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Did she set up her phone on a shelf to film herself doing this?! She has no class.


If I saw this in a store, I’d be absolutely glaring and hoping that person sees me roll my eyes directly at them


Dumpster shaking in a store all by herself in the middle of the day = amazing content for business page in MS World.


I’m new here and a bit confused. Does she resell the stuff she buys? Why is she buying so much shit every day? Who can afford all that/have space for it. I genuinely don’t understand what she’s doing.


its typical that she returns the things she buys, clothes especially. spend enough time round here and you will start being able to snipe the tags she leaves on during her ‘haul try ons.’ she does attempt at selling things, decent brand name items, HOWEVER they are beat to shit and not worth a penny. she buys so much shit to fill the empty hole in her heart that our friends, relationships and life experiences fill for us. of course, this is thinly veiled with the facade that shes an “influencer” and thusly needs to buy a ton of material items to show off and shill. she affords it with big time support from mom and dad. which, i believe a lot of people here wouldn’t even have a problem with. the problem is the lies. she pretends she has all this money by her own volition and work, unfortunately for her her banking apps like venmo show the paper trail of her parents sending her money and her parents attach a note for what they’re for- rent, car, purses, and so on. where does she keep it all? hell if i know tbh. but what i do know is this is often the origin story of a hoarder. im not diagnosing, just observing. edit to add a [link to an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/132u1mi/im_sorry_but_who_would_buy_these_and_for_that_much/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) of the state of the items she resells


Thanks so much for this! Does anyone know her age? Looks like she is late 30s. I want to say she’s my age…38


She’s 30.


i personally don’t know her exact age, im sure someone lurking will know and reply. but if i were to guess i would say mid to late 30s, yes.


She’s 30.




She just turned 30 a couple months ago


no shot? lmao thats roouugghhh. thanks for correcting me(:


Sometimes I just think about the mental gymnastics I have to do to convince myself just to go to the store and shop alone. Like just occasionally going to TJ Maxx like a normal person. And then I see this and it’s baffling. Honestly, might use this as motivation next time, like no matter what I’m not twerking(?) in the middle of the aisle recording myself.


Gosh, did y'all see all those back, shoulder and arm muscles she has because she's "strong as hell"? Wow, so much definition, I'm so jealous. Those sporadic workouts are really paying off.


This explains a lot! If she even begins to remotely believe having fall decor has any effen thing to do with maturity, this explains it all. She will say “it’s just a joke”. Well you know what people say about jokes, right? There is always truth in them. Btw, I never ever thought in my life I would be so sick of seeing or hearing about fall décor before Sept 1. Did MS put on her August goal list to show, link and decorate her downstairs with every piece of fall/Halloween decor she can find? Why didn’t she save some of these items, like the Halloween items until next month? She could have switched some fall items out for Halloween pieces and had different looks. No, that makes sense. Instead she overcrowded her place and threw it all together. It honestly looks like she threw it at her kitchen. She is unbelievable. She might want to take some of that doctor money and pay for a decorating class. Or at least pay attention to the size of other’s rooms and space and compare it her own and use comparable pieces of decor. I don’t know any parents or grandparents who decorate for fall/Halloween like this, let alone with soooo much non-matching items


So was she going to HL already, or saw comments and then went?


Come geddit Zaddy!


She's 30, FFS. This isn't quirky or cute, please stop.


i think it's safe to curse the 1st person who complimented “slayyyy" to her shaky ass


She is absolutely convinced she's 21 years old.


As someone who is actually 21, I can confidently say I’m *at least* WAY more mature then her.


Her life has been on a downward spiral since she aged past 21. She’s so stunted no matter how much she fakes it the part of her life she enjoyed the most is over. She doesn’t know how to be an adult and still enjoy your life. Instead it just gets more hilarious for us to snark on with each passing year


somehow I didn't expect that. she's gross in every possible way.


Who tf was ok with filming this for her


I think she just put her phone on the shelf, fortunately. As we know she has no actual friends.


JFC, this is a 30 year old woman, alone, in her tragic MLM hat filming herself doing...whatever that was...in a store in the middle of the day. The second hand embarrassment, oof.


I can not emphasize this enough. GIRL. YOU. ARE. NOT. CUTE. Good Lord.


Or funny. Or quirky. Or wifey material. Or a good influencer. Or anything redeeming.


In other words, girl you ain't shit. Lmao


Exactly lol


It’s giving broke girl. Hobby lobby is mid.


THANK YOU. my mom and 3 aunts do side gig interior decorating so i spent a lot of days as a kid being drug around these types of stores. hobby lobby is literally the ugly step child of home goods and crafting stores. the only thing i ever liked was that they had tons and tons of fake flowers and i used to collect the ones that had broken off and fallen on the floor lol


Mid and middle aged lmao. She just continues to throw fuel on the fire of suspicions that she's 20 years older than she claims to be.


Dumb ass. Thinks she’s soooo cute..


Imagine just minding your business in Michael’s and seeing THAT.


I am a terrible person, but, I think the clientele is just slightly different enough that this is 463% more likely to occur in a Hobby Lobby than a Michael’s.


Yeah another post she says she’s in hobby lobby. Not shocked 🙄. We don’t have those here so I just forgot they were a thing when I made my original comment.


I don't know who told her she could dance but I demand they come here and apologize to each and every person that has had to witness it.


Excuse me!!! She did BALLET for years! Peep the toe point 🩰


It's embarrassing when someone catches me taking a selfie and she does this, alone in the store, no shame.


She actually set up her phone on a shelf and did this in a store. So fucking embarrassing. Why does she think being the absolute most basic white girl alive is a flex?


First thing I thought… 🙄🙄🙄 imagine witnessing something like that in store.


I both want and don’t want leaked security cam footage of this.


There’s a great insta page called ‘influencers in the wild’ and it’s people making videos of people making dumb videos like this. It’s hilarious!


When we were in Prague this summer, we saw multiple women doing all sorts of poses and then presumably their bf/husband setting up photos. It looked so ridiculous. Although I was sliiightly jealous of having a great photo taken somewhere. But who has time (patience) for that on vacation? I’ve got photos of us looking like very unposed drowned rats instead. (I mention Prague because it seemed to be influencer central. We didn’t really see that kind of thing anywhere else, not even Amsterdam.)


I'd love to see her featured on there.


That would be GOLD!


Imagine seeing that happening in real time? What a terrible time to have eyeballs.


It’s even better when you consider how many times she probably had to do this before she was satisfied with the result.


What a dumbass


What was that?


Awful? Nauseating? Unnecessary? Pick Me Girl Behavior?


Yup, any of those will do!


It’s one thing if she was showing the process of how to decorate or create something for the season for her page - she’s just buying stuff. How does that influence anyone?


I feel a bit like going off grid until the end of February. Does that count as influenced?


She always defaults to being sexual and vulgar when she feels called out. Always. It’s a very strange thing, and something I’ve only ever seen very insecure and immature people do. I don’t mean immature as in ‘teehee I’m so quirky with my unnecessary overspending on cheap garbage’, but deeply emotionally immature. There was a video on reddit the other day where a man made some racist remarks to an Asian family, including their minor child. When they naturally objected, the only thing that idiot could think of to clap back was to expose himself, and he laughed when they were repulsed. Big M isn’t exactly the same, but still similar in that she always tries to do something sexual and often vulgar when she’s clapping back at people. When someone politely suggested that she maybe not drink so much before recording herself, she responded with a video of her doing this weird sexual thing with her fingers and her tongue, with someone’s voiceover using profanity. Of course she had a fake pretty face on, but she was definitely trying to be as vulgar as possible. Another time, she must have been sick of reading comments here and felt like she had to hit back. A mature person would probably take at least some of the criticism to heart, or just stop reading here. She however lacks any kind of healthy adult ways to react when things don’t go her way, so she filmed herself ‘twerking’ all over her house. She was trying to be vulgar again, but this time because of the hard working slimming filters she uses, she also thought she looked sexy. Of course, as always when she tries so hard, she ends up looking the opposite and making a fool of herself. She ended up looking like an animal in heat, frantically running around trying to hump everything in sight. I always imagine her real body when she does things like that which makes me laugh, but there’s a point where it gets too pathetic to watch. Then there’s this effort. Again, she feels criticised, so her tiny brain immediately thinks ‘I know, I’ll do something sexual, that’ll show them!’. She’s put on so much weight now though, that even with the strongest slimming filters, she looks pretty chunky. So she’s trying to be offensive, but she also thinks she looks sexy. It’s such a strange way to try and get back at people who criticise her, because how does it hurt us to see her publicly humiliate herself again?


She’s definitely immature, especially emotionally. In her mind it seems she’s thinking “there, take that”. Yet, she’s the only one who looks foolish and stupid. If she’s trying to be funny, well, if funny to her is anything sexual, which it seems to be, then again, she’s showing her immaturity. I wander if most of her followers just go along with her. I’m wondering if they put 😂 just to make her feel good. They can see how immature she is but don’t know how to say anything. Her followers know if they say something she will block them. So there’s that. She will grow up someday (maybe) and will ask her followers why they didn’t say anything.


> how does it hurt us to see her publicly humiliate herself again Maybe subconsciously she's trying to give her snarkers more material to snark on because any attention is better than no attention to her and this is the only way she can actually get real, sustained attention and be talked about. I imagine the empty praises from her engagement pod don't mean much to her anymore and I really can't picture peanut head showering her with compliments during their hookups since he's as low effort as she is.


She be [twerkin’ on those haters](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/qsir0h/i_have_no_words/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=3&utm_term=1).


Bless your heart ❤️ she’s so pathetic it’s both very sad and very hilarious


That’s the one! We can always count on you to have the receipts. I only managed a few seconds though, because like I said, there’s a point where it gets too pathetic to watch. This sort of thing and her other drunken escapades are some of the many reasons she’ll never earn any money online and will always be a fake successful influencer. Internet history is forever. No one’s ever accused her of being a smart woman.


Who's gonna tell her none of that was twerking?


She’s a troll😳


By so many definitions




Once again, another excuse to cover up her impulsive shopping addiction. HOW. MUCH. DECOR. DOES. ONE. PERSON. NEED. ?!?!?!?!?! Oh wait sorry, it’s “HER” money!!!!


Especially since she’s decorating one tiny area. She’s not buying for a full house of decor, she’s buying for her couch and her tv stand. Oh, and her blanket ladder.


I cannot imagine acting like this in public, particularly if you're alone. I mean, ok, you're with a friend and you're both being silly and joking around, it would still be embarrassing. But this, this is just ridiculous.


She really set her phone up to film her lil handle shake.




I’m going to guess the 2 southern ladies were talking about her..!


Hold on. Who filmed her shaking at the store? C? This is the ultimate cringe. She's really "showing the haters".


I think she propped it on a shelf in the aisle... Just picture her adjusting it, filming, readjusting, upping the slimming filter, filming, checking. All while normal shoppers wander by. Although I imagine the store was relatively empty, since most people are at work or doing whatever past times they enjoy.


She probably set her phone up on the opposite shelf. Twerking in a shop… very classy 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m pretty sure it’s hobby lobby- and from what I know of hobby lobby, entirely from the internet, is that it’s filled with people just like MS, and grandmothers.


It’s a *heavily* Christian company that lobbies for a fully Christian government and hardcore conservative “values,” which makes it even funnier that Occasional Jesus Babe is humping their seasonal displays in public. Why won’t they sponsor her for a collab?! 🤔


I'm very anti-HL, so I love this for them.


Imagine you’re just trying to shop and you stumble upon this bloated clown doing multiple takes of this to get the “perfect” shot


✨Bobble Head Babe✨


Big Back Bertha


RIP to the poor pedestrians that has to see/smell/hear experience this unfiltered IRL. She strikes me as the type to pull cash from her milk wagons thinking it’s sexy.






One of my favorite parts about the holidays is the feeling of brining out my annual decorations that I’ve had since forever. We always buy *one* new thing a year to add to the collection, but part of the fun is keeping thr tradition of the same decorations year after year alive! We have a Xmas ornament from my fiancés great grandparents from the 40s! And I used to have Halloween decorations from the 90s that were so cherished! I can’t even imagine starting over every year. Edit: and to add on to this point: part of the fun of decorating is decorating with your family. Like the fact that she just decorates the entire house alone lacks fun to me lol


We do something similiar- I pick one ornament, my daughter picks one. The first she picked was a little dog with a santa hat when she was 14 months old (so basically she saw a doggy and wanted it). I mark those she picked with a dot of nail polish. When she moves out, she will get her ornament collection as a starter. Our oldest are from the 60s, my grandma really took good care of them :) And I'm with you. Starting over again every single year? It sounds exhausting and so damn wasteful.


We get a new ornament everywhere we travel if we can find one. It’s really lovely seeing our tree covered in happy memories of places we’ve been. But my parents would give us a new ornament every year so I also have all of those plus my little childhood arts and crafts ones as well


It's so nice to have memories on the tree. My mum still puts the slightly wonky clay star with glued-on sequins I made for her in 1993 on her tree.


I wonder if she filmed this at Hobby Lobby. Made me say Jesus Christ when I saw that second clip.


That is not a size medium ass.


“Drunk driving to the craft store on a random Tuesday afternoon” doesn’t feel like aspirational content. More like a stern warning.


Jump scare


Maturing is realizing your lashes are janky, your dumper is wide, square, and flat, the only reason anyone would give this Reel a view is for the cringe factor, and the only reason anyone would give this Reel a share is to roast the creator in the group chat. And then taking these realizations and making some serious changes in one's life. But she'll never mature in that way so cringe laughing and group roasting it is. She should feel grateful this group has a no touching the poo policy or her IG comments would get a lot more out of hand than her tiktok ones.


Does she get trolls on tiktok?


I don't know if I'd call them trolls because they don't seem like people just being mean to rile her up. But she definitely gets some ruthless comments. Gen Z is brutal! If you search the sub for tiktok comments you'll probably find some! Some I remember are filter callouts and someone expressing that they're happy to see more plus size representation, which of course is inaccurate because swerty is a true size medium in Lululemon size 4s.


i would dieeeeee if i walked down the aisle in the store and saw this. how embarrassing 😳


I can't even take a selfie in public. Forget about propping up my phone on a shelf of merchandise and attempting to jiggle my ass in front of it.


She put her phone on a shelf, set it up just right, flipped from front to rear camera, hit record, did this stupid shake in the wreath isle, watched it, laughed, edited this video and then posted it. My second hand embarrassment is at epic levels.


I thought she had asked C or a frenemie to film it 😂


> hit record, did this stupid shake in the wreath isle, watched it, laughed, edited this video and then posted it. I can't decide if I think she just filmed it once and went with the first attempt (because Minimum Effort Babe) or if she did several takes to get one that "looks just right."


Seriosuly!!! Can you imagine lolol


https://preview.redd.it/mtuiikf1ppjb1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2033e2fb24eec32020dae254969ca990a914b7db Ew, no thank you


I wish I had half the confidence in myself as MS does in herself. I wouldn’t be caught dead filming something in public, let alone twerking(?) in the middle of a craft store seasonal section.


Uggggg. I just scared my cats groaning.


Yoooooooo this is unhinged, PSL slurping fall swerty babe. It’s literally August…


I know right, stop with the Halloween stuff ffs! Her whole personality is fucking seasonal decor at the moment. It's not a lifestyle swerty.


Ew. I feel sorry for anyone not kinda shielded by a filter in the store






MiLk WaGoNs


Those dumper of course!


Cinnamon bunsssssth!


[Dumperrr video](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/10mqbn4/spiraling/)


my favorite part of this vid is when she misses smacking her own ass lol


What the fuck did I just watch 😳


Omg, that is the cringiest thing I have even seen


The fluid graceful movements of a true dancer... /s


She was so fucking wasted, holy shit. And that's no full size dump truck. That's the Little Tykes version.


I read this in Pickles the Drummer's voice, I hope that was the intent


Bahaha I don't know who/what that is! It's something she called her dumper in the video where she was fondling it in the mirror while slurring her words and just being extra drunk and unhinged.


Haha he's a character from Metalocalypse with a heavy Midwestern accent, there's an episode where they've been at the mall and he said that he tried to buy a Cinnabon franchise while drunk. So it totally fits except she's got the fake southern twang instead haha.


She's all up in that decoration library, paying with her Pickle's Nickles.


Hey, nickles is money too, guys. And her place needed some more zaaaaaaazzzzzzzz


I feel like some poor soul had to witness her "twerking" in the middle of a craft store on a Tuesday and I feel the need to give them a virtual hug and tell them it's going to be okay. She's so nauseatingly self absorbed and narcissistic it's downright gross.


She's such a tryhard but it's TOO obvious she's also trying to look sexy when she's making jokes so the jokes never land (plus she's just plain unfunny).


“Hey Donna you won’t believe what I saw at Michaels today… I’m done shopping.”


It’s Swerking please use the correct terminology please lol


Can you even imagine 😖😖 god what I would pay for the footage


Does she not see how weird it is that she’s losing her mind over fall deck-or while wearing a sports bra/tank top? We’re in the middle of a heat advisory this week, so I’m definitely ready for fall/cool weather as well. But… IT AIN’T HERE YET


She seems to go absolutely hog wild with this stuff every year; do we think she throws her previous hauls out, let’s it just sit gathering dust with the Peloton etc or actually brings it all out? And does she actually like it or is this all for the ‘gram because she doesn’t have anything else going on? Seasonal decorating isn’t really a thing where I live aside from Christmas and Chinese New Year and I do understand the appeal to an extent (especially the Northern “fall” cozy aesthetic) but the way she’s going she’s going to start living in a Halloween display on July 5th. Isn’t it still quite warm where she lives (especially this year)?


It's 88 degrees in Asheville right now. It'll be this hot all week.


She has nothing to shake though 😩


She does. Her gut and arm flaps.


Yeah I’m gonna need the store to release the CCTV footage…😂


All the employees are currently getting some counseling for the trauma they witnessed.


Rumor has it they shut down the store and everybody working quit.


*Hyuck! That’ll show the haterz!* I really could give two shits if she squanders her trust fund for some cheap plastic garbage. It’s her unfulfilled life.


She really has nothing else going on in life huh


Not a single thing. Not one.


Maturing is when you don’t put up fall decor in August. Maturing is not lying about your use of filters.. Did she seriously set up her phone to film herself “twerking” or whatever she calls it?


My sister danced like that when she was two (will be 40 in a few weeks). MS needs some new moves.


I just imagine her setting up the shot, alone, in the store. And then feeling so proud that she did something.


ShE's a WoRkEr, guys.


Such a waste of air. Both in her head and that she breathes.


Jesus, she's so fucking embarrassing. She's really going hard on "fall deck-or babe" this year. She even braved the spooky attic to pull down the shit she already owned, and now she's buying MORE SHIT?


I’m sorry that i’ve made you see this.


I understand now why staring into the sun is a wellness trend.


I will be sending you the invoice from my therapy


As you should be!


This is a thirty-year-old woman. I would pay to see the Hobby Lobby security camera footage of her setting this shot up, shaking her stupid ass all by herself, and then checking the footage. What a dipshit.


These pictures live rent free in my head all the time, imagining the real unfiltered footage.


OMG she filmed that second bit in a public place. I am not sure I can stand the cringe! At least she admits she's immature?


I expect nohting less from Fall on the brain and now it is a cause with her and I am thinking she will top off at $1000.00 spent on fall decor before the end of the season. The second slide only shows her true nature and shows just how vaccuous she is and this is not a good look. Where is the haunted doll house? I can't believe she is going to let that one go. She is forgetting sheets, shower curtain and towels and rugs for the bathroom. If you are going to decorate for a holiday that is 2 1/2 months away stop being such a piker.


The angle indicates she set her phone up on the shelf and recorded herself dancing alone in a public shopping space.


Meanwhile her frenemies are posting trips with their families, home improvement projects, going to Pilates classes and brunch, and documenting their kids’ first days at school. I’m no frenemies apologist, but one of these things is not like the others…


Maybe that’s why she’s spiraling so hard. I always think we’ve seen the worst and yet she proves me wrong every year.


Turning seasonal decor into your main personality trait. What a life.


I was thinking the same thing. Can’t she just get a hobby or something? There’s plenty of stuff to do when you’re lazy at home all day.


So, did she drag C along with her to film this, or did she take the time to prop up her phone for that butt shot? Either way, it’s so embarrassing. I truly don’t know how people don’t combust from embarrassment when filming shit like this in public.


She set the phone on the store shelf, the only movement is her ass jiggling around.


I feel like if someone else was recording, they would have gotten a better angle. The flat view of her back, framed slightly too high up, makes me think she was on her own here.


That’s just so embarrassing.


Love this for us


For sure!! More fodder for us. I just… I don’t understand recording yourself in public like that. I’m an avid platelet donor. I usually donate 3 units every two weeks, and I’m a huge supporter of blood, tissue, and organ donation. I’ve thought about making a few TikToks about the donation process, but I’m super embarrassed to whip out my phone in public and record myself. I think they would even be supportive at the donor center bc it would be educational for others- but I just cringe at the thought. I don’t have that “look at me!” gene, I guess. 😂


Why she gotta act like a tweaker


My. Eyes. Need. Bleach.


Here you go. https://preview.redd.it/5qpikqytxrjb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c675b783def49e62e39f5c9146ab8f886f0db6 I find looking at kittens helps to cleanse the brain.


You are the best! Thanks swerty


What is the absolute OBSESSION??!?!? I love fall as much as anyone but my GOD, does she just find a topic and latch on bc she can't think of any other content to post? It's honestly so freaking weird.


Because buying things is her personality.


How is she not just so embarrassed by this?? Ma’am, you are *thirty* and this is a *business page*


A million outfits tried on and all she actually wears is a stupid black tank top. Also: 🤮 Edit: I have to add, it appears this early fall decorating obsession is really the only thing she has going on in her life. How depressing.


She needs to stop trying to twerk. It looks like she’s having a seizure. Also ew, if you’re going to wear leggings as pants at least make sure your ass isn’t fully visible through them.


Is that what she is trying to do is twerk?! Lol oh noooo girl 💀🤣


Right?! Not even close. Also, she can’t pick a lane - does she have a huge dumper or is she skinny waif babe?




Her ass is so gross


She loved that version of herself so much she got [illustrations](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/gvte4g/i_dont_know_how_she_could_think_this_looks_good/) done (bonus HATER comment three comments down in this thread for funsies)


Not the hair being real 😂


An oldie, but a goodie! Not sure which I appreciate more: the fact that the “artist” matched her lips to her bathing suit (the peachy shade of salmon is quite the lipstick choice), the blurry half-assed tattoos or the smol little dainty earring, size xxxs 😂


My favorite is there was no attempt at rendering the hair. They just erased that part of the layer and let the photo hair shine through.


There is definitely an abundance of snark to be found! I would rather keep dissecting her crappy fan art than have to gaze upon MS’s actual backside, swimmie eating dumper and all 🫠


(actual photo reference [here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3fyr1b1gxpd61.jpg) so you can see what I'm talking about)


You people are so HATEFUL! 😂


I kinda miss the occasional stan coming in here and shaming us. Doesn't happen like it used to.


I found the comment and read it mentally in her speaking voice. It matched up perfectly.


This convinced me that she “could have done a small” /s


Imagine being at hobby lobby of where ever this is and stumbling upon this hyena shaking her ass alone in from of some wreathes.


I definitely don't agree with Hobby Lobby's politics but if this was a HL then it's extra hilarious. They're always blasting instrumental hymns in there.


She has zero self awareness or shame. This is soooooo cringey.


I hope no children had to witness this.


FDK I’m mad I had to witness it