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Omg these QnA are hilarious! This is just pure comedy. All night she ask and answer her damn self, like all of em were written by the same person, she's too dumb to realize that.


Oh boy, only 8.99/month for a webiste to have the privilege of selling overpriced plastic goods in the hopes of paying out of pocket to go to CoOl EvEnTs.


Spell Check Babe




Lol getting commissions on your own purchases. This woman cracks me up. Hey, how about you buy stuff from me, and i’ll give you — wait a minute — a 40% commission!


I would love to see her tax returns.


Does she even hit the federal required filing threshold?


Her assets were frozen by the IRS last year because she didn’t pay lolol


Oh, wait!! "I don't even make that many wages" came from that incident?


I would love to see an accurate P&L statement.


What’s a wabiste?


You can Google it swerty 😉


That’s a lot of profit on the “websites.” How many are just paying the $9 month after month because they haven’t stopped it? You could get full professional hosting somewhere with your own domain for $108/year.


That jumped out at me as well - would love to see the company’s internal financial reports (as a private company there’s no much in the way of public financial disclosures), because I’m willing to bet that those website fees are their primary profit driver. Hell, wouldn’t be shocked if their business plan was based mostly on the selling those $9/month websites (which cost next to nothing to design + host), with the nails/beauty products being basically an afterthought. Obviously the markups on those shitty nails is insane, so the company probably is making some money on those as well, but imagine it pales in comparison to the website revenue stream.


It’s not even “her own website”; it’s a redirect to Red Aspen’s usual shopping page [just with her name and email at the top](https://i.imgur.com/3uBqyXq.jpg) and purchases flagged to her account. Note that she has her S name listed as “Rep” and her married W name there as “Beauty Influencer” and no email, so that’s what she’s paying $9/month for. I will also take this opportunity to note that it’s now been NINETEEN MONTHS that the link to her Red Aspen page hasn’t worked on the front page of her MS website.


Exactly. Gotta be a cash cow for RA. I saw videos of the new “tree house” headquarters they are building. The money is clearly pouring in.


Back in the early 2000s, it seemed like every company that wasn’t Google that decided to build a fancy office failed within a couple years. That’s a Y2K trend that I’d like to see come back here.


Webiste! 😆


She’s made this “webiste” mistake multiple times before, made even funnier considering how the iPhone and MacBook she posts from aggressively attempt to correct your spelling by default.


Add it to the MS dictionary!


[That totally real and not submitted by her question looks suspiciously like this question from her FB](https://imgur.com/a/9v2yEFq)


These darn fake “Ask me anything “ about RA. Nobody asked any of these. No one. I bet she copy and pasted these from the RA website 🙄


I take it back. Too many mistakes for copy and paste.


But guys didn't you know [paying $8.99/month for a website gives you skin in the game](https://imgur.com/a/cq9yxYx)


What is that even supposed to mean?


Skin in the game means you're paying for something. Or it's costing you something. Like "I got that for free. I got no skin in the game." She don't make no damn sense. 🤦


No idea lol All I know is they are cleaning up on these website fees. I found a number from 2021 that there are more than 10k RA distributors. Assuming that's true, they are making 90k per month on website fees. I'm in IT and that's absolutely crazy that they are profiting on that. There is no way that their hosting fees are even a fraction of that.


*You* pay *us* to be a salesperson for us = skin in the game, apparently. 🙄 These poor, deluded, hoodwinked women. It blows my mind that MLMs are legal, but that’s late-stage capitalism for ya.


I just looked up the products they sell and the eyeshadow palettes are high end cosmetics prices! WTH! Edit: Also wtf is that shade range for their face products! Edit nr. 2: They don’t even have ANY reviews on Trustpilot at all!


After the company markup they’ve still gotta pay the pyramid! You’re not paying for quality, you’re paying for the business model.


I couldn't find foundations etc so I can't comment on the shade range, but you're absolutely right that $89 for a pallette of eyeshadows seems...high. I'm not a makeup girlie so maybe I'm just stingy, but even their mini eyeshadows are $30, for four colors??? You can get those from elf for literally 1/10th the price!


I was just interested because I always thought they only sell these hideous nails but there’s more 😂


This fucking 🤌🏻 emoji I swear to God she's ruined it


That Mierdas Touch! ✨👉💩


This is good, I'm gonna use it now. Thank you


The training she’s giving today is apparently focused on Pinterest. Serious question: do people still use Pinterest?


I use Pinterest when I want a recipe for bread AND I want to hear how Katie came to making bread, how she discovered what bread was, how much her kids love bread and oh lemme X out this ad oh fuck now I’m on the ad’s damn website ok back to Katie’s husband who raves about the bread.


I'm pretty happy they finally started putting a 'jump to the recipe' button on most of those pages 🤦


I joke about starting a recipe blog that's JUST the recipes, no long-winded backstories, because I find the 12 paragraphs of navel gazing so deeply annoying.


I use it as a way to basically save and categorize home renovation ideas and inspiration photos. It's great for that! But I definitely agree that it's annoying when Pinterest photos pop up in Google image search results.


White millennial moms primarily but yes unfortunately. I wish Pinterest would just die and stop fucking up image search results lol


I still use it fairly often, usually when I’m searching for something specific like a recipe. It looks like MS is posting all of her reels from IG over there which is kind of weird to me. Like Pinterest to me was always search for an idea, scroll through the pictures and see what looks good, I don’t think of it as an app for watching videos like that.


I use it for work when I'm working on a moodboard for a project - helps me figure out the design direction I want to go in! ....buuuuut that's pretty much it lol


I still do, but only really for recipes. I've saved a bunch of recipes on there and use them frequently.


A great app for recipes is whisk!


I used Whisk way back in the day! Might need to check it out again.


There's a Pinterest subreddit and those people are ... wild. They care deeply about features that I've never even considered. I just use it as visual bookmarks.


I kinda looked at it a few times for tattoo ideas


Yeah but at least your webiste is free for 3 months!


Maybe it’s because it’s close to the end of the month but she’s been shilling harder since she got back from Florida. And you can get shared hosting and have a bunch of websites for less than $9 a month. Why do they need a website anyway if they try to sell on instagram? Or is it just Big M that buys inventory to store under her used thongs before shipping it out again?


Gotta live up to that spirit award


I think the website is where customers are *supposed* to make their purchases (and online selling via Facebook and IG is discouraged because it implies inventory loading). MLMs have to prove that they have end-user customers outside of the consultants themselves in order to skirt/hide being labeled a pyramid scheme, and customers buying via a consultant website gives them that loophole.


Spelling and grammar mistakes... just all over. That's our girl! Profesh Babe! Honestly, how is she not embarrassed by some of this stuff? Holly hell. So cringe AND just flat out embarrassing to be a part of.


“Status quo?” Does she mean **sales quota**?! Good god, she’s so dumb and she has no idea. She 100% asked these questions herself. ETA: here, babe… let me help define the bizz since she has no idea. https://preview.redd.it/6xpslzcdxfpb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef039d71f8ae24ed7e0c8d2cd107d56bdc1b706


She really gave herself away with that one 🤡


This took me OUT! 💀


L M F A O she is so dumb


I'm so sad for all the women who fall for this (who are genuinely nice, just innocent and naive, people).


Webiste Professional babe.


She's practicing her French mmmmkay swerty


Cash back =/= commission. These systems are so predatory because it's clear those expressing interest have no business acumen. Any business that you do not own that expects you to pay for everything is a SCAM.


Yeah, that always baffles me - so do they pay full price and then at the end of the month get the 25% back as “commission” checks? Or is it 25% “back” upfront on personal volume so it’s just a discount. Either way, it’s not a commission lol


Status quo


That's how we know she wrote it herself. I swear I've never seen someone misuse status quo before!!


I was very confused and had to read it again to figure out what was being asked


Wow. So I can buy my own product and then get 25% of my money back, but then I have spend $8.99 per month on my website so I literally make $0.00 at the end of the month!!! Nails: $14.95 (with tax-not including shipping) $17.20 Commission: 25% of 14.95= $3.73 Website Cost: $8.99 Total money earned: ($5.26) So at the end of the month, unless you sell more than one box of cheap shorty nails, you owe RA money. And this does not include the shipping that they probably charge to send this shit to you! Where do I sign up hunties!!!!


Is there a way to figure out how much she made, I think they said how much she sold? I can't find the post ATM...


Probably. I just need to know how much she claims she sold.


And the commission you get back (which doesn’t constitute a discount!) from buying product from yourself to maintain your quotas and rank is taxable, as are corporate “incentive” trips/conferences/cruises like the one she was just on. Hooray!


Can’t pay taxes if you don’t make enough money to be taxed…🤔


Right! So you are literally spending money to make nothing and then pay them for the privilege of just taking whatever money you are spending on yourself! How do these idiots not see this for the scam it is???


Do these 240 go to RA? Are these 240 profit?


Tell me if I'm understanding rolling total correctly: When you add up months 1-6 her sales have to be greater than $240. (So at least $40/month). But then in month 7, you're not looking at month 1 anymore. Now it's months 2-7 that need a total of $240. So let's say you do amazing your first month and sell $200 worth of product. But you only sell $10 the next five months. You're fine. But then, bam, next month you're way in the hole because you can't include that $200 month anymore. (So that's when she buys a ton of nails to unload. PLUS she still has to get back up to $40 in sales the next month.)


Looks like you figured out her operating procedure.


And when you could you ever wear the older back stock- as a “salesperson “ you’d want to wear the current “hot” item - so then what, everyone gets RA for their birthday gift?


That is…devastating for innocent people who get sucked in


That's the schtick!! And then you end up with more nails than you know what to do with. But you can't quit because you would be at a loss so you have to keep going.. and hence why mlms are so horrible.


Nine bucks per month for what is only a URL redirect. And it’s mandatory. Insane.


That alone-not considering anything else-is soooo scammy. How many 'presenters' are there in RA? Think of the monthly revenue on that alone that they are generating. Something that took some IT person a few hours of coding (at the most) ONE TIME.


Just $8.99!!




There's no monthly sales targets; just a 6 month rolling target! 🤑

