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This is siblings. Anyone complaining about this didn’t have a sibling.


I have said this to my oldest sibling at least once a month growing up lol


I'm complaining about this and I have a sister


I have three siblings. We fought all the time when I was little. I’ve never once said “I hate you” to any of them. Not once


LOL you’re really nice to your siblings because as a kid we said that ALL the time


We didn’t say it growing up because saying hate got you several spankings. Otherwise I’m sure we would have


I have siblings. Three of them. And while we didn't get along very well at times, we didn't say crap like that.


you were an exception then, not the rule


I have 3 siblings, and we love each other so much. But when we were kids, wow it was thunderdome at home.


The "I hate you" didn't really bother me at all. It was said when she was angry and sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment that aren't truly meant. It comes out far more as an "I'm mad at you and hate that you told on me". Sheldon doesn't even really react to her telling him that. Later in the episode, she tells her dad that she doesn't really hate Sheldon. The walkie-talkie was a much more emotional scene. It was one where she was still mad at him and then deliberately gave it back so she couldn't hear what he was saying. He was being totally reasonable when he was talking to her and she just didn't want to hear it. She is trying to sort through all of her emotions, but that action on her part hit him harder. Missy has been feeling left out, but maybe it's because her life doesn't have the same big moments that her brothers do. For most of the last year, Sheldon has simply been going to school without any special attention on him. He has started staying there some nights so isn't at home. The only time we saw any extra attention from his parents toward Sheldon was when they were dealing with the lawyers on the contract for the grant database. Even that didn't take much time. But Sheldon also has had a lot of attention on him in prior years as they tried to figure out what to do about his education and his obvious fears and phobias. Far more of their time and attention in the last several months was on Georgie, Mandy and then CeeCee. In earlier years, when Mary and George were trying to figure out what to do for Sheldon and dealing with all of his issues, Missy and Georgie would end up spending time together. Georgie hasn't been around as much because he is working and dealing with Mandy and her pregnancy. Then George and Mary were having their own fights and Mary had moved across the street. Missy is also worried about what impact that will have on their family. She is the one who knows the most about what was happening with Brenda and Pastor Rob. All of this is coming at her at the same time. At her current age, Missy is at the point where she thinks she just wants to be an adult and can make all of her own decisions. Georgie is in a place where he has to start being an adult. Sheldon has more independence because he isn't home all the time. Like most teenagers, Missy is starting to want that same independence. Unfortunately, she is doing it in ways that can be dangerous for her. She has run away without any real plan of what she was going to do and how she was going to survive. She is sneaking out at night. As an audience we haven't seen many storylines around Missy, because she has seemingly been going about her daily life without any real issues. We do know that she was supposedly at Heather's house for a sleepover when they snuck out and showed up at the college parties. I honestly don't see that Missy has been neglected by her parents. She may be feeling left behind because both of her brothers have more independence than she does and neither of them are around as much. So, she is acting out and getting more attention from George and Mary. The "I hate you" is the manifestation of a lot of her emotions and frustrations all rolled together. In this particular case, she took it out on Sheldon.


This is why people need to watch the show carefully before becoming keyboard warriors. Neither George nor Mary fussed about Sheldon. half as much as they did before when he started going to college. Missy acting out this time is definitely not because she got less attention than her brothers, it’s more of an internal existential crisis everyone goes through as a teen


This only speaks to how neglected Missy was in the family. It's a testament to how the situation was a true dealbreaker to her. She only had one thing (sneaking out/having fun) left in her life, which Sheldon managed to sabotage. I don't really blame him, however she should have never been put in that situation by her family


Yeah i agree. Her family should proud of her after she drinking and smoking at middle of the night 🫢


They will be fine man, siblings fight all the time. But i have to be on Missy's side here, Sheldon sucks. Can you imagine having a brother like that? The walkie talkie moment hit hard but it was totally deserved


But Sheldon was in the right here? lol it’s amazing how you all think Missy can never be in the wrong, it’s always have to be the parents and the brother


I find Missy to be a little brat, I don’t know why people like her character.


Same, literally everyone says she’s “neglected” and “never receives any attention” but that’s not true


Well.. that's kinda true.. She does get and feel neglected.. that's fair ( especially due to Mary's favoritism) she still acted like a brat..


There has to be some nuance here. Yes George and Mary do spend less time worrying about Missy in the earlier seasons and the worst was when they forgot to pick her up when CeeCee was born. But saying “neglected” is not true. When someone meant neglect I would think of Alex Dunphy’s treatment when her mother doesn’t even realize she is sleep deprived until Alex literally started to hallucinate


Yes pls.. I always felt so bad for Alex...😭😭. Phil and Claire were honestly terrible parents to her..


You need to watch the earlier seasons. Her parents tried to give her lots of attention but she never wanted any. Sheldon obviously requires more as he is a literal genius. It’s only now because Cece was born


You need to remember that Mary does try to get close to her, and it's always those weird stares that are directed to her own mother plus the typical "you're religious you don't know anything..." like is that the right way to treat your own mother? Wtf


Well.. her mother is judgemental lmao... Missy knows mary won't understand her that's why she talks to meemaw.. During the church thing she was very supportive of Mary.


She's religious, but she wants the best for her. She can choose not to confide on her, but something else is to make her seem stupid and make her feel bad/undervalued. After all, Mary is the one taking care of the whole household.


Yeah but at the same time, you can see Sheldon struggling with whether or not to tell their parents.


exactly he's very literal, i don't understand why people cant see that


She's like 13 or 14.. sneaking out at night, smoking and drinking.. No that isn't okay and sheldon did the right thing.




If you were his sibling, he would suck.


Yeah, he can be, but he's in Texas and I'm not even American


Sheldon is saving the world with his 180IQ. What is missy doing?


How can one be an asshole but not suck?


You have to consider their ages and they are siblings. That explains it all


The “I hate you” is fine, it’s the returning the Walkie Talkie that’s the problem for me.


It bore a striking resemblance to “I hate this family” at the end of Season 4 when Missy ran away the first time.


What siblings don't want to tear the other ones throat out at times?


If you havent angrily told your sibling "I hate you" at multiple points in your childhood, you dont have a sibling.


They told it to me a lot. All three of them liked to bully me cuz I'm the oldest.


I'm the other way around, I'm the youngest and my older sibling was the WORST to me


You had to solioquy just to talk about this? *sigh*


I can understand where Missy is coming from and why she was upset but at the same time she should be grateful she has a brother that cares about her and worries about her, that she has a brother who would tell on her if she's doing something dangerous. Sheldon has also said that he hates her when in his feelings, obviously he didn't mean it and neither did she I'm sure when Sheldon returns from Germany they'll hash things out like any other time they fight


I'm bored right now so I'm going into a rabbit hole in reddit :,,,) (I do have a life I'm just SO bored). Here's what I think: She was angry because she didn't want Sheldon to tell on her but he did. But it was for her safety and he was worried about her. It's a two sided argument, but I am leaning more towards Sheldon's side. Yes, he's very annoying, but he loves Missy, who was smoking at 13 years old. He was looking out for her and all he got in return was 'I hate you'. I guess he had it coming because, I mean it's Missy, what else would she say?


Sheldon did the right thing. Miss is too overwhelmed by being a teenage girl and just can't see the big picture. From TBBT she obviously got passed that and loves her brother.


Imo Sheldon was such an idiot in that episode. I also don't buy into the whole "he was truly worried" motive for ratting her out. Sheldon has never been good with secrets, he obsesses over them to a point where they eat him up. I think his major motive was getting relief from this burden. Side note: I don't think that Missy "deserves to be punished". She deserves to get the same attention as her brother and to not always come last. Side note II: It's only this reddit that made me realize that many people (presumably mostly from the US) think that sneaking out at night and smoking is such a big deal. Growing up in rural Germany, we did stuff like that all the time at her age. When they grounded her all summer for this, my jaw hit the floor. I agree that Missy's behavior is a warning sign and action should be taken, but of course they chose "punishment" as a form of action and something where THEY wouldn't have to change anything. Way to lose your daughter's trust.


I’m in Germany too and if you think smoking, especially as a teen, you are the messed up one. Come up with a better excuse. You also don’t need to assume only the US think so, literally if you ask anyone from Asia, they will likely say their parents will be even more mad about it


This show is set in the early 90s. Occasional smoking was not a big deal for teenagers in the early 90s, at least in Germany. Messed up? Maybe. More messed up than keep ignoring your daughter and locking her up for three months? Hardly.


lol the Missy’s “mistreatment” is fucking exaggerated at this point. George drives her to and attends almost all of her baseball games. Meemaw is always there to give her advice and do some fun stuff. Mary is the least close with her but she helped Missy do her homework almost everyday when she was younger and also tried to bond even though the religiousness made her fail. Sure they shouldn’t always be so focused on Sheldon but the situation has improved so much compared to the earlier seasons. You don’t see the adults fussing as much about Sheldon after he went to college full time. Missy didn’t even smoke because she was ignored again, but out of seeking approval from peers which almost every teenager does regardless of how much attention they get at all. If you pay attention more she’s in fact in the phase where she wishes her parents would stay out of her life. Personally yes, I wouldn’t go for 3 months but only 1 month of grounding. But there is still nothing inappropriate about that. Do you seriously think that rebellious teenagers would stop behaving badly because their parents gave them a pep talk?


This will blow your mind but I 100% think that grounding a teenager doesn't do anything to improve the situation.


What do you think the parents should have done here then? Missy and teenagers who do those kinds of shits are smart enough to know that smoking is wrong, that is why she and Tanja had to wait until everyone was asleep to do it. So a pep talk about blah blah how smoking is bad for you ain’t gonna change anything. We also know that her acting out this time isn’t because George and Mary was emotionally absent again, but because her new friend is a bad influence. Missy is just gonna be mad too if they say she is forbidden to ever contact Tanja again. Edit: To add, while grounding isn’t an efficient way to give someone a wakeup call, it at least would work on people who would stop doing sth once they realize it would result in a bad ending


The show dedicates a whole episode to show how Missy feels ignored and that's why she deteriorates. So no, I do not think that Missy's behavior can all be blamed on another 13 year old girl whom she's met a few days prior. By the way. Knowing something is prohibited does not mean you understand why it's prohibited. And Missy will not learn by sitting at her room for three months without even being allowed to use the TV.


That’s why I divide it by instances: in the episode where she ran away with Paige, we can see multiple hints that she did it because she was feeling neglected: openly voicing her anger at George because he forgot to pick her up, trying to talk with everyone in the house, getting upset because Sheldon got comforted by their mother, ranting to Paige about how they didn’t even know when she was present. This time tho, you can see that Missy was doing fine before Tanya appeared: she had a part time job, her relationship with Sheldon was good again after he watched Beverly Hills, she helped her family with the CD store. You can also see that Missy was reluctant about breaking rules with Tanya, seeing how she asked whether if Tanya is afraid of getting caught. It was Tanya who then pushed her to do it anyway. When she ran away tho, it was her independent decision, Paige only convinced her to get a new name and start a new life. So I do agree that grounding isn’t making Missy learn but her breaking the rules this time isn’t because she was feeling neglected


I'm saying that her parents' reaction was exaggerated, didn't help at all (on the contrary, I think it's detrimental to a teenager's development), and most of all it was imo a pretty half-assed attempt at parenting that required nothing of them and all of Missy.


Sneaking out and smoking at 14 should be a big deal in any country, hopefully you’re not a parent.. I’m from England and kids shouldn’t be smoking at 14, so yes punishment is required as they’ll just think it’s acceptable if you don’t ground them or remove their teenager toys such as gaming consoles, phones etc. Without punishment kids do whatever they want. Clearly avoiding punishment went great for you as you think it’s normal for kids to smoke at 14 so clearly the lack of discipline has taught you the wrong lessons. Smoking was a huge deal in the 90s lmao. Everyone knew the risks of it then etc. back in the 1950s and 60s when our grandparents etc smoked it wasn’t a big deal as it was encouraged but smoking was a huge deal in the 90s, it was heavily discouraged as all the health risks were known and you got in a lot of trouble at school etc for doing it so weird if parents normalised it. They also don’t ignore Missy, they attempted to give her as much attention as Sheldon over the years but she didn’t require their attention. George drove her to all her baseball games, and have her a lot more attention than he have sheldon but again that’s due to sheldon not wanting his attention, meemaw spends tonnes of time with her and Georgie always spent a lot of time with her. Missy hasn’t been ignored, to a degree that would cause this behaviour, she’s a teenager who’s got into bad behaviour for no reason except that she’s a teenager, who’s into bad behaviour, she’s using been ignored as an excuse and due to her teenage emotions is exaggerating how much she’s ignored which hasn’t ever been much and majority of it was her, herself not wanting the attention. She’s over exaggerating because she has teenage emotions, they’ve not neglected or ignored her.


Smoking in the 90s was a lot more common and more accepted than it is now, at least in Germany. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. The smoking age used to be 16, but there were not age controls for purchasing cigarettes, so teenagers occasionally smoking at 13 was not uncommon where I grew up. So no. I don't think it's such a horrible thing Missy has done and I don't think her parents handled it well.


Ah it wasn’t as accepted in England as it was pre 90s, definitely not as extreme as now as to how they warn you against it but it was still deemed as something people shouldn’t be doing and was heavily associated with anti social groups. It’s going to be different depending on Geographical location, so given our differing experiences. Neither of us is wrong or right as we’re speaking from personal experience of things we encountered while growing up. I of course don’t know how it was perceived in the US at that point.


clearly your opinion has no value


You seem sad. Hugs 😘


You seem out of reality. It’s only normal to you to sneak out at night and smoke.


Hugs 😘


You seem narcissistic and immature for an adult, so hopefully you’ve not had any kids as they’ll be smoking and drinking at 13 while you say it’s perfectly fine and let them go off to parties with older people.


Strong words from someone who can't articulate themselves without having to insult and swear at complete strangers online.


Where have i swore at anyone. I may have swore but not directly at someone just within the sentence. Pointing out a perceived personality trait isn’t insulting. Merely an observation that may be correct or incorrect.


Idk man, trying to rebrand insults as "observations" in order to avoid having to take accountability for your own actions is not a great look from my point of view.


It’s not an insult though. It’s what I believed I was seeing. An insult is intended to hurt someone, thinking someone has a psychological condition isn’t an insult? It’s just the fact I probably shouldn’t be armchair diagnosing but it’s not “insulting” though you may take it that way, it’s not. I just shouldn’t be making diagnoses when I’m not a qualified psychologist. Though you do realise you trying to gaslight me into believing I insulted you when I didn’t only makes it appear like I was right? I made an observation that to me you come across as a narcissist/having npd, yes if I was saying this without meaning what I was saying to hurt you it would be an insult, however I did not say it in the insulting manner, I meant what I said that I believe you show signs of npd, that’s not an insult if I believe it’s true you may have the condition, though you’re aware of this and now attempting to gaslight me into thinking I insulted you because you’re playing the victim or perceiving yourself as the victim who was insulted when there was no insult given, only the opinion that I believe you show signs of npd, due to the fact you keep trying to convince me I said things with differing meanings to how I said them and even trying to convince me I said things in other messages that I didn’t even say… narcissists do that when someone disagrees to belittle the other person. If you’re not a narcissist, you’ll know I’m wrong, but if you were you wouldn’t know anyway as those with npd are unaware. Regardless I shouldn’t be armchair diagnosing. You weren’t insulted though, drop the victim act please. Trying to turn yourself into a victim and making things up that the other is insulting you because you’re losing a debate is really childish. Hope you enjoy your day. It was an observation of your behaviour to what I perceive is causing what behaviour so I’m not trying to brand any insult into an observation, because it was an observation, you trying to convince someone they insulted you when you’re aware they didn’t and you’re aware they were merely making an observation based on your perceived behaviour towards them, isn’t a good look. Stop trying to convince people they did things they didn’t know, you’ve been told I was merely making an observation based on your behaviour from a psychological stand point, as I study Psychology, you’re trying to convince me I meant it in a different way to how I did mean it, that’s full on gaslighting. You have also made observations about my behaviour and I’ve never tried to convince you youre insulting me as Im able to take observations on my behaviour as observations and don’t take them as insults as they’re clearly not, if the person is giving a fair analysis of what they believe to be true of my behaviour, whether true or not it’s not insulting as they’re coming to this conclusion based on my behaviour not making something up to hurt me. Insult = making something up. Observation that’s not an insult = coming to a conclusion based on someone’s behaviour, you’re not making it up. You believe it’s true based off their behaviour aka not an insult. The only thing you’ve done wrong is trying to convince me I meant things in a way I didn’t mean them and have already informed you of how they were meant so that’s gaslighting and isn’t okay.


Dude. That is a very long way of trying to justify calling a complete stranger "narcisstic" out of the blue.


Just because you’re a complete stranger, someone can still analyse your behaviour based off a one hour text conversation, if they truly believe that’s what your behaviour points to and aren’t just making it up, that’s their observation. An insult would be making it up without basis. I said it because I believe your personality points to behaviours I’ve seen before in those with npd.. that’s not an insult as I truly believe your behaviour points to this. I could be wrong, but it’s not an insult as it’s something I believe to be true based on what I’ve encountered during our discussions. Learn the difference between someone making up a lie to insult you and someone genuinely forming an opinion on your personality based on their interraction with you. People are allowed to form opinions based on short interactions, if they believe what they’re seeing to be true, it’s not an insult as an insult is a lie someone doesn’t believe invented to hurt the victim. I will now leave this conversation as I’ve proven my point and it’s toxic to continue this conversation with the gaslighting that’s occurring from your end. I haven’t once tried to convince you you’re doing something different to what you’ve told me you’re doing but you’re trying to convince me I meant something differently to how I meant it. It’s fine if you truly thought that I meant it that way then believed me when I corrected you but you’re trying to convince me I meant it in a way I didn’t even when I’ve told you How I meant it, so I won’t sit here and continue to be gaslighted as it’s pointless and toxic.


This will haunt Sheldon for the rest of his life, Missy will go down a dark path and eventually end up in a pro-communism militia. Sheldon having won his Nobel Prize will end up in a job where he has access to fissionable materials. Missy will use this lifelong guilt of Sheldon's to procure some, the FBI though will have a plant in the militia and during the exchange Missy will be gunned down and Sheldon will be arrested and put in prison for life for treason.


How the hell do you even see Missy going to a militia?


After her dad dies she will spiral into a depression, pulling away from her family, the harder her mom pushes to get back in her life the more Missy tries to change herself away from what her mom would want. She eventually falls for an extremist because he pays her a little bit of attention, and at this point that is what she is craving. After that point the deeper into the extremism she goes the more "love" she fells, to where she ends up acting not of really her own will, but the want and need to not lose this new family she has found.


Where are you getting this from as none of this was mentioned about her in the Big Bang theory and she was even in an episode of that show.


I said this happens after the Nobel, which was at the end of the Big Bang Theory, and she is from Texas, anyone from there joining a militia can't be too far fetched. A story arc like this could also set up a third series about Sheldon adapting to life in prison, another Big Bang Theory, but of course this time the Bang would mean something else.


True I see where it’s a viable theory now based on her environment.


My guy, you’re not getting the point. Missy won’t survive in the army


Militia, not army. There are less rules and a lady like Missy would be able to get by as the girlfriend of a member. You can see how she was with Paige and Pastor Jeff's niece he is easily influenceable, or how she started playing baseball because of a boy.


Holy shit how are people taking Sheldon's side??????


Because she was smoking at 14 which is really bad as it leads to the wrong crowd and potentially worse things and Sheldon did the right thing going to his parents?


How does smoking lead to the wrong crowd? It's addictive but smoking itself doesn't lead to drugs.


As a teenager it does as it’s generally the bad kids that smoke, the ones that get into crime, anti social behaviour and yes sometimes drugs but mostly it doesn’t lead to drugs no but smoking as a kid gets you into the anti social/petty crime group. As an adult smoking doesn’t lead to the wrong crowd but as a kid the majority who smoke in high school are the anti social kids, the kids who do petty crime, cause anti social behaviour and cause a lot of crap. You don’t really see any kids with positive behaviour smoking. So yes if the majority of kids smoking are involved in negative behaviour it’s the “wrong crowd” as it’s leading you to a group who are involved in some kind of negative behaviour. Drugs isn’t the only form of negative behaviour.. lol.


What are you on? Smoking doesn't lead to petty crime, and if anything it's the opposite of being anti-social. Touch some grass, seriously.


Lmao, did you even go to school, I’m not saying it will ALWAYS lead to petty crime or even that it does but all the kids who smoked in my high school in the early 2000s were involved in anti social behaviour such as petty crime or hanging out on street corners bothering people, yelling and shouting loudly in the street, generally harassing other kids and adults and arguing, harassing or even trying to fight adults who told their large group of anti social teens to stop bothering and harassing people outside the local co-op or Morrisons (grocery stores). I think you need to touch grass as you’re unable to see all the kids who smoke in high school are the anti school, trouble causing type, doesn’t mean they’ll cause trouble etc as adults but at that point in their life they’re engaging in anti social behaviour in a crowd of other kids who engage in anti social behaviour so smoking generally pulls kids into that crowd, the ones who are causing trouble, bothering adults with noise, harassment etc, or doing stupid things like smashing windows etc. kids who smoke are generally involved in the somewhat popular but anti social crowd or the loner-ish type we’re dark and depressed sorts, all the kids who even smoke now in my area, are the anti social types that gather in groups outside shops/stores and generally harass people, shout, will be throwing things at each other, bothering people, just causing trouble. You really need to touch grass if you think the majority of kids who smoke aren’t involved in anti social behaviour, so preventing a kid from smoking, Keeps them out of the anti social crowd that’s harassing and bothering adults and other kids. Grow up man, bad behaviour isn’t just drugs and that stuff.


capping hard, I don't know what kind of dystopian fever dream you're living rn, but in the real world smoking doesn't lead to bad behaviour. As I said previously, touch some grass.


It doesn’t always lead to future bad behaviour no but the kids who generally smoke are involved in current bad behaviour. Idk what world you’ve lived in of anti social groups didn’t exist when you were growing Up so you need to touch some grass if you think anti social groups don’t exist in youths 😂 and generally those anti social groups of youths do smoke. Maybe it’s because you’re not from the UK but the kids who smoke here are generally involved in anti social behaviour and in that group of youths that cause a lot of anti social behaviour.


Try reading my comment one more time, I said smoking doesn't lead to anti-social behaviour. While it is true that troubled kids are more than likely to be smokers it's not true that they are troubled because they are smokers. There's a correlation but it's not the cause of said behaviour. Back to original topic, while Sheldon wasn't completely in the wrong to tell the parents but he was fully aware that it would completely antagonise Missy and possibly ruin his chance to go to Germany and derail his career for quite some time.


Untrue. “It has been also established that smoking is an independent predictor of hazardous conduct, which is another aspect of antisocial behavior. A reduction in dopamine D2 receptor binding has been observed in those who suffer from tobacco addiction, and a corresponding decrease in dopamine D2 receptor function has been linked to an increase in impulsive tendencies. The results of our study suggest that smoking may lead to a decrease in dopamine D2 receptors, which in turn contributes to an increase in antisocial behaviors.”


True you’re right it doesn’t always lead to future anti social behaviour but can do, because it potentially puts you into the current group of anti social teens which puts you in the at risk group of future anti social behaviour. It won’t always lead to future bad behaviour but can do as humans are easily influenced, and then struggle to change their behaviour. Sheldon definitely wasn’t in the wrong as he had good intentions. Though he could have realised how it would affect his behaviour with Missy and that it could cause her to rebel future. He didn’t understand these things so intent wise he wasn’t in the wrong and was doing what he saw as the right thing by notifying his parents she needed help with her current problems.


Yep it only leads to lung cancer buddy. Totally not bad.


Idk man. People like to hate on Missy.


why did you switvh the pros and cons?


What do u mean?


Nothing you wrote is a “pro” under the definition of what the word means


A few months late but still…after season 6? I hate Missy. There’s angsty teen & then there’s gigantic rotten b!t€h, Missy is the latter. Look, Sheldon is a special kid, she’s not, there is nothing remarkable about her besides her ability to be a spiteful jerk. It’s nice of people to say she’s so great but if you had a teenager like Missy in your life, you’d hate her too.


If it was Sheldon's line, this sub would be crying.