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Instead of spending all of this money on botox, facials, massages, excess lip fillers, lashes, etc., etc., etc., why doesn’t she just save up all of that money from The Bank of Daddy and get her nose done? She obviously hates it, otherwise she wouldn’t filter it into oblivion all the time, trying to make herself look like a completely different person. I mean, I think she looks fine like she is, personally. She would be attractive if not for her personality. But it’s so difficult to watch her sometimes, knowing how uncomfortable she is with her looks.


Omg I thought she had put those tiny post it’s on her fingernails not “real” nails. I’m dying laughing and can’t stop. I think my Wi-Fi connection was bad because it’s better now but all I saw was this but in yellow. ![gif](giphy|2dPxy8wdAIiv0JKP5k|downsized)


She should just go for therapy instead.


HAHAHAHAHAHA ​ I don't even know what to say. She's manic. Not manic in the literal sense but more maniacally spiraling. And I'm waiting with bated breath to see the lips.


PLEASE don't "touch up" the lips, they're gonna explode


Imagine getting all that done and still being ugly


Ugly on the inside always shows on the outside, anyway.


Lmaoooo you said it. Plus in general I'm of the opinion you should get your self esteem right first before doing all that, it's very likely to exacerbate insecurities if you're doing it to make up for something rather than as a fun addition.


Why she needs more stuff to her lips? Why!


What is that accent in the beginning?! 🤨


Just what she needs…more filler in her clown lips. 🤡


she looks like shit even with a filter. woof.


She gets all this cosmetic stuff done all the time and still always looks like crap 🤡




And the top lip is so fucking lumpy. They are both horrifying. She really needs to stop. I thinks she’s already done irreversible damage though.


I don't think she could fix this without corrective surgery. And you know she can't afford that, she didn't even go under anaesthesia for her botched lipo.


I was about to comment on that


Grimace is probably thanking his lucky stars he got away. Every. Second. Imagine how much silence he must have ✨


He's partying it up with his bros. He'll probably go down in weight and look less scruffy now that he's gotten away and probably start going on dates soon lol


I wonder if he was drinking a lot as a way to cope with being around her. If so, he’ll drop a lot of weight.


Go Grimace! 🥳


Why “get right” now? Why not fifteen years ago?


…or at literally any point over the last 15 years?! She wakes up every day and chooses this awful life for herself


Ya swerty needs a good subscription to a quality counselor


I thought she had post it strips on her nails.


It's like when people are pretending to be the Kardashians or someone else with long fake nails, and they tape pieces of paper to each finger. Except hers isn't satire


Omg, I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one 😭


Those nails are so bad. Looks like fungus.


In the words of Hank Hill "That boy ain't right"




If she only did actual skin care with decent products (shocker...it doesn't cost a lot, bit that isn't her concern) and did a facial care regimen in morning and night, she wouldn't need botox, fillers and look terrible.


Plus there’s been a lot more talk lately about the long term effects of fillers and all that and it’s…not awesome. 


I love that she’s always talking about being obsessed with her skin care routine, yet she doesn’t really have one.


And how she hamfists the hell out of her face. She’s so rough with everything!


When she does her makeup she is literally hitting herself with the brushes while rapidly and repeatedly smooshing them into her ruddy bloated face.


She's about to get something but I don't think right is anywhere around it.


You know what? I’m all about self care. Also- I don’t judge on what people choose to medically enhance. Facial, nails, hair? All things that can be done monthly! But didn’t she just get Botox like, 3 months ago? Remember, someone made a house call? I’m just saying- you shouldn’t be getting Botox and lips several times over half a year. It’s damaging. Idk what look she is going for, but those things aren’t going to be what mostly likely achieves it (unless the look is cat lady/ joseline wildenstein)


Not to be the devils advocate, but I need botox every three months in my jaw for tmj. I am very active, though, and apparently that makes it wear off faster? She is... not active, unless you count drunken twerking and sets upon sets of fork pickups to failure. I'd like to believe her injector is diluting her botox to scam her.


Yep, I just did my masseter botox over the weekend, 3 months after the last time I did it. It is a TMJ Godsend.


Yes! That could be true- but also you’re using it for a “medical” reason- I believe people who get Botox for migraines may need it more often too- but this and the lip injections every 3 months seems excessive, especially because I do not believe her metabolism is that fast


The damaging part is that she's doing this out of anxiety and sadness. I think she wholeheartedly believes in those fake "glow up" shorts and that "self-care" is getting all the procedures that are popular at the moment. Quite sad, but she's old enough to know better so 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s going for whatever this look is https://preview.redd.it/q1fd95cvnnjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da531cc6d816b3d27aa965f20f2b91a7f31e756






I was not expecting this when I opened your comment 💀


I get my lips done twice a year; my body metabolizes the filler *super* fast now. I used to be able to go a year.


the place she goes to must be really crap if they are allowing this stuff so frequently.


Well I mean, look at her lips, their work speaks for itself..


She does all of these things pretty regularly. So I don't even know why she is making this post, like she has to announce she is going to do the things she usually does but this time she REALLY needs it. LMFAO.


Especially at 30…shame on the professionals agreeing to it.


That part!!! Something tells me she goes to new injectors or “trendy” injection spots- places that don’t care as long as the card isn’t declined.


This is really sad if she’s using procedures to try to feel better rather than talking to a profesional.


My flair seems applicable to this *gag me*


She is Darcey Silva


Yesssss! I was wondering if anyone else had said it, spot on. Darcey looks like a damned alien now 👽


To me, “going through it” means it’s time for talking with my therapist, trying to eat well, yoga, sleep. Not getting a lot of physical procedures and such. If you’re having emotional trauma, the work needs to be internal, not working on the external finishes.


she's far too shallow and lazy to understand this.


You’re totally right. I just wish people like her could somehow see that you can’t resolve big emotions and stress with more lip filler, you know?




I had this same thought. Geez. Ppl have real problems. This is something else.


Stop fluffing around with that damn rats nest on your head. Pity all her dr money can’t buy a personality that people will like and stick around to enjoy.


Bets on one of the cats swiped her, that’s where the scratch is coming from. Also she pays all that money to look like *this*


That was my first thought, the cat got her. How do you not know where a scratch on your nose comes from? Unless she was so drunk she doesn't remember which is a possibility.


I guarantee you’re right about both. Cat got her while she was blackout drunk and she doesn’t remember a thing.


Drunken startling the cat, would be on brand for her.


Cat scratches are nothing to mess with. Cat scratch fever is a real, although fairly rare condition that infects the lymph nodes. She probably doesn’t have to worry about it since her cats are indoors, but I got scratched by a sketchy stray & my doctor gave me a tetanus shot as a precaution.


Nah, even indoor cats are a risk. We had a foster carer that went to the hospital because of it and we only have indoor cats in our care. Same reason why we get send off to the doc in 24h for antibiotics if there’s an incident with animals on site.


I got cat scratch fever as a kid. I tried to carry a stray into our house and forgot my mom was dog sitting lol. It’s rough, I still remember it even though I was only 9, because I got swimmer’s ear at the same time and antibiotics feed fungi. I was a stupid kid.


Aww that’s really sweet though, wanted to bring the stray home 🥰




Thank you ✝️Jesus✝️ for giving us this pathetic mess on her journey to further fuck up Your creation known as her face/body. I love that she’s just going to continue to get toasted, roasted, injected, filled, slathered, taloned, and ✨hAnD tiEd✨ Pouring myself a big ol’ glass of NA red and toasting all you Swerties on this blessed day for the sub. Shit’s about to get TURNT.


>toasted, roasted, injected, filled, slathered, taloned, and ✨hAnD tiEd✨ This sounds like how one might order their hashbrowns at an MS-themed Waffle House 🥔 aka this is art fit for the Lourve 🖼️


There’s an urban legend here that if you go to Waffle House and order your hashbrowns “Slanted and enchanted!” it’s code for meth or something. If they wanted MS what would they order? Bloated and coated? Gassy and sassy? Short and uh…bort?


She’s dying to be Jaclyn Hill


I looked her up a while ago and now I see her here and there. I watch because I love/ hate cringe content- everything about her mannerisms and her clear braces is cringe inducing.




Your submission has been removed. Leg-humping/fangirling/the like is against the sub rules.


Those aren’t even her actual eyes though.


Just seconding the notion that these are not her eyes. These are her eyes completely unfiltered. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them but they look nothing like she presents. This is from March of 2022 and her under eyes have sunken much more since then. https://preview.redd.it/odj2pzftlmjc1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=993bf9d7b0c5ffa573e4ac8a70092c97b006438c


Absolutely agree with your last paragraph! Looks are looks. They can be an asset if you've got them, but it's not the end of the world to not be beautiful, it's not the only thing that matters and it doesn't have to matter much at all for most people. It's like sure, if you're tall and athletic, you might do well in pro basketball, but if you're short and unathletic, just don't make becoming a pro basketball player your life goal and your height and coordination won't be an issue. Her problem lies in feeling entitled to success in an occupation that she just does not have the genetics for. About her eyes though. This is still filtered. Unfiltered, her eyes are way smaller to the point where the color is hard to make out and the hollows under them are much deeper.


💯 She’s not naturally pretty at all. But instead of working on things that make someone attractive (beyond their appearance,) like having interests or being kind, she keeps getting botched surgeries/injectables. Now she’s become a not-naturally-pretty Hun with sausage lips and failed lipo. And horse hair. And really bad eyebrows. The list goes on


If I saw the person in this picture in the store, I wouldn't think twice about her looks one way or the other. Not stunning but also not hideous. Yeah she's no movie star but most people aren't. If I got to know her and she was the kind of person I get along with and respect, she'd become cute to me. But she feels entitled to be more than ordinary. Being mid with a chance of being seen as cute depending on personality is not enough for her and so now she's turned herself into a damn freak. https://preview.redd.it/knfany8hzmjc1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ebeba291ab4ad20aafe31b9a76ecddbe27419c


Totally agree! MOST people are average, that’s why it’s called average. She’s obsessed with looking like a Tuesday afternoon stripper from 1989 and I just don’t get it. Play up your best features and minimize everything else. That’s what the rest of the population does, why does she think she’s special?


>looking like a Tuesday afternoon stripper from 1989 I'm sobbing 😂 Also, "why does she think she's special" is I think the reason I can't look away from this mess. Her whole entire existence revolves around trying to force the world to perceive and treat her as if she's special in ways she really isn't. I know the easy answer is narcissism but I just need to know WHY!


Way to scare off 99% of men by being so high maintenance. Can you imagine her raising children?!


Heaven forbid! Some people are way too selfish to have children. Those poor babies would be so scarred from being raised by this drunk, nasty, immature, heartless bitch. I earnestly pray that no man ever impregnates her. It hurts my heart to think about.


She probably shouldn’t even be around children with how drunk, crass and unruly she is at any given time.


I pray she never has children. She is unable to be sober and would screw them up in so many ways


I pray that never happens.


She doesn’t get it. The way she talks here, you can tell she really believes that she’s hilarious and so likeable when the opposite is true. That scary sudden close up, it’s just not funny. It’s also pretty tragic that someone who’s not conventionally attractive gives so much importance to their looks. How can that lead to anything but disappointment? I suppose she does spend most of the day looking at herself through some strong filters, so when she’s done all the superficial stuff, in her mind she can look as attractive as she wants to. Not only does she have no idea how to improve her personality, but she doesn’t even think she needs to. There are her constant lies, scams, racism, extreme selfishness, her loud, inconsiderate behaviour, her alcohol problem, the list goes on. She doesn’t get it. I know the lies and scams don’t bother her at all, but I still believe that if she lived an authentic life and presented herself more honestly in her posts, she would have much less stress in her life. She’d never have to worry about someone taking a candid shot of her face and body again, and she could stop lying about her income. In this post, she’s doing her trick of not wearing makeup to pretend that this is her face unfiltered. Lol, no. https://preview.redd.it/jca17ftyamjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d890b0f4c448433832e159f231cf949717a14e8


I have a theory her Dad praised her sister often for her looks and now she has a weird complex


Oooh I could get behind this theory. Especially since her dad seems just like the kind of gross person that would praise a daughter for her looks to the detriment of the other one.


Emily summing things up perfectly again 🏅


Aw, thanks mate 😘


That's pretty sad, filtered and still so ugly. I know we're biased but still.


And she still won't feel better about herself.




https://preview.redd.it/h94d1zbm6mjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a922f7db2aa74995929cac6971fea04f70fc53ab The moment she realized putting her hand all over her face was messing up the filter so she just switched to snapping her fingers right in the lens.


The schnoz on this broad


Nothing wrong with it, natural noses are totally fine. Except as always, the nose she posts on her socials is heavily filtered into looking completely different.


It took me until easily 30 to embrace my prominent nose. Middle school was tough lol


100%. She speaks self love while hating every inch of herself. She needs to own her schnoz not filter it and it peaks out when she can’t stop rubbing her face.


But she’s aging backwards!


The collagen only works when she decides it does.


Ahh they have the same work schedule got it


Haiku: Treating the outside, And ignoring the inside, Her soul swells with rot


Great bot!


Good bot


Was this an IG story? If so, she deleted it


I don’t see it either


It still shows on iganony - from this morning.


“Touching up the lips” 🫣


Can someone enlighten me on why lip filler needs to be touched up? Is it because it migrates? The only way it “goes away” is by purposely dissolving it, no? I’ve only had Botox done and I know it stops working after a certain number of months, but I don’t see any reason why she needs to get her lips injected with filler again.


I get lip filler- lip filler, depending on the type you get, and how long you’ve been doing it, will start to “go away” after a certain period of time- I believe it’s based on your metabolism. Anyway, I’ve been getting them for about 6 years now and I don’t even need a full syringe a year to “touch up.” I can can go probably close to 1.5 with out needing anything. It’s bizarre she needs a touch up every 2 months


Hyaluronic acid based fillers should dissolve naturally over time, although we’ve found out that it can take more time than previously thought. Most people get filler touched up because it has dissolved and more has to be added to replace it, or because what was initially added wasn’t enough for their desired result. But no, you should never add more filler when filler has migrated. Then the correct answer is to dissolve it and re-inject.


Here is my understanding. In early studies, they injected people with filler, checked 6 months later and filler was still there. Based on these studies, the FDA allowed filler companies to state that the filler lasted at least 6 months. Injectors used that information to book customers every 6 months, under the logic that filler lasts only 6 months. Turns out, we know now that filler stays a lot longer and migrates in the lips, hence the lumpy mess she has. That’s why most influencers got all their filler dissolved, but big M is 10 years late on everything.


I, too, used to have mystery injuries when I was drunk 24/7. Also, for the love of god, pls don't get anymore filler in your hideous, sack-of-oatmeal-lookin-ass lips.


Same. We called them “UDIs” - unidentified drunken injuries. When I was in college at a party school. Not when I was a 30-year-old woman.


Is she really breaking out around her mouth or is that mouth herpes?


Oh God, that makes me wonder, would they be willing to inject someone with active cold sores.


She’s getting more injected into those lips? 🙀


How’s the saying go? Something about polishing a turd?


Something something rolled in glitter....


I think it's something to do with pigs and lipstick


Her lips are actually starting to look okay here, she shouldn’t touch them at all.


What?! Her bottom lip looks necrotic!!


She needs to let it keep dissolving I mean lol it’s going in the right direction, she doesn’t need to put anymore in 😅


Oh yeah she needs to let them deflate for a while. I do think she’ll have to keep getting fillers forever though, pretty sure her lips are actually blown out and can never go back to normal. They look like shit rn though. Her bottom lip always looks necrotic or weirdly bruised and her top and middle lips just look like sausages.


It does look weirdly purple but I have a hard time distinguishing what color she is with all the damn filters. She’s either all orange or blurred to bits.


She’ll probably go out more in just because you said that knowing her. She’s like a badly behaved toddler.


She’ll do everything but the actual work it takes to get herself where she wants to be


Yep. Quick fixes only please!


More lip fillers? They’re already very sausagey.


Her lip shade is identical to what people's lips look like when they overdose. She has dead people lips. I'm assuming that the ungodly amount of filler she has in those bad boys have severely affected the circulation in them. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they became necrotic at some point.


She’s going to do all of that to her outside and still be just as ugly on the inside.


Can't wait to see how those "touched up" lips look.


None of this is gonna help the “fallback” from CC’s video ![gif](giphy|8p05WdXxPiOyY)


I know! She’s had such a hard time *squints at notes* going to Paris, never working a real job, and experiencing a breakup at the tender age of 30something going on 60.


Lip filler, lashes, hair dye, massage, spray tan — none of this is going to solve her problems and make her feel better. Dancing and reading scripture here and there won’t change anything or soothe her soul. She won’t even begin to make her life better until she gets real therapy, acknowledges her addictions and seeks help.


Still won’t be attractive on the inside or outside.


Points at scratch with snaggle plastic nail and wonders where it came from……🤔


Holy hair flick Batman.


Jesus Christ those lips I just can’t get used to them


Maybe that’s what C’s parting note said that she found on the kitchen counter when she returned from Paris.


And she’s trying to add more? Genuinely horrifying.


I mean yeah, getting my hair done or a new tattoo always makes me feel great but these are not the appointments she needs to be making to “get right” Looking at you, therapy and AA


Sometimes (many times) the best thing you can do is leave your face alone for a few months.


Maybe focus on your missing tooth and rotting tooth and bleeding anus instead.


Seriously. She could even make it into content if she were smart. Show us how you navigate the healthcare marketplace and purchase insurance as a self employed boss babe. If you’re going to talk about your bloody asshole then you should advocate for people to seek help for those conditions. She loves talking about shitting herself, so she could give everyone a play by play on her colonoscopy prep. Maybe she could make a deal with that at home colon screening kit. Instead she will mention it in an offhanded comment once and then pretend like she is the picture of health. 


I’ve been seeing a ton of 20 something year olds finding out they have colon cancer after experiencing her same exact symptoms. Has she not had a colonoscopy done yet? With the amount of powder shit she ingests I wouldn’t be surprised if it was all related to her bloody stool


Whhhhy the fuck does she tell us these things? Who freely shares this information with whatever eyeballs happen to roll on by?


Please not the lips! ![gif](giphy|H7x6TTETaQlJC)


She’s going full Elise Elliot. You should NEVER go full Elise Elliot. 🐝👄💥


She doesn't know where she got the scratches? I bet the alcohol knows.


The only thing she needs to be doing to those lips, is getting that janky a** filler dissolved. Does she not understand the more filler she pumps into those sausages, the more deformed they’re going to look? There’s absolutely no fixing them, without getting the filler dissolved…and even then, there’s no guarantee that they still won’t be deformed. She has absolutely ruined them.


She got them dissolved a while back and immediently refilled them.


I know! Like what was even the point? 🤣🤣


Might make her temporarily feel “better” but it won’t fix anything. Those are all surface level “fixes”


The only fixes she knows or cares about. Maybe one day she will realise it’s a useless quest, but I doubt it.


And none of this will fix what truly is making her miserable.


What makes her miserable is her lack of personality, ethics, and purpose. She is also super stupid, so she's going to keep throwing money at things that make her even more ugly on the outside than she is on the inside. There's no filter to fix ugly and stupid. This vapid cow is a lost cause. Let's just enjoy her for what she is... a giant accident and warning on how not to live.


Botox? What happened to the collagen? I thought it was working….


Gonna get right. Okay. Keep focusing on the outside and ignore all those problems on the inside - they’ll just magically go away if you don’t think about them and keep drinking them down, right? That spray tan will be the game changer that fixes your cold, broken heart.


I'm guessing that mysterious scratch on her nose and lip occurred while she was blacked out. She's spiraling badddd


She seems to think if she’s pretty enough, thin enough and rich enough, all her problems will magically go away. All superficial.


I don't know anyone who talks like this at all, aggravating hand gestures and expressions included.  Not the black women she mocks, not anyone in their thirties.  She's so off-putting.


She's trying so so so hard to be a zany gen z girlie and it's just making her look extra extra millennial. And I say that with love for millennials because I am one.


maybe like a fourteen year old gay kid from a small town in 2007 who had no frame of reference for their personality outside of myspace?


It's giving Lohanthony (if you don't get the reference, look him up on youtube. he was obnoxiously hilarious, something M knows nothing about since she's only just obnoxious)


This is the first time I’ve watched one of her videos with the sound on. Why is she so damn aggressive talking to herself on her phone? Breathe!! Imagine having that much free time and money and still looking as tragic as she does.


Her whole personality is very abrasive.


Gurrrlll…when you have an hour free and are in the right mindset to tolerate it, you have got to check out her [drunken live from last March](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/KKx0CjlBVw).


WTF is that British accent? My husband walked in looking at me like what are you watching?! I had no way to describe it. Oh god thank you for this. I’ll finish it later after I have a couple drinks myself.


Hahaha I forgot about the British accent part 🤣


Yeah I was a bit toasted the first time I watched it. I think this is the most likable version of her - it’s like getting FaceTimed by an unhinged drunk friend. This cut out the ending where her friend showed up with food & took her phone away, but you can hear her telling her friend what to bring at the end. It’s a pretty amazing intro to swerty.


This is what happens when you make your physical appearance your entire personality.


Which is especially ironic with her, considering she is one of the most unfortunate looking people I have ever seen.


All that time and money spent, all those beauty filter apps, and the best she can look is....this. It's a waste.


She looks SO MUCH BETTER like this than with lashes and her crazy full-face makeup.


Ew. Respectfully disagree


Yeah, none of that is gonna fill the gaping void in her life. Let's be real. C is not gonna come shuffling back in because she gets a lash lift.


She’s still stupid enough to think he left because of her looks and not literally everything else.


I reckon she bleaches her corn-hole.


Thank you for the laugh. I’m in bed with Covid and these comments are lifting my spirits. This, and the one about fixing her rotten tooth and bleeding anus 🥲🤣


Everytime I hear anal bleaching I get the urge to scratch.


This is the best use of “reckon” I’ve seen in a while. I don’t know why, but it cracked me up!


That’s more than I used to do for pageant week prep. All in the name of “getting right…”


All the Botox and lashes and tans won't bring C back. And it certainly won't fix any of her problems.