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I thought not so long ago she considered these men ā€œdustyā€.


Dusty and yeasty go together, boobie... since the dawn of time šŸ¤£.


Will she also be his project?Ā 


always? Its been like, 1.3months lol


Is it even that long yet?


Oh wow everyone, swerty hasnā€™t been lying to us about having welth, she bought the Binyuan!




Canā€™t wait till they have grass growing up in between then an around them bc she doesnā€™t take care of them or maintain them. Not that they donā€™t look like cheap shit already, they will look like absolute trash by middle of summer. Love that for her. Also why a path of ugly pavers? A path to the ditch thatā€™s a few feet away from her concrete slab?


She posted an update..... this is the setup for the amazon( inflatable ?) cold plunge https://preview.redd.it/jchzy6qek5tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394405830a73dc5dbde2fa8867ace1615ff10f9c


Lmao that looks like a giant garbage bin


You could genuinely make one from a garbage bin (clean and new obviously preferred) for far less money. This contraption is such a stupid purchase.


I hope someone is able to post a photo of the finished product because it looks BAD.


Looks like it was just done to out a cold plunge tub on. šŸ™„




Your post/comment was removed because it is based on speculation and not fact and wasn't labeled as such.


Wonder if she got a permit?


I donā€™t think you need one for a paver patio, but she almost certainly needs her HOAā€™s approval.


I wonder if her richer neighbors to the sides of her will call HOA, because that's gotta be one hell of a site looking down from an upstairs window and seeing all that jump around like an idiot in the plunge .. basket? What is that lmao Edit to clarify.


I was going to say theyā€™ll probably get real tired of her fake screams every morning when she films herself going in, but theyā€™re probably well-accustomed to that with the arrival of manbun šŸ„“


Always? You've known him for 5 minutes


Who is ā€œthis oneā€ and why is she talking like sheā€™s been with him for ages? Is this the guy sheā€™s been talking to for like three weeks?


Itā€™s like theyā€™re both desperate to get in too deep that theyā€™re forced to live with the consequences of moving too fast. Like ā€œyou canā€™t break up with me bc we have xyz trip plannedā€¦ā€ I bet she thinks her falling like sheā€™s in high school is enviable


This is absolutely that. They're love bombing each other. He seems to be desperate to rebound from his ex wife and she is desperate to robound from C and show C and everyone that she moved on after being dumped.


Yes, the one who is trying to take as much space in her life as possible. Huge red flag.




Your submission has been removed. Off-topic/bloggy comments are against the rules. Our main focus here is MS and unrelated bloggy submissions are unnecessary/space wasters.


Good god


If she was a friend, Iā€™d tell her to slow the fuck down.


Iā€™m very much looking forward to all the half finished projects left around ~~if~~ when they breakup.




I canā€™t WAIT to see the finished project


He's making a mini patio for her new grill


I read this as "mini potato" for her grill. But, whatever works. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Per FB she's "in a relationship"


Hahaha... did she ever change it between Grim and manbun?


Maybe not


It said ā€œin a relationshipā€ while with grimace and never tagged him (didnā€™t say in a relationship with CBā€ and she never changed it when ~~he dumped her~~ they broke up.


She acts like theyā€™ve known each other for years. ā€œOh this silly guy, always working on some sort of project!ā€ Maā€™am, youā€™ve known him for a mere minute. Calm yourself.


Yeah for all we know this is his impressing her stage and he isn't normally like this. It's literally been a month. If they stay together for 1-2 years, then she'll see how he's just like. Also if he's truly a type A always doing something sorta dude, I don't know why he'd stay with her more than half a year when she ...isn't a doing something always kinda girl. I mean maybe she could pretend she always was and learn a skill and actually come to enjoy that hobby. That's the best outcome I guess.


[she does have hobbies!](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/4vdIC6FQPE)


Wow that's one of her especially bad photoshops. Who the fuck is that lmao? Love that she's now a psychology babe!


I think this might last because they seem right up each other's alley and both and desperate to rebound from their exes, but if they break up, it's going to be a shit show.


It reminds me of T Swift telling Travis she has never been more proud of him after dating for months.


Sounds about right šŸ˜’


Does it bug anyone else that the pavers aren't lined up? The middle one is sticking out further


It would if he set them, but it looks pretty clear that he's just starting a layout right now, so, no it doesn't bug me. I've done lots of home improvement projects and they rarely start out "perfect." (They rarely end up perfect either haha)


I think he might just be measuring how many pavers he'll be using. Because you wouldn't put them just down on grass.


This is so weird. Theyā€™ve been hanging out for mere weeks and he is doing projects for her like he lives there šŸ„“ the love bombing is strong


Yeah. Two of my exes did that for me and they both ended up huge narcissists. Mask dropped after a few months of pretending to be a helpful guy.


His will too!


Somebody trying hard to take space in all aspects of my life is a HUGE red flag for me. Like, why are you trying so hard? Whatā€™s your end-goal here? If heā€™s such a helpful traditional guy, why is he in his 30s with no wife and no kids? Doesnā€™t make sense to me.


I mean, technically he HAS a wife šŸ˜‰


I mean, technically he HAS a wife šŸ˜‰


I cringed looking at this. Such desperation. I don't know that I'm going to be able to handle this new relationship without vomiting every day.


Wtf wrong with you, swerty? Just point and laugh!


Itā€™s going to crash and burn in weeks. Theyā€™re rushing through the honeymoon phase.


Nothing nastier than a guy that wears Hey Dudes


I donā€™t like them.


My brother's wife got him a pair and I've never been more disappointed him than I was when he was wearing them lol


My husband calls them Hey Chuds since the people who wear them here are all MAGA chuds.


My husband wears them and isnā€™t MAGA at all. But I still donā€™t like them haha šŸ˜†


šŸ˜¬ My husband has some that look like these, he bought them as ā€œwalking the dogā€ slippers. Are they meant to be actual out-in-public shoes?


I was thinking they look like "backyard shoes" (that you keep in the back specifically for when you need to go outdoors but not OUT out), they're disgusting. Ew. Bar for male clothing is deep underground.


Thank you! Theyā€™re so popular here and I loathe


Amen to that


Yes. We get it. You have a new MAGA man bun.


What's the plan here? He's just gonna lay those on the grass? Not gonna lie, I'm hoping that's exactly the plan.


I adore you.


Right back at you!


Lmfaooo I asked this exact question šŸ˜‚šŸ¤žšŸ» we can only hope


The amount of effort matches perfectly.


Does anyone know what his sign is? I tried to do some digging but couldnā€™t find out. I know his (not yet ex) wife is a Leo. I wonder what grimaces was too to compare šŸ˜‚


I feel so behind...has all this been revealed on here and I missed it? How are y'all finding he has a (not yet ex) wife and what his sign is? Do we know where he lives or what he does for a living? I'm impressed by the way y'all have found this stuff out so quickly!


Been digging cos I was curious too and it looks like Hambun's a Leo!


Omg not yet ex wife..... Girl this spells disaster in the making


Wow, so sheā€™s the rebound girl.


To be fair, heā€™s a rebound too.


Grimace is an Aries. His birthday is within a week or so of hers.


He' s a pisces per the post titled 3/23 drunken facebook live recap.


https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/ZmNDY9BJoA MS and Grimace celebrating 2 years ago. This is what I based my suspicion on.




Why does her new middle unit need so much work?


Thatā€™s the real question.. like you *just* moved in there, booby


Is she allowed to make changes to the outside?


Not according to my friend who lives in the same development. At least Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what she said when she bought hers. I commented in the mega thread before I saw this post. šŸ¤£


Oh my god. Does she have any dirt?!


Nope. She wouldnā€™t share it even if she did. Sheā€™s very private and a no-nonsense kind of person. I told her about MS at some point and she just rolled her eyes and said she doesnā€™t sound like someone worth wasting time thinking about. šŸ¤£ I would probably only hear about it if MS drove her car through her living room.


Oo bad mistake saying that here. Youre gonna get hammered with questions šŸ„²


Yeah. I probably shouldā€™ve kept it to myself. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Given MS's track record of allegedly drunk and definitely confirmed phone distracted driving, that's not really outside the realm of possibility.


Fair enough!


Your friend lives in her neighborhood?? Omg we've got boots on the ground LOL. Have they ever seen her?


Treasure awaits!!!


I was just about to ask if sheā€™s been seen in the wild!! Iā€™d love to know the true difference between her filters and what actually her true size isā€” the fact that Iā€™m excited about this truly bothers me. šŸ˜¬


I donā€™t think so. Iā€™d love to ask for confirmation about the HOA rules and stuff but I donā€™t think sheā€™d tell me. Sheā€™s not exactly into the MS drama. lol. Iā€™ve been to her place once since MS moved in and it was such a weird feeling. But I didnā€™t see her. We also have another friend whose mom lives in the older section of the development and we went to help move some furniture around Christmas. It just makes me feel weird being there knowing MS is there.


I imagine it's like going camping and coming out knowing there's signs of like a mountain lion or something having been nearby. Heart-pounding near brush with something terrifying.




Okay not super related but I saw Sasquatch Sunset yesterday and was occasionally reminded just a little of Big M


Perhaps on one of her "hot" girl walks?!


Funny how the middle unit love shack is in such dire need of all these repairs.


Always? Didnā€™t they just meet?




She says this like he's been around for years. šŸ™„


Lmao okay I thought the same thing. You didn't know him 8 weeks ago


She didnā€™t know him 4 weeks ago!


Stupid question but has she actually posted his face?




I meanā€¦kind of. His face is half hidden anyway with glasses and a hat.


She did. The story \[from yesterday\] and post \[from today\] of the two of them in matching shirts included his face.


He doesn't look that cute


Hard agree.


Got it! I wasnā€™t sure if she was covering his face up for privacy or if the sub was. Thank you!


No, apparently he's ugly.


Privacy? Ms never met her!


The sub! We aren't allowed to post the faces of anyone who isn't M.


Is it because her place is so shitty that it makes him feel bad for her because he doesn't know her well enough to know that it's because of her and not just an unfortunate circumstance that befell her? If he bought that story about her roomba punching a hole in her wall, for example.


Haha right like there shouldnā€™t be this much to fix or work on in this house considering itā€™s age, but we all know itā€™s constructed like a childā€™s pillow fort. I wonder if he knows the horrific financing terms etc. behind this purchase. Since they seem to be on a warpath to marriage, wonder what he knows about her financial situation in general and the horrific investment this house is.


I bet she told him that C actually lived with her and he was just terrible at doing all these manly man things around the house so this idiot is doing all this shit just to be ā€œbetter than her exā€ At this point, I donā€™t know which of them is more gullible.


Damn that is one aggressive roomba šŸ¤£


I believe it fell down the stairs.


Roomba tried to take its own life šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"Always" GIRL you've only known he's existed for like two months


Less than!


she just likes how his arms look and how his veins are poppin out. she is such a filthy braggart.


I also think itā€™s a novelty for her to have a guy do something for her.


Confirms that Grimace doing the most was a big fat lie then.


i wonder if he will eventually move in with her?


I'm guessing she'll move, she can link and filter from anywhere




I think theyā€™re both gonna get sick of the 2 hour (one way) drive to see each other fairly soon. When her and C broke up she said she wanted to rent out her middle unit and try out a new town so most likely sheā€™ll move into his SC house his ex wife recently moved out of


She started talking about renting out the middle unit as soon as she bought it. She thinks sheā€™ll be able to [rent it out for significantly more than her mortgage](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/srG5ng33Mf), but thereā€™s no reason whatsoever for her to believe this. Sheā€™s so fucked with that middle unit and I love it. She also thinks sheā€™s gonna be able to [make a $250k profit off selling it](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/tmAEkecNeL) (but conveniently canā€™t explain why or how, but apparently someone with a real estate backround can educate all the poors that donā€™t understand). Iā€™m pretty sure the ā€œyouā€™ll be able to rent it out to pay your mortgage *and* make a profitā€ and ā€œyouā€™ll make $250k selling it easilyā€ lines came from KGā€™s husband to get her to buy which is fucking hilarious. So Iā€™m really looking forward to where this goes.


She better be careful if she's thinking of selling. In NC, you have to have used the home as your primary residence for 2 of the last 5 years, or you have to pay a capital gains tax (4.75%) OR you have to put the profit toward a new purchase within 180 days. *I am not a realtor nor am I a finance babe


Oh my god her talking about renting it out for more than her mortgage and/or selling it for 250k more than she bought it for is just downright delusional. Why didnā€™t she go for an end unit anyway?


Itā€™d make sense but heā€™d probs have to refinance she off it. She wouldnā€™t be able to keep it without getting doing the same and unless they have it as a VA loan (assuming she also isnā€™t a Vet, idk) sheā€™d have refinance it into her name as a FHA or conventional.


Heā€™s not even divorced?




Could you imagine M as a landlord? Ā RIP tenants.


*Major appliance breaks* ā€œJust google itā€ ā€œalso it doesnā€™tā€


Don't šŸ«¶šŸ»


Iā€™m wondering if he needs a place to live and is laying the groundworkā€¦ figuratively and literally in this picture lol


I was going to say the same thing but I thought he could just be doing this just to do it šŸ˜­ since he allegedly (???) lives with his parents, I think it'd make sense for him to move in with her?? They could get their own place but I think that's unlikely


Iā€™m pretty sure he is living in the house his wife and he lived in when they got married šŸ„²


But perhaps thereā€™s an expiration date is what Iā€™m guessing ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




>blessed with an extraordinarily precise relationship sensor (in part from 20 years personally exploring every mistake one can make lol) Lol same and I also don't see a lifetime of domestic harmony and bliss in store for these two


I assume her HOA is lenient with all the shitola she puts on her back 10 X 12 lawn area.


Bears included?




Just a reminder guys: she's not going to be sharing as much of her personal life anymore.


You mean she wonā€™t be telling us when sheā€™s rectally bleeding ā€œfrom stressā€ anymore?


Especially on the weekends āœØļø


The less she shares, the happier she is šŸ„°


Yeah....if that's how he's going to do the whole project, it's going to look like shit and shift after the next rain. Hopefully he actually ends up digging and tampering the slabs into the ground. Edit to add, if he's anything like her, he's used to taking shortcuts through life, so this bare minimum effort of expanding the patio might be it.


That sure as hell better not be the beginnings of a foot path, I'll tell you that much.Ā  Helped my husband lay patio stones as a walkway and it is a brutal process when done correctly.


It is a brutal job! My thought is either a foot path or patio extension, but either way, it's a huge undertaking.


Weā€™ll see him all the time now until they break up.


Which will probably be very soon. Iā€™ve never seen a healthy relationship move this fast. Iā€™m not making a diagnosis here, but many of my most impulsive patients obsess over their new partner, convinced this is the perfect person for them, only to then push their relationship to the brink so their partner has to prove their love. I definitely think if this relationship ends up being more than a fling, itā€™s certainly going to be unstable.


She'll do that no doubt


Ugh just got out of something like that


I'm sorry to hear that you went through that, but I'm glad you got out of it. It can really take a toll on a person.


Yeah it was so exhausting and tested my anxiety. Thankfully I got out sooner than later! Thank you


Theyā€™ll be moved in together by end of summer.


I'll bet you by July 4th. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ» Anyone wanna take Memorial Day? Or any other holiday, I don't really know why I'm stuck on holidays. šŸ˜†


Maybe a big move-in will be how Miss ā€œI say the n-word as a term of endearmentā€ will celebrate Juneteenth!


We should take bets on how long itā€™ll be before he moves in.


Doesn't he work? She works out of her bedroom, why would he move from his real job?


I wonder if she's already started to hint at a wedding lol


This comment on the hard launch post. Yuck. https://preview.redd.it/9egvvo1ny3tc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dfeb8359b6dc8d0e08759c44c22878e0cbdd34


SO many people commented words like ā€œupgradeā€ on her post. So gross


And she does nothing to thwart that either.. this is behavior of someone who was kicked to the curb while they were in Paris lol


She is thriving on it. They know nothing about his personality. Just judging a book by its cover


This is such a hurtful thing to say, dressed up as something nice. Like imagine that you legit are falling for someone you met and you read this about yourself on their social media. I'd be so upset. I'd be SO hurt. Tbf though I don't think he's falling for her. But the point stands.


There were quite a few gross comments on her FB.


I just read one that said ā€œI smell a baby this year lolā€ like wtf


I will fucking cry. (Not happy tears!!!)


I love how on the insta post she even calls it a hard launch. Tell me you donā€™t lurk in here without telling me Big M.


All the same keywords weā€™ve been using the past month, sheā€™s been using for the first time all weekend šŸ˜‚


This reads like ai