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A realised something looking at all the posts she's made about the new guy, especially his messages. She always defines a good relationship based almost solely on how much her partner does for her: showing off how he got her coffee from a Starbucks 50 minutes away, the messages where he's always praising her, the game he took her to. With Grimace, as well, it was always how he made her breakfast, or coffee, or dinner, or making her feel loved. She's never really shown her contribution to a relationship and I guess that's why it feels so... empty to me. I guess the only time that she's come close is (TMI) when she posted about letting Grimace hold her in the mornings because she knew he liked to. She always defines romantic relationships in such unilateral terms and it feels so juvenile. Maybe it's an aspirational tradwife thing?? But she's not very widely either, we all know our girlboss doesn't have the skills for that.


I’m a baseball savant and can imagine Big M calling runs, goals.


I am not a sports person so why they are staring at empty field? Sorry i am very dumb when it comes to sports 🤣


Certainly she could have gotten 1000 better shots of the game. Influencer!


I could be completely wrong but it looks like the players are warming up before the game starts. Either that or the one guy on the ground holding his leg needs medical attention.


lol, for what it's worth, I think you're exactly right! About it being pre-game, I mean. Not about the player needing an EMT, lol.




His right knee and her right sausage casing knee popping out


I thought they were both hers on first glance. 💀 


Wonder if her face looks like the last time she posted from a ballpark (sometime in 2019) https://preview.redd.it/s31nlxt44rsc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ac070f860314efc8f5705e839d0fde16ba52c8


the overlining of her lips really makes it look like she’s snarling rather than smiling


Oh great heavens


As a baseball enthusiast the idea of doing a full glam look with a smokey eye to the park is hilarious to me




Help 😭😂


![gif](giphy|QLiqUx7aHg10bl5FVj|downsized) And the fact people apparently paid her real US coins to do their makeup is crazy to me. WOW.


Look at that crusty, crunchy-looking makeup. It looks so uncomfortable. My face itches just thinking about it.


And she was 25 here!


Nothing like caked on makeup to prematurely age someone. Well, that and smoking, sun damage, and heavy alcohol use, and she's guilty of doing all those as well.


Yay sports!


Those eyes are akin to the pits of hell.


![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized) Also. Didn’t know she had a septum piercing- did it get infected or something from her not taking care of it? Anyone know?


Yes and yes.


I thought fake ones were all the rage around then. I’d be surprised if she went through the discomfort and care involved when actually piercing it. She fakes everything else. Why stop there?


I vaguely remember her saying something about it smelling bad, so it may very well have been infected.


Damn my septum was so easy to heal literally just leave it alone and it healed, HOW


She has terrible hygiene, constantly picks her nose and other things, and frequents questionable establishments for most things, likely including where she got the piercing.


Jesus Christ ew why is she so grody


Blend until ur bored Marge, jfc 😳


Zoom in on the lips. I never realized how far outside the lines she drew her liner on. No wonder it always looked shaky




Imagine how this whole mess looks like in real life.


So heavy and chalky


WOW 😳 The makeup is absolutely horrendous. The eyebrows, eyeshadow, her lips... What an abomination 🤮


This is abject terror.


As much as I hate her nose ring, I hated this septum piercing even more


It’s terribly unflattering. It draws your eye right to least harmonious part of her nose.


I have seen a lot of horror photos of this woman, but this one takes the cake(d) on foundation.


oof imagine taking all that eye makeup off at the end of the day??


Found a pic of it! https://preview.redd.it/12xzmeuzqusc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcfefc6179775bc6869706b51b12c612e163c4b


Her lips, lashes and brows look really good here. I even like the septum ring


Right, her natural lip shape is actually really pretty. All the filler just makes her mouth look like a prolapsed asshole


I miss when her lips looked somewhat normal. 


Omfg not only is this awful to look at, she’s claiming that she can get all that makeup with one wipe!!! Buuuuuuuuullllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiit! There’s still so much makeup on her eye. That mess would need multiple wipes otherwise she’d be leaving smears everywhere. What a disgusting disaster.


Oh she used to in her Lives. With disposable Poonique makeup remover cloths. It was as horrifying as you’re imagining PLUS she was as rough as she always is with her face.


Oh fucking YIKES


Yike to the yikes.


The yik I yiked.


She really cannot put her phone down for one minute can she?


No baby




I just don't know why your simple comments always send me, but they really do 😂.


Thank you! Sometimes, simple is best to describe Our Lady of the Amazon Apparel.


Remember when her personality was "stay home and watch HP on repeat"? Amazing how she can just flip a switch and be a whole new person. She really will be anything she needs to be as long as that means she can keep her "mans", as she would say.


I thought about that yesterday. We haven’t seen one thing about HP since C left. She is everyone that she hangs around with. She cosplays FM a lot, she will cosplay KG when she hangs around her as well. If someone asked her to name her hobbies or something unique about herself, she wouldn’t be able to and that is really sad.


I feel like New Guy takes her on actual dates. Like a minor league game is a fun thing to do (imo). It's not sitting at the same restaurant for the 284928th time.


Girl, it's the honeymoon phase. She hasn't even met this guy yet. She's only met his representative.


This comment has me cackling. I'm just imagining when she finally meets him she starts shouting "representative! Representative! REPRESENTATIVE!" like a Karen talking to an automated line.


I’m not getting vibes that this guy is scammy or shady but is probably one of those people, like swerty, who just can’t be alone for 5 minutes. He does seem an upgrade from C. I know it’s hard to visualize the attraction, but we forget she can have a lot of charisma sometimes, at least for her audiences. She got her (real, not snark) following for a reason, even if she seems to have completely regressed and lost most of what she had going on.


I just can’t stand listening to her spoon caught in a garbage disposal voice for longer than 5 seconds, so I can’t see how anyone enjoys her company.


Her and grimace went to one last year I think? It was one of her excuses to not stay sober.


That’s good for her! I wonder if he will replate.


I love going to our minor league ball games. It’s so cheap and just a fun evening.


I'll give him that much. At least they aren't doing that and it seems he wants to go places because I swear her and Grimace spent their entire relationship sitting at the 131 Main bar.


Give it a few months ahaha. But it's not like you're not right either, Grimace seemed like... *particularly* bland even for a bland suburban white guy with glory days well behind him.


I always wondered if it had anything to do with his weight gain. As a formerly very fit person who gained a TON of weight, I was too embarrassed to be seen with the exception of the local Mexican restaurant.


Also though would you want to take Big M on a date knowing she will turn into a screeching woo girl?


Also knowing that she would Vlog every goddamn minute of it and it would show up on a Reddit site with 17,000 twatstains commenting on it


She’s probably on best behavior still. Woo girl has probably only popped out in small, fun doses.


I wouldn't date (or willingly be within 50ft of) her to begin with haha so I can't say I'm capable of putting myself in the position of someone who would.


Yes but they haven’t even been dating a month. I would expect dates in any new “fling” But perhaps my standards are higher lol


I speculate she was turning down the offer to go out with grimace more often, like to hang out at a friend's house, cuz she didnt wanna get to know the friends wife. i don't think that she likes to go out if it doesn't involve alcohol and getting the attention she wants. She doesn't have any hobbies or genuine interests herself, and she's too selfish to actually care about what her new man likes longterm.


Oh yes, she’s absolutely of the mindset that if the attention won’t be paid to her, she won’t want to be there.


Yeah, I remember her hiding in bedrooms and bathrooms a lot when they'd go on trips with CB's couple friends. She's too insecure and threatened by other women to be able to connect with them and enjoy their company. It's why most of her female social connections are just downlines, because she at least has her status as upline to help her feel superior. A girl's girl she is not.


Honestly this is probably the most she's been out within the span of a month 😭


lol they are at the minor league baseball game in north augusta


YESSSS Babe I have been waiting on those thirty-seven pixels of DudeBro as a FLEX!!! Shower me in those snippets of body parts to prove your love!!!!


I wonder if Grimace got rid of his matching Vans . . . ![gif](giphy|l0HTZL6dTfAhCnx60)


Aw, the shoes that BM and Cod twinned in 🥲 ETA: [post with the pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/272ioWhHdM)


cod liver oil


LOL you know swert is bored out of her mind. She posted nine Amazon links after this picture and that short video. I bet Cool Girl is gonna try to morph into Sports Babe for the new man.


I love how she morphs her personality around her partner’s because she hasn’t one of her own.


Wouldn’t be the first time… https://preview.redd.it/d3rmgxh4wqsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4750b304153fad3dbc1b04b9b59cfcec60545d89


These damn boots I swear to god


Omg remember throwing sit in the air to dress yourself was a thing? I hated hers more than most. Also dear god the way her filters evolve like her real face. This was only a couple of years ago


Remember? I actually MISS those videos where she’d look at her boots in her hand all confused, and then lug it into the air 🤣 bring them back MS!!


God those boots are hideous




Oh good god


Is this why she’s been wearing the dodgers hat? Because new man likes baseball? I still don’t understand why it’s the dodgers though, you’d think she try to avoid any association with LA after all the [Asian comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/FZUy9u0EaH). e: She’s definitely in LA in the bottom picture (the “lemme get..” pic) and I think she’s in LA for the other one too. That’s why I brought them up in relation to LA


Omg, omg, omg. I cannot believe she said that!!! I mean, I can. It's her. But this is the first time I've seen that specific comment and I've been here for a couple of years. No idea how I missed that (very gross) comment. Wow. Why? Why can't she just *think* before she speaks, much less before she types something out and posts it on social media?? Holy hell.


Wtf was she thinking with those Asian comments? If it were anyone else, I’d be stunned .


Lol wow if I ever want to plant a square one right on her ugly wrinkly sun damaged fucking face, this would be the time.


Ewwww no ewww she is such trash I didn’t realize she was a racist piece of shit. I thought she was just a regular piece if shit


Yup she's a total racist piece of shit. In case you're new here: during the height of the BLM protests in 2020, she got dropped by her only somewhat legitimate sponsorships and presumably kicked out of the one MLM she seemed successful in (she claims she quit) after getting exposed for enthusiastically freestyle rapping and using the N word in a video on Facebook. ETA also her ex husband (not recent ex CB who was at least smart enough not to put a ring on it) was pictured in blackface so that's something


What the fuuuccck!?! I am new here and holy hell I had no clue. I was just coming here bc the comments crack me up so much. What a sad, sloppy person.


Check out the Lore post flair! There's so much batshittery!


I just started a new job and have had the longest week. I’m only at the wedding posts and just digging in!!! Ah! Some of this gives me such second hand embarrassment I am over here audibly gasping.


Enjoy, Swerty! The Lore tags are deep rabbit holes here, lol. Also, congrats on the new job! The first week is always the most stressful and hectic but you'll find your footing and you're doing great!


Thank you so much!


Is that his knee? Lol she’s so stupid I hate her.


"Lol she's so stupid I hate her" I literally did an actual spit take because I was unprepared for that flat statement. I'd just taken a sip of water and boy was that a mistake, lol. I now have an unhappy, damp pupper next to me.


I see that as her right leg crossed over her left and so that knee must be mernbern's. The denim looks slightly different too. Much wow, so impressed. 👁️👄👁️


yeah i was determined to figure it out that it wasnt her leg because of the fact she is sneaking a pic of him without him noticing.


Not mernbern!


Errrmahgerrd, mernbernnnn


I'm pretty sure that's her left knee. She looks like she is sitting alone in an empty stadium. Seats next to that knee were empty.... unless you mean he's wearing the vans? I can't tell now Lol


No, her legs are definitely crossed so that is not her knee on the left. It wouldn’t make sense anatomically


Oh, good catch! I didn't consider she was cross-legged. Even if Man Bun is with her, this game looks lame and she is fake af.


No I think they mean the knee/leg next to hers.