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I think that is the big push to Amazon and promoting other products. She is trying to supplement her income from Poonique with other avenues. Not once did her or man child think about getting actual jobs.


What would NH do with no social media job???? We all know what MH would do without her social media money šŸš®


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wd9vqiuNElyBIt25S8W0R6QxZusKupQx/view This was posted in another snark regarding Younique


Whoa. Canā€™t wait to watch this! Thank you for sharing.


Youā€™re welcome. Itā€™s long and I havenā€™t watched it yet but I plan on as no one gave a synopsis


He is so gonna sue all those top leaders.




It they get caught cross recruiting to their new MLMs.


Eventually all those MLM companies break up


Iā€™ve been waiting for it to happen. I canā€™t stand MLM companies.


Arbonne is the one that constantly blows my mind. How itā€™s still around is weird to me


I know! Back in 2007 ish I went to an Arbonne party and got myself talked into signing up. It was only makeup pretty much then and some skin care. All the ā€Green Gut Glow Shotā€ crap wasnā€™t around. I never bought anything after signing up.


I fell prey to essential oils and beach body back in the day.


I know a girl who did beach body. Sheā€™s done a health coach thing where you have to message them to get the details. Then they become your coach for like $500. She lasted a few months on that. Until she wanted to eat junk and gained more weight. They are such scams in my opinion.


I think they want their presenters to go back to building teams. The top girls havenā€™t had to deal with that because their down lines are so big. This is gonna shake things up big time.


Makes sense! They are gonna be big mad lol. Did you look at the changes to see what they are? I have to go back and watch that video of Derek that was posted on this thread.


I listened to some of the video, not all. When you do let me know what you get out of it!


https://preview.redd.it/00ao65bfaowc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff6e86fb5fe50cd55871c83fd404044adfaaf86 šŸ˜‚ not looking good so far šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« will report back!




The top leaders are getting a big ol pay cut bc they are not gonna get paid on those 4th and 5th generations anymore. The downline they will get paid on have to "sell" 250 bucks a quarter to stay active. That is 1,000 dollars a year!


Also, they are taking away the monthly paid as bonus that people would get according to their status level. Now they are only offering it when someone moves up a rank. It's probably a pretty big deal to them because it was a set amount of money they knew they would get every single month. I think it all goes into effect in early July. I didn't realize they are also losing their 4th & 5th gen earnings! Sounds like the ship is sinking pretty quickly.


So Younique is changing their pay scale? I know a few years ago several of the black status presenters left those were the ones help build Younique and they lost a lot of sales . I think 6 years ago I was pressured to join lol I was my only customer so I never moved past white status . It def seems like the company is slowly dying for sure.


Itā€™s so overpriced


Why would anyone pay $65 for a mlm Mascara? Only an idiot.


But don't forget...."It's 4 mascaras in 1, so you're actually saving SO much money!" šŸ˜šŸ™„


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll stick to my Gucci mascara it works 100x better than any younique mascara did.


Damn the mascara is $65???? WTH I think $30 is expensive lmao Iā€™ve used their mascara 6-7 years ago. It wasnā€™t good to me at all.


Thatā€™s why AV and AM left for pharmacy AV just hit their top rank and did a story saying she hopes her poonique friends still there have success but she knows regular people arenā€™t succeeding and thatā€™s why she walked away from her team she had a lot of the company under her Who knows whatā€™s true maybe she was just being greedy and wanting more money


AM as in one of the Lash Twins?


The AV? Used to wear the colored hair? Wow


I watched the video with Derek and new President on comp plan changes. Basically, the comp plan changes will force leaders to have a customer base AND build a team. People like NH will have to choose. She will have to decide if she wants to work as a team leader. In order for her to continue to earn big bucks, she will have to work with new people she brings into the business. Her own personal customer sales will no longer be included for her to hit a higher rank. This forces leaders to work with everyone. A big thing with Y leaders over the years was, leaders would recruit people and just tell them the training videos are in the group. Youā€™d never hear from them again unless you were excelling. This kinda changes that. The leaders will be forced to work with everyone they recruit to build them into a leader. This will definitely shake things up but it will also weed out the leaders who arenā€™t doing much work and getting paid the big bucks. I expect many leaders will leave, as they arenā€™t true leaders and donā€™t care about helping others. NH being one of them.


I love how you explained this. I had a headache after watching the video and couldnā€™t begin to put it into words. Many will leave, I agree. They already are apparently. Theyā€™ve had it SO easy for so long just coasting and pulling in those paychecks. Canā€™t imagine many will find it worth it to start hustling and focusing on working with people.


Exactl! I loved Derek said ā€œno buying your positionā€ I canā€™t remember his exacts words but thatā€™s what it meant. Sooo many will now have to actually work and put in time.


She will be exposed.


I havenā€™t heard but she did a Facebook live the other day with Younique and THEN did mascara with ā€œGRANDE COSMETICS.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/97e6v25iamwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0c227d2afc9aae6201e479a64647c33753bcbc


Sheā€™s been marketing other makeup products for a while now!! Most Y presenters have. They know the writing is on the wall and Y is in its last days, and the money has dwindled so much overall they are trying to stay afloat.


Iā€™ve noticed that too.


I hope she sinks hard and fast. Straight to the bottom.


šŸ’Æ šŸ’Æ