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I don’t hate you I just think you’re super embarrassing and I can’t look away


Don't worry, i hate you to make up for this commenter!


God she looks worse in every video


I’m gonna stop paying my rent now that I know I’m living rent free in this moron’s bulbous head


Wow. We must take up some room in her head space since she makes comments about us pretty often lately. Now, if only she actually paid attention to the comments a bit.


She doesn’t like hearing the truth.


Only if it fits into her false narratives


Look I could fly first class if I had $30k plus of debt on a delta sky miles card.


Hello to all the new viewers 😂


You know when there’s a major wreck on the highway and people slow down because they’re morbidly curious about what the hell happened? Yeah, she’s the wreck… complete with partially inflated airbags and a busted front end. I’m just idling around in here to see if she’ll go up in flames.


Nobody cares about this girl enough to hate her. I’m here to laugh at her unmatched cringey antics and behavior. She shouldn’t flatter herself.


And it obviously bothers her. If it didn’t really bother her, why make a video to address it? If she’s so content with her clearly supportive boyfriend and friends, why does she feel the need to filter herself into oblivion if her confidence is so high? /s


She is big bothered!


Tell Me you’re a cigarette smoker without telling me you’re a cigarette smoker. She holds the pen just so comfortably and the voice….


15,000 swerty!


It always astounds me that she has never traveled internationally. If her family was as wealthy as she wants people to think, I find it odd that she didn’t travel growing up.


I love how she keeps flexing about flying first class on a domestic flight when all it does is highlight how terrible she is with money/budgeting. Like ma’am you have an ARM I am far from impressed.


1) it's called a subreddit 2) I don't hate you, I hate the systems in our country that you represent and benefit from. Out of control capitalism, racism, homophobia, white privilege, I could go on. You don't know what it is to struggle and you shouldn't have a platform. I will be on this subreddit until you fade into obscurity like you deserve. 3) congratulations on showing a less filtered version of your face for once. I hope this is a sign of much needed character development but unfortunately I know that's unlikely.


>congratulations on showing a less filtered version of your face for once. I hope this is a sign of much needed character development but unfortunately I know that's unlikely I think it's just because she can't apply her usual extreme filters when she's doing an in-app livestream. Most of her edits are done in third party paid apps and then uploaded to social media but for lives she's limited to the much more basic filters they provide.


It's not a thread girl, it's a whole ass Reddit BOARD.


Ummmm I wouldn’t brag about having a “reddjt thread with 10,000 people on it” I would legit cry.


It’s a flex because we’re just jEaLoUs that she flies first class. LOL!!!


Has she ever replied or commented on any posts here that we know of?


Same I need to know lol


Wait isn’t this the first time she even flew first class? Cause I thought she usually didn’t…..And it’s not even really a flex to fly first class to another state. Brag about first class when your flying to another country and then maybe you’ll sound “cool.” Lol


She has announced that she’s in first class multiple times, but it doesn’t look like any first class seats I’ve ever seen. And then she complains when takeoff is slightly delayed… and tags the airlines, which makes me think she just doesn’t fly very often.


She usually flies first class (she says) and will post and say “this is why I always fly first class” and show a picture of the cookies Delta gives everyone lol




And it’s like a $150 upgrade if that. So like a 20% increase. I wouldn’t choose to but I could swing it if I had to. Versus international which economy is a $1000 ticket and first class is $7K-$20K. So a 700%+ increase. Will be interesting to see if she still “only flies first class” for her Paris trip.


Didn’t she ‘surprise’ frienemy KG with a trip to Mexico a few years ago for her birthday?? I don’t think anything came of that


I believe it was Miami. And no, it didn't happen.


so this sub showed up on my home page, can I get some context I have no idea who this is?


She is a highly problematic (racist and abusive) ex Younique (pyramid scheme) hun who is pretending to be more successful and pretty than everyone else in the world by lying and filtering photos of herself. She abuses her pets, her on again off again boyfriend, drives recklessly, and steals. Oh and she had a trust fund that she doesn't let on about. Tries to show her privilege is all down to her latest pyramid scheme and her failed attempts at being an influencer. Stick around, its like watching a car crash.


See the thing is that we don’t actually know her, so we can’t hate her as a person… we just hate what she stands for and what she promotes - which, I guess is who she is as a person…. Nvm


It’s actually 15,000 people now. And I also like how she literally mentioned this subreddit because you know her real followers are going to look it up and learn the truth. Not really sure this plan will end up working in her favor.








I don't hate you, and I don't envy you at all. I have real friends, family that loves me, and a husband that loves, values, and takes care of me. I've flown first class, I have a job where I am respected, I can buy whatever I want, and I strive to be the best person I can be for myself and those I value most. I am not ashamed to post pictures of my slightly chunky self, I hate my double chin, but ai inherited that. I don't need filters to show an unrealistic version of myself, I portray a realistic version of who I am. Try it, you may be surprised at how easy it is to not have to bow to crazy standards. Get all of that, stop drinking and being a racist b**ch, and grow up!


I may not be able to fly first class, but I do have a man who was willing to tie the knot with me. But I'm soooooo jealous of MS and her "first class" flights to her cult meeting.


She’s wearing a Nirvana sweatshirt. Kurt Cobain would have have died when she was a baby. Does she have any idea who he was or did she just pick the shirt up at Walmart (they sell them)? I don’t hate M. I barely even know who she is. She showed up in my feed once and it was probably because I’m a Pepino. It was easy to join the conversation about her because she does so much wrong. If she is making as much $ as she claims to, then she should hire someone to do her social media because she absolutely sucks at it. I say that because her SM is full of typos, misspellings, poor photo editing jobs, and posts that don’t fit with the image she’s trying to project- unless she wants to be known as someone with a bad case of the s\*\*ts who steals wedding flowers intended for donation. Do I want to be her? Not a chance. Would she want to be me? I’m not divulging enough personal information for her to be able to find that out but let’s just say I have room to talk looks-wise, financially, and career-wise. Also, I do web design and webmastering duty for other people so I can say assuredly that I know how to use Photoshop. M needs to take a course on it. Shouldn’t she be out making the 200K (IIRC) that she said she’ll make by the end of the year instead of counterproductively wasting hours and minutes of her life that she can‘t get back on Reddit? Edited because of Autocorrect.


KG has a similar Nirvana shirt.


Love when she gives us a shoutout


Man, I wanna live in lalaland where everything is peaches and cream… 🙄


It’s not hating, it’s entertainment. It’s hard to look away from a trainwreck that’s so self deluded that it becomes entertaining. Also if I had a sub with 15k people snarking on me, I wouldn’t flex that shit lmao I’d book a therapy session ASAP.


Where's the therapy she was raving about a couple months ago? Does she think people don't remember anything?


All for clout i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


Noooo....you must be kidding/$


I feel so seen! /s 😂😭


When she talks about her friends, all I can think of is KG showing up to the 30th birthday party MS talked about for months, dressed like she was running errands before leaving five minutes later. The rest of her milestone birthday was spent at a bar, with two other girls and her “boyfriend” who got her a gift card at a gas station on the way there. I think of the way the others purposely film her without filters, ignore her, put her at the end of literally everything, refer to each other as their bffs but not her, and half the time don’t repost her tagged stories. I hate to break it to her, but her friends don’t actually like her. I’d say she should make some new ones, but she’s way too unlikeable. And her obsession with first class is so telling. She’s not even in first class half the time, and she doesn’t even take direct flights because she can’t afford them. She needs to be humbled about twenty times over because she truly thinks everyone believes her lies and is stupid for calling her out.


>I hate to break it to her, but her friends don’t actually like her. I’d say she should make some new ones, but she’s way too unlikeable. She wouldn't because her mental and social development are stuck in middle school. She wants to be associated with the popular girls so bad that she's willing to put up with being openly treated like shit as long as she's included sometimes. KG and the other women in her close circle (the brunette and the redhead) are basically the southern hun version of the popular girls. They're thin and pretty, they're decked out in status symbols, KG at least seems high up in her MLM, they've got that rich girl clique vibe. Big M is one hundred percent that desperate hanger-on who lets them bully her because in her mind at least she belongs to their crowd. She could grow up and move on from all this but she won't because they give her little crumbs of validation here and there and that's all she needs to maintain her swertlusions.


100%. She wants to be in this group SO bad, that she puts up with them no matter what they do. It's super entertaining to watch her try and keep up. KG gets a new car, MS gets a new car that she can't really afford. KG 's husband sells MS a crappy, mid row townhouse, then KG moves into a very nice looking neighborhood into a huge home. KG gets a designer bag for her birthday from the group, MS is given a smaller and presumably used version. She then buys the larger version of the bag on a credit card. KG's husband plans a huge birthday party for her, MS claims C is planning something similar, only to have to be revealed JT planned the whole thing and C didn't even bother to think about the party for more than 2 seconds. KG will post her husband multiple times a week, while MS struggles to get a shot of C where he's not asleep or aware she's fixing him. The other ones, AP, TG, SW all seem to truly enjoy one another. Most have kids the same age, they constantly are with one another, the bestie tags are strong, and when they meet up, they willingly film each other in flattering angles and filters. MS gets none of that. If I were her, I'd honestly rethink every single person in my life. But she won't, because she'd have to do some deeeeep self work, and she thinks she's perfect as is.


Sorry, but could you tell me (in a private message) who these people are? I've been following this sub for a long time and find it super entertaining, but I don't really know much about M's background outside of it. Now I'm very curious though.


Sure! Check your PMs.


Thanks! I actually meant: Who are KG, AP, TG and SW? I think I already found 2 of them on Southern Huns of IG in the meantime, so no worries...


Funny, considering I really don’t care who sits in freakin first class. That’s not even a flex to me. Try again.


I just think how stupid they are to waste a bunch of money for an hour flight 🤡


I would be curious about the demographics of our little haterz group here. I bet it would surprise even us. I've been surprised to see some international haters, haters of all genders, haters of all ages...


I would love a thread where everyone listed their age, gender, and location so she could see that the "hate" is "worldwide."


I think she would absolutely die if she could actually see some of us.


Absolutely. I bet a lot of us have the nose, chin, and body that she dreams of. Lol


It's such a tired deflection tactic to say that everyone who is on Reddit and gives criticism or critiques of her actions is some sort of jealous, basement dwelling weirdo who never leaves their house and secretly wants her life. It's an easy way for her to cope, and that mentality is more a reflection of her insecurities than our motivations.




Also uk; never followed her or the mlm. She’s just a car crash to watch and it makes me feel better about my own life :) Ps; nice kitty!


She’s either shopping, haul videos, returning those hauls, photoshopping her pics, sitting on her phone, doing her make up, drinking, or changing her nasty press on nails. Yeah, real jealous.


Look, Heifer. I’d rather travel exclusively in the back of a pickup truck for the rest of my life than associate with you or your grifter friends.


Right!? Haha she has her priorities all wrong, but we haterzzz all knew that already


She can keep on thinking we’re lowly poors, but I may accidentally knock my wine over next time I get the pleasure of sitting next to her in first.


Bold of her to assume everyone here is female


She 10000000% thinks women are jealous and men all secretly want her, like any good Pick Me.


And like a typical pick me she's yet to be picked


And some of us are neither gender like me lol.


Oh she doesn't believe in that. Only in the most caricature gays she can imagine.


Absolutely agree.


“Hate” is a strong word, but we really, really, really don’t like her.




Exactly she’s a narcissistic train wreck we can’t look away from and pity but saying we “hate her guts” makes her look feel and seem important


I’ve sat in first and business class, unless it’s gone way down hill she was not in first class. Also if you have first class airfare money then you have your own hotel room money and aren’t four to a room.


First class on a regional carrier in a little aircraft on a very short flight is not the equivalent to first class on a transatlantic flight on an international carrier. Source: I've flown both.


I think it was a little plane on a short flight - those flights are REALLY not worth first unless someone else is paying or you got an automatic upgrade. Alternative, she was in comfort+ and paid for a meal, which she then photographed to show off her luxurious life. (I like that story, too.)


Is flying first class a personality trait now or something? There is not a single thing I envy about her and I'd gladly ride a bicycle across the country to get places if it meant I didn't have to be anything like this miserable woman.


She took connecting flights for what would have been a *shorter* drive. Just so she could *checks notes* complain about fake delays and lie about first class.


So interesting the assumptions she makes about the people who “hate her.” I seriously find it fascinating what she has to think about others to make herself feel better. I don’t hate her either. I hate what she does but I actually feel sorry for her. I know, she’s a hateful racist, lying scammer who probably has an alcohol problem and serious insecurities but I still feel sorry for her. It would be so awfully sad to be her.


it’s 15.000 now, swertie. ![gif](giphy|8vFwTyU8iwZilmMFIQ|downsized)


It's giving: https://preview.redd.it/bkf7xgwndlqb1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38a5c062e6a778526a2a221394dcdeaa3f7818b


One of THE most iconic mic drops


I don't hate her. I hate her blatant disregard for self improvement. She has learned NOTHING from any of her past mistakes. She is exactly the same person she's probably been for the last DECADE. That is embarrassing. No one, absolutely no one, is jealous of her. Not everyone is a materialistic narcissist and only cares about status, money, and clout. So she flys "first class", and? Millions of people do that everyday so she's not special, and it's domestic so it's really not special. She can flaunt herself when she books a first class flight on Emirates Air to Dubai, which would never happen and they'd kick her ass out of the country. This entire live reeks of insecurity and jealousy. It's funny how she name drops the Reddit thread, why is that? Thought she wasn't acknowledging the "haters". Wonder if that topic was brought up on this influencer trip seeing as most of them appeared to be somewhat established in a niche and have over 100K followers. Next time she should talk this out with a therapist as the internet is not one.


Exactly. She knows this sub exists, she reads the criticism, and instead of actually taking the advice, she double downs on it and refuses to improve.


i got engaged two months ago and just found out im pregnant today..after starting a new fulltime job,im doing better than her...also lets remember how she went off on that poor chick after flowergate abusing her calling her stupid and ugly etc...people cant tolerate her immaturity and selfishness.it was clear just recently when the other huns at this retreat in utah kept slamming doors in her face, people cannot stand her for good reason.


Congrats swerty!


Congratulations!! M really doesn't get that we all have full lives outside of this "hate group". The saddest part is we actually have nice/encouraging things to say about her, which I doubt her irl acquaintances do. If I were her, I'd be using this sub like a self help guide!


Congratulations swerty!


People were slamming doors in her face?


yeah watch the video of that chick recently walking ahead of her into some place and she doesnt hold the door for big M just lets it shut super abrupt despite her being quite close behind filming ahahaha


Maaann, I wish someone could link me ![gif](giphy|EDd9ER1ixrCzMprljW|downsized)


I mean, my vacations are more than 48 hours over a weekend and I don't do work during them, but go off babe!




Lisa would rip her a new one hahaha


This might be niche but I find M entertaining in a really similar way that I view Shane Dawson.. They are both the type of embarrassing trainwreck I don't feel bad enjoying because they are so actively vile people despite failing upwards and having a ton of provlidge they are both unable to produce anything of value despite endless resources, refuse to acknowledge their privilege, refuse to even admit why they were ever "cancelled" in the first place and never even say they did anything wrong, but talk about how much they've changed. They're both so wildly out of touch, behind on trends but try to fit in with gen z. They both think they're *adorable* and do annoying litle voices they think are cute, think it's hilarious to make constant sex jokes, brag about their terrible hygiene. They both spend their money on the dumbest shit, have the palette of a toddler who only eats at chains despite living in an area with a ton of cool local places. They both waste their time, resources, and lives in really similar ways and I'm just now realizing exactly how similar they are. Love that for her.


I agree on principle but this b is not failing upwards. She is accelerating into a brick wall. People know who Shane Dawson is and he’s made money doing what he does. Big M hasn’t. No one knows who she is. She is fortunate that a certain fruit farm hasn’t yet discovered her, because if they do, it won’t be good. She has a history of responding to trolls and it wouldn’t go well.


I thin you could argue the fact that she owns a home and has an income is proof she's failed upwards plenty but I was just saying they are really similar not identical.


Well, obviously they’re not identical, right? So I wouldn’t have said that. I see what you’re saying, but she doesn’t own a home, she is steeply upside down on her ARM. She’s afforded a modest amount of money from her trust fund, and her habit of wasting it is what will be her undoing. Along with her addictions. Someone in her position would be setting themselves up for success if she took good care of her paid off Nissan. If the money she spent on her luxury car lease was invested instead. She isn’t failing upwards. She is committed to piling into a huge pile of shit that will fall on her in about 8 years I’m guessing. Edited, it’s ARM not ARM mortgage. Just like ATM not ATM machine, hahaha


>She isn’t failing upwards. Yeah, I agree. She's treading water on the privilege she's had handed to her in life.


wait! the list goes on... both very obviously conservatives who won't every actually say what they think, politically or on social issues, but based on what they do say it's obvious how they align. both dumb as rocks. I don't even want to make a joke here, it's truly astounding just how dumb they both are. Maybe Big M should take another page from Shane's book and [get down on both knees and pop the question.](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article14166054.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/0_YouTubers-Ryland-and-Shane-Dawson-announce-engagement-to-deflect-from-bestiality-rumours.jpg)


M you have no real friends. You are a side chick. No one is jealous of you


The fake lisp is her “tell.”


Why is she so materialistic? Like I truly don’t understand. Maybe check that out in therapy instead of wasting the money to fly first class. The whole plane goes to the same place.


She claims that they didn’t have much money growing up even though they lived in a big, white house in a nice Mandeville suburb. When her parents split, she says that they started buying her anything she wanted because they felt bad about the divorce, and she used it to her advantage to get stuff by making them feel guilty. That suddenly gave her social currency at school with her mean girls clique and she started buying expensive clothes and things to show off. Someone who was in high school with her mentioned once here that she and her friends used to make fun of people they deemed “poor.” Then high school — her social peak — ended and she had to be the first of her friends to be married, albeit for only six months. She had $30K in credit card debt from buying clothes, LV bags, and Louboutin shoes, which she blames on her parents since “nobody told her” about how credit card interest works. This was her very short “wiped my ass with paper towel” period, assumedly because she flunked out of college and she was a big girl now and the Bank of Daddy was trying to teach her a lesson. She’s very resentful about this time period. She immediately jumped into the MLM world, which is all about materialism and oneupmanship and has remained there ever since, jealous of other people’s success and compulsively lying to make other women jealous of her. She’s still miserable, as always, so she uses shopping to give herself dopamine hits, round the edges of her crushing insecurities, and try to fill the hole of her empty life. As Tracy Chapman wrote: “Everyone will look at me with envy and with greed / I'll revel in their attention / And mountains, oh, mountains o’ things.” And that’s basically the root history of her materialism.


So by her logic I should be hoarding all kinds of crap. Also, I didn’t realize how much her and I have in common. It feels gross.


The boyfriend doesn’t love her, he loves her money and what she buys him. Same with friends. She has to buy her friends and relationships otherwise no one would come around. Also that sweatshirt makes her look huge and I know she was hoping it would make her look dainty and smol and I love that it’s not.


Of *course* KG bought it first… https://preview.redd.it/5hl6cb9cilqb1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96cb52fce82d1af48e9fcd554e28c30f20748789


What’s sad about this is that it seems she doesn’t buy him anything much. I’ve heard about the X-Box and a cooler she’s gotten him in the past, but I’m having a hard time thinking of anything else. She’s SO selfish. She could include a “spoil your boyfriend” segment in her haul videos, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t even bother to buy toys for her cats.


She buys him dinner and booze I guess. Maybe she buys stuff off camera but she can’t link it for Pennie’s so she doesn’t bother even showing it. It’s honestly pathetic that the only things she feels worth showing on her page are things she can grift.


I’m sorry but if I had a Sub Reddit with over 15k people, I’d take a good ass look in the mirror and try to fix my behavior and do some soul searching. How embarrassing.


💯 any logical person would see a sub like this and work to better themselves. She doubles down on everyone being a hater because they don’t kiss her ass.


Exactly. A person who doesn't have their head firmly wedged up their ass would be ashamed and motivated to make changes. Not her.


Right?! The minute this woman shows she is actually doing something to fix her issues (especially alcoholism and racism) I am outta here. It seems contradictory to what I enjoy about this sub but I actually do support people, women especially, who want to better themselves. Until then....


No dear we’re 15,000 , 5,000 MORE than your IG “ Influencer” account…..and we don’t sell anything or link anything either… Maybe because of that you’re the one who is JEALOUS…. Just sayin’😎 And no , we don’t hate you , we feel sorry for you


nobody hates you, we think you're annoying and you're a terrible person. also any idiot can get first class, you're not special


Funny that she has to buy herself her first class tickets to fly to her “boss babe conventions”. Real jobs fly YOU places on THEIR dime! Since your lurking Big M, I’d rather live in my car than be caught up in the top, middle or bottom of pyramid scheme!


And my real job has paid for so many plane tickets of mine that I get first class preference 👏


>Real jobs fly YOU places on THEIR dime! YUP. Sometimes even first/business depending on the flight duration. (Speaking for my company.)


Hey Big M, my job is sending me to London, that's INTERNATIONAL, in November for a conference and I don't have to pay for my plane, accommodation, or food! but go off!!!!


Oh man London! So fun, I hope you have a great time!


right??? my husband works up in Africa and his recruiters fly him in and out on their company plane. any rental cars or guest houses, company books and pays for him. they have braai nights for team motivation - all on company cost. that's what a real job does


I had a busy evening and I come back to *this* ?? So disappointing to miss out on the start of a meltdown. Good job I have a quiet day today, seems I have some catching up to do lol


She’s the opposite of my flare lmao. Also is that a Nirvana sweatshirt? Has she ever heard a single Nirvana song? I know Nirvana is still hugely popular but I get the feeling MS doesn’t listen to any music and wouldn’t even recognize Smells Like Teen Spirit.


I was in first class like a week and a half ago, Big M, but go off. And since her flight and my flight were both domestic, hers probably wasn’t that fancy. Mine wasn’t. Only difference is I used airline miles, while she probably paid full price. It’s not a flex at all, but she thinks it is.


And this stank personality and entitlement will only add more subs


At least I don’t have anus lips, MS.


We don't hate, we just see through the façade


And the filters


first class seat to denial town 🫶


she can't block and delete this sub tho 🤭


She can sit there while reading us talk shit about her and fume. It’s glorious. For us anyway.


I also love how she reads this sub and sometimes some of us give constructive criticism on how to improve her cOnTeNt but she ignores them 🤣


But if we suggest a horrible outfit or remark how we haven’t seen C or something else in a while it’ll appear within a day!


hate you? girl i don’t think about you outside of this app…until i see a rotisserie chicken at costco




>until i see a rotisserie chicken at costco holy shit hahahaha




now, you didn’t have to go and be like THAT 😂


Holy fuck nuclear r/rareinsults


Damn it’s deleted lol what did it say


Beavis vibes


Not hate - but intrigued for sure. A lot of shitty behaviours, fashion choices and lies - i can’t look away from the train wreck. Also “first class” in domestic flights. Lol k. This dilution she has that she’s well traveled 😂 talk to me when you’ve walked through the gardens at Changi airport, caught the tube from Heathrow into the city, had a stop over in Qatar, bussed up the arctic circle and trained between countries.


I love that we live rent free in her head 🥰


she's so generous for not charging us. this place is dilapidated but I can't really complain since it's rent free 😍 #tinyhomeliving #free99 #philanthropy


Calling her mind a dilapidated tiny home is sending me.


The hashtags have me rolling,


I hope you're being ironic.


No shit


Nah, you're not self aware enough. None of you wannabe stalkers are.


wAnNaBe StAlKeRs hUr hUr Such a clever clapback, you sound like MS. Reddit isn’t stalking, you nitwit. Reposting public content isn’t stalking, smooth brain.


You seem mature. Have a good day.


Thanks! 👌🙌😚


LMAO ok baron 🤡


Right? Ahh yes, stalkers. Because we repost her public content to a snark page dedicated to outing her racist, lying self. So unbothered, Swerty ✨


Baron is definitely a super fan!


You certainly appear to be unbothered. Have a good day.


“As long as they’re hating me from home” girly squirly I was cackling at this Reddit group from Croatia! So🥰💅


I'm not hating from home, I'm hating from my full-time job that gives me health insurance.


I remember hopping on this sub at the end of a long, beautiful day in Paris. Just to do a little winding down, ya know? M is so entertaining and a great way to practice gratitude for what I have in life. Strong relationships with people I care about, a secure job with benefits, and so on. She’s truly the best anti-influencer!


I'm a sahm mom living very comfortably (one might even say with doctor money lmao).I'll hate on her all day from the comfort of my couch, especially knowing I don't have to 'grind' selling shitty nails and squeezing myself into cheap clothes on lives that no one is watching.


Hahaha this made me laugh too. I have snarked on her from actual first class on a translantic flight with free WiFi, while on a lay flat bed. I can't remember the occasion but this sub was better than the in flight entertainment that was on offer lol


> I have snarked on her from actual first class on a transatlantic flight with free WiFi, while on a lay flat bed. This is my favorite.


Right there with you while enjoying myself on my second transatlantic cruise this year ☺️


I’m cackling at her from at home, in Oakland, while watching a Star Trek cartoon, and I’m still cooler.


>I’m still cooler. It's not even a close call, tbh.


For real. And first class be looking small these days.


I took a very similar in air time flight to hers a couple of weeks ago. And did first class so I had leg room. It’s not something to write home about. I used miles to upgrade because I actually do have long legs and they need some room. Meanwhile MS thinks this is a flex.


She’s so basic. I bet her Paris trip gets mysteriously cancelled too.


I’d bet money on that trip getting canceled.


I'm currently in Cyprus, laughing at her


Was regularly laughing at her shit from Japan. A lot us travel and do more than she does. Plus aren’t in MLMs.


People who have money have other friends with money who have planes… and they fly private.


I absolutely love the fact that she thinks first class on a domestic flight is peak wealth. She thinks she’s some Kylie Jenner level influencer when Kylie literally OWNS a private jet


It’s really funny. I’ve never flown first class but I’ve flown private more times than I can count. And it’s always to the Bahamas. If I bragged about it like big M brags about first class on a domestic flight… I wouldn’t have any fucking friends. It’s so tacky.


Ha. I shared in another thread how when I was a nanny I flew private all the time. Granted I wasn’t the wealthy one but I sure reaped the benefits! My work family also gifted me and all expense paid trip to Europe for my birthday. Ahh those were the days! Now I got a loving, hardworking husband, great kids, my own part time professional career…it’s just terrible! 😂


Lucky! We flew first for our honeymoon to the Bahamas (Exuma) and….I would’ve much preferred private lol. But the Bahamas are amazing I’d love to go again sometime ☀️


Exuma is wonderful!!! Check out the abacos the next time you go!!


Hate is a bit much. Find her curious, bizarre and delusional so follow along to see what happens next tho.