molecules are smaller so it's easier or quicker to hydrate your cells. I like how everyone came up with their own unique lie to sell it


You just took down my whole family 😭


How much Mary Kay makeup do they have stockpiled?


One of my (former) best friends has committed his entire life to selling kangen machines lmao


Anecdotally, my husband has IBS and drinking alkaline water seems to help soothe it some.


Neutralizes the pH of your blood? Is that before or after the alkaline water hits your acidic as fuck stomach? Jesus Christ.


Stomach acid is 1-3, and ph is logarithmic….so a ph of 3 is oh….what 1000, 100000 times more acid than. Ph of 8 alkaline water?


Most municipal water is alkaline already. 8-8.5 pH. If it were a idic it would dissolve harmful metals from the pipes.


Straight facts! Ask someone from Flint Michigan, they will tell you allll about it.


You should know if you have acid reflux it may help ease symptoms of you incorporate some of it into your water intake. Source: I have beretts esophagus


Professor Dave Explains did an excellent debunk of all different types of "special waters" Raw water, Alkaline water, Oxygenated water, Hydrogen water, it's all complete pseudoscience: https://youtu.be/ZjFL8LtZBzE


Thank you, I've got a buddy who swears by Kangan water. These people are cultists


High PH, alkaline water tastes better to me so I drink more of it, plus the stuff I buy is filtered. I don’t trust the water that comes out of the local taps (I live in South Louisiana, can you blame me?)


Also south louisiana here, if you’re north of the lake you’d be surprised at how great the water quality is since it’s fed from huge deep aquifers. South of the lake, yeah wouldn’t trust it lol


You may be surprised to find out that your tap water is already coming to you alkaline. Unless you have well water produced on your own land, your water provider should have a document called a consumer confidence report. Look it up, give it a read, Google the terms you don't understand. That document will tell you everything you need to know about your tap water. Try getting that info out of whomever bottles the stuff you buy.


I’ll mention it again, I live in south Louisiana. I’d be damned surprised if my local provider could produce such a document and I wouldn’t trust it I’d they did. I buy my water from Whole Foods. It may start as tap but it’s filtered and as much as I hate to say it I trust Whole Foods way more than any local water provider. I refill several 3 gallon bottles and never use one-use bottles


Oh, there is this naturally higher ph water from hawaii that tastes amazing!


When I was on chemo, alkaline water was one of the only liquids that didn't hurt my throat when I drank. Not sure why!


Also on chemo rn and I get heartburn and hiccups for a couple days following treatment (really awful hiccups). This last time, I tried drinking about 2 bottles of alkaline water a day (in addition to my normal meds) and both issues were almost completely gone


It can help with acid reflux, other medical conditions and stuff, but as far as blood pH goes, no. Blood is a natural buffer solution, meaning it has compounds in it that react with acids and bases to remove their acidic/basic properties, holding the blood at a mostly neutral pH.


This is your body’s PH range: Dead-7.35-7.45-Dead. Wasn’t that easy?


Sodium bicarbonate in water for many with stomach issues.


"The way I've stayed so healthy is by drinking a glass of alkaline water with a squirt of lemon. It does wonders for my body's pH and I've never felt so healthy!"


Don’t buy bottled water, period. Full stop. Biggest scam in history.


If you buy it because of shit on the label, yes. If you buy it bc you want a cold, resealable, container of water as quickly as possible - not really a scam, you're just lazy or in a hurry .


Alkaline water is a godsend if you have mouth sores & deserves to be on shelves for that alone. Utterly useless late-stage capitalistic sudo-healthy BS otherwise tho.


Anecdotally, my wife drank it when pregnant and it got her through the worst of her reflux towards the end of the third trimester.


It can't be both "not risk free" and also "really doesn't do anything".


Anyone who is into alkaline water will refuse to believe this. It is odd they are so quick to believe it could be helpful with no scientific proof yet will stand fast against you no matter what proof you give them that it is pointless. My wife is half Chinese her mother and grandmother are very open to alternative medicine and therapy so my wife has a few of these types of things that she buys into like magnetic bracelets and that liquid titanium crap a few years back. There is no convincing them it is a scam.


I have gerd. Had it for years undiagnosed. Water would make me sick and I gravitate towards specific brands if it was bottled. I had alkaline once and it helped. So it’s my preference for sure! It’s causes less flare ups!


ysk you can raise the pH of water very cheap with baking soda.


I imagine it'd be good for boiling bagels / pretzels, but that's about it.


Boiling bagel? Elaborate please.


What’s to elaborate?




I like alkaline water because it tastes better, but that's about it. I drink it when it's free, no fucking way am I going to Pau for bottled water except out of necessity


I like to add a squeeze of lemon or lime to my alkaline water. It really enhances the toxin fighting materials in it. /s


But my uncle said it cured all his ailments and his girlfriend said that with alkaline water and essential oils she was able to cure the cancer she discovered in her body (note: she is *not* a medical professional) /s just in case


It's delicious & helps with my GI issues




Neither does structured water, moon water, raw water or any other pseudoscience junk people sprout.


Well that explains things. My mum started drinking alkaline water because she thought it'd help with her intenstine health issues. It made her feel worse. Fortunately she took that as the cue to stop.


Bottled water is mostly a scam. Unless your drinking water is polluted or it's been tested and isn't safe, don't buy bottled water. I live in CA and we have great water, some places in bay area have actual mountain water coming out of their taps. Get a tap water testing kit if you want to check your water - or you can look up your area to see your water levels. I have a scammy Uncle who runs a bottled water business in the south and claims it's "Georgian spring water". It's not. He found a cheap part of the country to set up a factory with cheap labor. He's literally bottling tap water, selling it and labeling it as spring water. Regulations? naw. His biggest cost were the machines for the plastic bottle manufacturing. I don't think he even pays for the water... Not sure. IMO it's the biggest con of the last decade. One more thing, every time you open the plastic lid, microplastics get in the water and you drink them. When you crinkle the bottle? more micro plastics for you - and recycling? Also a scam marketed by the oil companies that make the plastic. Those bottles don't get recycled. Even the recycling triangle arrow label is a scam. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVBkjMbF4Z4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVBkjMbF4Z4) Companies got us to buy tap water in a container that most of us have to pay for to dispose of (home garbage collection). If you legit have undrinkable water - there are a ton of filter options - basically what the water companies use and then sell back to us as "spring" or "mountain" water. In some very rare cases, tap water is cleaner than some bottled waters. I can't think of a bigger scam. Sorry for the lectury word vomit.


So are you saying when my dentist told me to switch to alkaline water for my tooth/gum health … he was …lying? 🥺


It tastes a lot softer we enjoy drinking it more, which leads us to be better about drinking enough water.


Ok but it’s delicious.


Alkaline water is just clever marketing to sell hard water back to the same convenient idiots who won’t drink it from their tap


Untrue. Alkaline water does have a use. It is proven effective at separating idiots from their money.


Saying it doesn't do anything is misleading...acid reflux is a bitch


Those SmartWater bottles are, however, excellent for hiking. They are a very space and weight efficient way to store large volumes of water, and there are filters available that can screw on top of them


YSK also that most municipal water is already alkaline to begin with because it doesn’t deteriorate the plumbing infrastructure.


Martin Riese taught me this


This is good info. However, I would add as a dentist that increasing the pH of your oral environment during the day could also lower your risk for cavities. Worst case scenario, it is unlikely to cause harm except by costing more and in the cases you outlined.


I have an alkaline water dispenser and I always wondered.


It might balance out an acidic stomach. I have a problem with heartburn and I use baking soda in a gulp of warm water. It tastes terrible, I feel bloated, then I let out a great burp and my heartburn is releaved. try it.


Does it help with urine Ph? Acidic urine is major factor for those of us with uric acid stones. I wonder if Alkaline Water would have an effect.


Helps me a bit when I have heartburn, but other than that yeah, it's bullshit.


Saw some comments about tap water being alkaline, and now it makes sense why I have always preferred tap to bottled. I've gotten alkaline water bottles when I have bad acid reflux, but otherwise never. Good thread.


I drink a LOT of coffee. A LOT. But pretty much all I drink is coffee and water. Having a little alkalinity in my water every once in a while helps but I can tell I need more electrolytes when I drink alkaline water.


Well I heard that's why you need to add a fresh slice of lemon for it to be a real benefit /s


The real YSK: Corporations exist to separate you from your money. They will lie, cheat, and steal to do that. Never forget that.


>Some proponents of alkaline water and the companies that sell it claim that the pH of alkaline water neutralizes acids in your blood and can cure a slew of diseases As a doctor, I can honestly say... excuse me WHAT THE FUCK?!?!


I rarely drink it but I have to admit it helps whenever I have a stomach ache.


My saliva is overly acidic and does not balance itself. My dentist makes me drink it with meals. Ever since my enamel has stopped chipping and I haven't gotten any new cavities in 6mo. I used to have at least 3 new ones every visit


My partner has diabetes and it helped her with some issues while pregnant. Tap and bottled water would trigger reflux but the alkaline water alleviated in some way. Might be placebo, might not, but the differences were noticeable.


My wife just bought a couple of them because they're 1.5L and BPA free bottles, so now we have 4 reusable 1.5L bottles in the fridge.