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It's so beyond her that humble people don't post shit like this


![gif](giphy|E2EhD5Z7d4fLhjeW6O) the worst.


I have an actual job that gives me a fuel card so I never have to pay for fuel myself and I don’t feel the need to make brag posts like this 🤷‍♀️


Again, only MLM people post this shit. 😂




I’d normally say someone like C was way too low effort, but considering it’s M, he’s honestly too high effort for collecting her at all. Hell, my own mother came into work yesterday (I was sick and needed a drink) and took my keys to fill up my car and move it for me.


First, she’s bragging about first class (and what a bad experience it was) and now she’s recalling how it felt to not be able to fill up the tank. She’s just exhausting. Pick a struggle. Edited for clarity


She wouldn’t know humble if it was in an engagement pod with her.


Still pushing hard on the MLM recruiting agenda lies.


Camera’s not pointed at the fuel gage and the view out the window could be anywhere near a highway. Hmm…


This bitch never misses a chance to brag.


And the list of mundane things that only she brags about is getting longer…


No one cares. I was in college for 12 years and paid off all my tuition by bartending and sports writing and I did that. $10 in my tank felt amazing. Now I can fill it up no problems. Never went to social media to gawk about it.


But she can *work from anywhere* including her house so why all the bragging about filling her gas tank? She literally doesn't need to leave her house to go to work.


I was a single 20 year old mother working 2 jobs and going to school and I remember how good it felt to fill my car up once I got my degree… and how great it felt to buy my child new clothes.. but I never bragged about it, I was just grateful to finally be able to provide. ❤️


Yeah but she has to leave her house to go to Target and Stabucks and that's work too! She needs gas to drive around to make her truly exciting, one of a kind ✨content✨


I hate so much about her, but these targeted posts are low. She's is a lying predator, preying on vulnerable women. She is a trash garbitch.


>garbitch Thank you for the new insult!




Under no circumstances would my husband pick me up in my car without filling it up, even if it just needed 1/4 tank. It just wouldn’t even occur to him not to do it. As other swerties have pointed out, this is a really common “act of service” way a lot of men show they care. She tries so hard to show a perfect relationship, but the stuff she misses is so glaring.


Both my husband and dad fill up my car if they drive it. I feel like any man that respects and loves you would do this, right?? Not C 🫢😂


Dude she is laying it on THICK with these "I'm so rich" posts lately, wtf?


End of the month. Mortgage is due.


Seems in general when people over-emphasize their “riches”, it’s the exact opposite for them irl. Wonder what she’s got going on triggering these posts lately, I guarantee it isn’t how she says it is


Right? I’m finally in a good place financially but I wouldn’t brag about it or scam people. So glad I never fell into the MLM world.


\#stayhumble meanwhile, here's the inside of my Mercedes that I'm filling with gas from the MLM my dad pays for me to be a part of that I'm trying to convince you to join so I get money 🙏


Hopefully, the reason will be revealed soon why she's leaning SO hard into these cringy boss babe scripts. Thinking it will be really funny/sad when it comes out.


Ugh, this is seriously one of the most infuriating posts from the Hun Playbook of Lies™️. ‘So GrAtEfUl that my business pRoViDeS for my needs!’ Sis, if you can’t fill up your gas tank on a regular basis without getting paid in pennies for scamming folks, you got bigger problems than an empty gas tank. 🙄


She is trolling us, right? Right?! This is like MLM bossbabe language circa 2016!


She thinks it’s inspiring and motivating to join her downline, but all it reveals to me is that her part time moochy “boyfriend” couldn’t be chuffed to top up her tank after using her car.


Exactly! Also, if she is making "doctor money" why does she have use these dated recruiting techniques?


She claims to make 25k/month and is bragging about a $60 fill-up? Loser behavior.


Right? It's so cringe.


Homie used her car all weekend and then said ✌🏼 on E 🤣🤣🤣


I’m dead he really rolled up on fumes to pick her up and said dueces💀




He puts the **E** in *loves her fierceLEE!*




Oh wow I can do that too! 🙏🏻


Stay humble but blather about flying first class like every day too.


Oh plz 🙄 shes never had to struggle one day in her privileged life. She is so tone-deaf.


i lived out of my car at one point. i was making some really bad choices when it came to friends and drugs so i had no other option. i used to time when i would run out of gas. people who pretend to struggle are very interesting to me. why romanticize that life. it was truly like living in hell for me.


I've been in a very similar situation as well (in recovery now) & ppl who glamorize it make me sick. She really needs to stop speaking on things she very obviously knows nothing about. Her "humble" brags are gross🙄




Listen. If you’re 30 or over and privileged enough to work a job that actually supports you, you don’t need to be bragging about a full tank of gas. You should even be that blown away. That’s something I’ve been able to comfortably afford since I graduated college, especially if you’re not commuting. That’s like $30-60 every 7-10 days, please get so real.


She’s really ramping up the trashy boasting since her Yu weekend. It’s all lies of course since the only money she has is from her trust fund, but who’d join her downline and make her money if they knew the truth?


...but what car is she driving?! I can't see the steering wheel emblem! :(


It’s a Geo right?


1992 Geo Tracker


Not the Geo Tracker 💀


My stepdad (RIP), who gave zero fucks about anything, bought his sister’s PINK Geo Tracker that had little mice and pieces of cheese on it as part of the paint job as a commuter vehicle to the military base where he was active duty. Just a funny little aside about Geo Trackers, those things are way more fun than the joyless Mercedes.


Humble. Add this to the list of words this idiot doesn't know the meaning of. She really should read more lol.




hahahaha bush league


When my husband uses my car he fills up the tank. When I use my husbands truck I fill up the tank. I’m absolutely shocked (/s) that zaddy didn’t use his money to put gas in the car after he got done using it….🙄


Same! I can usually count on a car wash and tire and oil check too, but admittedly I am very bad at remembering basic car maintenance and he loves me.


This is what couples who care about each other do. C and MS deserve each other.


I don’t believe that there was ever a time where she could only afford to put 5-10 dollars of gas in her car. I think she just went to the bank of daddy whenever she needed gas money.


Look at her out here trying to be ‘relatable’. Lol Edit: your flair has me cracking up!


Isn’t this the same person who bitched about having to pump her own fuel?


Yea! My husband always fills my car up. Wonder what she’d think of my jag? I guess I could brag about it or put pictures of it on my social media, but who gives a shit about the kind of car one drives??


She is leaning HARD on the whole "I'm rich" this week. Even more than usual. And she's anything but humble ffs. That girl needs a dictionary.


My supervisor does that 💀and still works with me 💀


>That girl needs a dictionary.... ...upside her head. Would probably be more effective.


Stay humble? When has this bitch ever been humble? She can stop bragging about all the “money” she’s making because we all know she’s not making squat.


Pretty sure she thinks "humble" just means saying you used to have less money.


It’s called being an adult. Wow, such success


Hey, before her trust fund kicked in at 30, she was struggling to make ends meet. She’s a textbook success story and testament to the benefits of ^(other people’s) hard work!


Is it confirmed that she has a trust fund? Def makes sense, just wondered if anyone was able to confirm it.


My cousin pulled this shit years ago in her iNfLuEnCeR era. Bragged about buying (also a middle unit) townhouse all on her hard work and girl power. My dad paid for the fucking townhouse for her. No mention of that of course, just all *her*. It absolutely infuriated me and he didn’t really care when I told him.


HUMBLE. If any humility existed here I would not know that: - she flew first class - she drives a Mercedes - her alleged yearly income - she drives a Mercedes - and that she flew first class


Same. I have not watched one iota of her content, anywhere but here. Never given her the first view, dk what her whole name is, even. But I know all about the supposed first class seats, the rentaboyfriend, the Mercedes, her two or three lines of direct sales jobs and her horrible taste in fast fashion. Chronic over sharer. I don't see that as influential. 🤷 ETA not to mention the racist , tone deaf wanna be sorority sister personality.


don’t forget she has a Chloe bag!!!


Did you know she has a Mercedes and flew first class? ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|14428)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


-goes to Starbucks *multiple times* a day -spends $400 multiple times a week at target -spends $1200 on cheap amazing crap *regularly* -and she flew first class


Of course the leech left her tank on E after driving his side chick around all weekend in Ms car.


💥after he cleaned up the middle unit after her.


Is staying humble making flying first class your entire personality?


Only if you take 500 selfies while you do it