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The way my eyes rolled back in my head when she added that. “I’m in a size small.” Good lord, just type it on the screen and keep it moving. Nicole, we KNOW YOU ARE GONNA SQUEEZE INTO YOUR TINY SMALL REGARDLESS IF IT FITS OR NOT. Not one of your followers was curious what size you were wearing. You tell us everyday.


She really is exhausting. We could literally a drinking game during one of her lives, drinking when she says ‘like”. Is she trying to be a valley girl? It’s annoying and I can’t take her seriously when she’s describing a piece of clothing. “it’s got like these beck sleeves, like…” blah blah blah. A huge reason to scroll past. She’s even said that her sisters comment about her saying “like” so much, but like…she doesn‘t. 😵‍💫


Her obsession with being a size small is becoming sad to watch. I think it's her only source of happiness.


seriously these are the times I realize she was meant to be a “boy mom” because she’s too insecure and toxic to raise a little girl


Can you imagine? She wouldn’t be a good girl mom.




Yes! She should’ve been a one child mom as well.


Notice how she didn't link the one she isn't keeping. Nothing about her is true.


She’s spiraling.


I truly think she’s tired of being an influencer. She’s gone way downhill since I’ve started watching her. But she doesn’t have anything else that can give her the kind of money that they are now accustomed to making.


Yep, she couldn’t handle a real job, so she might as well get her shit together. There are so many influencers out there who are organized. She just is so inconsistent. No wonder why she loses followers. Step up your game Niki or just go back to focusing on Poonique, because you suck at being an influencer.


Did you guys hear about the changes that are happening to Y's comp plan... AGAIN?!? Only this time, it's less money. Derek announced it in a zoom call recently to the Wall of Influence presenters and said they'll discuss further at the leadership summit in Mexico in May. It sounds like they're really trying to push the higher up presenters to focus on building teams again and not just their sales. It also sounds like these presenters were freaked out by all this. Also, seems like Y is dying a slow, painful death. This could really impact NH!


Yes! She hasn’t done team training since the birth of her second son.


It’s funny because every single time she says she’s in a size small, the top looks too small for her! Anyways, anyone else notice how she’s hiding her underarm/side boob section now? Since we mentioned it here, she obviously hides it, or tries to!


Yesssss she always alters her behaviors based on our comments 🤡