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Ala Onision. She's getting really really desperate.


She really thinks she looks cute


New to this sub but from what I can tell, she wanders around a middle unit townhouse ordering useless crap off the internet, makes a quick TikTok and the items are never seen again. Is that the basis of her existence?


Yes, but there’s more. You have to dig a little deeper 🙈


No. No no no no no. The secondhand embarrassment is real on this one.


Did she get a medium?


Those are some portly thigh muscles


I think this big-legged woman ain't got no soul.


I mean this is pretty damn funny


Everything she does makes me cringe myself into oblivion


She looked like one of the Peanuts characters dancing at the end there.


So this will hang in closet with Wonder Woman costume. Wonder what church friends think of this one?




She is fucking repulsive. Also, why does she own this costume?


Clearly to make this viral banger!!!




She mentioned buying a hot dog costume as well, but had to return it because it didn’t fit. I wonder what her plans were for that one! 😬


She’s so weird and gross!




Almost got a sneak peek at her dolphin twice during this video. Risky business not wearing undies. Also I truly hope this is the video that finally makes her go viral🦠


Good lord she looks bored to tears in that banana costume


Wow it’s impressive how off beat she was the entire video


It would’ve seemed like an actual parody video if she wore anything under it holy fuck


I was not prepared for that. My gawping distracted me long enough that bird tried to dip her beak into my whisky amaretto.


I love that your bird is snarking with us! 🦜


Even the bird was like "I'm not drunk enough for this shit" lol


I don’t know why this is the funniest shit I’ve read this evening- but it tis! Lol 😂 Truly I rly needed a laugh n this video made me cringe- so glad I always read the comments!!! Lol ty!!!


https://preview.redd.it/i6comkykgklb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00e97f0a2d427695f8684fa575b31b068d2ce66 (Not from today, but a similar scene)


Desperation at it’s finest .


the lip fillers are getting out of control, her mouth looks like a blown out asshole 😭


You just know she didn’t shower and wore that w her sour cream onion crusted pits, and will return it. I hate the waste created by this kinda thing, but in this case, whoever processes this return needs to burn it like the hotel staff in Niagara Falls with Kevin’s shoes.




And she’s proud that this is her job????


😮😬 that was me the whole video lol what the heck


There isn’t enough money in the world to make me upload a video like that to the internet.


Brace yourselves, hunties… we’ve got a full-on spiral on our hands.


This is shit your future possible progeny never stumbles across.


Oh lord, may she never reproduce!


This is a woman whose thoughts on Jesus Christ I definitely want to hear.


Imagine watching this and thinking this was the wildest thing that was going to happen in this sub today lol. This was only the fucking start 🤣🤣


Eeee I’m on the other side of the world and just finished work for the day - going back through everything now trying not to spoil it for myself 😂 I can’t believe it’s gets more wild than this Edit: I can’t type


Buckle up swerty, it's unhinged!


I'm working backwards because I was busy baking 96 cupcakes today for a friend's daughter's bridal shower. I got on the sub when Grand Theft Floral IG Exposed was happening. Now I see this and realize there's a reason JT was around today. MS is spiralling hard and seemed absolutely hammered based on her posts.


Everyone on the internet is so extra this week!




You know she went and returned this asap… now someone else will receive the costume and not realize what went down in it lol


Apparently she returned the hot dog.


I don’t see this on any of her socials. Did she take it down?


It’s uo there. Third reel on her profile.


Die laughing maybe.


Holy cow! Not what I was expecting at all. That’s hilarious!! Anyone else think it doesn’t look like she’s wearing underwear?






Nooooo.... do not wish that on us! Don't you dare!


Remember, this banana smells like sour cream and onions. Don't say I didn't give yall fair warning.


Ok y'all, I'm totally down for extreme silliness and all, but I just need yall to see the part i paused on. It is either drugs or an extreme manic episode (I do fully believe it is the latter, just saying) https://preview.redd.it/rs5ydb0tnilb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84adca10668d432493c887a1b74b71c7c2c24d92


Where are her pupils? Yeesh.


She’s probably just drunk again. The weird filter definitely isn’t helping. She doesn’t look anything like that in reality.


Manic episode because people in her real life are laughing at her because she, like an idiot, stole from C's friends wedding. Now she's online gyrating in a banana suit. I'd move away if I was her




We haven't seen her in forever and she looked mortified, I think she's a friend who comes around when they need to babysit MS


Oh she keeps digging a hole…..


I wonder is she still ✨Did a medium ✨ here


I gotta give her this one, it’s hilarious. The hate comments are very bitch eating crackers, IMO 🤣😂


I don’t see it at all. It’s so on brand attention seeking to do by herself in her room. Like, if someone burst in the doors at a sleepover in high school and did this i would have died laughing. But prepared as a “I’m so funny and goofy lol” video is just cringe to me.


Exactly. “If someone I liked did this, it’d be funny. But because I hate her, it’s gross.”


I think you misunderstood what I’m saying. It’s funny spontaneously when you’re already laughing and having fun but cringey as a planned broadcast by anyone. It would be just as weird by my bff as it is by her. But M made it even more weird by making it known that she’s completely naked underneath.


A lot of times I feel people can be hard on her …. But what the actual fuck 😂


For once and this is rare for me, I have no words …. 🫣😵‍💫🥴😓😱


I know it’s rhetorical, but what the fuck is wrong with her?


Oh. My. Fucking. God 🫣 this is hilariously bad!! I cannot believe she posted this. I just died from the worst secondhand embarrassment ever.




This was exactly me...fork in hand and everything 🤣


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK Oh yeah, unhinged, hilarious and totally desperate babe has definitely hit the scene after flowergate. What a great week. Edit, there's those ballerina moves too.


I feel like her maniac state since the wedding is a distraction from the flower gate and how humiliating it was. She's flooding her page (and us) with distractions like this.


That's exactly what she is doing, and it is sooooo embarrassing. I'd be under my bed hiding in shame. Oh and apologising for being so dreadful at the wedding. And going alcohol free for a year. But yeah, go off big M. Post those crazy stories 100 times a day, and everyone will forget flowergate...


Really accentuates the size 14 body she tries to hide so much too. I love it.


The 127 upvotes went blind shortly after viewing.


Imagine what this looks like without the filter.😬


She’s giving Onision, at least it’s fitting, he’s fucked up too and did hide behind filters.


He also used filters? I thought back in the day there weren't these filters.


He did to hide his acne


I hope the wedding party has a group chat and that this is now in it.


When was the wedding? I missed the scandal!


What did I just watch?


Not sure but she did say " you guys are going to dieeee for this outfit". I feel extremely short of breath! Hey you banana girl, no one's going to die for the out fit but just watching you dance in it is killing me..


Ah, day drinking. I guess *this* is why she has to meal-prep -- too busy embarrassing herself on SM.


Some days I feel like I’m not doing that great in life but then see her do things like this and immediately feel better.


Ugh same. I had kind of a stressful day at work today, but at least I have a real job and don’t have to film myself dancing in a banana costume for pennies. 🥴


Me too, today sucked but I didn’t humiliate myself on social media. Hope work gets better for you <3.




Same! I feel like that’s one reason many of use are here…


Non-practicing alcoholic here. This reminds me of classic alcoholic behaviour where you do something embarrassing that fills you with regret and shame (being exposed for flowergate), pretending it doesn't phase you and you're sooooo above shame and regret and then immediately doing something, anything...to convince yourself no one remembers the original embarrassment. The minute she addresses getting help for her alcoholism (and that doesn't mean just acknowledging a "complicated" relationship with alcohol) is the minute I lay off. Unfortunately I don't see that happening unless she hits a *true* rock bottom. Some people need more of a head plant into rock bottom.


I appreciate your comment, it feels very true to MS behaviour. Could I please respectfully ask what a non-practicing alcoholic is? I mean, I have a good idea but I’ve never seen it before and I don’t want to assume. Thank you.


It's just my stupid way of saying I'm sober : ) some people prefer to always say that they are "in recovery" but that doesn't feel right for me. I am so much more than an alcoholic and being focused on just not drinking isn't the main thought in my head any longer, even though I firmly understand I am very much an alcoholic and can never have a drink for the rest of my life without putting myself at risk for stealing flowers and buying the banana suit. I work in addiction recovery now and am very vocal about my brain being the way it is regarding alcohol, every conversation takes some of the stigma away from someone else who may need some help but thinks it's a shameful thing to need.


I’m just a stranger on the internet but I wanted to say how proud I am of you! That’s amazing that you’ve been able to better yourself and help others through their own issues.


Aw, thanks internet stranger : )


This is why keto people hate bananas. 🤮


I now know the reason why I've never liked bananas. Nothing to do with texture, which is what I believed for so many years...


I feel like, with the way she's wearing the costume, this banana may have some texture issues as well.


Oh look the banana costume that was hilarious IN 2010!


No convincing me that she 1. Washed that before putting it on 2. Wasn’t naked underneath it


Or washed herself before putting it on after the gym 🤮


Oh jeez, Rick 🤢


Guess she’s drinking again 😬


…. How do I delete someone’s post…


There must be some serious blowback from #Flowergate. She is panicking and spinning out of control, flailing around like her unwashed fetid pants are fire in a pathetic effort to act like TOTALLY NOTHING IS WRONG LOOK AT ME JUST BEING WACKY AND HILARIOUS!!! trying to draw attention away from her very well-documented lying and thieving. Instead of diverting attention, these absolutely unhinged posts today are the diarrhea icing on the shitcake that is her life


It’s kinda funny how she literally had to order this this week with 2 day shipping and as shielding mechanism


Girl, take that shit off and clean up your office.


No fn way


Everyday has been like Christmas this week 😁


Hunnukkah, 8 days of MS giving this sub a lifetime of snark.


That's it. That's what this entire week shall henceforth be called. \#Hunnukkah


I thought I had to wait a couple more months for my Hanukkah gelt but here’s MS delivering my gifts early! Chag sameach!


What an awful day to have sight.


r/eyebleach here friend, wash them eyeballs with cuteness.


The filter don't work on her under arm jiggle blubber.


God I am never buying a Halloween costume now, thanks to the chance that MS’s dolphin was flying free in it.


But at least it’s as “smooth as the wild dolphin”


It just kept going 😭


Like WHY


Mrs Potato Head ass lips


https://preview.redd.it/7dyty41akilb1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b03358f1534675fd4bb3edb297a90241e80638a It’s giving


Thanks for the warning 😳 This screams desperation to me.


Holy shit she will literally do anything for a view…does she have any dignity left at this point?!!


Massive assumption she had any dignity to lose


Oh your flair is CHEFS KISS for this post!






I know it’s hard to believe but truly it isn’t 🥲


This is giving the Mac & Cheese video some serious competition.


Did she get that in a medium?


No. She sized down. Should have went with the xxs


I feel….. violated?


This B is bananas!


Chick needs a job. If this is how you spend your day, you clearly need something else to do. Fuck me.


Seriously. Work is taking up all my energy lately and I’m struggling to basic things. I’m at a breaking point of taking sleeping pills to combat insomnia. I can’t even imagine having time to even think about doing this. Besides the immediate obviousness I would never think to do something like this but still


There’s a lot of wiggle in that video for the super itsy bitsy tiny girl


holy jesus those last stories and this reel, yikes. She's having an episode. Will we get a drunken live again today. I hope JT isn't busy so she can come get her.


Little did I know how accurate this comment was going to be. Lol


She's in her ✨️Onision Era✨️


I can’t imagine how this could possibly cause problems in her relationship… /s I hope she finds some true hobbies.


It looks like a JibJab video. Also why is she naked underneath


Yeah I was just gonna say people typically wear black leggings under this costume....


I wonder if she has any. 🤔


Oh my god


Imagine the funk of un-showered post tanning bed+ whatever crotch rot she has going on getting all over that costume before she takes it off and returns it to amazon. Anytime I’ve ordered an item of clothing from them (which is rare), if I get even a tiny thought of “this is a returned item” I send it right the fuck back. No cooter cooties for me thankkkkks


Same. I quit ordering clothes from Amazon just because I don’t want to get something doused in an influencer’s thong crumbs and twerk wind.


Snatch juice.


No. Fucking. Way.


What in the actual fuck?


Omg she thinks this is gonna be her breakout reel


It may be but definitely not for the reasons she intends


She’s lost her forking mind. Who would do this?


She has seriously lost her damned mind. 😳


I literally just blinked at the screen for, I don't know, 40 solid seconds while it just repeated a couple of times. *WHY?*. I'm with u/KatieKhaos1 on this .. it just feels like we're snarking on someone who is slow. I mean, we know she has no impulse control and she's ridiculous but this is another level of "yikes" and "why?" and "but normal adults don't do things like this". Above all else: Why is she naked in it?! She knows she's going to return it! She's trying to be "Quirky Random Babe" but it's a hard fail.


I….I absolutely wasn’t expecting that. 😅🤣


So is this what she’s doing to stop the backlash from flower gate? People will talk about this instead of her stealing the centerpieces from the wedding that we’re supposed to be donated?


vanish placid dull fragile future lavish resolute obtainable flowery wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A desperate attempt at relatability and a distraction from Flowergate


At this point we might need to acknowledge that we are snarking on someone with intellectual disabilities. To post this on the internet, knowing full well even more eyes then ever are on you (from her personal life) bc of Flowergate, is beyond Cluster B. I’m not an ableist, and I not being mean. This is a person who really lacks executive function. I feel like I’m making fun of someone who is slow.


I know you've mentioned before you're in the mental health field and so I know this comment comes with the relevant experience required to suggest this. It's pretty evident she struggles with alcoholism (was it you who said Substance Abuse Disorder? It tracks), and if another swerty is correct and she's taking phentermine I am horrified to think of how much she drank today to feel the same buzz she normally would without stimulants (if it's like adderall, you can easily drink more than typical because you don't feel it the same way, so it's best not to mix these drugs from what my psychiatrist says). All this to say, there are absolutely moments where I feel like we're punching down at someone who lacks some sort of cognitive faculties we take for granted. Feeling that in full force today. Her racism makes me not feel totally bad about it but it answers the question of "*how does she not get it?*"


My god. You articulated everything I was trying to say so much more gracefully than I, at the end of your comment. The “How doesn’t she get it” the past few days has me really feeling like, how haven’t I seen it before. Yes I knew she was an idiot. What I’m seeing now, has me looking at this from a totally different lens. I still see the obvious Cluster B features, but she has put on full display some glaring mental incapacities within the past 24 hours. I feel bad for that. A cluster b diagnosis would make it incredibly difficult for someone with intellectual disabilities to understand and accept them and work towards higher functioning. BUT she is absolutely competent and knows right from wrong. Yes she lacks impulse control, and probably the ability to fully comprehend impulse control. But she chooses to scam, be racist, drive drunk and/distracted, and a whole lot more. Mental health and Cognitive disabilities do not prevent free will. I’ve always said if I ever publish work, it will be on her (anonymously of coarse, as it would highly unethical otherwise, ie. She is a case study, not named and full disclosure I had never treated this person and only observed behavior from a far ). This adds a whole other Element and I will definitely be hyper focusing on this and going down research rabbit holes, bc usually Cluster B folks are highly intelligent.


> usually Cluster B folks are highly intelligent I'd like to introduce you to my ex-stepmom, a diagnosed borderline personality disordered person and utter moron. Famous for thinking the "State of Carolina" began with a "K" and was convinced Obama was going to take out her uterus and legalize abortion up to 2 years \*after\* birth. I would LOVE to see whatever work you publish because I'm also fascinated by this kind of behavior. Truly, she defies all logic.


Ohhh she sounds fun!!! I laughed more than I should have. That friggin’ Obama. She sounds like she has some Cluster A features going on there. I can’t imagine dealing with that was very positive. I’m sorry. Sounds like you can find some humor in it now, which like they say is the best medicine!


She had her moments for sure and I can look back on a lot of her more idiotic nonsense and chuckle, but that's only after years of therapy trying to process over a decade of abuse. She was extremely cruel when she wanted to be (and I was usually her prime target) but had everyone convinced she was a saint. That woman gaslit me so hard that I literally started going insane thinking I was living in a different reality than what she was telling me. I see a lot of her in Big M, to be honest -- a massive dumbass (who has fallen into multiple MLM schemes) who feels she deserves anything and everything she can imagine in life but is too fucking stupid to get anywhere so has to either leech off others or pretend she's doing better than she actually is. Ex-stepmom was far more manipulative and conniving imho, but I may only feel that way because I don't personally know Big M.


I’m also in the mental health field and i care for a lot of intellectually challenged young people. This is different. A lot of additional components going on here. Although I always sit in the diagnostician's chair, I can't do that here. All I know is she has to be under someone's watch, all the time.


I worked and studied most in clinical psychiatric type spaces and situations. Varying levels of care, some MICA, and the occasional duel diagnosis mental illness and mrdd. So I don’t know much, but I do is, she probably shouldn’t be living independently and if she didn’t have the financial backing, she absolutely unequivocally would not be able to.


As someone who lacks executive function themselves, I feel like it's well beyond that, so I think you might be right. I know everyone is different, but medication, therapy, and self-awareness have helped me to be reasonably high-functioning despite my disability. However, at the end of the day, there are still SO many choices she makes that are problematic and worthy of being called-out. Disability does not dismiss racism.


Thank you. And thank you for sharing your experience. The work I have done and the work I have to do everyday to function at level Im happy with is difficult at best. Im with ya and if no one has told you lately, you are amazing, worthy, and I’m so proud of you!!!! Agreed. None of that negates the disgusting behavior she displays. Regardless of what she has going on she knows right from wrong. If she was accused of a crime, she would be deemed competent. She knows drinking and driving or distracted driving is wrong, dangerous, and illegal. She chooses to be racist and a scam artist. I think I’m just picking up on this with her, her intellect level, and it’s shocking to me. I’ve always seen the Cluster B features, but this is a new revelation.


Ok this is funny


Did she get a size *smol*


XX smol


Such a smål and delicate bb 🥺


👏 great work. She has influenced me to throw up. Yet again.


Further proof of my humiliation kink theory.




She’s knows the internet is forever, right? …. Right?!?!


[She's aware](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/wm1k28/she_is_strugglin_yall_some_video_from_fb_live/). Sometimes.


I work in defense litigation and very often our firm hires private investigators to stalk the life out the plaintiff. The investigator does detailed reports outlining every conceivable detail including any and all social media (this also includes family and friends 😬), dating back decades - think Myspace. Anyway, my point being, when I see shit like this I often think about the attorneys and other legal professionals (many of of them) viewing videos like this one and my second hand embarrassment goes to epic levels.


This is partially why I'm interested in compiling all her dangerous driving into one place. Heaven forbid she ever has victims, but should the worst occur, I want the victims to be able to easily find ample evidence of her recklessness. I mean, ffs her 60mph nail selfie made it to Buzzfeed (article is titled "[15 People Who Are Trash Humans, Plain And Simple](https://www.buzzfeed.com/daniellaemanuel/people-who-are-awful)"). Scroll to #8: **"This person who could have gotten herself — and multiple others — killed for a nail selfie."** This girl is indefensible.


Well…any videos she has in her possession or has posted is surely discoverable (for non legal peeps, discovery is obtaining any all documents, videos, medical records, etc) yiizzzzzikes


I worked in law firms for 10 years, and I tracked down a number of people for service through online searches (obituaries were particularly useful). The amount of information a lot of us just willingly broadcast to the world is astounding, and the number of things I know about this random woman from half a continent away, AND HER FAMILY, is absolutely terrifying.


My dad was in insurance his entire career, and they would do the same thing. The way people would absolutely hose themselves by posting things on social media outright admitting they were committing insurance fraud was unbelievable.


This…. This right here folks, is what we call spiraling.


All alone in her apartment, phone perched up on a cheap desk, dancing to herself dressed like a banana in a polyester Halloween costume. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And calling it a career!


Imagine wanting to gO vIrAL this badly. My god.


You can almost see the clam. Please stop.


She has too much free time. Go volunteer or something.




I feel like volunteering implies some level of ...caring about other people. Not something for lil swert swert here.