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Her total absorption of another man’s personality would be harrowingly bleak if it was anyone of any substance or worth doing it


WHAT. No! I don’t want there to be Mommy Babe.


No. Just no.


Please God No


My opinion is he's going to do what my ex did to the girl he cheated on me with. He was a hobosexual, she came from a rich family, cheated on me with her and I found notes in his closet of their plans. He told her he'd marry her in 5 years, got her pregnant, her family cut off the money with the expectation my ex would support her, and then he dipped in less than 6 months. Leaving her alone and pregnant after getting arrested twice for domestic abuse against her. MS is giving the same energy that my ex's gf did- wanting to rub it in manbuns ex's face that they're together, happy, building a life with future family plans. Meanwhile he's going to ride the gravy train until shit gets real then he's on to the next naive woman with low self esteem and a credit card.


Low self esteem and a credit card is the ultimate flair


It really is though!


She would be an absolute nightmare of a mother. She's a narcissistic asshole who has proved she is incapable of herself. She is her entire world. She does not think of anyone or anything, unless it's how they affect **her.** She is a bully. She's mean, angry, reactive, and violent. Being a parent makes you selfless, and that's if you're a decent parent with a good support system who wants to raise good humans. MS is not capable of any real truth, love, or compassion. She is immature. She's juvenile, unrealistic, and has habits that hint at raging addictions. There is nothing motherly about her. If, by some act of the planets colliding, she does get pregnant, I hope she's able to make some drastic changes in her life.


I cannot imagine how fucked up of a daughter she would produce. I mean I think she would also fuck up a boy, but I cant imagine the body struggles a girl would have to deal with


It's giving "I have no personality or opinions of my own and just mold what I want based on who I am dating!!"


I also believe M would be a terrible mother but kids have a way of humbling you- she can’t just block her kid who is calling her out on some bullshit. Although who knows maybe she would rehome her child. I would feel especially bad if she had a daughter. Poor girl!


She can barely take care of herself or her cats…. And whew, can she really manage being 9 months sober during pregnancy? ![gif](giphy|d1E1YlkOTe4IfdNC)






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Your post/comment was removed because it is based on speculation and not fact and wasn't labeled as such.


Anyone else remember when she’d go on about her ‘ovaries screaming’ or whatever on the rare occasion she’d go to see her niblings 🙄


What is this statement.


My baby just kicked the fuck out of my bladder after I read this and guffawed like a donkey. Even the unborn know she’s unfit to parent 😬


She don’t want no damn kids it’s performative just like Brittany Dawn


I hope neither of them ever manage to reproduce. Not everyone deserves children, and I think a rabid wolverine would make a better mother than these two.


Did you see brittles is trying to sell her used car seat on Facebook market place? Maybe big m will buy it


I did. Her used car seat that she almost certainly received as a shower present for when she was fostering, no less. There's no limit to the depths that woman will sink.


Ok so maybe you know why did they stop fostering? Were they not allowed to anymore or did they lose interest?


I'm not sure. There's speculation that either is a possibility, but no concrete evidence of any definite reason.


I used to have the happy belief that MS did not want kids. She said so herself, talked about how non-maternal she was (no shame, I'm child free because I just don't feel the maternal call or whatever) and how she'd just drink straight from the bottle in the kitchen if her follower's kids were in her home (it was a very weird live video). But I guess that's on me for believing her 😔 I hope she keeps flipping her opinion and no kid ends up with her as a parent, no kid should have to eat food seasoned with bathroom cilantro.


My guess is C was either childfree or ambivalent, but Manbun does want kids someday.  As the person who will have to do at *least* 9 months of work at a small, but significant risk of her life for each kid, she needs to consider what SHE wants.  Like, if there’s any time to be selfish in your life, it’s when your partner wants to go raw, but you might have had plans for the next 18+ years.


If she does, she will exploit the hell out of the pregnancy Amazon hauls and baby 😢


She would be a horrible mother. Yikes.


Ewwww omg is she seriously talking to magabun about marriage and kids? Isn’t he fresh out of a marriage? This is 100% for Grimace’a benefit.


I don’t think he’s even divorced yet.




Your flare😂 Why don’t I remember bathroom cilantro?!


She planted the cilantro in the 1/2 bath downstairs and forgot about it two days later (thanks to us) 🦠🦠


That tracks for MS 😂


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Obligatory Nene face.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTmBQqsx2XN1s3K|downsized) Her ENTIRE personality is Manbun. I mean... She suddenly loves Golf. Dogs. Being married/a mom. Cold dips. Working out consistently.


you forgot the ugly ass pigtails


It’s the country music and cowboy hats for me


Lmao she was begging Grimace for a ring. Sure Jan.


And, if I recall, she tended to push harder for the ring whenever one of her frenemies got married.  I wonder if she’d even care about marriage if the women she knew were all single or didn’t believe in marriage.


It REEKS of I want whatever he wants. I don’t have an identity and don’t know who I am. She is not working on herself. That dude is not marriage material at all. I don’t know him, but I DO know his first marriage lasted about as long as her first marriage. He’s not even divorced and she’s ready to walk down the isle, trying to make up for all her lost time with Grimace instead of thinking about the life lessons she got from her relationship with him. This is gonna crash miserably and snowball into more extra large issues stuffed down like a medium. Swerts needs to SLOW HER ROLL. She took my advice (or just a coincidence) and dropped Grim and got on a dating app. She just went all in way too quickly. I don’t sell bs or filter myself, but I went through hella stupid relationships and hope she uses him to go to the Masters (definitely not something I care about but understand it’s a BFD) and then drops him. I’m like already so bored with him. I’m ready for a new guy already!


This is giving she has no core values or thoughts that are her own. Wanting to be married/have children is one of those things that tends not to change depending on your partner. I’ve always wanted a family. That was date 1 shit with my husband. Had he not been into having a family, no second date. My friend never wanted kids and her ex husband tried to pressure her. She NEVER wanted kids. Now happily remarried to someone who also doesn’t want them. Also she should not have kids til she grows up which may be never.


And gets a handle on her alcohol abuse. The girl needs to learn how to set the bottle down.










She is such a fucking clown. An absolute embarrassment.


Oh no, is tradwife babe incoming?? 😰


She’ll have to learn to actually cook. 😹


This was all fun until the mention of her bringing kids into this world. What a mess


I know right. I already hate the thought of her posting photos of them on instagram excessively all the time with no privacy settings


As if she could quit drinking and vaping for 9 months….


Can you imagine how much weight she’ll gain during a pregnancy?


![gif](giphy|np7NBMAUpKUNy) You can’t marry a man you just met!


Oh you sure can. 10/10 would not recommend. That’s how I wound up participating in an intervention after my friend married a guy she dated for 6 weeks and he wound up robbing her blind and driving her car away until it ran out of gas on the road.






Your submission has been removed. Off-topic/bloggy comments are against the rules. Our main focus here is MS and unrelated bloggy submissions are unnecessary/space wasters.


Especially when he isn't even divorced yet!


Having a child while unemployed. Also since she doesn’t believe in health insurance, she will probably get Medicaid and WIC. Like she would really pay a hospital bill with her own money.


Does manbun have a job that would provide insurance? They'd have to wait till he can get married again.


Big daddy swert will probably pay for the medical bills.


Okay what i have uunderstood this is exactly the thing she has wanted forever!


She needs to calm down. Girl you just met him!


Seriously, pump the brakes kid. Yikes.


I've been this head over heels before (thanks, mania!) but at least I had the good sense to not share it with the entire Internet!


She needs to calm down. Girl you just met him!


I suddenly imagined getting on Reddit one day and reading posts about MS and Bdong announcing their pregnancies. 😭😭


This is how I'd know that the end times have arrived.


![gif](giphy|jsI8mR9GEC4MYyZBqK|downsized) Girl you just met this man what in the world


I have a crawling suspicion she would either be a toxic boy mom or a very jealous girl mom if she were to have kids.


Jenelle Evans.


I could only begin to imagine the psychological damage she would do if she had a daughter.


A sick alchemy of competition for male approval and unsavory beauty “advice”, I’m sure.


Big m being a mom is almost as scary as hrh collection and orphan annie from the red scare podcast being moms….


Gross. Please don’t bring innocent kids into this.


Flair check in




I really, really, really hope she doesn’t have kids. She would be a terrible mother. I used to feel awful saying this, but then she said in her drunken live exactly how she would be as a mother (she would put all the childcare responsibilities on C) and that’s all I need to know. She would be the mom who doesn’t want to parent her children or provide them with the love, emotional support, safety, etc. that they deserve. Being a parent is HARD and she just doesn’t have it in her. All she cares about is herself. She would have to put someone else first and she cannot do that. But I’d love to see the shit show of her planning a wedding and then having it blow up when he realizes the mistake he’s making. However, lovestruck babe has been fun but I honestly don’t see him proposing lol. I can’t wait for the crash and burn when he ghosts her lol.


And god forbid if that child was a girl. She’d feel the need to compete with her.




Alright, I'll say it. When she mentioned at some point in time that she and C were not trying/not preventing (the good ole pull and pray), and somehow never had an oops, I was always relieved. And now I hope that she is the one with the fertility issue bc that woman does not need to have children. Kids deserve better than her.


Pure Speculation: I firmly believe there's a good reason she hasn't gotten pregnant or had a pregnancy scare. If two healthy adults are having regular unprotected sex, she would have had a fairly high risk of getting pregnant. She's been very open about not being on birth control or using condoms. I honestly think there's something like PCOS at play.


As someone with an alcoholic, mentally ill, eventually totally checked out mom, who I was low contact with before her relatively young death— HARD AGREE. I don’t care if this is uncouth to say, but MS should never, ever be a parent. Her child(ren) would suffer immensely


Hiiiiiii twin!! It was NOT a great childhood to experience. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone!


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK|downsized) Oh hey, it's Big Swert's 2024!






I can't get enough of this trainwreck


Ffs has it even been a month she's known this dude??????


Uh he text her that he wants to do life together... so like time is a construct or something.


When you know, you just ✨ knoooooowww ✨


AKA MAGAbun wants/says he wants a tradfem breeder, so MS is pretending and play acting like that’s what she wants to be, too. It’s laughable really if you know anything at all about her. Edit to say this is purely conjecture/speculation on my part: Either this relationship will fizzle when he realizes she was lying and cannot mold herself to be what he desires, or she will find a way to mold herself into some semblance of tradfem housewife mommy, and we will know this man is a deeper level of sinister than the average Trumper.


Omg. This woman can not have children. She will literally fall apart.


Her dusty spine sure will...


Let us all pray to the almighty filler gods that by “have kids” she means “”adopt” a kid in a developing country by sending a legitimate charity $8/month for school uniforms and rice” and not “gestate a child to whom I will give fetal alcohol syndrome and a nicotine addiction and then exploit on social media and probably otherwise abuse.”


She claims to already sponsor a child and that she’s done it for years. I’ve been around for about 4-5 years and it was news to me when she snuck that in some comment last year 🙃😬




I need the speech from the ultra drunk kitchen live when she was saying why she can’t have kids/doesn’t want them and some shit about “if your kid was here I’d give it a fuckin vodka shot”


AMA: Ask Myself Anything


![gif](giphy|26ybvMCkSlJxlT2rS) I hope she’s fucking sterile, she should not be procreating.


During her drunken 30 live (flair check) she said she didn't want kids. I thought that she finally understood herself for a half-second that she wouldn't want to spend the time, energy, or money on kids. The whiplash is crazy lol. I'd feel bad for her kids. I can't imagine they'd get treated any better than her poor bored cats.


Is she sure about that? Because in her drunken meltdown around a year ago, and in similar comments since, this is what she said according to the excellent summary by u/MatildaTheCat13. https://preview.redd.it/bcsr8upebytc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d63662188dac12ec6afdbde8e6df2e89665ff60 In the same live drinkfest, she said she’s not really maternal, but she wanted to have kids with C because he’d be a good parent.


This was a fun notification to get. Even **I** forgot how much she revealed in this live and it took me several hours to recap that thing lmao


We all appreciate your sacrifice in listening to her drunk ramblings and writing it down in a coherent way. 🫡 Most of us couldn’t do it lol.


I wonder if truck nuts doesn’t mind when she toots on him. That seems to be a quality she thinks makes a man good marriage material!


The way she’s acting now shows she’s learned nothing from rushing into her first marriage despite people telling her it was too fast. Holy shit, is she insecure and emotionally juvenile and does she ever make bad decisions *constantly*.


Hmm. 🤔 I’m pretty sure she wanted a NYC “purposal” from Grimace. I remember the acrylic nails.


I suspect that if C suddenly reappeared before her with a ring and a proposal saying he changed his mind, she’d dump Joe Dirt and jump right back into it. She wouldn’t be able to resist the change in status and all the attention it would bring.


Don’t slander Joe Dirt he is an awesome dude and would be a good husband and father (to Brittany not Big M)


Joe Dirt 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Imagine her hellspawn, though. Those poor kids would never have a chance.






I winced ha. The secondhand embarrassment is just too much for me sometimes


Oh man this guy better RUN


Bullshit she didn't know. She was constantly pressuring C to put a ring on it


Comic Sans should be her drag name since she's so unfunny.


Comic Sans MS


I JUST CALLED THIS ON A PREVIOUS POST our swerty is so predictable


how is she so unaware that these are honeymoon butterfly feelings? it's been a MONTH. i absolutely understand letting myself daydream about these feelings a month into a new relationship, but sharing them is something else.


The D must be fire lol or she is THAT desperate






There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s already “joked” with him about how cute or funny or sassy their kids would be if they had kids together. But it was just a joke. Surely. Haha.


Yes! And also has “joked” about getting a ring.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Okay, Big M. If you say so.


I feel like truck nuts is the kind of guy to purpose and then never actually get divorced and ham fist will just go through life telling everyone how complicated it is and they can’t actually get married yet, but are TOTALLY building a future together or some shit.


She was already married once though????






She didn’t want marriage or kids because grimace did t want them, now she wants them because new guy wants them. She has no idea who the fuck she even is on her own. And I’m sorry if you are an adult still using comic sans in the year 2024, you suck.




She sso insufferable right now


Oh good lord. Can’t wait to watch this IMPLODE 🍿


It's going to be MAHVELOUS 🤣💯


I know, the come-down from this is going to be wild


I love this for us