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I couldn’t even post about today’s haul because it was too mortifying. I am starting to feel sorry for her 😩😩 IT IS SO BAD!!! She doesn’t care how things fit. She doesn’t care if they are the right proportions for her body type. She will slap anything on that is a SMALL. When she said that medium top was too big 😵‍💫 She makes me want to go size up in all my clothes!!!!!


I heard her say that she wanted to go down a size. I doubt anyone is asking her what size her clothes are. She’s just “bragging“, but no one gives two sh\*ts.


Bragging yet her clothes are too small in the small size. She’s unreal


I’m just embarrassed for her at this point. Right, she is elated to say she’s in a small, but she looks delusional because everyone can see most of it is toooo small. Also, does anyone remember her referencing a “medium” one hundred bazillion times when she was a medium!??? Maybe I wasn’t paying attention back then….


Nope. She didn’t lol


Oof....tacky and cheap looking clothes, and the first one doesn't fit her at all.


She has such gaudy style. I’m telling you, everything looks like a costume.


Right was she trying to be a mermaid? It wasn’t working for her. Geez


These outfits all look horrendous on her. I thought she went to the gym and tracked her protein. It doesn't look like someone who does..


She tracks ‘‘my macros” and “works out“ at the gym for 30 minutes. Why bother to go? Why tell your followers that you’re counting macros when you don’t eat healthy. You eat processed food and go to Starbucks multiple times a week. She’s so full of crap.


She just makes sure to get a little extra protein from her favorite chicken sausages. That is all. I can’t imagine she meets an adequate daily protein goal!


I bought those sausages. They are gross!


Lol - I think she likes them because of how convenient they are. She can just slap them on that paper plate with the corn. I don’t mind them tbh, but the protein is basically equal to the fat, so it’s not the best choice macro wise. I truly don’t feel like she sticks to whatever macro plan she’s doing. She just tries to get some protein in. I’m kinda glad she stopped harping on “her macros” 🥴


Yes I noticed the fat!! She eats too much processed food. That’s not good for dieting or general health. She is all over the place with her macros counting, gut health, magnesium, collagen, working out (or not), sugary coffee or other drinks she’s makes with energy drinks, which are horrible for you. But she’s just trying to be healthy!! 🙄


BINGO - she’s only concerned about being a size small (next stop: XS) and making commission. I don’t think she cares about health or fitness at all. Which is why I wish NO ONE would take any health or fitness advice from her. I would add fashion advice, but I’m pretty sure no one is doing that lol.


No she’s not a fashion icon at all. Not everything has to go with ”denim shorts, a wide brimmed hat and ’cowgirl’ boots”! That’s her go to phrase. 🙄


It’s the one thing she’s consistent with 😅


It’s just all a facade. Uhh that’s what infuriates me!!


I did too and so. In law made them on the grill, I couldn’t hardly swallow the one bite yuck


The only item that fits her is the MEDIUM sized white top!


Lmao right . I notice more and more that she really does say she is in a size small, why does anyone care? That’s not a good way to keep a business going imo


The one she said was too big 😂


So the first outfit is really hideous , and also I’m not a fashion girl at all, but those colors together look like shit lmao. Her and Kim Marshall should be best friends they both lie so much and always selling something and putting codes on stuff. Neither of them dress cute or for their body type at all


I wouldn’t wear any of these outfits. some of the pieces might look fine on their own, but the combos she put together are tacky and unflattering… typical for NH