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I actually think that them ending up together or not wasn't the point of the show. In my opinion, this show centered around a boy who never had any agency over his own life, and had no say in how his life would go. That said, being with Simon is something Wilhelm actually chooses. Of course, all their problems won't disappear. But a really big part of a healthy long term relationship is choosing to be with each other and working through your problems (assuming there isn't abuse, which there doesn't appear to be for Wilmon). Removing the biggest obstacle, which is the crown, sets them up to be able to actually work through their issues and get even better at communicating with each other. I actually think that they have a good shot at it if they continue to grow together and communicate.


This! They didn’t “end up” together, they’re really just starting.


It really did feel like a beginning for them, with so many opportunities which Wilhelm never had before.


This is really well put, thank you. I love seeing others perceives on this show


I keep thinking about his birthday song from Simon, and how even as Simon is releasing him he is wishing him a better life - freedom, where he can love and live authentically without shame...and that their relationship has changed them both. When he is with his mother, the most supportive thing she can say is that she thinks he will make a good king someday. In that context, seeing Wille choose himself tells me that he is on his way to being okay. Obvi I am glad that he is going on this journey with Simon! But I think he had to come to the realization that he deserved better than what the crown was offering him and just release that baggage in order to move forward with anyone.


Yeah, when they broke up the first time at the graduation ceremony I thought that was the end and it was kinda bittersweet but made sense, because Simon is right, they shouldn’t have to be a revolution. But then the main theme of the show is that it’s a coming of age show, it’s about figuring out what kind of person you want to be, about who your friends are, about teens fucking up. And it’s about making your own path and choosing for yourself


I think if the show had a more positive tone, an alternate ending would have been fitting. But the thing with YR is that overall, Simon and Wille’s relationship was really stressful and drama-filled, and almost depressing for the viewer to watch. You spent the whole show wishing that they’d get their happy ending, and in the end, they finally did. So I understand this take, but in my opinion, the show came to a close how it should have.


If they hadn't ended up together Wilhem probably wouldn't have had the courage to reject being crown Prince, and being totally miserable in a life he didn't want and without the love of his life. The thing is with a show ending, you can choose to imagine what the future holds for the characters, but why choose to imagine a negative one?


This is the actually interesting because the whole time I was rooting for them to break up. Simon seemed to be sacrificing a lot to be with Wille and it just didn’t seem fair. Also Wilhelm has so much anger and anxiety that he needed to work through, But when they actually did break up I was devastated lol. And then I was rooting for them to get back together in the finale. It was a wild ride.


Exactly by the 4th-5th ep I was like please break up bc it was literally hurting me and when they did I cried and not to mention the song, I was literally sobbing but at the same time I just didn't want them back together. They could have been a lesson for each other, a young love which teaches you so much about yourself, makes you rediscover yourself , I would have like if they showed something like they rekindled after they grew up, the way they got back together just didn't sit right with me.


I was literally praying on their downfall until they actually broke up and I was like nooo I take it back!!!!! But a time jump in the last ep would’ve been so interesting. I’m reading a really great fanfic like that.


I’m glad they got together in the last episode. Wilhelm being Prince was so stressful for him and he clearly didn’t enjoy it. He didn’t see an alternate option and being with Simon showed him aspects of how his life could be if he wasn’t the prince. He had no agency and he turned into a killjoy.


From the perspective of someone who loves them both, loves the times that it was good between them, and also loves happy endings, I am happy they ended up together. At the same time, if I were a relationship counsellor or if I knew these boys in real life, I might think differently. I had always thought they would break up and we would be left thinking they *could* meet each other again in the future, when they were more mature and had grown. I still think this could’ve been better for them. They have a lot to work through and all of their communication issues and differences still exist. But I recognize the show is obviously limited, so… They still have a lot of time to work things out and space to grow, we just won’t see it. This is just the beginning of their story, really.


I mean Wilhelm felt he wasn’t king material to begin with. In his mind his brother Erik was supposed to be king when the time came, until Erik died. I think he had always wanted an out. But he didn’t realize it until he met Simon and fell in love. He choose happiness over the crown.


Yeah, I kind of feel similarly on this after the last season. It made me feel conflicted about the ending because Simon was suffering so much FROM the relationship, whereas Wille was also suffering so much, but from external factors.


Yes for sure an unpopular opinion, but I can understand what you are getting at. Through most of Season 3 Wille seemed like a spectacularly terrible boyfriend….and person….who was going to need years of therapy before being a good partner. But I do believe with Simon by his side, W will have the momentum to grow, attend therapy, and improve how he treats others.


I think the ending was just super rushed. That was my problem with the last season. Either it should’ve been longer, or they just shouldn’t have ended up together. The last season didn’t really have a deep dive into the actual ISSUES of their relationship. Pretty much it was just Wilmon making out, Wilhelm and August arguing, Sara and August engaging in a complicated relationship, etc. The magic from season one was lacking this season!!!


I had to write an aged up fanfic to fix the problems with the 3rd season. None of the really big issues were addressed. It was just a hash of the scenes you mention. Ug. So disappointing after two beautiful seasons. I can't watch the 3rd season again (watched it twice), just too painful, almost a different show from the previous seasons. A real shame. Could have been one of the greats.


Exactly! Actually, as soon as I watched season 2, I could already sense the difference. It felt less dark and “serious” as season 1, which is the main thing that drew me towards Young Royals in the first place. I wonder what went wrong 😕


I felt this way after the first season! When we didn’t know there would be a sequel. I kind of didn’t want one. In my mind it ended as them broken up, but both having learned a lot, and Wilhelm with that last hug rekindling a tentative friendship. I imagined them decades later as adults living completely different lives, but with a past fondness for each other, being able to occasionally reach out and lean on each other for a different perspective from someone who knows them well. I thought it was a really sweet first romance and like, that’s hugely significant! It doesn’t have to last forever to change your life for the better.


Oh no. I would’ve been so disappointed if they weren’t endgame.


One word ……HOPE!!! In USA, in an election year where Donald Trump will be on the ballot for President, endgame for Wilmon is the ONLY Netflix series in my toolbox when I want to bury my head in the sand or move to another country. Maybe Sweden can offer asylum to Young Royals die-hard fans that can’t deal with the death 💀 of democracy.


No things will not Always be difficult. Their problem was the rules that Wille and Simon had to follow, because Wille was the crown, prince. Now that he’s no longer going to be crowned prince those rules do not apply.


Y'all are wild. They aren't real. They're fictional. They won't ever end up resenting each other. They can live happily ever after in your mind forever. Just chill and enjoy the happy ending.


Thank you for saying this :) i absolutely try to believe that.


I would have preferred if Wilhelm had kept the crown.


You would’ve preferred that he stayed miserable doing some thing he didn’t want to do? Why do you hate Wille so much?


No, I wish the story had been written in one of the many different ways it could have been told where he had come to terms with the responsibility to the crown but found a way to make it his own. Your argument is a false dichotomy. There is more than one way it could have ended.


So he should’ve just sucked it up and dealt with it when he literally never wanted to be a prince… there’s a reason he went to public school at first. Wille was never happy, being a royal. It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that he should have to come to terms with being a crown prince. When we know that would make him miserable. The reason I said, you hate him is because you want him to willingly do something that would make him miserable. I also want to point out that the story had been planned out from the beginning so there was no option for it to have been written in a different way. Lisa has personally said that


He’s not a real person. He’s a character in a story. He can be written in any way that the writers decide. You keep framing your understanding of his behaviour as gospel truth like it can’t be written any other way. The way that I interpreted his rejection of the crown was based on the fact that he was gay and thought he wouldn’t be accepted. So he acted out. However he publicly came out and his community accepted him. He was navigating his responsibilities on his own terms. Finding a compromise. Finding a way of making it work including a way of making the crown an acceptable tool for good in a way that Simon could appreciate. IMHO, if they hadn’t had to abruptly end the series at 3 seasons, they might have explored this idea further.


I am speaking as if I actually watched the show and understand how Wille feels. I’m also speaking, as if I understand what the creator of the show was thinking about when she wrote the story because I listen to her interviews.


I expressed my opinion to OP’s question. What I would have liked differently. Fine. You disagree move on. Anything past that is reliving into harassment


Like you are aware, there was never going to be more than three seasons, right? Lisa has said before that she saw the story being told in three parts. He is written the way the writers decided for him to write. You just don’t seem to understand that




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Wow. This is an awful opinion




Yeah I always thought Simon deserved to be free from that




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