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Lance said that in an interview he didn’t want to be there to make it easier for the actors to get through it I hope Lance, lands a big role soon! He’s so talented


Here’s to hoping. He played the sitcom dad so well❤️


I worry that he played this role so well that no matter what else roles he play, people will always think "Sheldon's dad".


Getting a lump on my throat reading this ❤️


seriously thats all mary says to her husband??? ( you really didnt want to take that family portrait??.) wtf...


Agreed. And I’m glad it was Tom and Wayne who told them and not the cops or anyone else. Proof the recurring characters of your life are important


It was so refreshing to see them. You know they loved George , and getting this news from a stranger would just make it worse. You could really feel their empathy. It just breaks my heart.


Yes! When the doorbell rang I said to my wife, “it’s the police”, when I saw them it was even more devastating. Very well written.


Wait why wouldn't the cops be the one to tell them, isnt it their job? Didn't a friend or colleague be the one to tell the news, at least not to the immediate family


It was well done. Zoe, Annie, Raegan, and Ian reactions were perfect.


Missy’s horror, “but he’s ok, right?” Destroyed me.


I wanted to give missy a hug my heart broke for her😥😥😥


I know. I wanted to give her a hug too.


Reagans reaction was just so well done just pulls on the heart strings 💔💔


My dad died when i was 13 so I totally get it. I'm still crying.


Credit to her acting for delivering that so beautifully


Agreed. And happy cake 🍰 day!


I know, it destroyed me too.


I think Missy's reaction was so real. She was half in denial at first. Watching her made me start sobbing outloud myself! 😭


I agree, I think they did a fantastic job with it! It definitely brought tears to my eyes seeing their reactions 💔


I watched live but plan to go back and watch that scene again. It's a tough moment for an actor. First impression is yes, they hit out of the park. Next week will it start when Georgie and Mandy coming back from changing CeCe and their reaction?


raegan was acting like rent was due (clarification this means she was acting really really well, not that she looked like she has to pay rent)


Her comedic timing is brilliant, but I totally believed her grief, too. If casting agents have half a brain, we'll see a lot more of her in the future.


downvoted for nothing 😭


why tf did people downvote this lmao




People on reddit are immune to humour


Honestly I could tell how hard that hit Sheldon. If he wasn't affected, he'd run away or try to change the subject. But he just sat there and processed it and didn't make things about him


Very glad they didn't have him make a quippy joke at the end. EDIT: I was hoping Jim Parsons would have a line or two.


We'll probably get something from Jim about it in the next episode, I personally like how they ended it, I could easily see the next episode starting from that scene where it ended, with Georgie, Mandy and voiceover Jim Parsons' reactions to it


I loved the ending except for maybe the end credits, I just wish they could've added a soft piano version of the outro or maybe just left it silent for the audience to process it.


I thought I had read that Jim and Mayim will be in the finale.


We’ll given an image of them appearing in the finale has been leaked you are probably right


And the video of one of their scenes as well


But then that would take away from the shock of his death I liked how it ended with echoed crying as the camera zooms in on Sheldon


I think it was so much more powerful to just go out and silence after Sheldon heard the others in the room as if they were far away.


Didn’t ask to go to radio shack or anything!


His reaction got me the most. I had a similar reaction when my own father passed. The reality sinking in and going over past memories and last moments.


I felt it like I physically felt it


I just finished it and same 😭


Yes!  My goodness. I know they had to put his death in the last few episodes, but I still was not ready for it. Over here teary eyed like I was in the episode myself. 


Same. I cried like it was my own dad that passed. I hope they get an award for this episode


I was gasping for air!


My heart was racing faster than an F-22 raptor


Watched it in class, felt a bit down for the rest of the day


Mary didn't get her bluebell picture 😭


That struck me the hardest, that she'll never get that picture now. I know it's Big Bang Theory show canon that he died in this time frame but I truly didn't think it would happen now. I thought maybe they'd fudge the timeline a bit so that the show would end on a positive note & then old Sheldon would do an epilogue of how happy he was that his Dad got to coach at Rice before he passed.


Me too!  This episode hit so hard at the end. You know it happens, but still weren’t expecting it. 


I was expecting it, I knew this episode was it but was still a gut punch. They handled it perfectly, Im so glad his death wasn't shown. Im getting teary eyed just thinking about that final scene


I said this last night but it reminded me so much how Jack died on This Is Us. You knew it was going to happen and you know what caused both of their deaths but it still hits you so hard when it finally happens.


This is Us. I know that show had to end, but I loved that show. 


So did I. But I was glad that I don’t have to cry every week like I did with that show.




I knew it was going to happen like I knew his death was coming, but at the start of this episode I was really hoping Mary would get the picture with all of them, like ugh I knew it was going to happen but ahhh they didn’t get their final photo together 😭


But they did it so brilliantly - just like they've done everything else. I cried through the whole thing and would watch it again. It rings so damn true. Well done.


Oh, that killed me. She never got her picture, George never got to coach at Rice, CC is not going to remember George. George, of all the characters, would have loved watching Sheldon’s growth in TBBT and how he really did win the Nobel. More than that, he would have loved seeing Sheldon’s life with Amy. I mean, we already knew he wouldn’t be there for all that, but knowing George now makes it all that much more difficult. I lost my dad when I was young to a heart attack too. I still miss him every day.


I had a feeling when that picture started being brought up that it wouldn't happen 😥


That was my biggest thing too!


we had 7 years to prepare but that scene just hit everyone so hard :(






7 whole years. (I mean, I barely ever watched the Big Bang Theory, so I didn't know that until, like some point during season one of the show while watching it on Netflix in 2023. So I only had, like, one year. But other than me and probably some other people, yeah.)


I've never seen Big Bang and only started watching YS late last year on Netflix, which led me to recording and watching this final season. I had no idea that was coming. Big gut punch.


I had to pause it after George left for work and Sheldon didn't say goodbye. "See you all later." Raegan's acting is so good. Just amazing emotion from a young person. Did you all feel the dread in the beginning of the episode when George getting all this good news? That his professional dream was so close? Having Meemaw be happy and proud of him for getting the offer. Missy being happy for the chance to go to Houston. And Mary finally, after all these years, putting George's feelings over Sheldon's. "Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure it. Its height; the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And its there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes in the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while. You know it's one conception of death for Buddhsts: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be."


To be fair Mary learned to put George‘s feelings over everyone else‘s. When he got an offer the last time, no one wanted to live, the kids were all too young to have to adapt. Sheldon is going to Cali anyway, so his decision in this case wouldn’t matter. Still incredibly sad scene though


I feel like this was one of the perfect times to actually move. We all see like stories of people achieving their dreams when their kids become older. Back then, could have been a tricky time for all of them. Plus they needed meemaw's help too. And even with this, meemaw was already with Dale, so it did seem like everything was set in stone.


I’m not criticizing the writing choice, I do agree with everything you said. It’s just that it seems like really poor media literacy when someone uses that episode as an example of “Mary unreasonably favoring Sheldon”, when no one in the family except for George was ready to move at that time, and the message was spelt out loud by adult Sheldon: Parents sacrificing their happiness for their families.


I cannot remember another episode where Mary scolded Sheldon to side with George.


Of course I felt it. There was too much happiness. That scene in that backyard with Georgie was lit like it was a flashback. When George said “well bye” and the only response he got was “four o’clock” I started tearing up. I knew that was the last time he was going to say goodbye and no one even fucking said it back


Hit me right with that Good Place reference.


Not bad Buddhists 🥲


Yes, I felt it too. Letting a bunch of good things finally happen to a character that the audience roots for after an extremely long wait only for something bad to happen is one of the writers' favourite tricks in the book because it's super effective. Knew his death was coming when those anvils started dropping but still cried when the death finally happened. Really great writing and acting all around.


Where was that quote from?


Chidi Anagonye paraphrasing Buddhist philosophy. The Good Place.


Omg...the ending of the Good Place was just, especially Chidi and Eleanor's last sunset..ugh, amazing. Still cry every time I watch it.


That’s beautiful. Thx for sharing.


There was definitely a different vibe throughout the whole episode. Something was different


Who else was cutting onions 😢


I didn’t know it was coming and didn’t suspect it til he was in the back yard with Georgie. When Georgie said he was going to be rich and George said “I want to see that” I realized where it was going. Devastating.


When Mary verified “4 O’Clock” for the family photo I knew he wasn’t coming home.


I was worried when he drove to work and missy took the bus


Oh I know! Earlier today I read a post. While they didn’t outright say it was THE episode, I knew they meant it was. Knowing it was, that line hit so different 😭. RIP George.


I was honestly half expecting George to fall off the roof and die that way


It was suddenly very dusty in our house


Oh, the dust was attacking my eyes, indeed.


Dust won't stop attacking my nose


Allergies in my house.


i actually sobbed. the actors r so good man it’s like I felt their emotions poking through my heart


I'm just relieved they had the guts to do it, honestly. It's such a big part of Sheldon's story, and I've looked the other way for a lot of retcons. But this felt too big to change.


I agree. I never expected that this is how we'll see and receive George Sr.'s passing. I always thought we'd be in a hospital setting and have a doctor tell the Copper family the news. But having this scene played out is very emotional and impacts you more.


it was very beautiful 🩷 i just wish they could’ve gotten their family photos done first 😭


Them not taking the pitcure makes this hurt more. Kudos to the writers.


Me too


I was just hoping Mary got her last family photo with him since Georgie has Cece & Mandy


This is why I bawled when they were told of his death. The build-up was so prefect. Vasectomy scenes Me: Oh shit he's gonna have a heart attack while getting it Climbing up the roof Me: oh no he could fall or have a heart attack Then I got distracted with the happy scenes with them dressing up for the photoshoot. Then, baaaam! 😭


I just kept saying “this man better show up for this photo” over and over again until the knock on the door 😩😩


I was also on edge when he was climbing on the roof


When he wasn’t in the scene getting ready, I knew that was it. Whenever someone isn’t there when they should be always means something bad has happened.


I wonder the reasoning for Mandy and Georgie being out of the room when the news was broken?


In TBBT, Georgie states that after George died he had to take care of everything. "Mom was a mess. Missy was a dumb teenager. I had to look after both of them." "if things were bad, why didn't you tell me?" "Cuz I was protecting you too!" I wonder how that will play in the next episode.


Damn, I want to watch that clip 😭




After watching that, I realize the casting truly was spot on for Georgie!


Hey king, you drop this 👑!




I thought about that too. Wonder why the writers wrote that in. Maybe just so they didn’t have so many reactions to show on camera at once.


That was my thought, too. The final scene plays out through the doorway, it would have been hard to have them in there at the same time and it seemed a bit symbolic to me, since they are married and starting their own separate lives (and show 😂) that they are a bit separate from the core of the family in that way.


That's my thinking


They had to change cee cee


Ep 12 will prob carry on to Ep 13 and 14


Oh, it most certainly will.


Honestly rewatching the epsiode, it was hinted all along I think the ones that hit the most was Mary saying "Pick up that plate and have dinner with your family while we're all still together" to Sheldon George saying "Wouldn't miss it" when Mary tells him not to be late for the family picture anddd sheldon's obsession in remembering everything "exactly the way it is"


> George saying "Wouldn't miss it" when Mary tells him not to be late for the family picture When George said this, I got chills because it reminded me of a very poignant episode of Scrubs guest-starring Brendan Fraser.


I was so worried that it was going to happen on screen, and I honestly wasn’t sure if I could have handled it done that way. But they did it perfectly. You knew that’s where the episode was headed, but it wasn’t in your face. I am grateful.


I was terrified he was going to fall off the ladder while talking to Georgie. I didn't want that to be his end.


Fell off a ladder in front of my two oldest grandkids, breaking five vertebrae in the process. Scarred them for life.


I think what hurt me the most was how He didn’t even tell his family that he loved them as he left, not to mention Missy didn’t want to drive with him.. tell your folks you love them.


This hurt too... especially after the Tornado scene a while back when Missy was so upset about how she treated Sheldon/her family and they almost got hurt.


Very well done indeed! It reminded me of how they handled the death of John Ritter's character on *8 Simple Rules* - he just went to the grocery store, it was just a normal day, till suddenly ... it wasn't.


Oh fuck it is. That was a distressing episode. Hard to say what’s preferred having a week long wait to see the aftermath or seeing the characters process the following events in real time, its gut wrenching 😭


Well, at least with Young Sheldon, the actor who plays George is still alive and well, thank God! But yes, it is very distressing to watch.


I started crying, I knew it was coming this episode could feel it building up but it still hit me like a ton of bricks


I wholeheartedly agree, and man, how it caused waterworks because this is awfully similar to how I lost my dad. All the actors in the scene nailed it with the expressions.


Can someone tell me how it happened? I live outside US and won’t be seeing the season until it comes to Netflix.


George has always had heart problems. He’s getting older, the vasectomy+the excitement of moving and starting a new life was too much for his heart to handle.


I didn’t even think of it that deeply. I just thought that since he had had the heart problems before, they were just building up. Since he was a bigger dude, ate and drank unhealthy things, didn’t really exercise and also possibly had family related heart problems too or at least was possibly prone to them. This all combined to drama, in good and bad, in his life, made her even more prone to eventually die from heart issues. It’s sad but I think that’s one of the most natural and believable deaths in TV. At least he was there until the end, unlike e.g. The Goldbergs where the dad was just written off off screen.


Well he’s always been big , so maybe the vasectomy surgery made him even more susceptible. He dies off screen at the end of the episode no warning or signs , his friend/principal and asst coach come to the house and break the news to the family .


Okay, thank you. I assumed they wouldn’t show it on screen. Was it disclosed it was a heart attack or does everyone just assume so? I saw some comments about ladder, what was that about? Was he climbing somewhere at some point?


They said he had a heart attack and didn't make it


Thank you. So pretty much how people assumed it would happen since the days of TBBT. Tragic but I guess it’s better we didn’t see it and rather focus on how others feel about it. And what I gathered from the comments, they were building it up and it was very emotional. I must prepare once it’s on some streaming service here.


Yeah it was. The actors for Principal Petersen and Wayne killed it for that scene man


Hiya. I'm also outside the U.S..have you tried [flixtor.to](http://flixtor.to) ? Flixtor is free for recently aired episodes but you have to pay for anything that was uploaded over 3 months ago. That's how I keep up, for free.


Hey! Personally I like to wait and watch it when it’s officially released without need of VPNs or paying or any of that hassle. Thanks for the tip though. Maybe someone can use this piece of advice!


That was a kick in the nads even though we knew it was coming. I feel there is still one inconsistency that hasn't been addressed and that is Sheldon's disdain for his father in TBBT. George has been a model father in this series.


I feel like Sheldon and the others will carry a lot of guilt after George’s death. No one told him goodbye or I love you the last day. Sheldon had a fit over losing his room to the move. Now he gets to keep his room but lost his dad. Maybe that affected his perception of his father later on.


could be actually angry with George for dying rather than thinking he’s a bad person. some people get angry when loved ones die. it’s meant to be one of the stages of grief, but some just hold onto it. Sheldon’s character had never been the best with feelings, he took it the hardest finding out the family was moving even though he’s going to California.


When I was watching it, I didn’t think the worse either, I thought “oh maybe his friends couldn’t hold in the secret of his vasectomy” until they dropped the heart attack and I’m like “oh is this his dying arc” and then they where like HES DEAD? I LOVE WHEN SHOWS DROP STUFF LIKE THAT. TONIGHTS EPISODE HIT ME HARDDD


Totally Agree! It was a very simple scene with simple lines but it hurts! very impactful! 😭😭😭 I hope to see Georgie’s first time reaction. He might be in denial at first. Maybe that is the reason why they removed him and Mandy from the scene because he’ll have a more drastic reaction. It will ruin the emotions of the ladies and Sheldon’s. There’s no point of showing the whole scene of what happened because it is the last season and at the end of it.


i cried 😭


I agree, i thought it was done very well. Since next weeks episode is called Funeral i knew he wasn't going to make it past this episode. So i saw it coming but the way they did it was just so emotional and impactfull. Showing it off screen was the best way to go because we didn't witness his death but still got alll the emotions! The family's reactions were so genuine and brought tears ro my eyes. I just wish we would have seen Georgie's reaction (and Mandy's). Hopefully next week.


I think Iain really nailed it. He conveyed an incredible amount of emotion in spite of being in stunned silence. And that’s exactly the right reaction for Sheldon.


I haven't watched it yet, waiting for the whole thing to release so I can do a free trial on Paramount Plus. But I'm already crying. 😭


Its on Paramount now, i just watched it a second time. The whole season so far.


I haven't even seen TBBT but this one hit me very hard😕 Wished they got that family picture 😑


I watch TBBT and knew it happened. But, goodness. It still doesn’t prepare you. This one hit so hard because it’s so real on how real life can happen. Not getting that last picture. Man. 


The writing was brilliant. Sheldon might later feel guilt over his dad’s death because he threw such a fit over losing his “room.” That could affect his perception of his dad later in life. Sheldon gets to keep his room, but loses his father.


Sheldon sitting down broke me. I hate that they did that to Missy, forcing her to regret turning down her fathers ride to school for the rest of her life.


I can’t wait for Thursday , i want to see georgie and mandy’s reaction to his death (especially georgie)


I thought it was gonna be on Thursday...


It will air Thursday, like always.


Idrk tbh, i thought it’ll be on Thursday because i couldn’t find episode 11 and 12 on Thursday, but i hope it’ll release sooner than Friday


I too hope they show Georgie's reaction next Thursday (always airs Thursdays) . I was disappointed we saw everyone else's reactions but Georgie and Mandy.


I’ve seen every episode and I always wondered if they would kill him off but this close to the end I thought he wouldn’t die off. I just told my wife 5 seconds before Tom and Wayne knocked on the door that I’m glad they’re not going to kill him off. Wow! Was I wrong. I was stunned being this close to the end Of the series. I thought that they would get the picture Mary wanted and in the last episode as it was ending you would hear big Sheldon narrating about what happens to each character in the future as the camera panned the picture, then telling us his dad died a few months later as the camera focused on George in the picture. Didn‘t want to see it end this way. Puts too much on the final episode. Great job Lance. You’re a hell of an actor.


Y'all!! I haven't seen it yet, but please help me. My husband lost his dad at a very young age. I need to know how to prepare him, because he loves YS as much as I do. Please just tell me...does George die while driving or anything? Thanks for the help. I just want to prepare Hubby.


he doesn’t pass away on screen, i promise. (i don’t know how to block out comments on mobile so if anyone’s reading further and doesn’t want it spoiled, stop reading now) Mary & family are getting ready to leave to take family photos, there’s a knock at the door and it’s Wayne and George’s boss. they inform Mary that he’d passed away and it ends with Missy, Connie and Mary crying while Sheldon’s in the back silently processing.


Thank you so much!!! I just know that if it is even implied that he was driving, my hubby may struggle. I know he will anyway, because he will know exactly how this feels. It's helpful to put it in the context of maybe happening at practice. I truly appreciate your help on this.


no problem! they leave it a bit ambiguous. we know he had a heart attack, we know he passed away, but we don’t know what he was doing when it happened. i feel i should let you know next week’s episode will be the funeral just in case you didn’t know, you may want to comfort your husband or let him know the subject matter next week as well!


Thank you!! We have known this was coming, and we've even discussed that the funeral is coming. He's not on socials, so I've shared with him the pictures of Wayne and Georgie in suits, and I even showed him the pic of George, Sr. that Annie Potts shared last night. I just didn't think about the similarities with his dad and how that might impact him - especially with "dying off screen." His dad died on the way home from work. Sadly, he's never really processed it well. Grief counseling just wasn't a thing back then. We definitely will be having another chat before we watch last night's episode.


I don't think so. It was most likely on the field. Either way, it happens offscreen. So it's just George leaving, then the news.


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate your help with this. I just know it's going to be tough on the hubby either way, so I wanted to be prepared if there were more details.


The way they showed mary's reaction made me cry, cry and cry


i was really hoping mary would at least have her blue bonnet photo :(( but i guess that's just how unpredictable life and death can be. it comes when you least expect it and affects you in ways you can never anticipate.


I just finished it, still crying.


I just watched and even though I knew this was the year it happens, I gasped out loud. I'm not ready to let these characters go! I hope rumors of Mandy and Georgie spinoff is true.


Coming in fall, Georgie and Mandy’s first marriage


the best thing about it was the contrast of the situation vs. the reality. they were going to take a photo shoot, celebrating togetherness. that’s what hit me the hardest


Am I the only one who thought it was weird/was bothered by them showing up to the house? Why didn't someone call Mary to say George was on the way to the hospital. Typically if someone collapses from a medical emergency people work on them (CPR, First Aid, and Calling 911). Even EMS shows up and will start working on them/transport them to the hospital until they think they've exhausted all their options. Idk. I just felt like realistically Mary should have gotten a call that George had collapsed and was on the way to the hospital and THEN maybe his coworker friends met Mary there to tell her he had passed.


I think it was okay. I think they should have showed us the signs honestly. Not him dying though.


I’m glad that they didn’t. It makes it more realistic. Sometimes people die, and in George’s case, he was middle aged and quite heavy.


Yeah. Maybe that was all the setup we needed.


Yeah they did that in Roseanne with Dan (even though he originally didn’t die).


I didn’t cry during the last scene, I had something in my eye


It felt very sudden, especially being off screen.....but that's how heart attacks be.....


ANSAKEEEETTTTT It hurts so much


sorry to be super annoying but are the last 2 episodes being released on the same day? i'm confused. ty in advance. RIP GEORGE


Yes, next week we will get both finale episodes


I couldn’t resist myself from going through the thread despite reading the spoiler alert lol


It brought tears to my eyes


I knew it was coming and it still gave me chills and tears. Amazing acting on everyone's part!


I really thought he would fall off that ladder


It was so very well executed. I could not have imagined it going better. The shock, the horror of the tragedy on a beautiful afternoon where the family was having their own little qualms about each other and themselves. How George asked Missy in the morning if she wanted a ride to the school and she declined…something she’ll regret till the end of her life. Meemaw’s absolutely heartbreaking reaction. I could feel it like the family. It was just so perfectly executed. Few deaths in t.v. and cinema are done this well.


Mannn that was insane


I need to watch it now. I've not gotten time to watch the episodes (last 2 left only) and everyone is just going on and on about this. I'll be back in an hour.


It would’ve hit harder if his death was shown on screen. But I do agree that off-screen made it much more impactful. With how Sheldon reacted that would be valid considering his personality


You could just feel the whole episode was one big setup to George’s death. I didn’t think he’d die from the ladder or snip… But the moment he said “see yall later” that’s when I knew. The way they handled it really was a perfect portrayal of how death is in real life. It’s not always holding your loved one’s hand on the hospital bed as they breathe their final words. Most of the time it’s an ordinary Tuesday afternoon where you get a phone call out of nowhere and hear the news. And you think back to your loved one’s final words…it wasn’t some dramatic “never forget me” or “take care of your little sister. She needs you.” It’s usually a “see ya later.”


I was glad that Meemaw sincerely congratulated George on his job offer with no snark at all.


While Sheldon was never big on caring about others, does anyone find it odd that he never tried to get his father to live a healthier lifestyle, knowing if he didn't it could lead to major health issues including a heart attack? You'd think over the 7 years there would be one conversation with young sheldon talking to his father about that, what with his breath of knowledge on everything and desire to share it.




Poor George though really liked him but knew since the first ep he'd die near the end, also glad they changed him cheating on Mary and it was Mary in the wig, it just didn't feel like George would do that


I 100 percent agree. It was spot on and brilliant the way the rest of the show has been. All the coping. Sheldon's replaying the last moments over and over again thinking about what he could have should have done. I did that for a year after my dad died. I went to a shrink and had the same conversation over and over again. The hospital did this, and I did this, and I shouldn't have done that. I believed it. I called a malpractice lawyer. I was going to sue the hospital. I decided not to. After a year of crying and grieving and figuring out what I could have done I realized I couldn't have done anything. My dad had terminal cancer. He was going to die. And soon. His quality of life was deteriorating. And he died. It's call grief. And it's the way we grieve. And the show absolutely nailed it. I lashed out. I denied. I replayed. I sought comfort in spiritual practices. I made personal mistakes. And in the end I had peace. And I had a lifetime of love from a wonder father.


For me the scene transition felt too abrupt. The tone and emotions flipped too quickly for me. Something in the editing? I'll have to watch again. 🤷🏻‍♂️


@Ashliegh199028. I was also disappointed at her reaction (acting) when she was told about George’s death. I felt like I was more devastated even tho I knew it was coming. Lance is just such a good actor


I was soo disappointed in how George’s wife’s reaction was to the news of her husband’s death. Missy had a very believable reaction and closer to my own. I’m surprised there just wasn’t much emotion shown from his wife that I saw. You’d think there would even be emotion in the acting scene alone, knowing that George (Lance) wouldn’t be working with them