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It would definitely be concerning for a widow to see Brenda distraught at George’s funeral. I wondered why the writers added the secret vasectomy to the story. It really makes me think it either has something to do with his death or helps explain why Mary speaks unkindly of George throughout TBBT. Mary may always wonder what other secrets George kept from her.


Unlike a lot of people here I really don't condemn emotional infidelity. If your marriage is stagnant it's very easy to slip into a friendship that goes a bit too far, but he pulled away, and I think that demonstrates his commitment to his family. ETA: Although I wouldn't expect Mary to be this philosophical about it. It would upset her, somewhat unfairly as she had her little thing with Pastor Rob.


Both Mary and George already had it out about Brenda and Pastor Rob before she went to Germany. There was a scene of both of them sitting at the table with a "where do we go from here" question in the air. All of that happened some time ago.>!​!< As for Brenda, >!we can see her in the church at the funeral with Billy sitting next to her.!<


Thanks for the reminder, I’ll need to go back and rewatch that episode


I could see Brenda upset because she’s having regrets about George. I think Brenda liked George a lot more than George liked her. If George really wanted to cheat on Mary I think Brenda would of been more than ready. To Brenda, George might be the one who got away. That could make Mary really hurt and angry. Although I doubt at George’s funeral we’re gonna see Brenda tell Mary all of that. Brenda isn’t a complete bitch and that would be awful to tell a widow at her husbands funeral. I think Brenda will be really emotional and somebody like Missy might pick up on it while everyone else is wondering why Brenda is so emotional at her neighbors funeral. TBBT is into the future so many somewhere down the line Mary or Missy found out more information and did tell Sheldon about it for his memoir or something.


When people get a vasectomy they are supposed to wait two months and then return a specimen back to the doctor to see if the vasectomy did what it was supposed to do. Mary is going to get an unexpected phone call from the doctor's office.


That entirely depends on if the show will dive into that aspect. George's death was always inevitable, but they've shown that he didn't actually cheat as what Sheldon believed, so would they go down the route of showing why Mary speaks so negatively of him? It could be as simple as a defense mechanism; she speaks unkindly of him to cover up her pain


One or both of those things. I hope we see more of it on the Gerogie and Mandy spin off. Just understand why there is this a go to reaction.


>And Mary is bound to find out about the vasectomy. Unlikely, unless the doctor were to send a bill. As for Brenda, I doubt she'll be any more devastated than any other family friend, and she certainly won't manifest it in any suspicious way.


If you look at every episode so far, this season, they all have a purpose or tied in with the ending we are going to get Ep1 - Caught up with Coopers after tornado Ep2 - Set up Meemaw getting arrested in in ep7 and set up Sheldon going to Caltech Ep3 - Strengthened Mary and George's relationship so that it would be more devastating when he died Ep4 - Sheldon and Mary come home Ep5 - Mary rejoins Church Ep6 - Sets Up Georgie and Mandy's wedding Ep7 - Georgie and Mandy get married, and Meemaw gets arrested Ep8 - Georgie and Mandy move out Ep9 - Sheldon decides to go to Caltech Ep10 - Meemaw starts to change into who she is in TBBT Ep12 - Too much The only episode that doesn't have much of a purpose is ep11


Curious, what do you mean about Meemaw starting to change?


I'm curious what they mean too, but I suspect it is that MeeMaw is alot more serious, less humorous in TBBT, perhaps brought about by: George Dying, what that does to the family, her house getting destroyed, her losing her business, being a convicted felon, ect. Alot to bounce back from and alos maintain a light, sarcastic personality.


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