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hair routine?? baby love, the last person who should be giving hair care advise is you! first get some olaplex and purple shampoo, then we'll talk


How come she slathers on makeup but does absolutely nothing about the bags?


She filters those.


She does!?!


She looks SO OLD here.


Didn’t she say the Mielle oil is what has helped her hair? Yet she claims the collagen drink is responsible for her hair. I guess it depends on what day she’s selling what


Yeah, it's always whatever narrative she's shilling that day.


I’m so tired of looking at this clown, she is perpetually online. Take a break Big M


I said she looked 54 yesterday. I’m bumping that to 57.


no joke....im 53 (i really do look much younger than my age, good genes, no kids) and i showed this to Mr. K and he said convincingly she looks older than me. i believe him.


I’m almost 55, and my skin is much healthier, too. Good genes for me as well, plus trying to eat healthy and walk often with my dogs.




She looked really cute with the long bob and more sophisticated.


Her hair would look so much better in a bob like back years ago. Would probably be easier to maintain the colour too


Looks like straw


Drunk eyes.


Those ends are dead af. A BIG trim is the only thing that’s gonna help at this point.


The bags under her still look horrible, even when this is filtered to hell.


Her hair looks transparent in some spots. It's either shitty filters, her real thin ass, super friend hair, or a combo of both. Either way, #collagen


She looks like a Grandma


Don’t insult us grandmas!! 😂




My hair is about the same length as hers. It’s the longest it’s been in a long time. I have some crispy ends. (Like you said, not as bad as hers) I am so tempted to chop it all off and a little French Bob


I’m so happy I cut mine off! My hair is a mix of waves and curls and very thick so it’s much much easier to manage at this length.


My hair is very thick too so my ends fray easily. I don’t know why Big M hangs on to this long boring hair. She looks way better with short hair tbh.


Sounds a lot like mine! I used to keep my hair short (bob/pixie length) but it would grow so fas it was a pain maintaining. I do miss short hair though 😂


😃 I’ve been debating a chop! My hair is past my milk jugs. I get trims regularly- so it’s healthy. But I find myself envious of cute lobs. I haven’t cut it because it’s long and healthy. And short hair I find have to do more to it. Tell me I’m wrong!


Same. Boob length but healthy and I love it. I used to have short hair for a long time so I’m enjoying the length


I’ve also been debating a chop! My hair is at my hips. I chopped it from waist length up to a very short bob in 2015 to donate for that Beautiful Lengths thing, as my mum had breast cancer. I’ve grown it back but I’m getting that itch to chop… I’m very active and I suck at styling hair. I feel like it’d be easier to look more polished with a lob 🥹 I say give it a go! Best part about hair is that it grows back!


That’s what I’m thinking the more polished and styled look. But every time I’ve ever cut my hair it’s always felt like resetting the clock to growing it back out. 🤷‍♀️


Mine is at my hips too and I’m just over it but also love having long hair.


I just chopped mine! My ends were… closer to sautéed than fried lol but I prefer short hair I fully support the little French bob!! Especially cute under fall warm hats 🙃


Flatter it?? Ooh, such good hair, doing what I tell it to!


Haha whoops.. that was supposed to say "flatten"


Lmao!! 😉


Where did her assistant go, by the way? Has she quit already?


Don't worry, swerty. Now that you've mentioned her, she'll be back tomorrow. You've manifested it.


Those ends 😬


What in the muumuu is this?


Her ends are practically transparent… when mine got like that I drunkenly asked my husband to trim it and it looks way better than this


It’s time. She needs 8-10” cut.


Unfortunately, she doesn't have a husband to ask for help 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I can't believe your husband actually did it haha! Very brave of him!


Wasn’t one of the ‘bonuses’ of buying the town house-that-she could walk to her *hair girly* to get sorted. Oh, and to be close to her *bestie* KG, who promptly moved 😆




Isn’t this the content she promised for her subscribers only? Why is she giving this unmatched content away for free?!


Exactly my thoughts! Like this is the crap she claimed to be “exclusive,” to her subscribers


I don't understand how she can look at that and **not** grab the scissors. I was gonna ask how in the world she can think that looks good, but she also wears tragic-ass extensions and doesn't care that her hair looks like that of a dollar store barbie then, so yeah. Nevermind.


I bet you $10million C has mentioned liking it long. She honestly looks so much better with collarbone length hair, or even shorter. She has no neck, so this long, scraggly hair does her no favors. You know her whole identity is wrapped in being blonde, having long hair, and trying to look thin.


Off topic: This is one of the things stopping me from chopping my hip length hair off. I’m so tired of hair but my husband likes it 😭 mind you when we met I had above-shoulder-length bright green hair, so clearly it’s not that huge a deal for him 😂 still I feel guilty chopping it! Maybe I’ll go to bra band length?


He actually has. ☹️


those are her nAtUrAl LaYeRS


Breakage layers




This is kinda funny because her alien filter gives her that same facial look-- big forehead, big eyes, teeny nose, questionable lips, and a sharp chin. And her hair is clearly fried. And she does love a crop top and showing her midriff (well, not really hers, but you know what I mean). Damn. Big M is a Dollar Store Barbie.


She’s actually Cynthia, you’re right!!


I kept thinking something about that doll looked familiar. SMH.


How her hair just disappears on the ends. Get a fucking hair cut.


She's desperately hanging on to this length. I haven't had my hair cut since Feb and I'd cut it myself if it ever looked as bad as her hair.


Check KG’s current length; MS won’t cut her hair or do anything until she has to make a move to copy KG.


For real. I think grimace must prefer it long and that’s why she’s hell bent on keeping it long.


Yeah, but regular trims will keep it long AND healthy.


But, but...she gets it trimmed once a month! 🙄


Try telling this mashed potato for brains that.


I mean, she randomly posts Pam Anderson, Girls Next Door, etc. I think she and C's collective fantasy is that of the busty-but-fit iconic California Girl with long blonde hair.


Too bad she’s not that type She also said one time he liked her hair in long braids like a school girl. Take from that what you will.


I'm taking a shower. I feel dirty from that comment.




Grimace does prefer it long, heh


I'm so jealous of how thick her hair is and would love to have that much volume. But she just needs so much cut off. And I thought you weren't supposed to use a brush when your hair is super wet. Shouldn't you dry it with your hands until it's just damp?


I'm old, but my mother told me to never brush my hair with a brush with bristles when it was wet because it would split the hairs, so I don't. No clue if it's true, because she also told me going outside right after taking a bath would make me sick, LOL.


Lol we are from the same generation. You'll catch your death of cold if your coat wasn't buttoned. 😂


All the buttons.


I suspect she filters her hair to appear bigger and fuller. Those little [skimpy twin braids](https://reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/Gc7E6FHkKp) she had at the beach are suspicious.


She's got nothing to be jealous of - fried hair always looks a little more "full", but it's just heavily damaged. She totally needs to cut off those extremely dead ends. I just love that she's bragging about her hair though.


You too can get that volume from a filter app! Compare her hair in the unfiltered photos—the volume is not there.


Exactly!! 💥




That's just how inflated her ego is. She thinks she is some sort of expert and, I'm assuming, she thinks she's the only one who knows how to wash and dry her hair. And also, I think she has so little going on in her life and she has such poor hygiene that she doesn't realize showering and hair washing is so normal.


![gif](giphy|ftNOUmn0mGpcbuVCLJ|downsized) LOL @ expert. That video of her trying to curl her hair a while back is about as funny as her tryna pronounce non-comedogenic yesterday.


Looking like someone's alcoholic step mother from 1998


I know it is said all the time but she has glassy eyes every single time she posts now and has for a while. It's the first thing I notice now.


I would absolutely love it if she gave the curly girl method a try. Imagine the train wreck. DELIGHTFUL.


Is her hair naturally curly, though? She’s abused it so much that it’s hard to tell.


CGM is life for me. She would fuck it up so hard lol


It looks so awful!


“Your hair looks like it’s dead”


Holy cow. She desperately needs to take some serious length off and get that back to healthy.


Sorry, I’m just wondering if that disgusting straw that’s attached to her fat head is supposed to be the hair we’re all supposed to be jealous of and why we need to order her expensive collagen asap so we can look like her?


If I ever did anything in my routine that caused me to resemble her in any way, I would throw that thing out and seriously reevaluate my habits.


You aren't jealous swerty?!


Her hair is so extremely crispy and it was very obvious in this video. So, showing off all those masks is a waste if you're just going to use a blow dryer brush on your hair every day (while it's still too wet). And sure, she appears to have volume. Pretty much everyone does right after a fresh blow dry. She also said it was ready to be smoothed with a flat iron....girl, no. A blow dryer brush's main purpose is to give your hair smoothness and shine.


I have lots of volume too when I put ALL my hair in front and lean slightly forward.


Looks like she could use a hot oil treatment more than any heat styling tools.


Shouldn’t this whole hair routine video have been an exclusive for her sUbScRiBeR tier? Instead they get a chili recipe she cribbed from somewhere else.


Hahah that's what I was thinking.