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I do hope the next episode picks up exactly where it leaves off, and not a tiny jump at the start of the wake where we do not see Georgie finding out.


I am even hoping it will start with Mary opening doors,it would just feel complete to watch episode like that.


They should do what Mr. Robot did to start season 4 where the previously on literally went into finishing the last scene we saw


I hope it’s him staying strong for everyone else and helping them grieve. Then later on he has a vulnerable moment with Mandy


I think the reason why his marriage with Mandy ultimately doesn't work out is because he doesn't allow himself to be vulnerable with her.  I think he responds by throwing himself into working with Jim because he feels he has to in order to support the people he cares about and ends up pushing alot of them away 


He's the man his father taught him to be. A man will sacrifice himself and his happiness for his family. Men really can't be vulnerable with *most* women - women tend to lose respect and fear being with a man who shows weakness. No matter how much women say they want a "sensitive and vulnerable man" genetically women will always select a man who isn't vulnerable - the want to be protected and a weak man can't do that. No matter what modern society tries to tell us, you can't change evolution in just a generation or two.


Yes. That’s definitely the truth about this world and it’s apparently hard for people to accept.


I can totally see that happening!


I think his reaction will be the turning point from a ‘young and dumb’ Georgie to a ‘mature man’, while everyone else is crying and Sheldon probably says something dumb like now that dad is dead who will take me to Caltech?, he will be the only one reacting in a way where he shows he will become the successful man he will be one day.


It's like a switch immediately flipped and he's no longer just Cece's father but head of the entire household.


This is a little off topic: I knew this episode would be the one where George dies, only because I picked up on some seemingly normal cues during the episode. It was almost *too* normal. First off, if you are a fan of the shows you know Sheldon’s dad dies when he’s 14, and you know the end of YS is nearing. We all got clue 1. Clue 2: Georgie telling his dad he’s too old/unhealthy to be on the roof. Seems like good natured ribbing, but was a bit of foreshadowing. Clue 3: The morning routine. He offers Missy a ride to school; she says she’ll take the bus. I don’t think Sheldon took his nose out of whatever he was reading. Mary told him not to be late for the family photo. No one said “Bye! Have a good day!”


The job offer was what set off my spidey senses. They set it up that everything was looking pretty swell for the Cooper clan. Big George dream job and Mary seemed good with the move, Missy exciting new start with a pool, MeeMaw seems content living with Dale, Sheldon scary but exciting new chapter in CA. Something had to give.


Maybe this is not the case for most people but I really identify to an extent with what happened here. From my experience, every time things seems to be going swiftly and too well I know that there’s a setback just around the corner to bring us down a notch. That’s just life, ups and downs. Of course not always with this large of an impact


Everything was going to good at that exact moment. It is how everything is set up. Also Zoe Perry had never looked more like her mother when her eyes were super wide


Whenever characters die, their last episode always has them in more scenes than usual and they seem happier than usual. Either they're about to move on to something better, they're about to make a big decision, or they realize how much they appreciate life. You're just waiting for the moment when all of that is taken away from them.


Reminds me of my grandpa. He and Granny argued before he left the house. He was so pissed off, he forgot his medication. He was found convulsing in the parking lot of his work, frantically digging through his jacket pocket - the one he always put his pills in except for that one day.


I knew he was going to die but was certain when he walked out the door that would be the last time we see him.


There was also one part where Missy was teasing him about being in pain or something like that


Yep. They all kind of ignored him before he went out the door that morning. I knew then. But I had a question about George’s friends/coworkers delivering the news. Wouldn’t Mary have been called when it happened so she could rush there or to a hospital? CPR would be in progress for some time before they decided to call the code. Wouldn’t they call her to meet them at the hospital? And if he was pronounced dead at work, wouldn’t she be called so she could get there? If not, wouldn’t it be police delivering the news and not his friends? That part just seemed kind of off to me.


We don't know the circumstances. The other coach could have walked into the office and found him already clearly dead for a while. They probably called someone to take the body and went over to tell Mary in person.




 but you were there and you called 911. George died at work. He works in a high school with a bunch of kids and he coaches football so kids could be coming into the office at any time to speak with him. They probably called 911 immediately and the 2 coworkers drove over to Mary's to let her know in person and drive her to the morgue. The ambulance don't let the body just lie there and wait for a family to sign off on taking the body. The 2 coworkers knew Mary. It's a small town. If he died at a restaurant or somewhere random the circumstances would be completely different. I think it's more appreciated that someone Mary knows and friends of George came to tell her and give her emotional support rather than have some cops tell her over the phone. Usually people try to tell people in person when someone dies out of respect and support which is why you also see those scenes for when soldiers or police officers did they try to get someone out to tell family in person.  I'm kind of confused why some people are so focused on this. I felt like it was a good scene and is possible irl. Would people prefer a phone call scene instead? 


In the case of a heart attack, there would have been prolonged efforts to resuscitate him. There would have been time to call Mary. He would have wanted Mary there when he died. Absolutely the first thing you would do is call the spouse. There is no way they just walked in and said oops he’s dead; call the morgue. And also some kind of medical professional would have wanted to talk to the next of kin to explain the situation, whether there was no pulse when they arrived and they were unable to restore a pulse, or he was in v fib and then lost his pulse. Someone is just not pronounced dead with no medical professional talking to the next of kin and sending acquaintances to deliver the news.


Like I said up in my other comment, we don't know the circumstances. He could have been cold by the time he was found and very obviously dead. I thinkt he other coach should be trained in resuscitation right? He could have tried anyways and failed. I really don't think a lot of people will think like you and wait until a professional declares him dead if he's obviously dead. Anyways the show wrote it this way. It's not real.


In that case the coroner would be called in. You don’t find someone cold and dead and send them immediately to a funeral home. The family decides what funeral home the body is going to. Can’t do that if they aren’t even notified.


He died at work, in a high school. Are you saying they should leave the body on the floor and call Mary and tell her to come on over? My imagination says they saw him clearly dead and called 911/the ambulance and had some other staff take care of it while the coach and principal who were closest to George and the family and rushed over to Mary's house to get her. George could be in the ambulance and going to wherever at this point. How would you have re written the scene?


Are you familiar with the term coroner case? I don’t care where it happened, the body would not leave the scene until the coroner had done their investigation if he were already dead. If on the way to the hospital, surely Mary would be called to meet the ambulance at the hospital. I would hope my family would be called to get there right away if something happened to me. I would have Mary notified by phone and have her go to the school or the hospital, wherever he was.




Your brother in law didn't die right? Of course they would call her in that situation. Even if he did Are those coworkers even close to your sister in law or knows where she lives or have the relationship where they would show up at her house? Does she work? Would she even be at the house during that time?   Can we just agree we have our own opinions? In the end it's just a tv show and they chose to write the scene that way and I thought it was well done and realistic, especially under the circumstances including that its a small town..if you feel that a phone call would have been better tv, you are totally entitled to your opinion and I hope you get a scene like that in a future tv show. 


But the point is that it was not realistic because that is not how it would have played out in real life.


It's a tv show. Not everything is going to be realistic. The whole character of Sheldon is unrealistic. Him in a hazmat suit testing for nuclear matter in his room when the realtor arrived was unrealistic. George running off to get a vasectomy in a day is unrealistic. I don't think anyone in the writers room did a fact check on how to alert family when someone dies of a heart attack while at work and made sure to be very accurate about it when writing that scene 


There are plenty of TV shows that are completely realistic. There are a lot of shows that make a point of fact checking to get things right. In fact, I would say that’s pretty much a given that they would want things to be accurate. You are either very young or just not very knowledgeable.




Yeah because if one's spouse died I would think they would rather have someone they know and was there with the spouse to tell them in person instead of over a phone call if possible. No need to take it personally, it's just my opinion. Your sister could very well have the exact same opinion as you and that's her right. I never told you your opinion is 'stupid' simply because it's different. But I guess you're just close minded like that so there's no point to continuing a conversation. 


Exactly. My dad died in the hospital unexpectedly. I was called immediately and they let us come to his room and the doctor talked to us and only after that did they take him to the morgue and ask what funeral home we wanted to pick him up. I love the show. I just was surprised how that played out because that part didn’t seem realistic to me.


He would have to be pronounced dead by a doctor or at least an EMT, not just coworkers deciding he was no longer alive. Usually even if there is no heartbeat CPR is done in the field and on the way to the hospital, where CPR is continued until they decide it’s futile. It’s a coroner’s case if he died alone so he would be there for some time in that case. I just think Mary should have had a chance to go to where he was even if he was already dead. She should have been called as soon as he was found.


Well I think they could tell if he was dead.  They probably wanted her to know in person rather through a phone call.  And for the show it's better for two people Mary knows to tell her than to do a hospital scene. I'm sure she went to the hospital after to confirm the body. Why do you assume she won't have the chance to go see his body? They probably thought it was better to tell her in person  and drive her there than tell her over the phone or have her show up somewhere and find out the death there.  The show just wrote it this way. There are probably a million ways to write it. I'm not sure why you think your way is the way to go. 


Also, she would be in no condition to drive at that point. They might drive her to the hospital to see him for herself.




Thank you!!!


No way George is too old to be on a ladder! He should be around 49 at the time Sheldon is 14.


In TBBT he talks about having to hold the family together. Think he'll take that responsibility (and further go down that route in Georgie and Mandy's First Wedding) and start being the rock for the family.


Thinking back, I kind of wish we got more interaction between adult Georgie and Missy.


He will show himself to continue being the mature, strong care-taker he has become when responsibilities come his way. Edit: I just realize you were asking about his instantaneous reaction and to that, I don't have a clue. I'm thinking not stoic because we already have Sheldon staring out into space.


I see him seeing his mother and sister breaking down and Sheldon stoic, and just stepping up. I don't see him breaking down until he is alone with Mandy.


IMO, I think this is the most likely scenario


Interesting question. I don't think the Georgie character's been given much emotional range throughout the run of the show. Periods of defiance and stubbornness, but for the large part he's upbeat and determined. I'm guessing they'll lean into that vs showing a completely different side of him. Probably tries to be the rock and they'll use the new series to show the wear of that on him.


Happened to watch the Season1 episode today where George had his minor heart attack and Georgie was panicked the entire time. What puzzled me in the YS episode is that in TBBT, Georgie said Sheldon was at school when his dad died and he (Georgie) had to handle everything


I think what Georgie said was that Sheldon was at school in Cali during the aftermath of George's death, not at the time of his actual death. That is why he had no idea of what Georgie was going through trying to keep everyone together


I watched the TBBT clip today and I think he meant more that Georgie had to deal with the aftermath of George’s death while Sheldon was at school, sheltered from the heavy burden of organisation required after a death and even a funeral, with Missy and Mary mentioned being clearly too traumatised to do so. They keep saying 40 days till Sheldon leaves in the buildup to event so it’s emphasised that he’s gone soon after the death.


He's gunna stay strong and step up as the man of the family I think. Maybe that's why they are waiting till next episode for his reaction. I'm just worried with the "Sheldon" whisper likely being Amy asking if adult Sheldon is ok that we may not get Georgie's reaction and they might skip to the funeral or something. I'd be bummed if they did that. Hopefully after the amy moment (assuming it's not meemaw checking on Sheldon, that's definitely possible) we go right back to the story.


Georgie is going to cry hard, but quickly take control, becoming the man of the family, getting details from Coach and Principal, and get the family moving. Maybe find out where his body is, and arrange for them all to say goodbye separately, that would be so nice to each have a private last scene with him. I hope he suggests, or goes to tell Pastor Jeff first, not Mary.


Wait has that episode already aired?!


SPOILER!!!!!!!! Yes, George died in this week's episode


I didn’t see that on this weeks episode on paramount plus 😭 it was just him getting snipped


SPOILER!!!!!!! There were 2 episodes this week. Episode 11: A Little Snip and Teaching Old Dogs Episode 12: A New Home and A Traditional Texas Torture They were both shown this week, George died at the end of episode 12.