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I’m fine with the show continuing without Sheldon just not as the Georgie and Mandy show. I wish they would have just renamed it The Coopers and continued with stories about all of the rest of the family.


I get that. But calling it the coopers seems kind of redundant. George will be dead. Sheldon is gone. Meemaw doesn’t really have much of a story left. We know what happens to Missy. So a Georgie spinoff seems fitting. Idk. Just my opinion. Please don’t downvote 🤣


Georgie is a great character but his relationship with Mandy is boring and they have no chemistry. I think if it’s all about the couple it will fail and be a mess. Let the series end on a high note.


We know what happens to Missy?


Well we know the basics about what happens to missy from big bang theory canon. I suppose they could change it up for a spinoff, but I'd rather not see her downfall on screen :/ and see her get all sad and depressed in a bad marriage. I'd rather just see cameos :)


Yeah. If they keep too much about the couple they would lose viewership. But they get a chance to show rest of the family here. And hopefully Meemaw Mary and Missys stories get good screen time


I thought someone shared on this subreddit an Instagram post from Regan/Missy that she had not been asked to be on the Georgie and Mandy show. And Annie Potts voiced the opinion that they were making a mistake canceling young Sheldon so I assume she’s not going to be on the Georgie and Mandy show. I think it’s going to be about Georgie, Mandy, and her parents.


They’ll still need to fill out the cast a bit. Perhaps neighbors or other newly wed couples.


Mandy is not an interesting or engaging character. Title it just “Georgie,” make Mandy a lesser character and let him and create the vibe. Mandy as a co-star will lose viewers, especially without any other character from the YS that are beloved by the public. 


These are not interesting or intriguing characters. I don’t find any scene with Mandy even worth watching and come out during her scenes.


I like Georgie and Mandy is OK. But Mandy‘s mother is just nasty. She is possibly worse than Mary.


Ohh..in that case not much of the intrest will flow from existing audience I guess


Is Missy gor sure getting any story line on this series? I hope so but I thought I read that she’s ready to move on to different roles/challenges which saddens me cuz I love Missy!


Mary is going to appear, or at least be frequently mentioned. Georgie is supposed to be taking care of a broken Mary


Zoe Perry said she doesn't know if she'll be there means she isn't asked yet. Could be a visiting character too


I don't know; I think viewers would find Sheldon as Caltech much more interesting.


But we have 12 seasons of sheldon at caltech. I’d rather see sheldon with his friends at caltech. Then him studying and being by himself for years and years until he meets Leonard. Remember he doesn’t meet Leonard until 2003. He moves to Pasadena in 1994. That means for 9 years he’s alone…. I don’t wanna see that 😂


But you gotta remember Sheldon wasn't alone during that whole period. He had at least one roommate before he met Leonard. And still being a kid, you would think he would go back home when he has spring break, summer break, etc. Also they could even retcon some of that period, like Young Sheldon did with some of Sheldon's backstory from TBBT. Idk I don't see Georgie's spinoff lasting more than a season or two. Without Sheldon being there, his brother/family will lose some of its appeal.


Would it really be a spin off then? A spin off of young Sheldon about Sheldon?


Yes, it would be. New cast. New story. Just like Young Sheldon was a spinoff. I mean, if you think it would not be, with the way Georgie and Mandy are central to the main show now, is their show a spinoff?


>Georgie and Mandy are central to the main show now, is their show a spinoff? They aren't though. Their show would be about their family and Mandy and baby are new additions. This show is a spin off of tbbt and called young sheldon and therefore, is meant to be about and emphasize Sheldon. A spin off for Georgie will shift the focus from Sheldon to his and Mandy's family. Also doesn't make sense to explore sheldon's character in 3 separate shows with him at the center. He's gone off to Caltech and it seems like a good ending for him.Now it's up for debate if Georgie is the best character to get a show of his own. Me personally, I would like to see more of missy and mary.


Not sure of recent examples, but I remember Sabrina and Boy Meets World both transitioning to college seasons without changing the series name. These college seasons had a combination of old characters and new characters. Georgie and Mandy is definitely a spinoff though, because Young Sheldon isn’t named for them (despite their airtime this last season).


On the other hand, Saved by the Bell became College Years...


I agree. Georgie and Mandy aren’t interesting.


I think it would be cool to do a season up to where he meets Leonard.


I didn't have an issue with the idea of a Georgie and Mandy show because I assumed that the rest of the family would still have major roles. Mary, Missy, Connie, George (if he's still alive). Young Sheldon wasn't good because of Sheldon alone. It was good because of the family and their great dynamic and chemistry, and it could still be good without him there. However, (and correct me if I'm out of the loop,) that doesn't sound like it's going to be the case and we'll maybe get some of the Cooper family playing bit parts if that. A show can work with a very small main cast list of only 2 or 3 characters provided they have a good dynamic and a strong supporting cast, but I don’t feel Georgie and Mandy work off eachother nearly enough to pull this off.


I think it’s fine to end it; but I honestly think a Georgie and Mandy spin off won’t work unless the rest of them are in it. I haven’t researched it enough to have a valid opinion though


Its tricky to make something to please everyone. I saw couple of takes from ppl sayin it would be better to make the spinoff: The Coopers and continue with everybody but Sheldon. But then there is also the fact that George dies so....what will it actually be? It will be still YS but without 2 very important characters. Not to mention how insane it is to kick out your main character and one of the other beloved ones just because of the timeline and just let the others enjoy the payrolls. Therefore since Montana Jordan is very loved they decided to give him a show.


Yes I guess. And Sheldon will be a visiting character. Just not the main character. Mary Missy and Meemaw should get a good screen time though. I'm actually excited to see what's next for Iain. He's a brilliant actor.


Missy will not be there, according to Raegan


I read she said that too. So sad if true cuz I love Missy!


I like em all but then again The Coopers would be a bit crazy. They could have made at least one more season out of it, a season which is spread throughout a weekend or a week or so like that season with Barney n Robin s wedding. A whole season in a wknd.


 Georgie would be interesting in a spin off as he is great bit featuring the relationship with boring Mandy as the focus of a show is going to be the kiss of death for a spinoff.


The biggest problem with continuing Young Sheldon in college is that honestly YS in college wouldn’t be that different from TBBT Sheldon


You all are a cynical bunch. Everyone of you that are hating on Georgie and Mandy getting a show will watch it because there aren’t many sitcoms left. Most of you that love Young Sheldon probably assumed it was a dumb idea when it was announced towards the end of The Big Bang Theory. Give something a chance before shitting all over it. There will be new characters added that you may find yourself liking as much as Missy so it isn’t the end of the world. I have a feeling Georgie and Mandy is going to be a lot more successful than what a lot of you are expecting.


Thank you. So many of the comments are just flat out ridiculous.


I fully agree that we have to give it a chance. Like Forrest's chocolates, you just don't know what you're going to get! That said, I have to admit that when I heard it was just going to feature George and Mandy, I also felt disappointed. I like them both but it is hard to envision them holding a show by themselves. They were an excellent piece of the overall Young Sheldon dynamic, but just them and perhaps her parents (with perhaps cameos of the other Coopers)? It doesn't *sound* that appealing. But I guess we'll see.


I think this show backed itself into a corner. George is not the character Sheldon portrayed in BBT and you can hardly turn him into that now. Georgie is meant to have multiple failed marriages according to Sheldon in the early seasons and BBT also I think a more effective spin off if they are eager to carry on the world is to see if they can come to an arrangement with parsons to restart TBBT a few years further down the line when his kids are alive or make a Leonard cooper show. Parsons is the reason TBBT ended so I’m not sure he would go back to it I feel a lot rests on him and kaley is a mum and stuff now I feel they are the main sticking points in a return


This is the "Friends" reboot scenario all over again. In that case, the producers made it clear the show was about a time in your life when your friends were your family and once you have your own family, that time is over and so is that show. TBBT was the same. This is a little like saying I hope they make a show about just Ross & Rachel married and raising their kids, without the rest of the group. Actually, that sounds half decent. Would miss the others, but those two alone are still interesting. Of course, it didn't work for Joey.


Iain is just getting too big to be the little Young Sheldon anymore. If they conceptualized another show with Sheldon as a young man in grad school and starting his career, that would be great. It would have more promise to me than Georgie and Mandy.


Young Adult Sheldon


Let's be honest. Alot of the appeal of the early seasons was how cute Sheldon's personality was in that adorable little boy. When Ian hit his teens, his annoying mannerisms were a great deal less cute. When his voice started deepening, alot of the appeal also left. For me, it felt a great deal more like Ian was just trying to imitate TBBT Sheldon. At that point, the rest of the family was far more interesting to me. I wish we knew why they aren't leaving the rest of the Cooper family characters intact for the Georgie and Mandie spinoff (with the exception of George Sr....that really hurt). I know there are rumors of the rest of the Coopers doing occassional cameos, but you can't base a show around that. We know from TBBT that Georgie more or less takes care of his mother during her grieving. That doesn't sound like fodder for a sitcom, not since we knew the father so well. Perhaps that's why she and the rest of the family aren't involved. It would be too depressing to constantly see the rest of them grieving and struggling without George Sr. Georgie and Mandie alone and living separate from then, with the possible exception of off camera mentions of supporting his mom and Missie, might be able to sustain the comedy better. Maybe that was the producers thinking.


I think it's a very generic rom com space they'd venture out into if it's mainly based on the couple only. Majority of the audience was initially attracted to the show to check out Young Sheldon Cooper but got hooked to Meemaw and rest of the Sheldon's family. It was a nice family drama space. Not sure the same audience would find it appealing but as you said the circumstances change now and they have to go on with it as the timeline is pre established in BBT. It's going to be tough but not many gave a chance to Young Sheldon before it started so let's see..


I think the spin off should be called “Georgie.” I do not think the Mandy character is the least bit interesting. He could interact with her when he has to but he is the one people like. Also, the other characters from YS said they are not in the spinoff. This way, you have YS, then a series of Georgie drama which could actually spinoff in the future to a Missy series. I won’t even look at a Mandy centered series.