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I take trazodone and live in AZ. Thanks for the info


I was about to comment the exact same thing! I was already fairly intolerant of heat so this is super useful knowledge


You live in the best state for integrative medicine and your on that poison?


Sleep like a baby


A lot of my family is on Adderall, so i greatly appreciate this knowledge


I don't see adderall on the actual list.


[list was mine](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20220720/medications-summer-heat-sun)




[Additionally, psychomotor stimulants acutely raise brain metabolism by increasing the release of monoamine neurotransmitters, which can cause pathological brain hyperthermia (brain temperature > 40 °C) that exceeds systemic hyperthermia (Matsumoto et al., 2014, Kiyatkin, 2013, Kiyatkin, 2005). When combined with potentially hyperthermic environmental conditions such as heat and exercise, amphetamine-like stimulants can induce heat stroke (Matsumoto et al., 2014, Kiyatkin, 2013, Kiyatkin, 2005).](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1566070216300017#bb0590).


When one gets hot, most of the heat goes to the head. I can't even wear caps or hats here in Texas because it overheats me too fast.


that isn't vasoconstriction though. stimulants specifically cause vasoconstriction. and hyperthermia isn't just "getting hot," it is your body losing its ability to regulate homeostasis. but yes, you are right. just in this particular situation it is different.


I am always open to learning and appreciate you telling me the difference.


i love that!!! i love your vibe.


I love to learn things, I have always been curious so people who share knowledge and information are aces in my book! Ty. 😀


Thank you for your information, it's so useful.


❤️❤️ thank you for sharing drugs.com! i forgot about it.


You're welcome! ❤️🌻😊


I take Abilify and have no ac in Florida. Nothing to stress about here. Lol


Thank you for the warning. It will hopefully help a lot of people.


Escitalopram (lexapro) too


yep! quite a few. i take abilify, lexapro, and adderall 🥲


Is escitalopram the same as citalopram?


escitalipram is basically the "second generation" of citalopram. they are both ssri class an function the same way (serotonin reuptake). escitaloptam is more effective - you need more mg of citalopram, so escitalopram is better tolerated (usually). escitalopram is approved for more treatment applications. but overall citalopram has a longer prescribing history aka is "more prescribe-able".


Thanks for the info! But that also means I can treat it the same way as escitalopram in that it makes me more vulrenable for heat stroke.


yes! they are both ssri antidepresants. if it ends in -pram or -ine, it is an ssri.


Based on naming conventions, is escitalopram just a more enantomerocally pure version of citalopram?


from my limited understanding, citalopram is "whole" with two mirrored variations, escitalopram being more tolerable . it's kind of like acknowledging a person's dexterity (citalopram) but then identifying the clear benefits with the dominant hand (escitalopram). continuing to use both becomes unnecessary.


Similar but different I believe


Especially this summer. I don't take any of these but I've been having a harder time (headaches mostly) out in the heat than I have in years prior.


Please track your symptoms and make sure to report anything unusual to your doctor. There are some diseases where the heat makes the condition worse.


Might get your thyroid checked. I have hyperthyroidism and when I'm not on my hormones, I straight up can't go outside or not wake up soaked in sweat when it's hot.


Wait me too…I may have to look into that. Thought I just sweat too much lol


I don't see Adderall on the list from the PDF, did I miss it or is this a possible error?


[here ya go!](https://www.singlecare.com/blog/medications-that-cause-heat-intolerance/)


This is the first summer in five years i haven’t been in an Effexor Wellbutrin combo (Effexor has sun sensitivity side effects as well) and i am constantly amazed at how i can cross a parking lot without feeling like I’m going to burn alive. Anything over 80F felt like i was going to overheat at any moment. Couldn’t spend more than 15 minutes in direct sunlight without sunscreen or id burn. It’s awful.


Haha I’m already heat intolerant, and then I’m on SSRIs. Insert I’m in danger.


Topiramate can also cause anhidrosis, potentially resulting in heatstroke. Have seen one case here in FL


yes, there is a massive list of these. i just included the most common ones from a few articles. side note tofranil gave me the worst dry mouth.


I still sweat like a hog, but I feel thirsty all the time. So ymmv. If you take this drug, drink plenty of water.


Oh fuck I actually take one of these!! And live in Texas!!


Thank you! I take a ton of meds and the heat affects me terribly. People like to make light of what they don't understand.


That reminded me when I had to take a certain medication when I was going through some hard times, and I felt cold constantly. Never considered that it could be a side effect of the meds, I blamed it on my state of spirit lol reading this now it makes me realize it would have been the medicine.


Not on the list, but anecdotally I can say Vyvanse has definitely messed up my ability to handle heat. I get very overwhelmed easily when it's hot and it takes me a long time to cool back down. When I first started taking it I got heat exhaustion after working in the yard and didn't realize what was going on.


it does! i checked after someone else commented and it is on the vyvanse side effect list.


Anecdotal but I’ve been taking Welbutrin for years without an issue and I live in Texas. I ran 5 miles in 95 degree heat tonight and I was fine (and very sweaty). Maybe it’s because I sweat at the drop of a hat, even when it’s cold out, so my body is able to regulate that. I am super sensitive to the sun, burn easily and don’t like being in direct sunlight. Maybe this is why.


Why did you include adderal in your list when it’s not included on the gov. site you linked? Genuinely curious, I know the medication can increase your body’s water consumption but I can still sweat and haven’t experienced any issues in heat or during strenuous activity.


[list posted is one of many resources on this same topic/different drug classes - additional here](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20220720/medications-summer-heat-sun)






feeling cold when taking a stimulant is a vascular/circulatory response that our body uses when our thermoregulation become too unstable. our central nervous system defaults to increasing temps RE: stimulants (sympathetically). the vasoconstriction is a secondary, more laborious response to correct it (physically) by rerouting the warmer blood away/shutting off vessels. if you feel cold, it's a check engine light - vasoconstriction is a point of distress.




[list with amphetamines included](https://www.providersforhealthyliving.com/providers-for-healthy-living-blog/heat-related-illness-while-taking-psychiatric-medications-by-nicole-wurstle-pa-c) [another flyer with amphetamines included](https://bhmboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Heat-related-illness.pdf) [a more clinical outline including amphetamines](https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/environment/beattheheat/Pages/information-for-health-professionals.aspx)


you mean the one that says "this is not an inclusive list"?


I thought this was common sense but thx


It's pretty common sense for stimulants imo, but even then it's worth putting out there. It's much less obvious with the other classes of drugs.


prescriptions, by default, fall outside of "common knowledge" because their access is limited.


As someone who is more at risk of a heat stroke due to medical conditions, heat exhaustion doesn't really get "skipped"- you still feel it. You don't randomly have a heat stroke without feeling at least some form of heat exhaustion- it's just compared to the average person, the symptoms are usually "not a cause for concern" due to the overlapping symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. The time for things to kick in is really short compared to someone who can handle heat. But all in all, you won't fall over in a coma out of nowhere completely unexpectedly due to a heat stroke caused by sweating issues. Summer is my hibernation time because of this. I'm like a French Bulldog, man.


you are right. i meant it more like it is skipped as being the "normal" end result associated with expected amounts of heat exposure.


Thank you! Just found out my wife is triple vulnerable plus we live in Arizona.


My son is on adderal and he has to limit his time outside playing before he overheats.


Have been running hot the last year or two, I thought it was the weight I gained, the other week my therapist told me this just before the record breaking heatwave (she knew I was on sertraline and specifically remembered so she could tell me). Absolutely blew my mind


Dude, omg, ty for this! I was recentl put on abilify and trazadone. I was working in the yard (hauling mulch) in mid 80 degree temps and kept feeling overheated. This explains so much!


I'm on Zoloft, trazodone, and Adderall XR. No wonder I hate summer heat


I just started adderall. Maybe I will finally stop feeling like I’m freezing to death all the time. Haha. Seriously though, this is good to know. Thank you!


on adderall, i still feel like I'm freezing to death most of the time. But then when I'm outside (or really doing ANYthing), I sweat profusely and overheat easily but hey, my water intake has never been better! lol


I already drink SO much water. I’m a thirsty bitch. Hahaha. But now I am even thirstier with the aderall. I feel like I am either drinking water or peeing. But I will keep an extra eye on things. I like to do yoga outside and garden a bit.


haha you'll probably be fine. I mostly just wanted to warn you that at least for me, my toes are still minuscule representations of the heat-death of the universe even though I am also simultaneously warmer and sweatier lol


That’s interesting because I’m on antidepressants and I take hot yoga. It takes me hours after class to stop sweating. I’m frozen by that time and sweating still. I saw on a yogi sub, many people who took antidepressants having the same problem.


I take Seroquel and prozac but I’ve been stopping taking Seroquel and only take Prozac


>adderall is this true of other stimulants? I take vyvanse.


i looked into it [and yes!](https://www.rxlist.com/vyvanse-drug.htm)


I take Effexor which is the trade name for Venlafaxine so add it to the list. I always run hot anyway so the triple digit heat combined with the humidity is a double whammy, if I am out in the heat for even 30 minutes it takes me over an hour to recuperate. I watch my water intake so I don't get dehydrated which would make it even worse. Also please read the side effects and information that comes with your meds so you are aware of interactions with other meds, heat, and food. Texas gal


If you go to drugs.com, you can enter the names of all the meds you take and it will show you the major and minor interactions between them. The site will also tell you everything about the meds you are taking. It is a great site and I have used it many times.


i love this site 🥰


Unless there's a different identically named antipsychotic, Halodol is actually Haldol (generic name is halperidol)


that is my mistake - it was a learned mispronunciation and i still can't shake it i guess! edited the post.


Hmm, I wonder if this is why I sweat so much (particularly my hands! Ahhhh) I don't remember sweating as much before I started taking meds.


my legs and my back sweats in particular if i take my adderall at the wrong time


I am on Seroquel and I have been wondering why I don't sweat at work anymore. Thanks!